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OPERATOR =< DATE 42 --s THIS MICROFILM IS THE PROPERTY OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT fs Mi MED BY NPPSO—NAVAL DISTRICT WASHINGTON MICROFILM SECTION NS 119.15 Naini, Vetere 1 QodevrerncOd ies Bese |s DECIESITED mo 0 ~ Ues THRESH plenentary War Patrol Roport of sightings & attacks Ietanda en route frou 9 10 51.2 ser $0% re og Jules Aug 1942 __ tuREsuxe yaox 60 = USS THRESEER(SS200) ra 0298) ie é. 2 16 August 1942 oF SESVARIE AMON REPOMIS, Forwardins of Forvards four torpedo firing reports for FOURTE WAR PATROL. Ghalas ous tanker and one freigater destroyed in Marshalls, | Carclines and Netherlands Bast Indies. | (Gaueaci Sims oP) (SOvBSPAG: SUB OPS) ste gy OREGIEAL [era ar osa___ st _SHRESLIER ssESHtaa(SS-200) . 28 Ae Ae uote 28 SuBwRENE ACTION EEPORTS, Forwarding of 9 Sep-ch_oc Tan PATEOL, Cheime, to Save SELNAEASSAR STRAITS areas Gonskeasys3_c78)- pea SO TEE ee for TTT i ae -eignters and one age ‘as ORIOISAL 15-26 October 1942 ‘GROSS: NDE CARD tata field of 32 nines An Gulf of Stam during PATROL. Separately under SUBS,SOWESPAC: er OOO167 of 29 Dec 42 i Forwarding ef forvarus two torpedo £1: re = polo firing reports for Sixta WA Glatt two Frokehtors asd tan toaneyore munky fe SAYA (sorssrass sm 072) “1 ap ORGINAL Ae ee a — 5 torpedo Riring reports for SEVENTE WAR three tasi:era and one transport munk in JAVA Set (sowespac: S03 cPS)_ wrarstely ae ORIGTEAL TST Te i on teeaaing Officer Ws THRESTR G2 ‘ri a Sisneet SPECIAL MESSTOW Report (to CTO TL.1)of abortive attempt to evacuate a Perty fron Geran Iland on BIGHTH WAR PATROL, Wo contact bade vith party. (GouespAcisiin GPs) evento coer eeey pe per ote g Fiay 1943 a mon Comsanding Officer USS THRESHER (55-200) ‘STRTRET SPRCTAT, MISSTON. Report (to SUISPAC) of contact with Allied Intelligence party on Nogroo Teland in the Myilippines during AIA WAR PATROL. "Personnel and supplies provided ani iatelli~ picked up (SOUESPACSSUR. OBS) —— ‘as ORIGTALs az CARBOW COPY (oven) Serer f ORCL Atel. us sim ops). isror seer Bordinated Attack Grotin under Cn ean (AEGKEY #38) 4m LUCOR S Aven. Sane oF 126,209 ‘ons ef o E GROUP 17.16 sor 088 of aus 4 [reror ere 46 MarcheJA jnril 1045 00 ‘GROSS. INDEX CARD Report of Coordinated Attack Grou» under Gés-C.L. (obiimrr' 2 BIAZERS 11) in SOUTH CHIA SEA. [error rer i 0906 (plus 12) ome operator picked up shead suspicious noises sounding like a supersonic anging device in gutenatie fest ranging. 4 my susarine hed been provi ported to TOGSHER in this genere. : Seunied contact the T2sis on base course of O868r. At the tine of the contact the Orsicer-of-the-Deck immediately changed course $o.2100T to cloar tho areas At 0926 (plus 12) ree was chatgad to 180°T and af 0931 9 PaY plane Sighted on the port beam on a Westerly course. ‘the plane wat eighted at a great distance the Comiending Orticer believing he hot dven. ordoree a dives At 0955 (plus 11) surfaced Einuod to run on southgasterly course wi point of contact. At 1130 (plus ss Changes course to 180° suspects 4e°1335 (pus 21) sightea a PaY plane due north on an easterly course, and es soon as plane was sighted St turned towards THAISER, Visibility in the gener: direction was not good and the plane was believed close, soa dive was ordered to 100 fect. ‘There aia ‘tine onough to fire a recognition signal as uid have placea ina bad pos- }three explosions were heard, je Ologe enough to shake the yessol. At this tin our position wis 532 miles, 266°R., from Barbers Point. At 1215 (plus 11) surfaced end continued towards Pearl Harbor on dese course, At 1250 (plus 31) WER by Us Ss Patrol brumry 24, 1942: agadn, surfaced and continued toveards ef and the Commander @ second means of ostablisi~ nd position over the regular in U.S. Forces in