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BULACAN STATE UMVERSITY Graduate School Malolos City, Bulacan

Philosophical, Psychologtcal, and sociological Foundation Final Examination

MAE in Guidance and Counseling lst Tri., sY: 2013'2014
answer the following questions by :.smlcnorv Note: It is a talce home examfor vou to be able to scholarly you personally after l0 working trearr and likewise pass it on time. It is rny pleasure to see

of Guidance

suLmit all your requirernents to our.MA class sec4etary)'


answer' '

focus on working for be praying for you. . . may you find a concentration and a for an end result"' andxncomplde delays so tLat weiould avoid encountering




and humane reciprocating

the favor we are receiving ftom HIM and each


legarding their concepts of different Westem, Eastern and all eras Psychologists views'on the Nature of Man and Counseling'

1. On Philosophical Perspcctives, will you give the relationships of the

2. On Ps;rchological Perspectives, will you statE and assess the different taking into consideration their fsychological Tf,eories ana their Proponents views oo u,r-* Being and its applicability in Guidance and counseling.
Example: Freud to Lewin and others concerned'

3. On Sociological Perspectives, kindly strengthened the micro and macro and other sociological ,"Ln*." of the various theories of Parson to Fromm to Guidance influence concemed on the eoncept and analysis of Man, and its
and Counseling.

4. Scrutinize the Legal and Ethical Perspective of IRR and Guidance and counseling Act of 1004, other laws related in the practice' code of ethics, Cite qualifications competencies, effective and efficient practice of counselors' jow realizatiott *a its impact in the profession, as well as in the process of
your becoming as a future, as a practitioner co mselor...a teacher-counselor.

Edacation libetate


from ignotunce


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