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TV Drama: Representation of Ethnicity Camera Shots Starter: Terminology/Meaning for character/meaning for social group




TV Drama: Representation of Ethnicity Camera Shots Starter: Terminology/Meaning for character/meaning for social group



LO: To develop skills of textual analysis using accurate terminology and to construct a response as to how key representation is constructed.
Analyse each shot in terms of the shot, the meaning it holds for the viewer and the representation of the key area ethnicity. The first one has been done for you. 1.This mid shot of Luther and a police officer establishes him as the character with the most power. The fact that he is in the foreground with the other characters behind or to the side of him reflects his dominance. This invites the audience to feel that as a black character, he is NOT marginalized and is, in fact, seen as holding more power than his white counterparts.

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