Delta Pulse Metal Detector Practical Guide

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Delta pulse metal detector

Many thanks to :
Mr.KT315 (I don't know his actual name)
You can find this person in several WebPages such as

Delta pulse metal detector and XR71 metal detector both are old and almost same in function.
Both these metal detectors use pulse induction technique for metal detection.
Metal detectors which using pulse induction (pi) technique for detecting metals are:
Weak to detect gold.
Even they detect large size of gold in a low depth.
They do not have discrimination and it is not possible to add discrimination to them.
The way of metal detection in pi metal detectors has many limitations.
They are cheaper than other detectors.

They are not so efficient.

Assembling of and building search coil for them are almost easy.
They are less sensitive to salty and mineral lands.
Current consumptions is high in them. They are battery eater.
70 40 .
" " pulse induction .
) PI ( :

. .
. .
. .
10 .
20 .

XR71 .
. .
Some users tried to build a new better metal detector by combination of delta pulse and xr71.
To have a new detector with less faults and more depth.
On the internet i have seen 2 persons done some changes and introduced proper circuit and PCB.
One of them is MR.KT315 from Russia or somewhere around Russian.
And the other one is from turkey found him on this site:
I compared 2 circuits and just saw some few dierences in some values.
But 2 dierent PCBs were available.

For MR.kt315 pcb was double sides and small size and for turkey man pcb was single side and bigger.
I built turkey man pcb but changed some components values. i described changes that I have done in this article
with pictures.
KT315 .
. KT315 .
. ) ( .
I built 2 dierent size coils for this detector. One is 19 cm diameter and 425 micro henries.
The second one is 25 cm diameter and 525 micro henries.

25 19 .
. . .
. .
19 .
14 .
At first time results were weak and disappointing for gold and copper.
Too bad results for gold and good results for iron.
Despite adjustments and tuning still was weak.
Studied and checked again. Read components datasheets.
So I changed 2 more components values. I reduced values of 2 important resistors.
Now this detector works fine and able to find gold from proper distance.
For test I used 21K gold coin 1 gram 13 millimeters diameter.
It is one of official gold coins by Iranian national bank.
I used this gold coin with 19 cm coil. Before change, it could detect it from 1 cm.
After I changed, it can detect it from 10 cm with normal tuning.
By fine tuning it is able to detect it from 14 cm.
Perhaps by more practice gold detection depth increases.

22 6 .
50 . 19.
. .
With 19 cm coil it can detect 22K gold ring from 50 cm.
Gold ring diameter is 6 cm. You can see in a movie available to download.



If you build this detector with exact values that said in the circuit, it is possible your detector
becomes weak and less sensitive to gold.
If this problem happened try to change some values that I say in this article.
Just you should change 2 resistors values. But remember do this if you faced weak results for gold.
Why I say if you faced weak results then change?
Because after changing 2 resistors that I say, automatic tune will not work anymore.
In my view you do not need auto tune because I saw it reduces detection depth considerately.

Circuit , components list and pcb are same as turkey website also available in my weblog or
On in my shared folder.
. pdf
The exact pcb by turkey site without any change.

. sampling time pulse delay
. .
Actually no need to describe. It is easy to assemble.
All components placements are clear also components list is available.
The most important things are how to adjust pulse delay and sampling time POTs.
Because they are responsible to make device work properly and preventing MOSFET transistor not becomes very
hot will describe it.

I did some components changes because quality and brand of components vary from one country to another
country. At least in the middle east is like this.
Perhaps you do not need any changes in your device.
You may buy an I.C made in china in Iran and some of its specification differ from similar item
Made by U.S.A or other European countries.

For example you expect 555 timer ic with 100 kilo ohms resistor give 100 hertz frequency but
It gives 85 or 120 hertz. Because component brand is different.
This subject is very common for TTL CMOS and timer Ics like 555 and 556 or ....
So by this problem you have to adjust your device. You can not just buy components from market in your country
and just assemble and expect working like others around the world.
Capitals like UA , LM , NE and such these , are abbreviation of manufacturer names.
In function they are all same. Just you need to adjust your device.

