In Real Life, It Happens.

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In real life, it happens Written by Bobbin INITIAL DRAFT: SEPT.

27, 2013


FADE IN: INT. SABRINA'S ROOM - DAY (2014) SABRINA/ANNA-LOUISE ATIENZA (31), her hair is short and the length is down to her jaw. This day will show the height of her hypocrisy. She will act ready to face the truth, happy to see somebody happy but deep inside her heart is aching. The window shows the bright morning sun. Sabrina looks in the mirror with her tidied hair; her cocktail dress is hanging in the background. SABRINA (V.O.) Katapusan. Kung mayroon mang tamang oras, tamang araw, tamang panahon upang lahat ay maglaho, mawala, at makalimutan: ito 'yon. CLOSE ON an evelope showing Sabrina's real name 'Anna-Louise Atienza.' Sabrina touches the evenlope as if feeling its content. She looks up towards her the light illuminating from her window. SABRINA (V.O.) (CONT'D) Dapat maging masaya ako. Dapat. Kahit ang araw (SUN) nagsasabing: ito na ang kalayaang hinahanap ko. Sabrina picks up her facial foundation and slowly puts make up on her face. SABRINA (V.O.) (CONT'D) Hindi ko alam kung paano humantong sa ganito. Hindi ko alam kung handa na ako. Hindi ko alam. Sabrina analyzes the contours of her face. SABRINA Practice your smile! Sabrina practices her smile in front of her mirror. Once she has achieved her ideal facial reaction, she removes it quickly and continues to put make up on. SABRINA (V.O.) Sana hindi niya mapansin. Sabrina chokes a laughs for a short bit.

2. SABRINA Bakit masakit? Sabrina's cellhphone RINGS. Sabrina looks at her cellphone and checks who the caller is. She ignores the call. SABRINA (CONT'D) Hindi pa ako tapos dito. Usapan natin 11:00 (AM); wala pa eh! Sabrina polishes her look. CLOSE ON the wall clock that reads '10:30.' SABRINA (CONT'D) Sabrina. Sabrina. Sabrina. She drums her chest with her fist. SABRINA (CONT'D) Konting lakas ng loob. Konti lang. She fans her eyes; trying to stop the tears from falling. FLASHBACK TO 2007: INT. KICHENETTE - DAY (2007)(CONTINUOUS) SABRINA/ANNA-LOUISE ATIENZA (25), She has the symptoms of a person with asperger's syndrome. She has very few friends and is very quiet. She feels awkward with a lot of people even though she tries to act as normal as possible. JAYVEE/JEREMIAH VICTOR ZULUETA (24), He is a good-looking boy but a little chubby. He is always going to be seen having food around. He has many lady-friends. Sabrina exits from the CR. There kitchenette looks busy; a number of people are waiting to use the microwave. Jayvee is standing a few steps away from the refrigerator. He sees Sabrina come forward to the sink and squeezes the dishwashing soap onto her hand. He hears Sabrina talk to herself. SABRINA (low voice) Bakit ang daming tao dito, hindi naman lunch?

3. Sabrina walks back into the CR. IMPORTANT NOTE: - This is the first time that Jayvee noticed Sabrina. INT. JAYVEE'S CUBICLE - DAY (2007)(CONTINUOUS) Jayvee sits himself down on his seat. He sees Sabrina walk towards her desk. The phone RINGS. CLAIRE, she is the outgoing and usually hyperactive girlfriend of Jayvee. CLAIRE (V.O.) Hi, bee! JAYVEE (distracted) Hi. CLAIRE (V.O.) (louder) Hi, bee! JAYVEE Oh, hi! Bee! CLAIRE (V.O.) Bee, busy ka ba ngayon? JAYVEE Hindi naman, ano 'yon? CLAIRE (V.O.) Tinatanong lang ni mama kung anong magiging itenerary natin. Pwede mo bang i-email sa'kin? JAYVEE Wala sa computer ko dito, nasa bahay. Mamaya nang hapon pag uwi ko, okay? CLAIRE (V.O.) Okay. Bee, sunduin mo naman ako mamaya. Mag-mall tayo mamaya Kailangan kong bumili ng bathing suit pa.

4. JAYVEE Sige na Claire, baka makita pa ako ng boss ko ditong nagtatagal sa telepono. Jayvee eyes Sabrina's cubicle. JAYVEE (V.O.) Ano bang pangalan kasi ng babaeng 'yon! MARK ANTHONY, he is the boss of Jayvee. With just the looks, he can be mistaken as a regular employee. But his wits and knowledge supercedes his style. Mark Anthony walks towards Jayvee. MARK ANTHONY Jayvee! JAYVEE Yes, boss! MARK ANTHONY Next week nga pala yung training na sinasabi ko sa'yo. JAYVEE Yes, boss! Ii-email na sana kita kung tuloy nga. MARK ANTHONY Tuloy. Next week. Lima kayong ite-train next week. JAYVEE Boss, sino-sino kaming ite-train? MARK ANTHONY Sa team ni Wilmer, dalawa, sina Joshua at Tanya. Sa team natin ikaw at si Carlo. Sa team naman ni Sally ay si Sabrina. JAYVEE Oh. meron naman akong idea kung sino sila... pero sino yung Sabrina? MARK ANTHONY Kita mo yung kausap ni Grace ngayon, iyong naka-pula?

5. JAYVEE Sabrina ang pangalan nun, boss? Mark Anthony nods in agreement. He then walks towards his office. Jayvee logs back in on his computer. He quickly types. He searches from the employee directory. JAYVEE (V.O.) Wala namang Sabrina sa team ni Ma'am Sally. Ano real name niya? INT. LOBBY - DAY (2007) Sabrina exits the elevator. She holds her mobile phone on her ear and is talking to her brother. She starts walking briskly seemingly in a rush. SABRINA (on the phone) Galit na si mama? (beat, on the phone) Sabihin mo kay mama nagmamadali na ako. Jayvee turns around and sees Sabrina running towards the door. His gaze doesn't leave Sabrina until she enters her brother's car. CLOSE ON Jayvee who is motionless seemingly shocked at the closeness that happened. His heart beats quickly. INT. ROMAN'S CAR - DAY (2007) ROMAN, he is the only brother of Sabrina. GEL, she is the snobbish mother of Sabrina. Roman sits on the driver's seat while Gel sits at the backseat. GEL Bakit ang tagal mo! Kanina pa kami dito nabubusinahan kakaintay sa'yo! SABRINA Sorry, ma! May tinapos lang ako. ROMAN Buti na lang hindi kami na-tikitan dahil sa'yo!

6. SABRINA (seeking attention) Ma, ma! GEL Ano 'yon? SABRINA Sigurado bang makakauwi tayo ng Monday? GEL Sigurado. Alam mo naman kung anong gagawin natin doon, diba? SABRINA Sinisigurado lang. Sa Monday kasi kasama ako sa training. Sabrina checks luggages sitting at her side. She puts down her purse beside her and digs into the contents of it. She pulls out her MP3 players and sets it up on her. Mika's song 'RELAX' continues where it had previously stopped 'There is an answer to the darkest times...' INT. TRAINING ROOM - DAY (2007)(MONDAY) JOSHUA, CO-WORKER. CARLO, CO-WORKER. TANYA, CO-WORKER. There are 14 trainees in the training room. They are all seated individually on separate computers. The trainer are calling out the names of the people in the room. Jayvee listens in the conversation. JOSHUA Akala ko lima lang tayo, mayroon pala tayong mga kasamang taga branch. CARLO Hindi ba sinabi sa'yo? Tayo raw ang mag pa-pilot nung bagong program. TANYA Hindi sinabi sa'yo?

7. JOSHUA Hindi, basta sinabi sa'king umattend nito! TRAINER Anna-Louise Atienza. JOSHUA Ma'am, wala po! CARLO Sino 'yon? Anna-Louise Atienza. TANYA Sira, si Sabrina 'yon. JAYVEE Sino? TANYA Bakit daw wala si Sabrina? JOSHUA Na-delay ang flight niya. TANYA Saan ba siya nagpunta? JOSHUA Hindi ko alam. Basta sabi ng boss ko i-relay ko na lang hindi siya makakapunta. JAYVEE (Quietly, to himself) Anna-Louise Atienza pala si Sabrina. TANYA Nakakainis naman 'yon; tuloy ako lang ang babae dito. CARLO Bakit ang tahimik 'nun? TANYA Sobra lang mag-focus 'yon sa trabaho. JOSHUA Ganoon ba talaga 'yon?

