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Biblical Principles of Social Ethics and Decision Making

Definition-Social Ethics
Social ethics are the set of rulesoften unwrittenthat are accepted by a society on what is and is not appropriate.

Noun 1.Moral principles that govern a person's or group's behaviour. 2.The moral correctness of specified conduct. Synonyms morality - morals - ethic - moral
These are not laws to be obeyed, rather they are principles to be applied to different situations to help you make a proper decision based on what society deems appropriate

Social Ethics
a) Different societies, cultures and countries have their own set of ethical principles.
b) What is acceptable in one place is taboo in another. c) Since God wrote His Word to teach us throughout time and history, it is a book full of principles that can be applied in any time or place. Therefore, biblical principles of decision making can be applied in all societies and time periods.

Examples-ancient wars, greeting each other,etc

Decision-Making Process
First we should look to Gods Word to see if there is an absolute law stating what is and is not acceptable. A good example is the Ten Commandments. God tells us what we should and should not do in cases of murder, lying, theft, etc. When God has written a law, it should be obeyed.
Garden of Eden Adam and Eves instruction: do not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Consequence: Sin and death enter into the world. Moses Instruction: The 10 Commandments and the Law. Choice: Follow and receive the blessing. Disobey: Curse, accountability to the law. Consequences: Blessing or curse. Life or death. New Testament Instruction: Believe in and follow Jesus Christ. Consequence: God's grace, blessing and eternal life. Reject Jesus Christ: Eternal damnation.

Decision-Making Process
To start your decision-making process there are two things you should note: Gods laws are to be obeyed. Gods principles are to be applied.

Sometimes people will justify something as being acceptable by God because He did not write a specific prohibition of their chosen sin in the Bible.

Bible is a book of principles instead of a list of laws

The Six Principles

Association Principle: Will this activity require me to associate with that which is evil? Offense Principle : Will this activity cause a weaker brother to sin?

Wedge Principle : Will doing this lead to future sin? (Something that intrudes and causes division or disruption) Doubt Principle : Do I think this might be wrong according to the Bible?

Edification Principle : Will this activity help build me up as a Christian? (Enlighten) Expediency Principle: What is the best thing I can do in this situation? (Appropriateness to the purpose at hand)

Why Apply the Principles? Learning to live by principles is a mark of spiritual maturity. Not applying Gods principles of social ethics is a sin as much as breaking one of Gods laws (Romans 14:21, 23; James 4:17; I Corinthians 8:12).
There are many non-biblical ethical models as well. They all break down and are not easily applied in every situation. This is because they are based on mans wisdom at the time and place the ethical model is devised. At a later time in history those models no longer work because the social ethics of the world has moved to something new. (Postmodernism)

Association Principle
Definition God has told us to abstain from all appearance of evil (1 Thessalonians 5:22). Something might, in and of itself, not be wrong; however, we are told in the Bible that we should not even do the things that would make others think we might be doing something inappropriate.

Clarifying Questions Will this activity require you to associate with that which is evil? What is the present dominant association of the activity? What does society immediately associate with the given activity?
Biblical Basis 1 Corinthians 8:1 through 11:1

Example: Playing cards, Drinking milk or water under palm tree

There was no difference in the meat before and after it was offered. If the meat was fine to eat previous to being offered, then it was fine to eat afterwards. The idol does not change the meat in any way. However, the present dominant association at the time was that eating the meat put your stamp of approval on the activity of idol worship. Eating the meat was strongly associated with the idols. Therefore, out of principle, Paul said that he would not eat the meat (1 Corinthians 8:13)

Association Principle
Other Biblical Examples 1 Corinthians 5:11-13; 2 Corinthians 6:14-17 and Ephesians 5:11, 12 talk about our associations with people.

