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9/19/13 Great Expectations by Charles Dickens Mr. Griffin Do Now: What is the purpose of setting?

What role(s) does it serve in a novel? Functions and Purposes of setting: 1) to increase the probability of certain events occurring within a work -some events are more likely to occur than others 2) to produce the appropriate atmosphere/mood for the action of the plot 3) to reveal a characters personality and values. -where a person lives and the things they own can reveal a lot about who they are 4) to show changes in a character -when a character moves from one setting to another, the physical movement can also signify a change in the character 5) to communicate a theme within a work -by presenting the setting in a particular way an author can communicate ideas about life 6) to function on a symbolic level -a setting can have two levels of meaning in a work: the literal and symbolic 7) to help unify a work of literature -when a writer starts with a focus on a certain setting and continues to emphasize it throughout, he or she wants us to notice the departures and returns Aim: How does Charles Dickens employ the various functions of setting? Instructions: Each group has been given an excerpt describing a particular aspect of setting. Try to determine how Dickens employs your groups

description of the function of setting in chapters 1 through 4. 1) Read and annotate your description of the function of setting. 2) Find an example in the text that reflects this function. 3) Discuss and make notes on how it serves the novel so far. Questions you should be able to answer: -What is the particular setting you are examining? (note page no. and paragraph) -Which characters are associated with this setting? -What are the particular images of this setting? -What is the mood evoked by this setting? -Why is this setting associated with this particular moment in the plot? -What does this setting have to do with great expectations? 4) Write on poster paper and share your findings with the class. Homework: Read Chapts. 5 and 6 Chapts. 3 7 Vocab and questions (due Mon.)

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