8. JAYVEE (To Carlo) Bakit mo naman kilala 'yon? CARLO Noong bago ako, siya yung nag-train sa'kin. Marami siyang alam at magaling sa trabaho, kaya lang sobrang tahimik. JOSHUA Huy, kayo! Makinig na kayo, nagsisimula na! Jayvee types on the keyboard his log in information into the computer. FLASHBACK TO 2009: INT. FOURTH FLOOR OLD OFFICE - DAY (2009) DIANE, she is good friend of Clementine and Jayvee. GRACE, (describe here) Diane is wiping her desk of dusts. She had just finished putting all her items in a box. DIANE Sa 2nd floor ka dati, diba? SABRINA Oo. DIANE Hindi ba sikip na doon, bakit pa nila tayo ililipat ng floor? SABRINA Galing ako dun kanina, sa tingin ko lumipat doon sa bagong building yung nina Sir Wilmer. DIANE Bakit, ano bang espesyal na ginagawa ng mga 'yon at lumipat doon sa bagong building. SABRINA Hindi ko alam. Sana ilipat din nila tayo doon sa bagong building. DIANE Gusto ko 'yan. Alam mo, galing ako doon kahapon para sa isang seminar (MORE)

9. DIANE (CONT'D) - ang ganda ha! Tapos doon pa sa 25 floor, para kang nasa hotel ang gara! Sana ilipat tayo! GRACE Diane! Kanina ka pa hinahanap sa baba, yung mag se-setup nung computer mo dumating na. DIANE No problemo! The phone RINGS. Sabrina reaches for the phone and answers it. She talks to the person on the side quietly. Diane and Grace continues to talk. GRACE Kailangan mo ng tulong iligpit yan ng makapunta ka na kaagad sa baba? DIANE Hindi na, salamat na lang. Matatapos na ako. Diane has had all the desk items on her desk put away in a box. She quickly runs over to the office chair on the other cubicle. She pulls it towards her desk and drops her heavy box onto the seat. GRACE Mabigat ba 'yan. DIANE Hindi naman, para masmadali lang hindi na ako magbubuhat papuntang second floor. Sabrina relays the message of the person on the phone. SABRINA Diane! Sabi nung magse-setup nung computer babalik na lang daw siya after 1 hour. DIANE Bakit daw? Nagmadali pa naman ako. SABRINA Hindi na sinabi. Diane sits on the desk to rest.

10. DIANE Bakit nga pala kayo umalis ng 2nd floor noon? SABRINA Ako lang naman ang inilipat. Ako lang kasi ang INT. SECOND FLOOR/DOOR ENTRANCE - DAY (2009) Sabrina is dragging her chair carrying a heavy box. She pressed the disability-person's button to open the door. She is walking backwards entering the office. She notices that a person is standing by the door waiting for her fully enter the premises. It is Jayvee. She doesn't make eye contact. SABRINA Sorry, matatapos na. Medyo sira na kasi ang gulong nito. Jayvee did not expect any word from Sabrina, he doesn't know how to respond. JAYVEE (nervously) Ah... Ah... Sabrina smiles at Jayvee; but she doesn't pay much attention as if she was smiling to an imaginary person. Sabrina drags her heavy chair to her new cubicle. Jayvee exits the premises. INT. SECOND FLOOR ELEVATOR AREA - DAY (2009) Jayvee presses the 'down' arrow on the elevator control. JAYVEE Babalik na pala siya sa second floor. Jayvee produces a grin. INT. DIANE'S CUBICLE - DAY (2009) Jayvee places his coffee on Diane's desk. CLEMENTINE (24), She is the girl-best friend of Jayvee. They've known each other for years. She talks and gossips a lot. She has a hidden interest with Jayvee but she is already engaged.

11. Clementine carries a weighing scale. DIANE Kailan ang huling araw? Kailan tayo magtitimbang? CLEMENTINE Jayvee, kailan nga uli tayo magtitimbang? Jayvee takes brief glances over to Sabrina. DIANE Huy, kailan. Jayvee takes a zip of his coffee. JAYVEE March 28, iyon ang last day. Bale, 2 months itong biggest loser. CLEMENTINE Tig si-six hundred tayo. Isa lang ang mananalo. DIANE Bakit sasali ka pa, ang payat-payat mo na nga. CLEMENTINE Hindi ah! Mag si-singapore kami ng First week ng October. Kailangan payat ako ng time na 'yon. Beach body! DIANE Ikaw, magbabakasyon ka rin? JAYVEE Hindi, wedding ng Kuya ko ayokong chubby ako sa picture. The three hears a swishing sound coming from Sabrina's area. DIANE (loud) Sabrina! Anong nangyari? Sabrina makes no eye contact because she knows that there are two people by Diane's desk. SABRINA (Low voice) May tissue ka?

12. DIANE Ano? SABRINA (still low voice) May tissue ka ba? DIANE Sabrina, hindi kita marinig! CLEMENTINE (To Diane) Ang hina naman ng boses niya. DIANE Ganyan lang talaga 'yan. Sabrina walks over to the other side of Diane's desk. She makes eye contact only to Diane as if Diane is the only person that is there; basically ignoring th presence of Jayvee and Clementine. Jayvee and Clementine watches the two have a conversation. SABRINA May tissue ka ba diyan? DIANE Bakit? SABRINA Umapaw ang coke ko, napa sobra sa freezer! DIANE Bakit mo ba nilagay sa freezer. SABRINA Mabagal lumamig kasi sa fridge. Diane reaches for her tissue box and passes it over to Sabrina. She turns her back to go back to her cubicle. SABRINA (CONT'D) Thanks! JAYVEE Diane, yung six-hundred sa end of biggest loser. In cash ha, walang tseke! CLEMENTINE Sabrina, gusto mong sumali sa biggest loser?

13. DIANE Clem! HELLO! Ang payat-payat na nung tao, pasasalihin mo pa. Sabrina shyly faces Clementine and hesitantly smiles at her. CLEMENTINE Thank you na lang. Sabrina walks away. JAYVEE (To Clementine) Okay ka lang! CLEMENTINE Bakit, masama bang magtanong!? INT. INTERCUT SCENE - DAY (2009) (APRIL FOOL'S) START INTERCUT - CARLO'S PRANK 1) INT. CARLO'S CUBICLE - Carlo answering the phone 2) INT. COFFEE HOUSE - Clementine and Jayvee playing the prank Carlo's work phone RINGS. CARLO (on the phone) Elemental Insurance, Good afternoon. Carlo speaking, how may I help you? CLEMENTINE Carlo, si Tricia 'to. Jayvee laughs quietly. JAYVEE (low voice) Kaya mo ba talga 'yan? Clementine gestures for Jayvee to quiet down. CLEMENTINE Gusto kong i-cancel na yung reservation natin mamaya. CARLO Bakit? Anong gagawin mo mamaya?

14. CLEMENTINE Hindi ko na kaya 'to. Alam ko ito ang maling paraan; alam ko dapat harapin kita; pero hindi ko na talaga kaya. Carlo begins to shake. CARLO Anong hindi mo kaya? CLEMENTINE Nasa lobby ako; bumaba ka. Ibabalik ko na ang singsing na ibinigay mo sa'kin. CARLO Bakit! Anong nangyari? May nagawa ba ako. CLEMENTINE Iintayin kita dito sa lobby. Jayvee's tummy seems to be hurting because of the prank that he and Clementine concocted for Carlo. Clementine hangs up the phone. She coughs a bit and laughs along with Jayvee. JAYVEE Nasa baba na ba si Tricia? CLEMENTINE Halika na! Jayvee picks up his camera and runs to the elevator. END INTERCUT. EXT. BUILDING ENTRACE - DAY (2009)(APRIL FOOL'S) (CONTINUOUS) Jayvee runs out of the building. He breezes by Sabrina as he runs from Carlo. CARLO Jayvee, walang hiya ka! Pati girl friend ko kinutsaba mo! Sabrina looks at the two running men. SABRINA (to herself, low voice) JB pala ang pangalan noon.

15. Clementine and Tricia exit the building. They are both carrying a huge grin on their face. TRICIA Biruin mo, naniwala nga! Maghanda ka na Clementine, hindi pa tapos ang araw - baka, gantihan ka ni Carlo. CLEMENTINE Carlo! Carlo looks at Clementine; she gives him a 2 thumbs up. CARLO Lagot kayong dalawa sa'kin! Jayvee runs towards the building by passing the two ladies. Carlo hurriedly follows him to give him a smack. INT. LOBBY - DAY (2009)(APRIL FOOL'S) (CONTINUOUS) Sabrina hears the loud opening of the entrace door; she turns around to see what happened. Just as she turns, she and Jayvee met in a gaze. Jayvee stumbles to the floor. Carlo gives numerous smacks and twists his arms. CARLO Ako pa talaga ang pin-rank mo! JAYVEE April fool's naman ngayon, pare! Aray! Sabrina smiles and turns around to go to the elevator. EXT. CATHEDRAL - DAY (2009) CRISELDA, (describe here) Sabrina's phone BEEPS twice. Sabrina feels for her cellpone on the right side pocket of her pants. CRISELDA I-silent mo nga yang cellphone mo! Kitang mong nasa loob ka ng simbahan. SABRINA Ikaw lang ang naka rinig!

16. CRISELDA Patayin mo na 'yan! SABRINA Oo na! Sabrina checks her cellphone. SABRINA (V.O.) (Quietly) Ano 'to? Sabrina's phone notification shows that someone by the name of 'Jayvee' is adding her on Facebook. SABRINA Criselda? Criselda decides to ignore Sabrina. SABRINA (CONT'D) Criselda! CRISELDA Ano!? SABRINA Ano nga palang pangalan nung girl na palaging kasami ni Diane? CRISELDA Nasa simbahan tayo, mamaya mo na itanong sa'kin. SABRINA Criselda. Criselda ignores Sabrina again. SABRINA (CONT'D) Criselda. CRISELDA Ano! Criselda looks at Sabrina in shock. SABRINA Nagulo sa ayos ang buhok mo! INT. TAXI MOVING - DAY (2009) Sabrina stares at her cellphone with a perplexed face.

