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Submitted to: Sir.Thangzamang L

Submitted by: Jenifer Oinam Roll.No.20 MBA 4th sem

Q.1.Ans: The different reasons of losing clients are: 1. Lack of trust by the clients when the proprietor took up some Govt. set ups and lack of devotion by him to the firms work. 2. Unsatisfactory service provided by the firm to its clients. 3. Lack of motivation of the firms employee as they see their own proprietor engage with works other than their firm work. 4. Negative word of mouth about the firms service.

Q.2.Ans: Revival of the business: The following steps could be done to revive the firms business: 1. Defining a clear vision and mission of the firm and helping each of the employees understand it & work to fulfill it. 2. Creating a catchy tag line M/S DELIGENCE,-THE ULTIMATE SOLUTION. 3. Promotional activities like, Slice of life ads & testimonials of successful clients. 4. Faster delivery of the service to its clients 5. Maintaining customer relationship management. 6. Projecting a proper image of the firm by creating a sense of corporate social responsibility.

Q.3.Ans: Suggestions and recommendations for revival of the firm: 1. Providing timely response to its clients. 2. Upgrade the technology used.

3. Proper database should be kept for easy retrieval of data of past cases. Proper information system should be implemented to reduce wait time. 4. Retrain the present employees so that they can better deal with the clients. 5. Specialise their service, i, e, focus on their core-competence area.

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