DSA-Assignment No-1

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DSA- Assignment No-1 2013

1. Explain the concept of circular Queue? How circular queue is better than linear Queue. 2. What do you understand by Stack Overflow and underflow? Write a program for stack and show overflow and underflow condition. 3. Differentiate between stack and array. 4. Explain the term infix, prefix and postfix. And convert the following infix expression to postfix. I. ((A*B)+(C/D)-(D+E)) II. (A-2*(B+C)/(D*E)+F 5. Draw the queue structure for following operations, I. ADD a,b,c,d,e,f II. Delete two alphabets III. Add G IV. Add H V. Delete four alphabets VI. Add I 6. Differentiate between linked list and linear array. Which one will you preferred to use. 7. Why doubly linked list is more useful than singly linked list. 8. Give the advantages and uses of circular linked list.

By: Prof. Yogita D. Mane Department Of computer Engineering, UCOE, Kaman

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