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Flame Test Colors

Sr2+ Li+ Ca2+ Na+ Ba2+ Cu2+ K+ Mn2+ Ag+ Red Magenta/red Orange-red Yellow Green Blue-green Violet Violet No color

Aqueous Ion Colors

Cu+ Cu2+ Cu(NH3)42+ Fe2+ Fe3+ FeSCN2+ Co2+ Co3CoCl42Mn2+ Pb3+ V2+ V3+ V4+ V5+ Cr3+ CrO42Cr2O72Ni2+ MnO4Ti(H2O)63+ Green Blue Dark Blue; produced when ammonia is added to Cu2+ solutions yellow-green (depending on the anion) orange-red (depending on the anion) Red-brown, Wine-red to dark orange Pink Orange/yellow Blue (Co2+ with HCl will form a CoCl42- complex that is blue) Pink blue-green (Pb2+ and Pb4+ are colorless) violet blue-green Blue Yellow Violet (Cr(NO3)3 to Green (CrCl3) Yellow Orange Green Purpl e (Mn w/ +7 oxidation state is purple) Purple

Al, K, Li, Mg, Na, Ca, Ba, Sr, Zn are colorless aqueous ions and most of their solid salts are white. Transition element ions with partially filled d orbitals tend to release colored light.

Assorted Compounds
F2 Cl2 Br2 I2 S8 NO NO2 PbI2 Metallic sulfides Fe2O3 Metallic oxides Pale-yellow gas Green-yellow gas Red-brown liquid Dark-violet gas & dark metallic looking solid Yellow, odorous solid Colorless gas; associated with reactions between metals and dilute HNO 3 Brown gas; associated with reactions between metals and concentrated HNO3 Bright yellow precipitate Sulfides of transition metals tend to be black Reddish brown (rust) Oxides of colored transition metal ions tend to be colored

Acid-Base Indicators
Phenolphthalein Litmus paper Universal Indicator Orange (pH<0) to Colorless (0<pH<8) to Pink (8<pH<12) to Colorless (ph>12) Red (pH<5) to Colorless (5<pH<8) to Blue (pH>8) Red (pH<3) to Orange/Yellow (3<pH<6) to Green (pH=7) to Blue (8<pH<11) to Violet (11<pH<14)

AgI AgCl Ag2S = = = yellow white black AgOH Ag2CO3 = = grey-brown yellow

CuI CuCl CuS = = = = brown white black black Fe(OH)3 = rust red Cu(OH)2 CuCO3 = = pale blue pale blue


Zn(OH)2 = white

NiS = black Ni(OH)2 = pale green

Hg2Cl2 Hg2I2 HgS = = = = = = = white yellow-orange black yellow white black white Pb(OH)2 PbSO4 = = white white

PbI2 PbCl2 PbS


BaCO3 BaSO4 = = white white

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