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Pedagogical Artifacts

(Hechos o eventos pedagógicos)

“A pedagogical artifact can be anything that represents a learning experience

or demonstrates evidence of learning”

Possible examples of pedagogical artifacts are:

• Feedback from peers, instructors, teachers in school field, or students’

• A reading article(include the URL address or information to access it)
• A book or chapter in a book (include reference information)
• A quote
• A poem
• A story
• A lesson or unit plan
• A photocopy of student work
• A photograph of you in action in school
• A power point presentation
• A conversation with students, teachers at school
• A school event or celebration
• Other school related topic

(Taken and adapted from CTEP, 2008)

General considerations and instructions:

1. Artifacts need to address and/or be connected in some way to the vise II

practicum in school assigned. A brief and clear Reflective Writing
will accompany each pedagogical artifact.
2. As part of the Conclusions highlight the significance of the artifact to
your learning and growth and show the connection between theory and
practice during the process of Vise II.
3. Two pedagogical artifacts are required in your portfolio. One referred to
the Observation period of the practicum and one related to Team
Teaching stage. Remember to narrate what actually happened, avoid
4. You have two pages for each of the artifacts requested. Use Times New
Roman or Arial letter, size 12.

Submission date: July 28th, midday (of.541)


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