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IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Gabriel Solmer, Alvarez for Mayor, 619933-1134 Councilmember David Alvarez Responds to Ethics Commission

Ruling, Condemns Political Groups Actions October 11, 2013, SAN DIEGO Councilmember and mayoral candidate David Alvarez released a statement condemning the actions of a political group that attempted to use former mayoral candidate Carl DeMaios sexuality for political gain. I read today of the Ethics Commission investigation into violations of the group Conservatives for Gay Rights Supporting Carl DeMaio for Mayor 2012 during last years mayoral contest. Im saddened that anyone would choose to highlight a candidates sexuality for political gain. I urge my opponents in the mayoral race to support a message of tolerance in the City of San Diego. Unfortunately, the UT-San Diego incorrectly reported that Ms. Velasquez was hosting a fundraiser for my campaign. Ms. Velasquez volunteered to bring a group of her neighbors together to learn more about my campaign. In light of todays news, she has cancelled the event.
Please visit for more information on David Alvarezs campaign for Mayor of San Diego

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