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Scoring Story Chains

90+ • 90s are given for either exceptionally well-constructed chains or exceptional presentation of the
chain. Students who speak in voices and entertain others can receive 90s.

80+ • An 80 is a well-constructed and solid answer. An 80 is not held back by many English errors and the
delivery is competent. An 80 is a great score.

70+ • A 70 is a well-constructed story which ties in with other works. Students score over 70 for having
good accents and English abilities - fluency, etc.

• A 60 is for a story which is entertaining but either not very well constructed (the main character
60+ shouldn't go to the moon and then home and then to the barber shop) or not well integrated with
other chains. It may also not be presented very well (due to many uhs, etc.)

• A student receives a 50 for telling a story. in English This is bare minimum expected of you during
50+ Story Chains. A story which is not related to the other stories receives a 50. A story the student has
obviously memorized receives a 50.

• 25 is the minimum score for Story Chains. Anything less than 25 and the parents have our heads.
25-50 • This is a score for complete non-starters: students who say nothing or speak no English. Students who
cannot tell a story. They would receive 0s if we weren't such nice people.

Renato Ganoza for EF Zhengzhou, 2009

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