17. CRISELDA, CRISELDA Manong, ganito ho ba parati dito? TAXI DRIVER Naku, ineng hindi. Baka kamo may aksidente banda roon. Nagmamadali ba kayo? CRISELDA Hindi naman 'ho. Sobrang init lang kasi ho dito. Nasusunog na ho ako sa init. TAXI DRIVER Ining, kung may magagawa lang ako. CRISELDA Kanina mo pa tinititigan 'yan! TAXI DRIVER Ha? CRISELDA Sorry ho, ito hong kaibigan ko. The taxi driver nods and focuses on his driving. CRISELDA (CONT'D) Hoy, ano 'yan? SABRINA Wala, nagka-error lang ang phone ko. Sabrina immediately hides her cellphone into her pocket. SABRINA (CONT'D) Anong pangalan nga pala nung nag play ng prank kay Carlo kahapon? CRISELDA Anong prank? SABRINA Diba, kahapon galit na galit si Carlo dahil CRISELDA Oh, yung kahapon. SABRINA Oo, ano nga palang pangalan nun?

18. CRISELDA Si ano... si Clementine at si Jayvee. SABRINA Oo nga pala, Clementine. Anong pangalan nung isa, JB o Jayvee? CRISELDA Jayvee. Bakit? SABRINA Wala naman. Hindi lang ako sigurado; ang akala ko JB. INT. COFFEE HOUSE - DAY (2009) Sabrina still stares at her cellphone; the facebook application is open. VINCE CAPISTRANO (33), he is the long-time boyfriend of Sabrina. He sometimes play the suspicious boyfriend, but he ends up believing even the little lies that Sabrina makes anyway. He is suspicious but he also believes that nothing will happen between Sabrina and Jayvee. SABRINA (To herself) Ikaw kaya 'yon (Jayvee)? VINCE Iyan na ang coffee mo? SABRINA Thank you, sir! VINCE Nag-move na ba kayo ng floor? SABRINA Nung Monday pa. Sabrina takes a sip of her hot coffee. SABRINA (CONT'D) Kilala mo ba 'yung si... Clementine? Sabrina asks about Clementine even though she is realy curious about Jayvee. VINCE Sino 'yon?

19. SABRINA Sa trabaho. VINCE Hindi, bakit? SABRINA Yung palaging kasama ni Jayvee? VINCE Sino yung Jayvee? SABRINA (lying) Hindi ko rin kilala, nakatanggap kasi ako ng e-mail. Ipapaturo ko sana sa'yo kung kilala mo sila. Hindi naman pala - so no point naman. INT. JAYVEE'S ROOM - NIGHT (2009) Jayvee logs in on his facebook account. He sees that Sabrina still has not accepted his friend request. JAYVEE Ilang araw na'to ha...Hindi pa yata siya nag-oonline. Ang tagal naman i-accept ang friend request ko! Jayvee pulls his mug and drinks his juice. INT. SECOND FLOOR ELEVATOR AREA - DAY (2009) Sabrina exits the elevator door. She looks preoccupied. MARK ANTHONY Tapos na ba yung report na ibinigay ni Ma'am Clara? JAYVEE Yes, boss! Sabrina hears a familiar voice but she decides not to pay attention. Nervousness creeps in on her. She paces hurriedly towards the door. Jayvee sees Sabrina walk towards the east door of the floor. Sabrina lifted her head and meets the gaze of the two men. She gave a brief glimpse of her smile to acknowledge their presence. Sabrina reaches the door, the two men can no longer see her

20. because of the wall. She is having difficulty finder her door card. MARK ANTHONY Jayvee, next week naka-bakasyon ako. Matatapos na ba yung first batch, gusto ko nang makita yung report - para naman next week maka pag focus na tayo sa ibang project. Mark Anthony and Jayvee hear something fall. Sabrina picks up the keys that she dropped on the floor. SABRINA (to herself, quietly) Next week? Last week ko pa ibinigay sa kanya yung for signature; hindi pa ibinabalik! Sabrina is tempted to walk towards Mark Anthony and ask about the signature. SABRINA (CONT'D) (to herself, quietly) Five naman ang alis noon, mamaya na lang. Sabrina enters the 2nd floor offices. INT. SABRINA'S CUBICLE - (2009) DAY (3:30 PM) The clock reads '3:30.' Sabrina turns her gaze towards Mark Anthony's office area. She doesn't see anyone in the area. SABRINA Nasa meeting kaya ang mga 'yon? DIANE Sabrina, 4:30 pa ang balik ng mga 'yon - nag meeting. Sabrina sees Jayvee sit on his desk. SABRINA Bakit andun 'yon? Diane turns to her back and sees Jayvee sit on his desk.

21. DIANE Hindi ko alam, itanong mo sa kanya. Ang alam ko wala silang meeting. Diane turns to face her computer. DIANE (CONT'D) Baka siya yung naiwan para sumagot ng mga tawag. Bakit? Sino bang kailangan mo? SABRINA Kailangan ko kasi ng signature... DIANE Bakit hindi mo ipa-sign kay Jayvee, may authority 'yan. Sa kanya ako palagi nagpapa-sign. Diane continues on with what she is doing. Sabrina sits herself down and continues to wait for Mark Anthony. SABRINA (V.O.) Kung pwede lang. Hindi ko pa ina-accept ang friend request ng lalaking 'yon. INT. DIANE'S CUBICLE - DAY (2009) Sabrina cautiously walks over to Diane. SABRINA Diane, busy ka ba? DIANE Bakit? SABRINA Kilala mo yung si Jayvee, diba? DIANE Jayvee? Yung sa kabilang team! SABRINA Yung staff ni Mark Anthony. DIANE Ah, iyon. Oo, bakit?

22. SABRINA Ah, kasi... hindi ko siya kilala pero in-add niya ako sa Facebook. Diane laughs. DIANE Kausapin mo, mabait yan. Wala 'yang girlfriend. SABRINA Hindi naman ako interesado; akala ko girlfriend niya yung si Clementine? DIANE Hindi, best friend lang 'yon. Kausapin mo yang si Jayvee, mabait yan. SABRINA Nahihiya ako. DIANE Huwag, basta harmless 'yan. SABRINA Sure ka? Diane nods. INT. SABRINA'S ROOM - NIGHT (2009) Sabrina logs in on her computer. She sees an 'add' request on her IM (instant messaging) client. SABRINA I add ko na nga! Kung hindi ko naman i-add baka sabihin suplada ako. Sabrina accepted the 'add' request. Sabrina picks up her coffee. She finishes drinking the content of the paper cup. She throws the cup into the bin. BACK TO PRESENT: EXT. CITY PARKETTE - DAY (2014) CLOSE ON the trash can. The paper cup drops onto the bottom of the bin.

23. Sabrina quietly enjoys the warm afternoon sun. She looks elegant wearing a violet cocktail dress. She slips an envelope into her bag. SABRINA (V.O.) April fool's day. Sabrina smiles as if remember a fond, treasured memory. SABRINA (V.O.) (CONT'D) Hindi alam na doon lahat nag simula para sa'kin. Ang unang araw na narinig ko ang pangalan mo. The church bells ring. SABRINA (V.O.) (CONT'D) Paano ko ba naalala 'yon? Tama, kasi may okasyon. Matagal ko nang gustong malaman ang pangalan mo; noong araw na 'yon ko nalaman. Random kids walk in front of her. SABRINA (V.O.) (CONT'D) Dalawang taon. Matagal mo na akong kilala; bakit naghintay ka pa ng dalawang taon para kilalanin ako? Sabrina reaches the sidewalk. She examines the cars passing by and contemplates whether to take the taxi or walk. SABRINA (About her previous question, commanding herself) Sabrina! Huwag ka nang magtaka! Huwag ka nang magtaka! She decides to have walk. Sabrina grins. SABRINA (V.O.) Happiness. The first serious question you asked me. Kung hinahanap ba 'to o basta na lang dumarating. Sabrina's phone RINGS. She slides her hand into her purse; she feels for her cellphone. She smiles.

24. SABRINA (V.O.) (CONT'D) First serious conversation. Masaya ako dahil pinahalagahan mo ang opinyon ko. Sabrina faces the phone to herself. FLASHBACK TO 2009: INT. SABRINA'S ROOM - NIGHT (2009) Sabrina lies on her bed. She has her cellphone raised while she is checking her messages. SABRINA Totoo ba 'to? May winking smile at the end. Sigurado akong siya 'to! Sabrina begins to respond to the text message. SABRINA (CONT'D) Mr. Jeremiah Zulueta! Alam ko ikaw 'yan. The phone beeps. SABRINA (CONT'D) Exposed ang telepono mo sa facebook! (About the message) Pag-bibigyan kita ngayon. Kung hindi lang ako mabait, napagkamalan ka nang stalker. INT. JAYVEE'S ROOM - NIGHT (2009) Jayvee sits by the foot of his bed. His pet birds TWIRPS. JAYVEE Friendly naman ako. Sana hindi niya masamain ang pagte-text ko sa kanya. (to the birds) Ano sa tingin ninyo? Jayvee's cellphone BEEPS. JAYVEE (CONT'D) Nag-respond na. CLOSE ON the cellphone message. 'Mr. Jeremiah Zulueta! Alam ko ikaw 'yan!'