Disassociating yourself from evil things is discussed in 1 Corinthians 8:1-11:1; Romans 14:16; 1 Thessalonians 5:22.
Application Should Christians go to the movies? Is it OK for Christian men to have facial hair? How long is too long for a mans hair? How short is too short for a ladys dress? Is it appropriate for you to play cards where you live? Should a Christian go to an office Christmas party? At a bar? Is it ok for a teenage boy and a girl to go alone to a destined place?
We know that the Bible is a book of absolutes in the matters it discusses, but there are always new activities that we need to evaluate according to Gods principles. Some of the above activities would probably never change, however the present dominant association in one culture may be different from other.

Offense Principle
Definition The Offense Principle states that we should put aside our own desires and activities if doing the activity would cause a stumbling block in the life of a weaker brother. Offend-Greek word used in Matthew 5:29; 18:6 and Romans 14:21 for offend is the word (skandaliz or skn-d-l-z)-means to place a stumbling block in someones way which causes them to fall Clarifying Questions Will participating in this activity cause a weaker brother to sin?
Example: Drinking beverages (coke)

who is a weaker brother? A weaker brother would be a new or immature Christian who is humbly seeking the truth. This is not someone who has a personal agenda, but someone who honestly wants to learn Gods Word and grow spiritually. Biblical Basis Ephesians 5:18,Proverbs 23:20 (Drinking wine, Eating too much) 1 Corinthians 8:9 (Eating meat)

Offense Principle
Other Biblical Examples

Paul says in 1 Corinthians 10:23 and 24 that we should be concerned with the welfare of other Christians around us.
Matthew 5:29; 18:6; Romans 14:21 and James 4:17.


You may know a new Christian who concludes that any music composed by a nonChristian is evil music. Your friend honestly wants to grow in the Lord.
If he gets into your car while you are playing cinema song or FM music (who may have been a Christian but reportedly did not go to church), would you still play the music? Is there any question in your mind as to whether or cinema songs is sinful? You may not personally have a problem with listening to a certain type of songs, but if it causes your weaker brother to sin (and he would be sinning if he believed it was wrong and listened to it anyway according to Romans 14:22 and 23) then you should abstain.

Wedge Principle
Definition God cautions us against anything that becomes habit forming or lends itself to further involvement which leads to sin. Of course godly habits are permitted. The caution is against activities that may not be wrong by themselves but may be formed into habits that control our lives inappropriately. Clarifying Questions Will my involvement in this activity lead to possible sin in the future?
Example: Viewing Television, Internet, Talking with your friends with mobile etc..

Biblical Basis 1 Corinthians 7:1 that it is good for a man not to touch a woman. Does that mean that men should never have any physical contact with a lady?

Paul is talking about inappropriate physical contact.

Is it wrong for a dating couple to hold hands? At what point is hand-holding no longer satisfying to a couple of kids? Eventually the desire will be to engage in greater physical contact. Where does it stop?

Wedge Principle
Other Biblical Examples
Deuteronomy 12:30, Matthew 5:27-35, Romans 16:19, 1 Corinthians 6:12, Ephesians 5:12 Application

Abortion- Slippery-Slope Principle?.

Is 16 years old too young to be dating? Should men be alone in a car with a lady? Is it permissible to play violent video games? Should a Christian have Internet access? Is it appropriate for a 13-year-old child to be on a social network?

This principle takes some spiritual maturity to know how to apply. You dont want to go as far as to say that you will never go outside your house because it might lead to sin; however, you can also argue that you limit your risk of seeing and doing something inappropriate if you are not around other people.

Doubt Principle
Definition God requires that the Christian abstain from that which he does not reasonably know is right. Paul says that offending a weaker brother is sinful (Romans 14). It is reasonable to encounter times when you are unsure as to whether engaging in an activity will cause a weaker brother to sin. In those instances, Paul says that it is better to not engage in the activity. When unsure whether something is right or wrong, then you should err on the side of caution and not get involved (Romans 14:23). Clarifying Questions Do I think this activity might be wrong? Am I certain the activity is appropriate?
Example: Age of marriage, Knowing the sex of a foetus etc..

Biblical Basis There were people completely convinced on each side of the argument as to whether it was right or wrong. Obviously in the states where there is a law against it, then the decision is to obey the law. According to Romans 14:5 whatever your decision on such an activity, you should be absolutely convinced that your position is the right one. Later in the chapter (verses 21-23) the Bible clearly says that it is sin to engage in any activity that you are not convinced is right.