the vicinity San Francisco, '¢ February 27, 1942» n SDTY-0N Submarine Divist. er Submerines, Pscitic Flout, rine Squacrd o/e Postaaster, Sep Franoi seo, ‘Cat: February 27, 194 ubnarine Squadron oI Forwarded. .. wo a PHSB ARINES, SOIL WEST PACIFIC och" et al aa TREARGS ss = —\__ TMARINGS_ SORT Pa CIE a ee" eel ere RET, SOU PML REC a | meet. ALE. bf Bo NOT 70\ DECK” THIS R DATA CANNOT BE ESTIMATED WITH REASONABLE ACCURACY es a rected: (mmtorckctaix SEA coxpIniovs —_clasay ealu; Sores 0, TYPE OF ATTACK (Own Bm— [opposed ty air serecn, ghosesnexnem 5 cprkonctenancans US. GO” enonpean coctanic U.S. S. THRESHER e/o Fleet Post ortice a Fhe Tecation satis Chea a Longitude —2MeSbas B (a) ATTACK FIRST - THEN COLLECT DATA FOR THIS REFORT. Bot SP EaNGpace ror wired bo DARA i@avatuanae Sn 12) DRAW A CIRCLE AROUND THE APFROPRY 07 IN THTS REPORT WHEREYER SUITABLE. mearueR cowprtiors —OXeae __ SEA conprrtoxs — Gad SOUND CONDITIONS (if app2icnbie) —tixmmbbank “ vre oF oPenariois _Uarestrioted Submarine Warfare, semcrrtc onszerrve —Saeny TAREW 04ne); owe and Type) exsy WOSTSLAND Tanker (san) "YER OF ATTACK (On EMER scratch one) SUPLACS Gunefire fron I-ineh deck qa oi BARE LL es Se np pesonrerios 2ROGY woo just getting elear of reof on which no rounded during the nights Susfsced at ounpet ond fired 26 rounte of emunition, Eneay left sinking ead on tires eee nee, Seinen deck gun (Jeinoh $0 eal. AA) ons: wowirztow Exrznoe> 26 Founds Jeineh $0 eels commons orn _ ee = mneny Bone Evia of efforts to free tarpet fron reef were . sauna tap ek bas peakas fod sae ane ; punpe_oonlé he heed on sound sear} larce bow anshar cable Lead out enoarently for kefcine purposes, Longitude AAQ=Ih BO (m) ATTACK FIRST ~ THIN COLLECT DATA FOR THIS REPORT. 1b) DO.MOF GUN DECK" THIS REPORT = LF DATA CANNOT ME ESTINATED WITH REASONABLE ACCURACY EXER A DASH IN SPAGE FOR WAICII NO DATA 18 AVAKLABLE DRAW A CIRCLE AROUND THE APPROFRIATE ENTRY IN THIS REPORT WHEREVER SUITABLE ‘arien compitioNs Generally elear, brie b SOUND CONDITIONS (A sppiicnbie) —G904 svre oF operations ___Unrestrieted Submarine Varfare, srecirro onszcrive __Taeny Vessel singly. TYPE OF ATTACK (Onntmemmy - soratoh one) —Subnerged approach at periscope depth aetey pescarprroy Sighted distant objeot. Closed in to see nore distine:= Ly and @leo to put eneay vessel as this vessel, Dove end conducted eubiersed ap2rongh with target in noonlicht. Fired ose Enezy Hone. NURETTON ExeetonT eed See aan ee asive cvcntes mevoraps neny Hone. x Heard lowd detention about fav ter firings Inasmuch as tarcst ¢4¢ not change course or speed when torpedo was seen to run under, Gotonating et ont of run upon strikins the bottom. The tare Sonatently in view in bricht moonlinht and dropped no depth ohargei Fan away at high speed efter the explosion was heard this apparently Deing his first indication of the attack. NS Longitude 216825 & «) 'b) DO NOT *GUN DECK" THIS REFORT — 1F DATA CANNOT WE ESTIMATED WITH REASONANLE ACCURACY TYPE oF OPERATIONS ___Unrostriated Suboering iartare None ond type) sxay 2 FREIONMERS esgorted by ono MUTE DD third Sroighter far aptern anf ati nul) down at tine of attack, TYPE OF ATTACK (Own ‘Ere scratch one) —OUDEBFES@ gpDr00n periveope depths SRIEF DESCRIPTION _Sichted TD @istanse between 1,000 i kat ovenkns evanine twilicnt eubaerced nd fired tro torpedoes, fron stern tubes, rancs abut 3,000 7a, one WEAPONS EMPLOYED: om Torpedoes Depth che: sergonse = Silent sunning. TPE ATTACK Sound and Te Attack: (memmenes (check) (opposed by edmngazaan c2ose sereen Detected: dpmtennvensdniice tunteseatace RESULTS Lenk eo PIEIGNTRS of approxinetely 5,000 and 64000 tons respectively. BRIEF REMARKS Ob9@PVed convoyine DD head divestiy for firias point efter firing 20 wont to deep subexgenge before torpedoes reash target. tun of tompedoes about 2 minutes. Heard definite distant detonations of torpedons intermingled with scsonéery explosion. 