25. JAYVEE (CONT'D) Paano mo nalaman? Jayvee starts typing on the message. He puts it down after finishing sending his text message. The phone beeps again. JAYVEE (CONT'D) Winking smiley? Jayvee shows a huge grin on his face. Jayvee starts typing again. JAYVEE (CONT'D) Kamusta na ang weekend mo? CLOSE ON the message on the phone. INT./EXT. INTERCUT - SABRINA'S CAR - MOVING - DAY (2009) CLOSE ON the cellphone on the middle divider of the car. The cellphone BEEPS. VINCE Kaninong phone 'yon? Vince looks at Sabrina and sees that she has her eyes closed. VINCE (CONT'D) Sabrina, kaninong phone 'yon? Sabrina checks picks up her phone on the divider. She sees that she has a message. She smiles. Vince turns to briefly gaze at Sabrina. He sees her smiling. VINCE (CONT'D) Ano 'yan? Ang laki ng ngiti mo diyan. Sino ba 'yan, ang admirer mo! Sabrina directs her gaze to Vince, examining his reaction. SABRINA Paano ba naging admirer 'yung tao. Kita mong nakikipag kaibigan lang siya. VINCE Anong nakikipag-kaibigan. Sigurado ako, may gusto 'yan sa'yo.

26. SABRINA Paano mo naman nasabi 'yon? Kita mo namang palagi niyang kasama yung... yung si Clementine. VINCE Clementine ang pangalan nung palagi niyang kasama. SABRINA Oo. Apparently, kilala ka na nilang dalawa. Isipin mo 'yon, mukhang pinag-uusapan tayo ng dalawang yon tuwing lunch time nila! VINCE Ibinigay mo ba sa kanya yung cellphone mo? SABRINA Hindi. Nakuha niya sa facebook. VINCE Ba't mo ba naman kasi inilalagay sa facebook. SABRINA Wala naman kasi sa'kin 'yon. Lahat naman ng naka add sa'kin friend ko. VINCE Eh... bakit ba naman kinakausap ka pa niyan, hindi niya ba nakikita tayong magkasama? SABRINA Hindi ko alam doon. Sabrina reads her cellphone. She doesn't respond. Sabrina turns the music up. INT. JAYVEE'S CUBICLE - DAY (2009) The same music is playing. Jayvee turns down the radio. Jayvee starts typing a message in the IM box. START SPLIT SCREEN: 1) Jayvee's reaction on the individual messages

27. 2) The computer monitor. ON THE MONITOR: 'JEREMIAH: 2 years ago' 'ANNA-LOUISE: Kailan 2 years ago?' 'JEREMIAH: Naalala ko: doon ka sa may malapit sa pinto nakaupo' 'ANNA-LOUISE: Talaga; bakit hindi kita nakikita :(' 'JEREMIAH: Nag meet na nga sana tayo noon' 'ANNA-LOUISE: Kailan naman 'yon?' 'JEREMIAH: May training noon sa head office, hindi ka naka-attend' 'ANNA-LOUISE: Naalala mo pa 'yon. Oo, hindi nga ako naka-attend kasi na delay yung flight namin.' 'JEREMIAH: Saan kayo nag punta? sinong kasama mo? Anong ginawa ninyo?' 'ANNA-LOUISE: Nag-Macau kami. Medyo meron hindi magandang pangyayari sa bahay kaya naisipan na lang naming mag out-of-town' 'JEREMIAH: Oh, ganon? :( Maganda ba sa Macau.' END SPLIT SCREEN. CLOSE ON Jayvee deep-thinking. JAYVEE (quietly to himself) Ano kaya 'yon. Baka naman hindi sabihin sa'kin. Hindi ko na lang tatanungin. The birds continue to chirp. BACK TO PRESENT: EXT. CITY PARKETTE - DAY (2014) OVERHEAD SHOT of the trees with a hint of the sun rays. The sound of the birds CHIRPING continues.

28. Sabrina sits on one of the empty benches. She sees a number of people enjoying the afternoon below the shade of the trees and picnicking. A little girl looks at her admiringly. Her cocktail dress seems to be attracting a number of onlookers. Sabrina smiles; remembering one of the chat conversations she had with Jayvee. SABRINA (V.O.) Vince. Matagal ko nang boyfriend si Vince. Hindi namin inaamin, sinabi ko sa'yong: hindi. Sabrina smiles. SABRINA (V.O.) (CONT'D) Kung nalaman mo ang totoo. Malamang hindi na tayo nagkakilala. Her smile gets bigger. Tears seems to be forming on her eyes. She fans her face so the tears will evaporate and not drop on her cheeks. SABRINA (V.O.) (CONT'D) Sigurado ako: I've done you wrong. I'm sorry. Hindi ko masasabi 'to sa'yo: I'm sorry. Sabrina stretches her legs and looks up towards the blue sky. SABRINA (V.O.) (CONT'D) Alam ko kung anong nararamdaman mo para sa'kin. Binaliwala ko 'yon. Binaliwala ko 'yon dahil iniisip kong hindi tayo bagay. She grins widely while her eyes becomes watery. She acts as if the wind made it happen. SABRINA (V.O.) (CONT'D) (About her Asperger's syndrome) Bakit ba kasi ako ganito! From a distance, Vince is walking towards where Sabrina is sitting. Vince arrives where Sabrina is.

29. VINCE Anong oras nung reception? Sabrina pulls out an a huge white envelope from the inside of her purse. She opens up a card. SABRINA 3 o'clock, sabi rito. Vince sits beside Sabrina. He rests himself comfortably on the bench. Sabrina continues her deep thinking. FLASHBACK TO 2010: INT. SPLIT SCREEN SCENE - DAY START SPLIT SCREEN. 1) INT. Jayvee'S CUBICLE - Jayvee is chatting with Sabrina 2) INT. Sabrina'S CUBICLE - Sabrina is chatting with Jayvee and Sabrina are laughing. Sabrina checks is anyone is looking at her. Jayvee hides himself on the divider so that no one can see him laughing. SUPERIMPOSE (ONE BY ONE): 'JEREMIAH: Kung makalapit naman sa'yo parang close na close kayo!' 'Anna-Louise: Sinabi mo! Hindi ko nga alam kung bakit ganoon!' 'JEREMIAH: Hindi ka ba kinabahan?' 'Anna-Louise: Bakit naman?' 'JEREMIAH: Baka matusok ka sa baba niyan!' 'Anna-Louise: Naisip ko rin 'yon.' The two laugh together. END OF SPLIT SCREEN. PATRICK, (describe here) CLOSE ON Patrick's face.

30. INT. BOOKSTORE - DAY (2010) The booksore not only sells book; they also sell shirts, cds, dvds. Vince is at the OPM cds area. He has the headphones on as is unattentive of his surrounding; he looks so engrossed in listening to the music. Sabrina is on the far end of the bookstore. She has her eyes on the shelf carrying the Japanese Manga books. She pulls out one book that look interesting to her. She opens it on a random page and keeps flipping the pages - only admiring the drawing. She finishes admiring the contents on the book. She decides to return the book on its original location. While inserting the book in the shelf, she sees a book that seem to not belong in the arrangement. She pushes the book in. Sabrina reaches for the misfiled book and pulls it out. The title of the book is 'Can I tell you about Asperger syndrome: A guide for family and friend' SABRINA Asperger syndrome. Sabrina eyes the area where Vince was; she checks if he is still listening to the music. He is still there. Sabrina's face show a sad reaction looking at the book. She checks the back of the book to see if there is an item to read on it. She hesitantly opens the book in the middle section. She slowly begins to read it. After reading several pages, Vince sneaks behind her. VINCE Ano 'yang binabasa mo? Sabrina shows Vince the cover of the book; she does it so quickly that he never got a chance to read. SABRINA Tapos ka na? Sabrina returns the book where she pulled it from. VINCE Oo. Gusto mong kumain ng sushi?

31. SABRINA Hindi ko gusto ng sushi ngayon. Nagugutom ako. Kumain tayo ng heavy. VINCE Anong gusto mo? Mag-max's kaya tayo? SABRINA Pwede rin. Libre mo? VINCE Sige, ililibre na kita. Ikaw naman ang nag-drive ngayon. SABRINA Bakit naman kasi hindi mo ipinapaayos 'yang sasakyan mo. VINCE Oo na! SABRINA Saan may Max's? Sabrina takes out her keys from her bag and they both walk out of the bookstore. INT. SPLIT SCREEN SCENE - DAY (2010) Sabrina picks up her coffee. Jayvee sees Sabrina drink her coffee. START SPLIT SCREEN: 1) INT. JAYVEE'S CUBICLE - His facial reaction 2) INT. SABRINA'S CUBIBLE - Her faical reaction SUPERIMPOSE chat messages: 'JEREMIAH: You like your coffee?' 'ANN-LOUISE: Instant ako ngayon, gusto mo?' 'JEREMIAH: Bakit, nagtitipid ka?' 'ANNA-LOUISE: Hindi naman. Marami kasing binigay na trabaho ang boss ko.' 'JEREMIAH: Have you ever gone to Sweet and Coffee?' 'ANNA-LOUISE: Hindi pa, saan 'yon?'

32. 'JEREMIAH: Sa may Quiapo, kung alam mo lang - they have the best coffee.' 'ANNA-LOUISE: Talaga? As good as Starbucks ba 'yan, baka naman mahal.' 'JEREMIAH: Hindi. Local coffee beans ang gamit nila. You should try!' 'ANNA-LOUISE: Sure! Medyo malayo ang Quiapo, so it might take a while before I could visit the place.' 'JEREMIAH: Tell me kung kailan ka pupunta ha, I have a lot of coupons!' 'ANNA-LOUISE: LOL! Lahat naman yata ng lugar may coupon ka!' 'JEREMIAH: Napansin mo rin!' END SPLIT SCREEN. INT. DIANE'S CUBICLE - DAY (2010) Diane looks at Sabrina with a perplexed gaze. DIANE Ba't ka narito, akala ko ba mag-C-CR ka! SABRINA Oo nga, kaya lang... DIANE Kaya lang? SABRINA Nakita kong dumaan si Jayvee! DIANE Akala ko ba nag-uusap kayo, bakit mo iniiwasan mo pa rin? SABRINA Nahihiya ako eh! DIANE Bakit ka nahihiya? Minsan nakikita kita diyan tumatawang mag-isa. Tapos pag tiningnan ko siya, tumatawa rin! SABRINA Ewan ko, nahihiya pa rin ako sa kanya.