I did these changes:

For R5 resistor I used 680 ohms 1 watt. Because it is damping resistor and inductance is 400 micro henries and
power supply is 12 volts.
Also for R6 I used 680 ohms 1 watt.
For Q1 i used IRF840 because I hadn't IRF740 and 840 is stronger.
For R23 , R24 , R25 , R26 I used 4.7 kilo ohms 1 percent tolerance. 1%.because Mr. KT315 advised.
For R43 i used 100 kilo ohms resistor because 555 ic produced high , un hearable and unpleasant frequency in
speaker when detecting metal. So I increased it from 6.8 kilo to 100 kilo to have lower sound frequency.
For PR1 potentiometer I used 220 kilo ohms because I couldn't find 200 kilo ohms in my city.
For R1 i used 100 kilo ohms because frequency was too low and I wanted to reach 300 hertz frequency.
For C31 i used two 4700 micro farad capacitors in parallel. Because I wanted to reduce
Internal resistance of capacitor ESR.
Low ESR has good effect in switching power supplies and metal detectors.

. .

100 .
. 100 . 120 85
. . . CMOS TTL
. 555 LM556 UA556
400 damping resistor ) . 680 R5
.( 12
. 680 R6
.( IRF840 IRF740 ). IRF840 Q1
. 4.7 KT315 R23 R24 R25 R26
6.8 555 R43
. .
.( 200 ) . 220 PR1

R1 100 ). 300 (.
C31 10000 4700 ).
ESR - ESR (.

As you see in below picture I used polyester capacitors because polyester capacitors are more resistive to
Temperature changes and their capacitance do not change by temp change.
If you use normal type capacitors your detector may need to adjust frequently.
Your device warm up, your detector beeps. You go to shadow or sun your detector beeps.
It is better to use polyester capacitors.
For example in my city Shiraz, Temp in summer in day is 40 centigrade and in night is 25 centigrade.
In direct sunlight all materials have 50 to 60 centigrade Temp. very hot.
So this causes instability.

. .
R7 10 .
R9 6.8 10 .

. 1.5 C4 4538
. sampling time 4538
12 400
. damping resistor Flyback 10
. .

Important note:
Those changes that I wrote above do not make your detector sensitive to gold.
If your detector is not sensitive to gold, now change here components:
For R7 resistor use 10 kilo ohms.
For R9 resistor use 6.8 kilo ohm or 10 kilo ohms.
Why I did these changes? What was wrong with previous values?
In 4538 ic charging and discharging C4 capacitor changes and determines pulse width of sampling time.
Do not mistake with pulse width in coil.
Pulse width in two 4538 ICs are used for sampling time.
In pi metal detectors that coil is approx 400 micro henries and power supply is 12 volts, in idle condition it
Lasts 10 micro second to remove flyback voltage by damping resistor.
If you adjust your detector to be able after 10 microsecond of main pulse in coil, immediately get
Sampling from coil, your detector will be sensitive to gold , copper and all metals.specially small metals.
Charge and discharging time of C4 capacitor is related to "signal" POT.(written signal on schematic).
If you use original values that said on schematic, pulse width changes between 20 to 100 micro second.
I used 8.2 kilo for R7 but you can use 10 kilo also. Result is same.
By this new value pulse width changes between 10 micro to 90 micro second.
By this work my metal detector became sensitive to small size gold.
For second 4538 ic I did this also. C6 capacitor was responsible. I changed R9 from 68 kilo to 6.8 Killo ohms.
but you can use 10 kilo ohms also.
If you use original values for second 4538 ic, pulse width changes between 100 micro to 850 micro second.
Now after change it moves between 10 micro to 760 micro second.

These changes made my detector sensitive to gold.

C4 R7 ) ( .
20 100
. R7 8.2 10 .
4538 10 90 .
4538 . C6 . R9 68 6.8
10 . .
4538 100 850 .
10 760 .
Please see pictures:
6 4538 D2A .
Output signal and pulse width from pin 6 of first 4538 ic. In circuit is D2A and signal POT is attached to it.

Minimum pulse width

Maximum pulse width when you increase signal POT.

4538 6 D3A .
Pulse width in pin 6 of second 4538 ic.D3A in schematic.

Minimum pulse width

sens .
Maximum pulse width by turning SENS POT.

. 10 .
Until now we changed some components values but now you must add one 10 kilo ohms resistor here.

Gate . IRF740

. source gate . IRF740 source

At the back of pcb put this resistor between negative line of battery and the gate of IRF740.
Here source pin of IRF740 is connected to negative of battery. You can put and solder this resistor between gate
and source of transistor.
Before adding resistor

Resistor placement colored with red points.

After adding resistor

pulldown resistor .
TTL - .
mosfet . Gate.
drain source " " miler effect .
. .
. pulldown resistor
base gate pullup resistor
base gate .

