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Computer-Assisted Implant Placement: Scan Template, Simplant, SurgiGuide, and SAFE system

Ranuch TAK ID: 555130017-3

Aim of this article is to discuss the benefits of computer-guided implant placement
Tooth support SurgicalGuide SAFE System (Materialise)

Accuracy Controlling risk Minimizing tissue damage

Strereolithographic guides
Prototyping for planning implant possition Data receive from CT 2D and 3D

SurgiGuide is used for transfer information directly into patient mouth
CT scan Model

SAFE system over Surgical Drills

Only 2 drills:
a pilot drill 2 diameter a final drill 3mm diameter

7 drill lengths: 10-25mm with physical stop

4 commonly used length 3 intend tranmucosal

Suitable with all cylindric implants with maximum diameter 4.1mm

SAFE system

Case Report
A healthy woman ages 50 year-old presents missing a premolar and molars upper left Patient refuses any graft procedure CT scan is needed (open bite) Scan template is adjust according to soft tissue SimPlant planning software to detect the position of the adjacent teeth & sinus

SimPlant Planning Software

Scanning Model & CT Scan

Emergence Profile Design


Implant Placement Process

Trephine directly drills on mucosa Pilot drill 2-3mm depth Second drill 3.15mm diameter Two 9mm implants The distance between premolar & 1st molar
1.44mm to avoid perforation of sinus

This type of system has been done in cadavers, casts and live human sine 1997 It shows a reliable accuracy
0.6mm deviation coronal plan O.2mm vertically deviation 0.1mm horizontal deviation 1 degree angulation deviation

The combination of system shows a beneficial over previous system
No graft material No additional surgical procedure Cost effective

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