33. DIANE Nahihiya ka bang makipag-chat sa kanya. SABRINA Hindi naman. Kapag chat kasi chat nakakapag-isip ako kung anong sasabihin sa kanya. DIANE Totoo naman ba ang sinasabi mo sa kanya? SABRINA Oo naman. Talagang nahihiya lang ako makita siya ng personal. DIANE Basta, sabihin mo lang sa kanya ang gusto mong sabihin. No lies. SABRINA Hindi ko ba maintindihan. Sa tingin ko rin, iniiwasan niya rin ako. DIANE Hindi naman siguro. SABRINA Feeling ko lang. Kapag kasi nagkikita kami mga, isang minuto lang o wala pa kami nag uusap. Para ngang Hi and Bye kami kapag nagkita. DIANE Ano ba kayong dalawa. Gaano ba kayo katagal mag-usap sa isang araw? Gaano kayo kadalas mag-usap? SABRINA Halos araw-araw. Simula umaga hanggang hapon. DIANE Nagta-trabaho pa ba kayo ng lagay niya. SABRINA Sabi niya mabilis naman daw siyang magtrabaho.

34. DIANE At ikaw rin? Ano bang pinag-uusapan niyo at buong araw kayo nag-uusap. SABRINA Kung ano-ano. Anything under the sun. Pag-kain, current events, mga tao sa trabaho. Sabrina feels embarassed telling Diane about this. But, she is the only person who knows Jayvee enough. DIANE Pinag-usapan ba ninyo na ako? SABRINA Hindi naman. DIANE Oh, ayan. Lumabas na sa kitchen si Jayvee. SABRINA Sige. Mamaya na lang! INT. BUILDING CAFETERIA - AFTERNOON (2010) Jayvee is sitting with Clementine. He looks troubled and angry. Diane comes and directly looks at Jayvee. DIANE Bakit? Ano bang problema? JAYVEE Bakit mo sinabing may gusto ako sa kanya? DIANE Ha? Wala naman akong sinasabing ganiyan kay Sabrina. Bakit ka nagagalit sa'kin. Kahit itanong mo pa kay Sabrina, wala akong sinasabi ng ganiyan. Diane looks at Clementine. Jayvee looks angry but he is facing down towards his lunch food.

35. JAYVEE Bakit ko naman itatanong sa kanya; kayo ang gumagawa ng mga istoryang ganiyan. DIANE Bakit ka naman nagagalit kung hindi naman totoo. Sorry, pero hindi talaga ako. Paano mo nalamang may istoryang ganiyan kung ganoon? Sa totoo lang, kahit itanong mo kay Sabrina. JAYVEE Bakit kasi gumagawa pa kayo ng intriga! DIANE Ano bang sinabi sa'yo ni Sabrina? Ang sinabi ko lang naman sa kanya: mabait ka. Kahit itanong mo pa. CLEMENTINE Tapos na ang lunch ko, balik na ako. Clementine leaves the table. DIANE Jayvee, hindi talaga ako. Kung gusto mo kakausapin ko siya. Pero, talaga - hindi ako. INT. SABRINA'S CUBICLE - DAY (2010) Diane arrives at Sabrina's cubicle. SABRINA Diane, may iniwan ako sa desk mo! DIANE Galit sa'kin yung lalaki doon! SABRINA Si, ano. DIANE Oo. SABRINA Bakit?

36. DIANE Sinabi ko raw sa'yo na may gusto siya sa'yo. SABRINA Ha? Ngayon ko lang narinig 'yan. DIANE Alam ko. Sa tingin ko may nagse-selos. SABRINA Bakit naman. Nag-uusap lang kami. Ako, item na para pagselosan? Sino. DIANE Sino pa. Edi, si 'C.' SABRINA Alam mo, nakakatawa talaga 'yan. Ni-hindi nga kami nagkikita niyang si Jayvee - walang rason para pagselosan niya ako. Bakit... sila ba? DIANE Hindi. Pero alam mo naman, mag-best friend yan. The computer beeps. SABRINA Thank you ha for letting me know. Tatanungin ko kung ayos na ang mood niya mamaya. Aalis muna ako, magco-coffee kami ni Vince. Sasama ka? DIANE Hindi. Pwede bang ibili mo na lang ako. INT. JAYVEE'S CUBICLE - DAY (2010)(CONTINUOUS) JAYVEE, (describe here) CLOSE ON Jayvee's computer. It has an open instant messaging (IM) client. Among the names included in the list is: Sabrina De Mesa. Her status currently shows 'Away.' JAYVEE Ang tagal naman ng babaeng 'yon!

37. Jayvee minimizes the IM client. He then pulls a pile of folders and flicks through the contents of it. CLEMENTINE Busy ka na naman? Bakit palaging ang dami mong folder sa desk mo? JAYVEE Para mukhang busy! CLEMENTINE Seryoso ka? Alam naman ng boss mo kung ilang ang nagagawa mo, nagta-try ka pang mag mukhang busy diyan. JAYVEE Huwag kang maingay! CLEMENTINE Bakit kanina pa 'away' ang status mo! JAYVEE Sabi ko nga busy ako! Clementine picks up a candy lying on Jayvee's table. Shen then walks away towards her cubicle. SERIES OF SHOT - BUSY OFFICE A) A mug of hot coffee B) A staff carries piles of folder C) A staff is busy answer the phone D) Window shot of the busy street END SERIES. INT. JAYVEE'S CUBICLE - DAY (2010)(CONTINUOUS) Jayvee slides a folder to the side. He rises from his seat and locks his computer. He open his drawer and takes out the following items: mug, instant coffee, packettes of sugar, and a spoon. He puts the packettes of sugar on this pocket and he juggles the rest of the items on his arms. He then walks towards the kitchenette. Clementine sees Jayvee head towards the kitchenette.

38. INT. SABRINA'S CUBICLE - DAY (2010)(CONTINUOUS) Sabrina moves her coffee to the side. He pushes her self out of the cubicle and stands. Jayvee notices that Sabrina is walking away from her desk. SABRINA May 30 minutes pa naman bago mag meeting. Mag CR lang ako. INT. HALLWAY TO COMFORT ROOM AND KITCHENETTE - DAY (CONTINUOUS) Sabrina sees Jayvee walking into the kitchenette. She stops walking and hides herself. SABRINA Bakit ngayon pa? Hindi naman 'to ang coffee time mo! Sabrina decides to divert from going to the Kitchenette/CR. She walks over to a colleague. INT. JOAN'S CUBICLE - DAY (2010)(CONTINUOUS) JOAN, (describe here) Joan looks busy but since Sabrina doesn't know what to do at the moment she decides to disturb her. SABRINA Joan. A-attend ka ba nung party para kay Tita Aida. JOAN Teka lang ha. Joan continues her typing. Sabrina waits. JOAN (CONT'D) Sa Tuesday, hindi. Hindi ako makaka-attend. Day off ko nang linggong 'yon. SABRINA May pupuntahan ka na ba sa day-off mo? Sabrina checks the door to the hallway of the Kitchenette/CR.

39. JOAN Mag-boboracay kami ng boyfriend ko. SABRINA Mabuti ka pa! Gusto ko rin mag-boracay! JOAN Aattend kami ng wedding ni Clementine. SABRINA Hindi ko alam na ikakasal na pala siya. So ibigsabihin niyan, maraming mawawala next week. JOAN Ayan ang hindi ko alam. Ang sigurado lang akong kasama ay si Jayvee, si Diane at yung asawa niya. SABRINA Talaga. Sabrina eyes the door of the kitchenette and sees a number of people walking out of there - but no Jayvee. JOAN Kanina pa humahaba ang leeg mo diyan! SABRINA Anong humahaba? Tinitingnan ko lang kung lumabas na yung boss ko. Baka daldalin na naman ako sa CR nun. Alam mo naman 'yon. Sabrina sees Jayvee exit from the kitchenette. SABRINA (CONT'D) Sige na, Joan. Mukha namang wala dun ang boss ko. Joan sees Jayvee walk out of the entrance to the kitchenette. She become suspicious of Sabrina. SABRINA (V.O.) (about Jayvee) Bakit hindi man lang niya sinabi? Ikakasal na pala si Clementine, Araw-araw kong kausap, hindi man lang niya nabanggit.

40. INT. COFFEE SHOP - DAY (2010) Vince reaches for the coffee that the server put on the table. He slides his an exact change on the table towards the server. VINCE Hindi mo alam? SABRINA Hindi. VINCE Sa totoo lang, hindi ko rin alam. Tuwing kausap ko si Tita Polly ang tawag niya sa anak niya Tintin. SABRINA Matagal ko nang alam na si Clementine si Tintin, pero ang hindi ko alam na siya pala yung ikinekwento mo... So... Matagal na pala siyang engage. Bakit parang biglaan? VINCE Buntis na yata. SABRINA Maniwala ako sa'yo. VINCE Hindi ako sigurado, sabi lang sa'kin nung katabi ko sa taas. SABRINA Talagang ipinagmamalaki nung nanay niya yung mapapangasawa? VINCE Bukhang bibig nga! Mayamang engineer sa Laguna. SABRINA Eh, bakit madalas silang magkasama ni ANO (Jayvee)? VINCE Itanong mo sa kaibigan mo!

