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The walking dead Production studio yU+co.

The Walking dead opening starts of with a row of abandoned cars this signifies there is no one around and something has happened for people to leave. Camera work There is a range of different camera work within the title sequence. Such as, the close up of the police badge, this shows that there is no peace left, as there are no police to stop the violence. It shows that they are either gone or dead. There are then a series of long shots of abandoned houses suggesting that people have been gone for a long time. There are then some very sketchy shots of inside of buildings and other suspicious places. Filming it like this makes it feel like they are the places people my have been killed. Editing The shots are formatted in a way that it gives it a sense of unease because the shots cut to a lot of different locations making the audience wonder what is happening or what is going to happen. Mise-en-scene There is a lot of old furniture within the sequence. This is to show how long people have been gone for as the furniture is dusty and there are also some items that are rusty this shows the age and just how long its been there. There is also dirty, ripped curtains showing nothing has been cleaned and no one has been there to take care of things.

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