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week 17 assiduous: -He was assiduous in his attendance at church. -Even young children worked assiduously for a reward.

attest: -Luxurious furnishings attested to the wealth of the owner. component: -companies that make electronic components for computer products -each component of their work -Exercise is one of the key components of a healthy lifestyle. -We've been breaking down the budget into its component parts. concoct: -John concocted an elaborate excuse for being late. -Jean concocted a great meal from the leftovers. consummate: -a great performance from a consummate actor -He won the race with consummate ease (=very easily). -De Gaulle conducted his strategy with consummate skill. -his consummate lack of tact -The man's a consummate liar. deploy: -NATO's decision to deploy cruise missiles -a job in which a variety of professional skills will be deployed enigma: -The neighbours regarded him as something of an enigma. evaluate:

-You should be able to evaluate your own work. -We need to evaluate the success of the campaign. -It can be difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of different treatments. exult: -She exulted in her new discovery. -'We made the front page!' Jos exulted. -a sense of exultation fallacious: -Such an argument is misleading, if not wholly fallacious. fraught: -Their marriage has been fraught with difficulties. -a fraught atmosphere -a fraught situation -Julie sounded rather fraught. gullible: -Plastic replicas of the Greek pottery are sold to gullible tourists. hoax: -a bomb hoax -hoax calls (=telephone calls giving false information) -an elaborate hoax impeccable: -She has taught her children impeccable manners. -a bar with impeccable service -impeccably dressed labyrinth: -a labyrinth of underground tunnels to the police

-Decisions are frequently delayed in the labyrinth of Whitehall committees. -labyrinthine corridors manifold: -The reasons for this situation are manifold. murky: -murky water -The laws on intellectual property are murky. - the murky waters (=complicated subject) of sexuality and jealousy -a murky world of fraud and secret deals -a politician with a murky past perpetrate: -Who could have perpetrated such a dreadful crime? resourceful: -a woman who is energetic and resourceful subterfuge: -Sereni was lured to Moscow by subterfuge.

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