41. INT. JAYVEE'S CUBICLE - DAY (2010)(CONTINUOUS) Jayvee puts his coffee down on his desk. He immediately logs on the computer. He clicks on the IM client to check on Sabrina. JAYVEE (quietly) Bumalik, tapos umalis uli. Ano ba 'yan. Jayvee looks up and notices that Sabrina is walking towards the kitchenette. Sabrina decides to briefly pay a short look at Jayvee. Coincidentally, he is looking at her walk towards the door. Sabrina, lacking much of a choice, decides to acknowledge that she sees him - she timidly waves at him. As quickly as her wave is, she turns her gaze towards the direction of the Kitchenette/CR. CLOSE ON Jayvee's computer. An open word processor application shows a blank document. Jayvee inputs slowly letter-after-letter the phrase: 'I LIKE YOU.' He presses enter several times until the phrase moves up and disappear in the view. INT. COMFORT ROOM/CR - DAY (2010)(CONTINUOUS) Sabrina enters the CR and examines her hand and sleeves. She looks directly at the mirror in front of her and makes a sour look; an after-effect of having eye contact with Jayvee. She then decides to rest her sour reaction and begins to wash her hands. SABRINA (V.O.) Bakit ba naman kasi malapit pa sa washroom ang cubicle ng lalaking 'yon. She finishes washing her hands. Takes a deep sigh; unprepared to walk by and see Jayvee again. BACK TO PRESENT: EXT. CITY PEDSTRIAN - DAY (2014) CLOSE ON the two pairs of feet of Vince and Sabrina. The two are waiting for the walk sign to light up.

42. VINCE Bakit naman naisipan mong maglakad ngayon? SABRINA Feeling kong mag catwalk ngayon. VINCE Nalulungkot ka ano? SABRINA Bakit naman ako malulungkot. It's a happy day. It's a wedding bakit ako malulungkot. At, free food! VINCE Akalain mo, inimbita ka pa. SABRINA Ang sama (bad) naman siguro ng ugali niya kung hindi niya pa ako inimbita. Bakit naman ako hindi iimbitahin? Magkaibigan naman kami. Ikaw rin naman inimbita, hindi ka naman kaibigan. VINCE Kung alam ko lang madalas pa rin kayong mag-usap niyan sa Facebook. SABRINA Anong akala mo sa'kin. Huli (last) kaming nag-usap ay noong January; nung umalis ako sa trabaho. VINCE Maniwala ako sa'yo. SABRINA Bahala ka. Sinasabi ko naman sa'yo yung mga messages niya, hindi ba? Kapag may message siya, sinsabi ko sa'yo. VINCE Baka nga nagkikita pa kayo sa labas! SABRINA Huwag kang gumawa ng kwento. At saka, tama ba naman sabihin mo 'yan; kaka-kasal lang nung tao.

43. VINCE Hindi naman ibigsabihin noon: hindi ka na niya gusto! SABRINA Bakit ang ulit mo! Sa totoo lang, bakit ang ulit mo! Vince and Sabrina continue walking on the sidewalk. FLASHBACK TO 2011: EXT. SIDEWALK - DAY (2011) Vince and Sabrina leads the way into the Hotel. They are accompanied by Grace, Criselda, and Diane. SABRINA (V.O.) Bakit pa ako sumama dito, magkikita lang kami nun! DIANE Sabrina, nominated 'yung kaibigan mo! SABRINA Ha? DIANE Si Jayvee. SABRINA (lying, she knows) Talaga. The three ladies following them enter the hotel. VINCE Mamaya na tayo pumasok, malamig sa loob. Sabrina nods. SABRINA (V.O.) Manalo kaya siya? Sabi niya kanina pinipilit siya ng boss niyang sumama. Baka nga mananalo siya. VINCE (about Sabrina's shoe) Hindi ka ba nahihirapan diyan, ang taas, taas ng takong.

44. SABRINA Ikaw ba, hindi ka ba nasasakal diyan sa suot mo, wala ka nang leeg! VINCE Ito naman, ang sensitive! SABRINA Akala mo ba nakakatuwa ang sinasabi mo! Minsan lang akong mag-ganito, hayaan mo nang mag-enjoy ako! VINCE Gagamitin mo ba ang drink coupon mo? SABRINA Hindi ako sure, bakit? VINCE Akin na lang kung hindi mo gagamitin. Sabrina decides not to respond. SABRINA (V.O.) Gamitin ko na lang kaya; hindi hingi rin sa'kin nung lalaking 'yon. Hindi naman pwedeng hatiin ko sa kanilang dalawa! Sabrina sees Clementin and Jayvee getting ready to cross the street. SABRINA Vince, pasok na tayo. Nagugutom na ako. INT. HOTEL HALL - NIGHT (2011) It is already the middle of the awards night. People are loudly CLAPPING and CHEERING for their colleagues. ANNOUNCER/MC Innovation award of this year goes to Jeremiah Zulueta. Jayvee walks hurriedly to the podium to accept the award. Sabrina claps happily. She then faces Vince.

45. SABRINA Tayo na. Uwi na tayo. Sabrina walks over to Jayvee, shakes his hands, and gives him a hug. SABRINA (CONT'D) Congratulations! JAYVEE Thank you! Uuwi na kayo? Sabina nods. SABRINA Actually, oo! I'm happy for you, ang galing mo talaga! Sige, aalis na kami. JAYVEE Thank you, uli. Bye. Sabrina walks away; greatly affected by the hug encounter. Jayvee sees Sabrina walking away and meeting Vince by the hall's entrance. He picks up his wine and drinks it. INT. COFFEE HOUSE - NIGHT (2011) HAROLD, (describe here) MINA, (describe here) TERENCE, (describe here) Jayvee's group of friends enjoy one Friday night evening. Claire enters the coffee house. She sits across Jayvee. Harold puts his arm over Claire's shoulders. HAROLD Long time no see, Claire. MINA (to Jayvee) Miss mo siya, diba, bayaw? Jayvee forces a smile on his face. JAYVEE Nagpunta ka raw ng London.

46. CLAIRE Oo, noong May. Kasama ko si Mama at si Kuya. Hindi kasi maka-sama si Papa. INT. COMPUTER HOUSE - NIGHT (2011) Vince and Sabrina are separately renting individual computers. Vince is playing his game of tanks while Sabrina is her words game. SABRINA Bakit ba tayo nagpunta dito? VINCE Mabo-bored lang ako sa bahay? SABRINA Hindi mo ba naisip na kailangan ko nang umuwi? VINCE Mamaya ka na umuwi! At saka ngayon lang uli tayo lumabas! SABRINA Wala naman tayong ginagawa, nagco-computer lang. Alam mo naman sigurong may computer din ako sa bahay! VINCE Favor na lang. Alam mo namang hindi ako makalabas pagkatapos ma-carnap ang tsikot ko! SABRINA Hindi ko naman kasi alam kung bakit ang malas-malas mo! Sa dami ng sasakyan sa parking lot na 'yon; sa'yo pa ang napag-tripan. VINCE Huwag mo na ngang ulitin sa'kin yon! Samahan mo na lang ako! SABRINA Mapapagalitan na ako sa'yo; nale-late akong umuwi dahil sa'yo!

47. VINCE (to quiet Sabrina) Shuuuu... matatalo ako! Sabrina opens another web browser. She enters the URL of a video-sharing website (Youtube). She types in on the search field 'Asperger syndrome.' A list of videos from people having Asperger Syndrome appears. SERIES OF SHOT - MONTAGE OF VIDEO This montage will highlight specific statements from the people on the videos. Statements with 'Anxiety, pressure, internalization, quiet, awkward, etc' END SERIES. Sabrina taps on her mouse. She then moves both her hands on the keyboard; typing a comment on one of the videos. 'The more I learn about Asperger Syndrome, the more I feel like I have it.' VINCE (CONT'D) Ano 'yan? SABRINA (lying) Wala. Akala ko nakakatawa, hindi naman pala. Boring. Sabrina immediately deletes the message that she typed. SABRINA (CONT'D) Tapos ka na, aalis na ba tayo? EXT. COFFEE HOUSE FRONT DOOR - NIGHT (2011) Jayvee leans on the pillars beyond the entrance door. He looks has his cellphone Sabrina. Terence sneaks from behind him. TERENCE Sino 'yan. Jayvee quickly hides his cellphone into his pocket. TERENCE (CONT'D) Huy, nakita ko 'yon. Sino 'yon!

48. JAYVEE Ka-trabaho ko lang. TERENCE Bakit mukhang ang laki ng ngiti mo diyan. JAYVEE Madilim, sinong nakita mong ngumiti! TERENCE Siguro 'yan yung girl na palagi mong nila-like yung picture. JAYVEE Sinong girl? TERENCE Minsan nakikita ko yung posting mo, nila-like mo yung mga picture niya. JAYVEE Friend ko lang siya sa trabaho. TERENCE Pare, matagal na kitang kilala. Ngayon ka lang kumikilos ng ganiyan uli. Matagal na nga kitang gustong tanungin. JAYVEE Talaga bang nakikita mo yung mga likes ko? TERENCE Bakit, hindi mo alam. JAYVEE Babaguhin ko nga yung settings nun. TERENCE Sino ba siya talaga. JAYVEE Wala, pare. Pasok na ako sa loob. Jayvee turns towards the entrance. He takes a few steps. Terence sneaks behind him again this time stealing Jayvee's cellphone.