?But why
We call this resistor " pulldown resistor". It prevents mosfet transistor from wrong action and misbehavior.
In some kinds of transistors like mosfet that have high input impedance, when there is no voltage on the
Gate or base of transistor, a capacitance between drain and source pins, changes transistor situation without any
order. Turn it on or off without driver components. we call this "miller effect".
This effect causes floating situation to transistor and transistor may act wrongly or delay in function or misbehave.
To prevent floating situation, we add 10 kilo ohms resistor.

)It's purpose is to force a zero (low) value when no other component is driving the input (no load
. .
1 10 4.7 10 .
. 180
In this metal detector this problem occurred. you can see it in one of movies.
When I increase current to 180 milli ampere, transistor shorts circuit and consumes high currents.
The reason is that transistor is hot and floating situation effect show itself more.
I added 10 kilo ohms resistor and problem solved.
. .
A .
Until now you saw reasons and what components I changed and what values I used instead.
If you noticed to pictures a wire connected two points to each other on board.
Also another wire connected two points to each other on the back of PCB.
On the PCB you must connect A point TO another A point.

5 4066 5 556 .
. .
But there are two another points must be connected to each other. They are forgotten in PCB designation.
Pin 5 of 4066 ic must connect to pin 5 of 556 ic.
Just by a short wire connect them from back of the this.

. TP Test Point.
?In PCB you see these points. but what are they
They are test points (TP). For example designer say for adjusting that point must has that voltage or that
frequency. For this metal detector must be some values but I couldn't find any reference.

. . .
. 500
?Where is the meter or needle indicator placement has positive and negative connection. If you connect in reverse may damage your indicator.
You can extract from old and damaged tape recorder.

. .
On the back near to pins, positive and negative are written unclear. If didn't write, find polarity of pins by ohm

. . .
. .
When metal detector finds metal, the needle moves. You do not need it. Speaker of device is enough.
Now metal is detected. Don't forget positive and negative pins.

. .
. Piezo . .

Here is speaker placement. 3 pins for adding headphone.

Two pins that colored yellow are for speaker. I used piezo instead speaker.

. " " " "

. . .
. M A
Here is switch placement to select "manual" or "automatic" tuning.
As I said after changes auto tune does not work any more.
You do not need auto tune. You can use a jumper instead of switch and put it always on manual position.

)( .

. .
Zero Button Reset Button .
. " " .
)( . . .
Here is push button switch for reset and ZERO.
It didn't work not only before changes, also after changes didn't work. It was not useful.( I don't know).
you don't need it. no problem if do not connect it.


Like this.

. .
4 one percent 4.7 killo ohms. I colored them with blue circles.

IRF840 .

IRF840 transistor.

680 1.
Two 680 ohms 1 watt resistors.

. . .

For connecting coil to PCB use thicker wires to have less resistivity against current.
Also you can use TV Antenna cable. It is better to use ordinary T.V antenna cable.

Red wire is + battery and black is battery. 2 orange wires are coil connection.

. . . LED
2 LEDs. no need adjustment. Because zener diodes active them.

. . 10
If power supply voltage drop below 10, then RED led light up. means battery is weak.

10 .
If battery voltage was proper then green led light up.

12 14 .
70 .

. 250
How much current this metal detector uses?
This metal detector works with 12 to 14 volts properly but notice to current consumption.
In normal position with minimum pulse width and without metal targets, it consumes approx 70 milli amperes.
But with maximum pulse width and appearance of metal target, it consumes 250 milli amperes.

150 .
I recommend you do not increase current consumption beyond 150 milli amperes.

) (

. .

Very important:
It is true that increasing pulse width in coil increases detection depth but from other hand it increases
Current consumption also. This causes heat in transistor and fast discharging of batteries.
Sometimes damaging transistor and batteries.

. . .
Minimum pulse width. This is minimum time for transistor to be on. In this case current consumption is less than

I noticed that many people confound "pulse width" with "frequency".

These are 2 dierent subjects but related to each other.

" " "" . .
10 1
1 . 10
10 .
1 . " "
. 10 1 .
10 2
2 . 10
2 . " "
2. 10 2 .
. 2 4.
. .
. .
. .
. 100 .
. 90
. 210 .
As you see. First I didn't notice to current consumption increased pulse width in coil signal.
Transistor became hot. Its temperature reached to 100 centigrade.
Immediately decreased pulse width. Now it is consuming 90 milli henries but still hot.
Loosing its heat and getting cool. Before current was 210 mah.
150 60 . .
By the way, with 150 milli ampere current usage, IRF740 transistor temperature reaches to 60 degree centigrade.
Heat sink is necessary.