Doubt Principle
Other Biblical Examples Key verses in Romans 14 are verses 5, 21 and 23 when looking at the Doubt Principle

Application Should a missionary drive a car or ride a bike? Is it appropriate for men to wear shorts? Should teenagers be allowed to hold hands? Should a missionary work in a large cities or smaller villages? The principle then is that you only do that which you are convinced is biblically correct. This is a principle that requires spiritual maturity and knowledge of the Bible. A principle like this should drive you to the Bible to find out Gods opinion on various matters. There are obviously daily activities that we are engaged in in which the Bible does not even touch. You need to ask the Lord to guide you in those decisions using these principles.

Edification Principle
Definition The word edification means to improve a person morally or spiritually. You should look for activities that will build you up spiritually and morally. Clarifying Questions Does this activity help build me up as a Christian? Does this help my devotional life? Will my involvement in this activity help other Christians? Does this activity help my Christian testimony? An activity may seem to be otherwise permissible, but is it helpful to your personal life? Will it be a help to other Christians? If not, then you should not be involved.
Example: Spending all my free time digging into the book, Keep on listening music, etc..

Biblical Basis Romans 16:19 encourages us to be ignorant concerning evil things. God desires that we engage in activities that are spiritual and not even have an education in that which is wrong. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 10:23 that there are activities that may be permissible, but they dont all edify. Just because we can do something doesnt mean that we should do it.

Edification Principle
Other Biblical Examples Ephesians 5:18,Proverbs 23:20 (Drinking Wine) Application

Try to think through your daily activities. Are they helping to build you up spiritually? If not, is there a way you can change the activity so that it can be edifying as a Christian? You may need to look at changing the activity.
Running and exercising are certainly beneficial to the body. But what about my spirit? There are things that we can do while running to help build me up spiritually as well. Instead of listening to music or podcasts I could listen to preaching or an audio Bible. Do you always exercise with your music device? How about leaving it at home and spending time in prayer or memorizing Bible verses? You might be able to make your normal activities into spiritual ones.
Whenever you become obsessed with something to the point that it is begins to encroach on your godly habits and activities, it no longer passes the test of the Edification Principle.

Expediency Principle
Of the many good choices in life that we are given, God desires that we select the best of those choices. This has nothing to do with the unbiblical teaching that God wants you to be happy, healthy and wealthy. However, when you are given a choice between two options you need to decide which one is the best, or most appropriate one you should choose. This isnt always the easiest decision. There are times that the best choice, based on the other principles, is the one that is going to cost you more money, or even cause you to lose friends in the process The Expediency Principle is based on the word used in the Bible which is translated expedient. The word is (sympher or sm-fe-r). This comes from the two words which means withand which means to carry, bear or endure (as if carrying a burden). The word translated expedient means to bear or bring together. The idea is that the burden is carried by more than one person. Another way to think about this is to be helpful or to be profitable. In other places in the Bible the word is translated as profit, to be profitable or to bring together. This is important to discuss because the current definition of the word expedient is the idea of accomplishing a task in the easiest possible way without regard to ethics. It is to achieve ones goals in the end, not necessarily concerned about what is right. If you think of the phrase the end justifies the means you get an idea of what the modern definition of expediency is. This is certainly not what God is teaching in the verses which use the word expedient.

Expediency Principle
Clarifying Questions What is the best choice I can make in this situation? Jesus has an encounter with the two sisters Mary and Martha in Luke 10. At the end of the chapter (v. 38-42). Both serving Jesus and worshiping Jesus are good activities, but Jesus encouraged the sisters to make the best of their many good choices.
Example: Do the best you canAssignments -Copying or trying yourself, Offering to church-hard earned money or vice versa

Biblical Basis Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 6:12 and 10:23 that there are many things that are permissible and good, but not all things are expedient. Not everything is the best choice we can make. In 1 Corinthians 12:31 the Bible says that we should covet the best gifts and choices of all the many good ones we have. Immediately following that verse Paul launches into chapter 13 where he says that it doesnt matter what your abilities areyou must serve with love.

