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Bridgewater College

Education Department Lesson Plan

Date and Title of Lesson: 5/6/13 Subject Area(s): Math VA: SOL(s) 2.2 Ordinal Numbers 1-20 Grade Level(s)/Course: 2nd Grade The student will: a) Identify the ordinal positions first through twentieth, using an ordered set of objects; and b) Write the ordinal numbers.

Name: Lauren Biller

Content Objective(s) -Students will be able to understand how the numbers 1 through 20 relate to their ordinal positions. -Students will be able to put the correct ordinal number with the position an object has in a group. -Students will be able to understand whether or not ordinal positions changed based on vertical or horizontal arrangement.


Summative Assessment (based on objectives) -There will be a test later that asks questions about what position things are in and how the position will or will not change based on whether the objects are horizontally or vertically placed.

Materials -Ideas for this lesson plan came from: - - -Index cards with ordinal positions first through however many students there are in the class -Station 1: group of 20 objects already premade. Anything can be in the groups from pencils to erasers to magnets. - blank piece of paper for each student -Station 2: SMARTBoard Activity -Ordinal position worksheet from textbook

Integration of Technology -SMARTBoard activities -Elmo projector

Accommoda tions/ Differentiati on

Time Planned

Anticipatory Set (Focus) -Raise your hand if you have ever been in some type of a race before or watched some type of race? -(Let students answer). -What place do we give to the person who wins the race? (Students should answer first). -What about the next place? (Second). And the next? (Third). -These are called ordinal numbers which means they tell a place or position in a series of numbers. Today we are going to learn about them by reviewing numbers 1 through 20, then we are going to work with them on the Smartboard, and then do an activity to make sure we all understand ordinal numbers. Access/Review Prior Knowledge What prerequisite knowledge and skills are needed to learn the lesson content? How much time will be needed? -Do quick review activity of counting 1-20 -Have students take turns coming up and popping the correct balloon number.

1 min

4 mins

Topic presentation What information, activities, and experiences will you provide to help students acquire the knowledge and skills they need to attain the learning outcomes? How much time will be needed? Begin by telling students ordinal numbers simply tell us the position of an object in a group or an order. We use ordinal numbers in class when I want you to follow a set of directions. For example, I could tell you all to first get out a piece of paper, second write your name at the top, and third sit quietly with your hands touching your head. We use them all the time, but you may not have noticed them before. Do the activity to help the students learn the ordinal positions first through tenth since they will be somewhat familiar with those. Have students take turns coming up and moving one number at a time. Help the students so that they understand how the ordinal meaning matches the number. Then explain to the students how numbers 11 through 20 follow the same pattern. The only difference with these is that we say the number and then add a th to the end of it. Have the students repeat after you the number and ordinal position. 15 mins Pass out an index card to each student that you have already pre-made with ordinal positions on it beginning with 1st through however many students there are. -Tell the students they need to put themselves in the correct order. After they finish begin with whoever has 1st and make them say their ordinal number thats on their card. Have each student do the same to check to see if they were able to put them in the correct order. Use the SMARTBoard page that has 10 math cubes on it horizontally in order. Have the students count the ordinal positions with you first going left to right. Then ask the students why or why not the ordinal positions will change if I stack the cubes on top of each other vertically. -Stack them on top of each other keeping the tenth cube on the bottom. Ask the students what has or has not changed. -Make sure the students understand that as long as they count top to bottom, the order does not change. If they begin with the number on the bottom, then the order would change.

Modeling Take one of the pre-made groups of 20 objects and put them on the table where everyone in the class can see them. o Quickly begin making sketches of each object on a piece of paper projected on the board from the Elmo. (Only have to do a few). o Then label the position of each object left-to-right beginning with 1st, 2nd, 3rd o Tell the students you would continue until you did all 20 objects. Guided Practice Divide the class into two groups since there will be two stations set up for them to rotate around every 10-15 minutes. o Station 1: The students will be doing the same thing you just showed them on the board. Each of them will have a piece of paper and they will need to draw the 20 objects in any order, horizontally or vertically. Then they must label each object using its ordinal position using 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. until they reach 20th. If they still have time after completing their drawing, they should pair up with someone in the group and practice saying the ordinal positions in order. o (While the students are working at this station the teacher could ask them these questions): If they lined up their objects horizontally ask them: What if I changed the objects and put them vertically? Would the ordinal positions change? Why or why not? If they lined up their objects vertically ask them: What if I changed the objects and put them horizontally? Would the ordinal positions change? Why or why not? o Station 2: SMARTBoard activity The station will begin on slide 4 where students will have to drag the ordinal position to the correct object. Slide 5: They can check to see if their answers are right and they will get to see the ordinal positions written out in word form. Slide 6: Putting the ordinal positions in order using elevator buttons. Slide 7 & 8: Reading the statement and doing what it says to do to the correct ordinal position. Slide 9-12: Reading the ordinal position written out in word form and then writing the number it corresponds to. Students can either pull the tabs or move the stars to view the correct answer. (Teacher may have to help the students read the words).

5 mins

24 mins

Independent Practice The students will be given a worksheet which comes from the textbook. They will need to do numbers 1-10. Formative Evaluation Seeing how well the students understand the concept at the stations and how well they do on the worksheet. Closure Today we learned about ordinal numbers first through twentieth and that they tell a position of an object in a series or group. We also learned how ordinal positions do or do not change when we have objects horizontally or vertically, and that its position can change depending on which end we begin counting first.

10 mins

1 min

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