890 .
When transistor goes to damage itself, short connection between + and happens and high current pass through
Transistor. Now current is 890 mah

. .

1 1000 .
. .
Notice to two LEDs. batteries are discharging very fast. This will destroy batteries life.

11 14 .
150 .
150 . . .
This metal detector works between 12 to 14 volts very good but has high current usage.
Try do not increase current more than 150 mah. If increased, transistor get hot very fast and cause illogical
Behavior. Not only depth of detection won't increase also because of transistor heat detection depth will decrease.
150 mah is proper for maximum depth not more. More is destructive.


You can not use ordinary batteries. Because they have low capacity use high current rechargeable batteries.

. . 800 .
1200 . .
800 .
10 12 2 2.5 .
You can use cheap rechargeable batteries also. For example picture below:
They are fake Chinese rechargeable batteries. Written on them 3250 mah.
They are not. They are 800 mah exactly. I measured them.
They work properly for 800 mah. We buy them in Iran each for 1 U.S dollar.
With them this metal detector works for 2 to 2.5 hour. It is enough to get answer.

12 350 450 .
) ( 425 300 .
19 25. 19

. .

Search coil for this metal detector

Metal detectors that work with 12 volts power supply normally their coil inductance is
Between 350 to 450 micro henries.
Usually 400 micro is more common. On the net in website I saw one person
)Said with 425 micro henries and 300 hertz frequency had better results.(I do not remember what page of that site
I made 2 dierent in diameter coils. One 19 CM another 25 CM. Both had same detection depth but
19 cm coil is more sensitive to small size of metals.
In all metal detectors is same that small coil find better small metals than large coil.

2.5 3.5 .
) 50 50 ( .
4 . 1.5
. . 0.40
. 19 31 415 .
. . .
" : KT315 20 30
0.35 . . . .
In several WebPages said that coil resistance should be between 2.5 to 3.5 ohms.
I had just 0.50 millimeter enameled wire.

I haven't had solid wire so I used pieces of same wires and soldered them to have one thread. One problem
occurred. resistance became 1.5 ohm. And this is very low and not proper. It causes more current usage and
transistor heat. If I used 0.40 millimeter wire probably becomes OK.
Anyway I used 31 turns for 19 cm coil. Inductance is 415 henries.
You can use pieces of used wires from transformers or something else but remember they must be same In
Please note: on Mr.KT315 advised to use 30 turns of 0.35 mm enameled wire for 20 cm coil.
This must be correct values for good coil. My coil is not proper.

Isolate connections between pieces of wires.

. .
. .
Also you can use wires in telecommunication cables.
No need wires to be new. Used wires work properly and have no negative effect on detection result.

. .
Sometimes for coil building I extract wires from used and old devices. Works good.

Until now if it was necessary, we changed.
Now we must do adjustments.
220 PR1 .
First adjust frequency without coil. Turn 200 kilo ohms PR1 POT to choose frequency.

. .
Use frequency meter to adjust it. I introduced simple and practical one in my weblog.

300 200 350 .

. .

. .
556 9 . piezo
. .
200 300 . .
. 300 650
I set to 300 hertz frequency. But noticed that it works very good from 200 to 300 hertz.
Result was same for detection depth and sensitivity. no differences.
Please notice if frequency increases, current consumption increases also. And it is not good for transistor.
Assuming you do not have frequency meter and you don't want to build one.
So you can adjust it according to sound approximately.
Take one piezo and attach its positive pin to pin 9 of 556 ic and connect negative piezo pin to negative
Wire of battery. By turning PR1 POT sound will change. I have provided one short movie available
In my weblog or that shows effect of frequency on current usage.
you can compare it with the sound Of that movie.
In that movie I started with 300 hertz then reduced to 200 hertz then increased to 650 hertz then
Came back to 300 hertz.

?What are they do

noise .
First POT is "noise". It changes pulse width in coil. be careful of this POT.
Increasing this pot increases detection depth but it may damage your transistor by making it hot.

