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what the


Vegetarians have lower rates of heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, bowel disorders, cancer and gallstones. Vegetarians obtain all the minerals they need and as a consequence it is a diet suitable for infants.
British Medical Association


experts say...
Cabbage Veg. oils Broccoli Spinach Lettuce


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E D Folic acid C B12 B Group A




Veg. oils



World Health Organisation

Fortified vegetable margarine

American Dietetic Association

A Growing Threat
One of the greatest threats to health is the rapidly growing problem of obesity, which is the key that opens the door to so many killer diseases. All age groups are affected but children are particularly at risk. They are developing adult diseases in childhood, a situation previously unheard of, and for many their future is bleak. Animal products and the protein and fat they contain play a major role in this crisis, along with added sugar and salt. It is why vegetarians tend to be leaner and less at risk from obesity. The quickest and most effective way to improve your health prospects is to go vegetarian or vegan. It is also the best way to safeguard your childrens future.

Fortified soya milk


Appropriately planned vegetarian diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate and provide health benefits in the prevention of certain diseases. They are appropriate for all stages of the lifecycle including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood and adolescence.

Green peppers

Yeast extract

Broccoli (other green leafy veg)

ABSOLUTELY FREE Send for your copy of Its Time to Go

Veggie, a vibrant, colourful, 40-page magazine on all the vegetarian issues. Includes: exclusive interview with Paul McCartney, a great nutrition quiz, easy, fast recipes, advice for mums and mums-to-be, why slimming on a veggie diet is best, celebrities on why theyve changed their diet, protecting kids from disease, all about animals, stopping environmental destruction, ending starvation and vital info on health and nutrition.

Fortified products such as:

Breakfast cereals

Soya products

Yeast extract (eg Marmite)

Wholemeal bread

Yeast extract

Broad beans


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Red and yellow peppers

Dried apricots

Spinach (other green leafy veg)






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Soya mock meats

Green leafy veg

Brazil nuts
















The evidence linking saturated (animal) fat and cholesterol to heart disease is strong, consistent and convincing. Fat intake, and especially saturated fat, is linked to the risk of several cancers.


Wholemeal bread

Seeds (esp. sunflower)








you are what you eat

The food we eat is extremely important so important that it can cause diseases or give protection against them, it can kill you or provide a long and healthy life. Eat nothing but meat and you will die and fairly quickly. Eat a variety of plant foods fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts and seeds and youll blossom. Its why vegetarians and vegans are less at risk of all the big killer diseases such as heart disease, some cancers, strokes, obesity, diabetes and the other degenerative diseases that mostly afflict the wealthy countries the countries which eat the most animal products.


Here are just some examples of rich sources of nutrients

Free radicals These dangerous substances are created simply by eating, breathing or digesting food. They damage body cells and cause disease. Vast numbers are created when meat is cooked. Antioxidants These are the natural remedy for free radicals and mop them up. They are found mostly in fruit, vegetables and other plant foods and protect against disease. There is almost none in meat.

Pulses peas, baked beans, chick peas, kidney beans, butter beans, lentils Soya products vegetarian burgers, sausages, cutlets, mince and nuggets Grains porridge oats, wholemeal bread, brown rice, pasta Nuts and seeds hazelnuts, almonds, brazil nuts, cashews, peanuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds

Veggie diets the truth

An awful lot of nonsense is talked about the dangers of vegetarian diets lack of protein, iron and calcium being the usual cautions. Protein deficiency in western vegetarians is virtually unheard of. Vegetarians are no more at risk of iron deficiency than meat eaters. Many plant foods contain calcium. Meat contains very little. (All the worlds major health organisations agree.) But it is important to eat sensibly and not swap one bad diet for another. So where do you obtain all the right nutrients your body needs?

Broccoli Leafy green vegetables Wholemeal bread Potatoes Almonds and brazil nuts Soya milk (fortified) Soya cheeses Soya yoghurt

Vegetarians dont eat anything that comes from a dead animal meat (eg beef, pork, bacon and lamb) poultry (eg chicken, turkey, ducks, geese and quail) fish (also shrimps, prawns, oysters, mussels, scampi, crab and lobster) slaughterhouse by-products (eg gelatine, animal rennet, lard and other animal fats) Vegans dont eat anything that comes from an animal, alive or dead so they avoid milk and other dairy products, eggs and honey as well as the above.

Dairy milk, cheese and yoghurt contain calcium and vitamin B12 but also saturated fat, cholesterol and animal protein, which can be damaging. Free range eggs contain vitamins B12 and D, calcium and omega 3 fats but are rich in cholesterol and animal protein which can cause disease.

Eat right, live longer

The range of foods that a vegetarian can eat is enormous so theres nothing difficult about it and no self denial. There are hundreds of cookery books available containing thousands of recipes to spark your imagination and tickle your taste buds. And the sooner you start, the sooner your health is likely to improve because you will be giving up those things that damage your body and eating more of those things that protect it. All meat contains cholesterol, saturated fat and animal protein the three things identified by the World Health Organisation as damaging to health. Your body does need fats but good fats, not damaging animal fats. Meat and animal products are also the main source of food poisoning bugs, which are growing more and more deadly as they become resistant to life-saving antibiotics - a direct result of over-prescribing drugs by doctors and their daily use on factory farms.

EAT YOUR GREENS and reds and yellows

Green leafy vegetables are amongst the most important of foods. But red and yellow foods, such as peppers and tomatoes, are also important because of the antioxidants they contain. Dont become obsessive but if you can manage to eat something from each of the following groups every day, you cant go wrong. Cereals wheat (in wholemeal bread, spaghetti and other pastas), rice (preferably brown), porridge oats, breakfast cereals which contain vitamin B12 Pulses, nuts and seeds beans (all kinds), peas and lentils, seeds and nuts (all kinds) Fresh fruit apples, oranges, pears, plums, bananas, kiwis, mangos, grapes, cherries, melon Fresh vegetables green leafy ones plus orange or red ones such as carrots, peppers and tomatoes Soya products tofu, soya margarine, soya milk, soya mince, veggieburgers and sausages Oils and fats vegetable margarines (avoid those containing hydrogenated fats), sunflower, rapeseed, flax and olive oils

Pulses baked beans, other beans, peas and lentils Wholemeal bread Leafy green vegetables Dried fruit apricots, prunes, dates Cocoa chocolate Seeds esp. pumpkin

Essential fats, such as omega 3, are mostly found in plant foods. They do exist in oily fish but fish oils contain low levels of poisons - mercury, PCBs, dioxin. Omega 3 from plants gives more protection against heart disease. Olive oil is a monounsaturated fat and is great for cooking its thought to reduce cholesterol. Seeds linseed (flax), soya, rape, mustard and hemp and their oils Nuts most nuts but especially walnuts Pulses most beans and lentils, including soya beans and the products made from them, such as tofu (bean curd) Vegetables cabbage, broccoli, spinach, kale and avocados

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