49. Terence runs to the parking area so as not to be caught my Jayvee. Jayvee chases Terence; he sees Terence accessing his phone. TERENCE Aba! Talagang text-buddies kayo ha! JAYVEE Gago ka, pare, huwag mong basahin! TERENCE Hindi mo pa ba girlfriend 'to! JAYVEE Akin na 'yan, 'tol! TERENCE Gaano mo na katagal kakilala 'to! JAYVEE Wala ka na dun, akin na naman 'yan! EXT. COMPUTER HOUSE ENTRACE - NIGHT (2011) Sabrina and Vince exits the computer house. Several cars are parked in front of the place. Sabrina looks up and sees the the lighted sign 'Sweet and Coffee' coffee house. SABRINA (V.O.) Teka... Sabrina doesn't remove her gaze the sign; a perplexed reaction shows on her face - trying to remember where she stumbled upon the coffee shop's name. SABRINA Vince, naka-tikim ka na ba ng coffee diyan? VINCE Hindi pa, gusto mo? Coffee muna tayo. SABRINA Sige. Kanina pa rin ako nauuhaw; at saka feel ko hindi rin ako makakatulog pag-uwi ko. Sabrina and Vince paces for the coffee shop. In the middle of the pedestrian crossing, Sabrina spots Jayvee.

50. Sabrina immediately pulls Vince by the arms; pulling him back to where they came from. VINCE Bakit? Madadapa ako sa paghila mo! With her back facing the coffee shop, she gives Vince enough space to look at the entrace of place. SABRINA Hindi tayo makakapunta doon? VINCE Bakit, hindi ba gusto mo ng coffee? SABRINA Hindi. Tingnan mo kung sinong andun. VINCE Andun, saan? SABRINA Sa entrance doon. VINCE Oh, ano? SABRINA 'Oh, ano?' Hindi mmo ba kita? VINCE Hindi, bakit, sino ba 'yon? SABRINA Sino pa, si Mr. Zulueta. VINCE Kinakausap mo pa ba 'yan? SABRINA (ignoring) Ikutin na lang natin, treat mo na lang na exercise 'tong papuntang kotse. EXT. COFFEE HOUSE FRONT DOOR - NIGHT (2011) (CONTINUOUS) TERENCE Hindi mo pa niligawan? JAYVEE Hindi! Hindi ko maligawan 'yan!

51. TERENCE Ah! So, talagang may gusto ka sa kanya. Bakit naman hindi mo maligawan. JAYVEE Sobrang mahiyain siya! Pati ako, pag-lumalapit sa kanya nahihiya, hindi ako makapag salita. TERENCE Mukha namang ang haba ng conversation niyo dito! JAYVEE Huwag mo nag pakielaman! Akin na! TERENCE Gusto mo tulungan kita, pare! JAYVEE Iba siya. Gusto ko siya, pero hindi talaga ako makalapit. Dalawang taon ko na nga siyang kilala, wala pa rin. Nahihiya pa rin ako sa kanya. TERENCE Bakit ka nahihiya, hindi mo naman first time manligaw. Naging girlfriend mo naman si Claire. JAYVEE Hindi 'yon. Iba si Sabrina. EXT. PROVINCIAL PARK - DAY (2011) Jayvee and his brother's friend are having and excursion. The friends are gathered around. Jayvee and Claire are sitting together on one log. CLAIRE Gusto mong mag-hike mamaya? JAYVEE Sige. SERIES OF SHOT - JAYVEE AND CLAIRE'S HIKING 1) The two walk together in the woods 2) Claire's hands cling onto Jayvee's arm

52. 3) They are enjoying the quiet surrounding 4) They reach a clearing 5) Jayvee assists Claire on the hard-to-trek areas END OF SERIES. Jayvee and Claire reach the highest point of the hill. They stopped and looked at the area below. Claire moves forward to face Jayvee. He slowly hugs her. The two suddenly kiss. INT. JAYVEE'S ROOM - NIGHT (2011) CENTRE ON the computer screen. It has open the Facebook account of Jayvee. Jayvee changes the status of his account to 'In a relationship.' He immediately deletes the wall entry and then deactivates his account. INT. SERIES OF SHOT - DAY/NIGHT SERIES OF SHOT - CHANGING OF THE MONTHS (CALENDAR) 1) The calendar changes from June 2011 to January 2012 END SERIES. FLASHBACK TO 2012: EXT. FAST FOOD CHAIN ENTRANCE - DAY It's exactly noon. The sun is burning and there are hardly anyone enjoying the walk under the sun. Most of them are either blocking the sun by their umbrella or wiping the sweat by their facial tissues. Jayvee and Terence are sitting under the shade and watching the people and vehicles pass by. TERENCE Congratulations, pare! JAYVEE Thank you, Thank you. TERENCE Kailan ba ang wedding?

53. JAYVEE Sa 2014 pa, bibili muna kami ng condo. TERENCE Iyang si Claire, ang hilig mag post ng mga picture! JAYVEE Nasabihan ko nga, pero... ayon... ayaw paawat. Post pa rin ng post. TERENCE Sabihin mo nga ito sa'kin... JAYVEE Ang ano? TERENCE (unsure) Ikaw ba yung may ka text-buddy? JAYVEE Text-buddy? TERENCE (unsure) Hindi ba ikaw yung may gusto sa isang girl, parang ka text parati. Terence analyzes Jayvee's reaction. Because he has known him for so long, he could see the answer just by looking at his face. TERENCE (CONT'D) Ikaw nga 'yon! Ikaw nga yung may gusto dun sa girl na hindi mo maligawan. Ano nang nangyari dun sa text-buddy mo? JAYVEE Wala akong text-buddy! TERENCE Wala raw! Naalala ko na! Ang laki-laki pa ng ngiti mo noon! Tapos ang dami-dami niyo pang pinag-uusapan. Ano ngang nangyari doon? doon sa girl na 'yon? JAYVEE Anong mangyayari? Wala!

54. TERENCE Niligawan mo ba? JAYVEE Ba't naman ako manliligaw, may girlfriend ako! A loud HONKING noise is made my a passing jeepney. The two looks in the direction of the jeepney. TERENCE Ano 'yang nasa mukha mo? JAYVEE Bakit, anong meron? Jayvee wipes both his cheeks and his mouth section. TERENCE Si Claire lang ang naging girlfriend mo, tapos naghiwalay pa kayo ng halos dalawang taon. Nagka-gusto ka sa isang babae na hindi mo naman niligawan. Hindi mo ba feel na may na miss kang pagkakataon? Jayvee looks at Terence seemingly astonished at how he came to analyze the situation knowing very little about what really happened. For a moment, he is speechless. JAYVEE Ah. Kasi. Kasi... TERENCE Tama ako, ano? Gusto mo na yung babae; bakit hindi mo pa niligawan? JAYVEE Iba si Sabrina. TERENCE Sa naaalala ko: iyan din ang sagot mo sa'kin noon! JAYVEE Mabait siya. Masaya ako kapag kausap ko siya. Pero. TERENCE Parang magugunaw na ang mundo sa PERO mo ha!

55. JAYVEE Hindi ko siya malapitan. Kapag nakikita ko siya gusto kong lumayo, nawawala ang lakas ng loob ko. Kinakabahan ako. TERENCE Sa tanda mong 'yan, kinakabahan ka pa. JAYVEE Hindi lang kaba, Terence. Hindi lang kaba. TERENCE Hindi kita maintindihan. Linawan mo nga. JAYVEE Alam ko kung ano siya. Alam ko ang iniisip niya. At alam ko na iniisip niyang hindi kami pwede. TERENCE Paano mo naman nasabi 'yan? JAYVEE I know her way too well. Iniisip niya rin na mahihirapan siya kung niligawan ko siya, kung naging 'kami' TERENCE Ha? Ganoon mo siya kakilala? JAYVEE Oo. Huwag kang tatawa ha... sa loob ng 2 taong text-buddy at chat buddy ko siya, sigurado ako aware siya na may gusto ako sa kanya. TERENCE Ayun naman pala, so anong problema? Hindi mo na kailangan ng intro. Dapat pinormahan mo na! JAYVEE Pare naman! Engage na ako! Bakit ko pa sinasabi 'to sa'yo. TERENCE Isa lang naman ang dahilan kung bakit: hindi mo pa siya nakakalimutan.

56. Two cars arrive in front of them. The passengers of the vehicles include Jayvee's sibling, friends, and Claire. JAYVEE (V.O.) Makakalimutan din kita, Sabrina. INT. JAYVEE'S CUBICLE - DAY (2012) Jayvee looks at his computer with anxiety. His gaze is directed to the open chat client - Highlighted in blue is Sabrina's name. He taps his finger seemingly uncertain of what action to do. With much thought, he clicks on her name and a blank message box immediately appears. Beside his phone sits his MP3 player - he pulls it towards him, fixes the earphones on him, and starts to listen to music. Hesitantly, he presses on the letters of the keyboard very slowly. ON THE MONITOR: JEREMIAH: Hi Sabrina! JEREMIAH: musta na? musta ang weekend mo? The bottom of the message box says 'Anna-Louise is typing.' Additional messages appear on the message box. ON THE MONTIOR: ANNA-LOUISE: Huy, kamusta na? ANNA-LOUISE: Okay lang naman. Anong nangyari sa'yo? Matagal rin tayong hindi nagkausap! The anxiety on Jayvee's face suddenly disappear; as if the response from Sabrina gave him relief. INT. GROCERY - DAY (2012) Sabrina picks up an apple. She draws it near herself to inspect its ripeness. She smells it and feels the texture and the hardness of the fruit. The paging system declares an announcement. She bags five apples and puts it in the cart. Her cellphone BEEPS.