. 10
. 150 .
. .
. tune .
?How to adjust it
First put it in minimum position. Then put an ampere meter between battery and metal detector in series.
Now slowly by turning, increase POT until current consumption becomes 150 milli amperes.
Now by a marker indicate this position. After this you know that do not turn it higher than this position.
In picture you see I indicated with black color 150 milli ampere position.
For more depth it is better to adjust tune POT more accurate.

signal sense.
Two another POTs. One named "signal" the other named "sens".
This 2 POTs have eect on sensitivity to some kinds of metals.

If you want your detector be sensitive to gold, put them in low position.
If you increase each of them. Your detector will be less sensitive to gold and copper ,......

. Gain
. .
Next POT is gain. This pot is responsible of opamp input for amplification. This POT has effect on detection depth.
For maximum detection depth put it in high position.

Tune. .
. .
Next POT is tune. You must turn it to left or right slowly to balance metal detector. Turn it until speaker sound
without metal target stops.

threshold .
. . tune .
Next POT is threshold. It was not so practical. Tuning POT works better.

Next POT changes speaker sound level.

: . .

. .


If you are living in an apartment or second floor of house, there are many iron inside floors.
And you can not adjust your detector easily and reach to maximum sensitivity.
If you are in this situation then put search coil on NONEMETAL table to be at least 1 meter above floor.
Then turn first POT to low position. Means decrease pulse width of coil to minimum rate.
Now turn on your detector and do the rest of adjustments.
If you use transformer or any other power supply except battery, remember that they produce noise in voltage
and it is possible to interfere your adjustment. Perhaps they prevent you to adjust it. Better to use battery.

19 .
40 .
loop 3 .
. .

?How much is detection depth of this detector

Maximum detection depth of this detector in the air with 19 cm coil for a big object like the gate door you see in
picture is 1 meter.
With 40 cm coil is 2 meters.
With 100 X 100 cm loop is 3 meters.

. .
clone pi .
?If above gate door be under soil, how much is detection depth
In that case this metal detector with 100x100 cm loop can detect it from 1.5 meter or 2 meters. It is conditional.

Picture below is a square loop that I built 2 years ago for clone pi metal detector and is not related to delta pulse.

. .
. .
" " .

?Do you want to build big loop for this metal detector
Sorry. I don't have proper and tested information.
It is better to search the internet to find proper information for large loop.
But be careful of wrong numbers and calculations. Wrong information even available at famous websites.
In fact in the internet many " misaddresses " are available to confuse you.
Do not trust on any information.

) ( pi

30 1390
. .
... .
80 .


pi .

: .

. . .



Extremely important:
Please read carefully:
A few weeks ago I had an email from Kurdistan.
?One asked me. Can we use this type metal detector to find war mines

No. Not at all.

This type of metal detector produces strong pulses. These strong pulses can fluctuate
And trigger un worked or old explosive materials such as mine or some kind bullets.
So, do not use this type metal detectors on mine lands.
Metal detectors which are used for mine lands are different and I do not have any information
About them.

30 1390
Provided by: Behnam
20 May 2011
Iran, Shiraz city

30 1390:
10 . .
10 .
-1 - -
-2 - -
-3 - - - -
- )( - ) ( - -

All files are available in my shared folder on

Free to download.
My email:

My weblog:
Also I have provided 4 short movies show this device in action.
They are available to download in my shared folder in Delta pulse metal detector subfolder.
Thanks for your time. Good luck.
. .
. .
. . :
: s http https:// . s
. .

The effect of floating situation and hot transistor.

Before adding pulldown resistor.

This is indoor test. This short movie available in two qualities. You can download both from
. 5 10. .

One more thing:

It is practical and logical that by more modification , tuning and experience you can get better
results than me. My delta pulse results are experimental and I haven't had enough time to study
on it more. So remember that you can reach to better results.

. .
. .

. " ".

. . .
. .

" :
. :
I tested with some metals pieces and you see it in a movie. Results are these:


. :
10 .
If you got those results means you are successful in building delta pulse.
In a movie results may seem to be less than I said above. 2 reasons:
First the ruler position was not good.
Second: I did this test in second floor of house and joist (iron) inside floor. So I had to reduce sensitivity 10%.

30 :1390
:: - XR2206
:: - .
:: -
: : - I C L 8 0 3 8
: : -
: : -
:: -
: : -
: : - R G 5 8 B N C
: : - -
:: clone pi
: : -
:: MCP3201 clone pi
: : - -
: : -
: : - A T 8 9 s

: : - P I C
: : -
: : -
: : - D S 1 6 2 1
: : -
: : -
: : - -
: : -
: : -
: : -

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