Lesson Plan 3

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Lesson Plan

Visual Communication & Design

Lesson: 3
Specific Task: Students are required to: - Select one of their combination logos. - Apply design elements to the logo in an effective way

VCA requirements: -Area of Study 3: Design Elements & Principles Outcome 3: Apply design elements and principles through freehand drawing, using the visual communication production process.

Lesson Structure:
Learning Intention: Students will know/understand/ be able to Students need to demonstrate an understanding of the design elements by applying them effectively to their combination logos. Access Prior Knowledge (5 minutes): Connect to previous work or prior experience Discuss activities from previous class. *(Choosing monogram/pictograph/signage to create a combination logo.)* For homework, students were meant to modify/refine their combination logos by applying various design principles. Make a speech on my example answering the following questions: -Which one did you choose? -What principle(s) does it use? -How does it relate to the business? -Why did you choose it? Students then need to present their combination logos to the class answering those questions. *STUDENTS WILL BE REWARDED WITH CHOCOLATES FOR GOOD PRESENTATIONS. New Information (10-15 minutes) Demonstrate/Model Explicit teaching of skill to strategy Turn & Talk Reinforcement of skill or strategy with scaffolding Students now need to apply the design elements to their selected combination logos. (Show examples of my own work. Show line, colour and tone for examples.) Each combination logo needs to show one element in two different ways. For example: -Line pic.1. contour lines; pic.2. cross-hatching lines -Colour pic.1. flat colour; pic.2. tonal/gradient colour etc. *Do a general explanation to the class first and give individual help for students who have more difficult images to work with.

HIIS: High Impact

Instructional Strategies

-Cues, questions & advance organisers. -Summarising & note taking -Reinforcing effort & providing feedback (with chocolates)

-Non-linguistic representation

-Identifying similarities & differences -Reinforcing effort & providing recognition

Apply Understanding (25-30 minutes) Small groups/individually Students begin working on applying design elements to their combination logos. May have to do a few drafts of different lines, points, tones etc. to figure out which will be most effective in their logos. Provide individual help to students as their work is all different. If students seem to have a similar problem/question, work through it on the board with the class. Review of Learning Intention (5 minutes) Review of learning intention/evaluation of learning goals *Homework* Students are to complete any of the logos that were not finished in class time. They need to pick one of their monograms and pictographs from their folio that they would like to work with from their final. Once chosen, it cannot be changed. The students need to apply various design elements to both their monograms and pictographs, and the element needs to be applied differently for each image. Design element: Line Monogram: Pictograph: -Reinforcing effort & providing recognition

-Homework & Practice



This homework task needs to be completed for Wednesdays class as they will have to choose one of their designs to use for collage lesson.

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