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The Talibans Line of Reasoning - Javed Ahmad Ghamidi







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" [

, 2957]

Captives of War
Javed Ahmad Ghamidi

Divine Help
Javed Ahmad Ghamidi

Islam was spread by the Sword

Dr. Shehzad Saleem
In the early period of Islam, we find that the
Islamic rule was extended by
Javed Ahmad Ghamidi
Qitl is a lesser Jihd
Dr. Shehzad Saleem
There is a persistent notion among many
Muslims that fighting in the battlefield is
Regarding the Basis for Jihd
Dr. Shehzad Saleem
In this regard, it needs to be understood that,
after the departure of the Prophet



The Talibans Line of Reasoning - Javed Ahmad Ghamidi








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" [
2; 190] ( .)

Spoils of War
Javed Ahmad Ghamidi

The Directive of Jihd Part (1)

Javed Ahmad Ghamidi

The Islamic Sharah of Jihd

Javed Ahmad Ghamidi

, 3015]

Peace and freedom are two essential

requirements of a society. Just as various
penal measures


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The Permission for Jihd

Javed Ahmad Ghamidi

The Directive of Jihd Part (2)

Javed Ahmad Ghamidi

3. (
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10; 47]



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9; 5]



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The Talibans Line of Reasoning - Javed Ahmad Ghamidi

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References in this article

Chapter 002 Verse 190
Chapter 010 Verse 047
Chapter 009 Verse 005
Chapter 017 Verse 077

Comments & Discussions

Yo u n e e d to b e re g i s te re d a n d l o g g e d i n to co m m e n t.

Comments on this Article

Umair Ahmad says:
Jazak Allah Very Nice
Thu, January 03, 2013 - 10:22:45

Umair Ahmad says:

How I Can Download This Article & Talibans Letter
Thu, January 03, 2013 - 10:23:36

Mubashir says:
Javed Sahib wrote:
.........: Then when the sacred months [after the hajj-i akbar] have passed, kill these
Idolaters wherever you find them, and [for this objective] capture them and besiege
them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush. But if they repent and are
diligent in the prayer, and give zakh, then leave them alone. (9:5)
This is the punishment of God which was meted out to the Idolaters of Arabia. When
such a punishment descends on the perpetrators, no exception is given to women
and children and they are destroyed the way the nations of Noah (sws) Hud (sws),
Salih, Lot (sws) and Shuayb (sws) were destroyed. It is thus mentioned in various
narratives that when troops were sent to implement this punishment, he was asked
what to do about the women and children of the Idolaters who would also be there; at
this, the Prophet (sws) replied that they were from among them.3 It was these people
about whom he had directed that if they embraced faith at that time and then became
apostates and later adopted disbelief they would deserve this same punishment of
We need to understand that we must be careful trying to read controversial reports of
hadeeth/history into the Quran.
For the Muslims of 1400 years ago, the Quran becomes the Criterion. Which tells us
that War can only be made against those who are active enemies of Muslims (on
account of their faith). Those who meant them no harm were not to be killed just
because they were polytheists. If you do that you run into scores of verses of the
Quran which declared there is no compulsion in Deen.
Fri, January 04, 2013 - 8:56:50



The Talibans Line of Reasoning - Javed Ahmad Ghamidi

Mustansar Lateef Dar says:
Quite immpressive and reasonable.
Every one of us knows that Talibans are doing all this just to come into power in this
region (Afghanistan and Pakistan) and they are using Islam as a tool and weapon for
this purpose.
So far as the killing of non believer women and children is concerned I think its not
the case as it is mentioned here by Mohtaram Javed Ghamidi. The question is was
there or not left any non believer man, woman or child after this killing? The answer
is yes there were. This shows that only combatants were ordered to be killed.
Sat, January 05, 2013 - 1:59:44

Kamran says:
A very good and comprehensive and according to Quran & Sunnah answer by Javed
Ahmad Ghamidi.
Sat, January 05, 2013 - 4:02:45

mrashidhai says:
I endorse the reservations observed by Mr Mubashir. Also there is not an iota of doubt
that what ever killing is done by (in the name of) Taliban is condemnable and
However apart from what is said and written about Taliban is whether they are really
Taliban or they are some body else camouflaged as Taliban. I am of the belief that
these are not Taliban but killers hired by some western powers to defame Muslims
and Islam. An ordinary Muslim on the street knows it well that it is Haraam to kill an
innocent person what to say a Muslim.
Thu, January 10, 2013 - 3:36:31

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