Expediency Principle
Other Biblical Examples
Cain and Abel- Offering to God, Who gave the best? Mark 12-41-The widows offering.

Application Is it ok Should Should Should Should to choose this Job or another Job? I buy branded items or ok with unbranded items that serves the purpose? I build a big house or a medium one? I go with this group or another group? I go to USA or stay in India?

Try to look at Gods will or lean to HIS plans or seek HIS guidance.

While Making Decisions?

Lean On Biblical World View Based on God's wisdom and Scripture. God is the source of Biblical wisdom. Believing that absolute moral truth exists. Absolute moral truth is defined in the Bible. Benefits Confidence vs. Uncertainty Peace of Mind vs. Confusion Eternal Perspective vs. Short Term Perspective Focus on Gods Agenda vs. My Agenda

Covey's 4 Quadrant Decision Base

5 Biblical Tests for Decision-Making

1. Promise Test: Can I trust God's promises and word? James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. Psalm 32:8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you. a) Ask God for his wisdom. b) Ask yourself, do I believe that by faith, God hears my prayer and will give me the wisdom I need? 2. Partner Test: Seek counsel from others Proverbs 1:5 A wise man will hear and increase in learning, And a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel. Proverbs 11:14 For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisers. a) Identify at least two people who could give you wise counsel concerning your decision. b)Review your decision making process with them. 3. Purpose Test: Is this in alignment with Gods Plans and Purposes? Isaiah 43:7 Everyone who is called by My name, And whom I have created for My glory, Whom I have formed, even whom I have made. 1 Corinthians 10:31 Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. a)Ask yourself is my purpose for living to bring glory to God? b)Identify special ways in which your decision will glorify God.

5 Biblical Tests for Decision-Making

4. Preference Test: My will versus Gods will. My desires versus Gods desires. Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the LORD; And He will give you the desires of your heart. Philippians 2:13 For it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure. a) Spend time with God in prayer and His word, letting him give you His desires. b) Ask yourself, what is the desire of my heart (which God has given me)? 5. Peace Test: Do I feel at peace with my choice? Colossians 3:15 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. a) Wait at least 24 48 hours on major decisions. b) As you pray, picture yourself implementing the best alternatives. c) Do you experience an inner peace concerning the implementation of the chosen alternative?

Exercise? Values and Ethics? (Decision making-Do it Yourself)

A Passenger liner is wrecked at sea and the following 15 people find themselves together in a lifeboat. However, the lifeboat can only support 9 people. If 6 are not eliminated everyone will die.

A doctor. GP. He is addicted to drugs and very nervous, aged 60. A Minister. Age 27. An excellent nurse. Has already saved a drowning child. Age 37. A male criminal. Charged with murder. He is the only one capable of navigating the boat. Age 37. A man mentally disturbed, who carries important government secrets in his head. Age 41. A salesman. He sells automatic washing machines. Member of the local Rotary Club. Age 51. A crippled boy, paralyzed since birth. He cannot use his hands, or do anything for himself, so must be fed by others. Age 8. A married couple. He is construction worker, who drinks a lot. Age 27. She is a housewife with two children at home. Age 23. A restaurant owner married with three children at home. Age 40. A teacher. Age 32. A Nun. Supervisor of a girls school. Age 46. An unemployed man, formally a professor of literature. Ha has a great sense of humor, showed courage in the last war and was in a concentration camp for three years. Age 53. A married couple deeply in love, but yet no children. He is studying to be a pharmacist. Age 24. She is a housewife, helps with a playgroup. Age 21.

Person Doctor Minister Nurse Male Criminal Mentally disturbed man Salesman Crippled boy Married man (construction) Married woman (housewife) Restaurant Owner Teacher Nun

Keep / Get rid of


Unemployed Man Married Man (pharmacist)

Married Woman (housewife / playgroup)

Thank You

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