Staff Pose - Dandasana

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Staff Pose - Dandasana

Type of pose: Seated Benefits: Strengthens legs; improves alignment Dandasana is the basic seated pose from which all the others originate. Think of it as a seated version of Mountain Pose or Tadasana.

Instructions: 1. Sit with the legs outstretched straight in front. 2. Engage the thigh muscles and flex the feet. The heels may come up off the floor. 3. Make your spine long. 4. Stack the shoulders directly on top of the hips.

Beginners: Put padding under your sit bones, if necessary.

Advanced: This pose looks easy, but if you are really working the thighs, you can break a sweat.

Question: Ask Aunt Yoga Advice Column - Arm Position in Staff Pose

Dear Aunt Yoga, When I'm in dandasana posture [staff pose] with my palms on the floor beside my outer hips, I notice that if my arms are straight, my shoulders move upwards to the ears. If I bring the shoulders down, my arms bend at the elbows. Can you kindly advise which position is preferable? Mebel

Answer: Dear Mebel, In this pose, as in most yoga poses, it is more important to keep the shoulders sliding down away from the ears than to straighten the arms. Some people have longer arms, others shorter, so being able to straighten the arms can be a matter of simple anatomy. In staff pose, move the shoulders down, keeping the shoulder blades on your back and keep pressing into the floor with your palms. If this brings a slight bend to your arms, so be it. Namaste, Aunt Yoga

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