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Pollution Narrative
Narrative: A spoken or written account of connected events; a story. Directions: Create a narrative story based on pollution. Make sure that you include the elements listed below. Objective: To show your growth in writing, and your understanding of how mans misuse of resources has consequences like pollution.

Narrative Story Elements

Plot = The sequence of events that take place in a story. Setting = The time and place in which a story takes place. Characterization = The methods used to present the personality of a character in a narrative. o Direct = The author describes the character. Ex: She was a large woman with small feet. o Indirect = The reader judges a character based on what they say or do, or what other characters say about them. Ex: I believe that the narrator of The Tell Tale Heart is crazy because he talks nervously, repeats himself, and thinks he hears things. Atmosphere = The general mood or feeling established in a story that is established by word choice and pacing. o Focus on the use of vocabulary, adjective use while describing characters, settings, etc o Pacing is established by sentence length, punctuation, repetition of words, etc Point of View = Who is narrating the story, common types: o First person= The narrator refers to himself/herself as I and is involved in the story. o Third person= The story is being told by an outside perspective, and characters are referred to as he, she, them, or by name. Conflict = The central problem that drives the action of a story, common types: o Internal= The conflict happens in the main characters mind. Ex: guilty conscience. o External= The conflict happens between characters and/or an outside force like nature.

Class Focuses: Dialogue: Communication between characters. When doing so, you need to use quotation marks and start a new line that is indented every time a different character speaks. Ex: Mr. Tack said, Hello, how are you? Fine. I replied. You do not sound like you are fine! he retorted. Structure: Do you have the elements listed above in detail? Flow: Does your story keep a readers attention and have a well developed beginning, middle, end? Conclusion: Does your conclusion resolve with your conflict?


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