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)As per provided by you)

1. Data vs. Information

2. Levels of Data
3. Field, Record, Tables
4. DB Approaches
5. Disadvantages of Conventional DB
6. Database Environment
• User request
• DB
• Data dictionary
• Application program
7. Attributes & its Types
8. Relation b/w Fields
9. Types of Relationships
10. Relationship b/w Records
11. Strong & Weak Entity
12. Data Models
13. Basic Terminologies of Relational Model
14. ERD
15. Anomalies
16. Types of Dependencies
17. Normalization (1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF)
18. Centralized & Distributed DB
19. Data Integrity
(Added by me)
- E-R Conceptual and logical models
-SQL (which were provided to you)
-- DML
-MS Access (relationship, tables, queries, forms )
- DBMS power point presentation
- most importantly the assignment.
Final Paper will be of 60 Marks
Mid term = 20 Marks
Assignment = 10 Marks
Quizes = 10 Marks

the paper will contain

DB concepts(theory) = 25-30 Marks
SQL = 10-15 marks
ERD = 10 marks
objectives = 10 marks

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