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Retail Banking

This Module Focuses on
Retail Banking:
What retail banking is
Its importance
Growth of retail banking in recent years
What is retail banking
Retail banking is the provision of banking facilities
and services to individuals and entities.
This may be in the form of acceptance of deposits or
the giving of consumption loans loans for the
purchase of vehicles, loans for marriage or travel,
loans to purchase a house or loans for education.
Retail Banking
Retail banking is the fastest growing segment in banking in
the country .
Its compounded growth is over 30 percent per annum.
It is the most vibrant area of banking
Growth in retail banking began after nationalisation
when focus was made to setup banks within the
reach of the common man.
Nationalised banks opened thousants of branches
many in small villages.
The next boom occurred after nationalisation when
new private sector banks set up branches to extend
their reach.
Going forward
Retail banking will continue to be one of the leaders
of growth.
In the next decade the feverish growth of the last
ten years will not take place.
Growth will be more calculated.
There will be mergers and consolidation.
There will be greater use of technology.
It will be an exciting period.

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