Ready Yourself Properly. The Bar Exam Is An Endurance Test and It Requires Training

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Ready yourself properly.

The bar exam is an endurance test and it requires training, conditioning, and practice: Train: Right out the gate start writing sample essays to sample essay problems. Always do this under the same time constraints that will exist at the exam. Then take the time to review your essay against sample answers. Do not worry that you have not got a clue as to what the law is in a given area. Identify the issues and check your work later. This is how you learn. Every person who fails with almost no exception has said "I do not know the law well enough to start doing practice exams. I need to study more first." This attitude almost always guarantees failure. Condition: for the ten weeks or so you have to prepare do at least 20 to 50 MBE multiple choice questions a day. ALWAYS TAKE UNDER TIMED CONDITIONS. Do not fret that you cannot finish in time. Check all your wrong answers and understand why you made a mistake. As you do this, patterns will begin to emerge. You will start to recognize them and then your speed and efficiency will improve. Practice: Like performing at Carnegie Hall you must practice, practice, practice. Francis Bacon once said Truth arises more readily from error than confusion. Take this seriously. Your mistakes are where you will master this exam. Your mistakes are your gold mine. Cherish them and keep practicing and keep making mistakes and keep learning from them.

Focus on the relevant issues: To accurately answer Constitutional Law questions, focus on the issues of state action, due process, equal protection, and the 1st Amendment. When faced with Contracts questions, underline the terms of the offers and the acceptances, focus on oral agreements, underline any dates mentioned in the fact patterns, and notice if the sale of goods has occurred. To answer Criminal Law and Procedure questions, focus on the issues of search and seizure, right to counsel, and Miranda warnings. Familiarize yourself with the key Evidence issues of hearsay, impeachment, and character evidence. For Real Property questions, pay special attention to the issues of ownership and rights in land. Also, make sure that you are able to distinguish between an easement, profit, and license. For Torts questions, focus on the areas of negligence, intentional torts, and products liability.

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