Week 14

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week 14 aspire: -college graduates aspiring to careers in finance -At that time, all serious artists aspired to go to Rome.

bias: -political bias in the press -Students were evaluated without bias. -It's clear that the company has a bias against women and minorities. -Lydia has a strong artistic bias. Several factors could have biased the results of the study. havoc: -A strike will cause havoc for commuters. -policies that would wreak havoc on the country's economy -Rain has continued to play havoc with sporting events. incisive: -Her questions were well-formulated and incisive. lethal: -a lethal dose of heroin -a lethal weapon -death by lethal injection -a lethal cocktail of drink and pills -These chemicals are lethal to fish. -They were all drinking lethal amounts of tequila! -Higher taxes and higher inflation were a lethal combination. mammoth: -Reforming the prison system would be a mammoth task.

-a mammoth corporation nettle: -She was nettled by Holman's remark. overt: -an overt attempt to silence their political opponents -Overt race discrimination is illegal. -an overtly political message precipitate: -The riot was precipitated when four black men were arrested. -The drug treatment precipitated him into a depression. -a precipitate decision raze: -In 1162 Milan was razed to the ground by imperial troops. relegate: -Women tended to be relegated to typing and filing jobs. -We were relegated to the Fourth Division last year. repulse: -The very thought of his cold clammy hands repulsed me. -Government troops repulsed an attack by rebel forces. scurry: -People were scurrying off to work. singular: -the singular form of the noun -If the subject is singular, use a singular verb. -He showed a singular lack of tact in the way he handled the situation. -a singular achievement

-I wondered why she was behaving in so singular a fashion. -'Datum' is the singular of 'data'. -Should the verb be in the singular or the plural? stereotype: -racist stereotypes in the media -women who don't fit the stereotype of the good mother -stereotypes about the elderly -the stereotypical Californian - tall, fit, and tanned -Homeless people are stereotyped as alcoholics or addicts. supine: -in a supine position -a supine and cowardly press valor: -medals awarded for valor -deeds of valour

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