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New Checklist for Development Control (DC) Plans Catchment & Waterways Department

1. Introduction on the New DC Checklist 2. Aspects of Concern General Drainage Reserve Common Drain Minimum Platform Level Opening Leading to Basement Level Pumped Drainage System Proposed Drainage Works Retaining Wall & Drainage Affecting Other Premises QP Declaration

New DC Checklist
1. Objective
To enhance the completeness in Development Control (DC) plan submission by QP to PUB Guideline for QP to comply with PUB drainage requirements

2. Implementation Timeline
Take effect from 1 Oct 2012 Submission without checklist will be rejected after 1 Nov 2012

3. Submission Procedure
For each DC application, QP is required to submit a signed copy of the completed checklist, together with the plan for submission

New DC Checklist
4. Checklist available on PUB website ( mission/Pages/default.aspx) & NEA website (

New DC Checklist

3 pages in total

General Concerns
Could attach DIP with submission

Drainage Reserve

Clearly indicate the size, alignment of the DR on the plan Show abutting DR if possible Could attach topographical survey plan if available

Common Drain

Could attach the topographical survey plan to show whether site affected by common drain, and the position of existing boundary wall/fence

Minimum Platform Level

Please indicate the MPL on the checklist

Minimum Platform Level

New development

Direct link to underground facilities From development

Indirect link to underground facilities From development


Opening Leading to Basement Level & Pumped Drainage System


Proposed Drainage Works


Retaining Wall & Drainage Affecting Other Premises


QP Declaration


Thank You


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