57. She pulls her cellphone out from her purse that was resting on the cart. She looks intently at the Facebook notification: A new photo is added by Jayvee Zulueta. Sabrina contemplates whether to open it or not. She scratches her head, looks around, bites her lip, and makes several reaction showing how much she is holding back her curiosity. She finally decides to check the Facebook. A number of photos were posted by Jayvee. The pictures are of him and his fiance. From the picture, it can be confirmed that Jayvee proposed on Christmas of 2011. Sabrina checks all of the photos with a blank reaction. She pauses on the pictures where Jayvee and Claire show their biggest smiles. The shoppers around her keep on excusing themselves just to reach the apples. INT. SABRINA'S CUBICLE - DAY (2012) Sabrina pulls a white envelope from her drawer - the envelope is not empty. She puts it on top of her keyboard and stares at it. CLOSE ON the wall clock. The time reads '7:30' in the morning. Sabrina covers her mouth as she yawns. Tears look like its forming in her eyes, but it doesn't roll down on to her cheeks. Her face says that coming to the decision of resigning has been difficult. She picks up the envelope containing her letter and rereads its contents in her mind. SABRINA (V.O.) 'Tomorrow is another day' sabi nga ni Scarlet O'Hara. Akala ko madali lang ito, bakit ngayon parang napakahirap. She places the sheet of paper onto her table. CLOSE ON the 'TWO-WEEK NOTICE.' The clock radio on the table alarms on the FM Radio music. Sabrina hits a button on the clock radio to stop the music. She then refolds the paper and inserts it in the envelope. As abruptly as did that, she stands up and walks over to her boss' office bringing along with her the letter.

58. INT. RESORT VERANDA - NIGHT (2012) It is full moon; and the round moon reflects on the empty swimming pool. Sabrina leans on the railing of her veranda watching the moon and enjoying the quiet night. She starts to smell something, she sniffs. She looks down and sees a number of men quietly congregated in the unit below hers - they are smoking. She decides to ignore the smell that detests her. Her cellphone BUZZES. ON THE CELLPHONE: 'Nd man lng kta nkausap bago ka umalis' - Jayvee Sabrina types. SABRINA (V.O.) Alam ko naman na busy ka kasi ka propromote lang sa'yo, kaya hindi na rin ako nakapag-message sa'yo. SUPERIMPOSE: 'Nasaan ka ngayon?' Sabrina types again. SABRINA (V.O.) (CONT'D) Nagbabakasyon. Medyo magtatagal ako dito sa Tagaytay. The whole night Jayvee and Sabrina exchange messages. START INTERCUT: 1) INT. JAYVEE'S ROOM 2) EXT. RESORT VERANDA The intercut will show the happy reactions of Jayvee and Sabrina as they exchange messages. They are so engrossed in their text conversation that they seem to be the only people in the world. END INTERCUT. IMPORTANT NOTE: - They are very courageous when they only type their hearts content.

59. FLASHBACK TO 2013: EXT. SABRINA'S ROOM - DAY (2013) The window shows that it is raining. Sabrina pulls her cover up to her neck; she seems to be enjoying the cold that the rain brought in. An envelope on top of her cabinet catches her eye. She stares at it for a while with curiosity in her eyes. Her curiosity got the best of her; she gave in to it by rushing over the cabinet and reading the sender's name on the corner of the envelope. She stops. Her warm expression from earlier slowly fades away. She tosses the envelope onto the middle of the bed. She continues to look at it seemingly unready to uncover the content; even though, she already has an idea what it contains. She crawls into her bed and reaches for the envelope. She closes her eyes and feels the corner of the envelope - she opens it. Hesitantly, she opens her eyes to a WEDDING INVITATION. Jayvee and Claire's wedding particulars are the contents of the card. Sabrina slumps her back on the bed. She fixes her gaze to the ceiling. She smiles as if a knot has been untied yet she looks unhappy. SABRINA Mangyayari na rin. Her happy faux face doesn't disappear; it's hypocritical. Gradually, a tear drops on the side of her face. SABRINA (CONT'D) Akala ko magiging maganda ang araw ko. She continues to smile; more tears flow out from her eyes. INT. BEAUTY PARLOR - DAY (2013) Vince and Sabrina has magazines covering their face. They pull this down revealing that they are getting a hair cut.

60. VINCE Bakit mo naisipang magpagupit ngayon? Matagal mo rin pinahaba ang buhok mo; tapos ipapagupit mo? SABRINA Hindi ko na feel ang short hair. Two years nang ganito ang buhok ko, it's time for a change. VINCE Baka magsisi ka. Sobrang ikli ang sinabi mo dun sa manggu-gupit. SABRINA Gusto ko talagang maiba naman; ayoko naman na taon-taon ganito na lang ang buhok ko. Tingnan mo nga yung mga picture mo: simula 2005 hanggan 2012 pareho ang buhok mo. Hindi mo alam kung anong taon kinuha yung picture. VINCE Ang mga iniisip mo! Ang gupit-gupit! Lalaki naman ako. Tingnan mo nga si bembol roco; simula bata ako kalbo na yun. SABRINA May intensyon ka pang gayahin 'yon? VINCE Hindi naman intensyon; example lang. SABRINA Basta, gusto kong maiba this year. VINCE Anong gusto mong kainin mamaya? SABRINA Bakit, manlilibre ka? VINCE Tinatanong ko lang kung gusto mong kumain, parati na lang kitang inililibre.

61. SABRINA Binibiro lang kita. Ililibre kita ngayon. Saan mo gustong kumain? Chinese, Indian, o Korean? VINCE Intsik na lang, saan ba may masarap? SABRINA Gusto mo mag buffet? VINCE Hindi, diet ako ngayon. SABRINA Mag buffet na lang tayo, ililibre naman kita. Kumain ka na lang ng konti doon - Tuesday naman ngayon 30% off. VINCE Sige! The conversation between the two ends. Sabrina faces the magazine that is resting on her lap. Her light and warm demeanor slowly disappears and is slowly replaced by sadness. She tries to hide this feeling but it seems to seep through. BACK TO PRESENT: INT. RECEPTION HALL - NIGHT (2014) SERIES OF SHOT - HAPPENING IN THE HALL 1) Sabrina stays on her seat with Vince 2) Sabrina looks at the faces of the newlywed couple (Jayvee and Claire) 3) Jayvee and Claire's parents meet with the friends of their children. 4) Harold's speech 5) Her former colleagues dancing 6) The cake 7) Happy Claire IMPORTANT NOTE: - This series will depict the sadness and happiness that

62. Jayvee and Sabrina is experiencing. Sabrina is happy that the wedding is a means to an end; but she is sad because she loves Jayvee - it is the same way for Jayvee. - The series of shot will be repeated several times until the Sabrina's VOICE OVER is finished. END OF SERIES. SABRINA (V.O.) Masaya ako na masaya ka. For you, Jayvee, kailangan kong dalhin itong ngiting 'to. Ganito pala itong kabigat. (PAUSE) Paulit-ulit kong sinabi sa sarili kong: Tama na. Iba na ang nararamdaman ko para sa'yo, tama na. Bakit pa kasi ako naging masaya? Masaya sa mga oras na ibinuhos mo sa'kin. (PAUSE) Hindi ko na maitatanong sa'yo kung: 'bakit ako?' Hindi ko na siguro kailangang malaman. (PAUSE) Minahal mo ako, alam ko. Minahal kita, naramdaman mo kaya? Sana. Sana. (PAUSE) Congratulations, Jayvee. I wish you all the happiness in the world. You deserve it - much more than I do. Much more than I do. EXT. CITY SIDEWALK - NIGHT (2014) Sabrina exits the reception building. She walks the dimly lit sidewalk and reaches the pedestrian bridge. SABRINA (V.O.) In real life, it happens. Totoo ang heartbreak. Totoo rin ang pagpapaka-martyr. Hindi lahat ng laban naipapanalo. Hindi lahat ng pangarap nabubuo. (PAUSE) Malungkot? Oo, malungkot. Masakit? Hindi na dapat tinatanong 'yon. (PAUSE) Ngayon, nag-paalam ako sa isang matalik na kaibigan. Kaibigang minahal ko. Minahal ko ng totoo.

63. (PAUSE) Pinalad akong makilala siya, kahit na ang mundo ko'y hindi nararapat sa kanya. (PAUSE) Salamat. Sabrina continues to walk with no particular destination. EXT. LAKESIDE - DAWN (2014) The sun slowly rises in the horizon. THE END. IMPORTANT NOTE: 1) What happened to Clementine? October 11: Lots have been edited since the initial draft. Additional scenes have been added. The 2014 dialog of Sabrina has been greatly modified - the flashbacks, however, have partially been looked at and partially edited. The grammar and the spelling has not been checked. There is still a lot to do for this screenplay.

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