2 Depth char; were dropped not vary close abe: and’ operetors had gxoslient ‘Thea were hoard no rore. Destroyer sorews beard Gastinctly in hie ier'socron after atisdke Surivecd stout 70 ninates inter, nothing Un sicxt thous Betsat soon onve good vEodbility on cloar niohte Die Rot use nore torpedoes aa only nae two in stern nest aed cote Was Ghoekine aecarevely on 100 throughout sppronen ane attack. ~~ ar Ocz, te 17¥8 207 le, 42. spor ZONE Tie WATCH THE Serial 002 ~ ofo Fe fan Pranoisco, Cali? Tanuary 10, 1943 Comender in Chief, U.S, Fleet. Task Forde Fifty-one, Subjeot: nolosure subject reports. ty ction Reports” for attacks conduoted during thio v Sztn War Patrol are enolosed herewith. Decay wsitwe 222 Fair : 3 Unrestricted subnarine warfare on enemy shipo Eneny convoy. Selt, singly. (Nave and Type) Several laree freighters in convoy; 2 escorting destroyers; vericus smell craft as A/S veseels. ie werged torpedo attack Eneay convey departed Surabaye, Java keeping in channel — field, Began to Aisperse at outer buoy (about 20 miles tack was nade. Attack Torvetces Boube; depth charges, 5 torpedoes. Husning when eneny DD's ran; silent running: moderately @ecp submergence. Kone. _ eg sell ae zna_ti nelose even (Botta) netstat ne7000 ton freighter sinking. — One 6000 ton freighter deniaged. etroyer 9nd engll graft screen coupled with possible detection by two escortins Zero's overhead made observations before attack very difficult. Aircraft spotted this ship mediately after firing but efore one quick look revesied results certs and eatinated given above. — lng Moderate __ pliewiie) G08 Unrestricted sulmarine warfare on eneny shipping oviecive Enemy transport (possibly comb: and plane terry) 10,000 ton triple-dasked, flat-topped, single- sbanked transport. __ Sinem Surface torpedo attsek follewed by deck gun fire ict Description Skghted_sucke of vessel while submerged 3 hours before aun- Sev. Could aot close submerged. surfaced and gave chase. IWiee got in Spedsens Ho sep Sat sheotreat red eee tat rE abe ess GRP 2 se sank terset by cuntire aid 1 non-explodine terpedo to inch shel speed; attenpted ramaing of this vessel. For Torpedo Attack (Oxn) Ne PET 1055 Taser veo Vref Keeldepth_22 fet, Surfaeed using 387 on bridge and. 150 sna sound in conning Tower. ie undetected UREAL Shifted to deck gun, RESULTS: (Certain) 20,000 ton transport sunk. DAMAGE TO OWN SHIP__Naone QECHOSGHNE sendxad LDC For Torpedo Attack (Own): Type Attack a For Torpedo Attack (Own) ag Ne ea Pe Comper, trae xoremp. chose secre eae LA Myles c« Lic@t s, SUBMARINE ACTION REPO! a ~ ee 7 BRIEF REMARKS Pus: ¥05-6/A16-3 (1/io) ‘seit 5 QUASI FAAS Sat Core of Fleet Poot office, S5200/hie") Serie! Ole Of May 24, 1943+ From: ‘Te Commander subi 0 ‘he Commander TASK Subject: Report of Special Mise Forwarded. AMM larene he Re MeCANN. rE peoial Mission. (a) Gom7th Fleet despateh 220839 of April 194 ve been mado. outhwest Pacific ingormation, Return of all papers is ¢ Special Masion. (A) Special Mission Report. sure (A) is forwarded herewith. | Lee fi she 1 1 LS FN U, S. S. THRESHER, ni nti > from thinest 2 noaition ns possible 4n contains soe: added that it out Likely sort o: be encountered hi there wae little or fn this spo closing OABIG? POIN! prenaratory to surfacin gecided that t fnaiented Ment be suspicious th in con= le beach here, otherwise, they ve avoided On of ferezknowledge in order to trap the sub— Tieutenant if ne still want Gnal olan in spite of indications He laughed and said, "cn yes - I end U.S. S. THRESHER, nding out from CAM Pointed ndo TAeutenant enc with adm directly for the a Phe Lieutenant headed for a £0 kaon rubber boat Lotwoo! until receipt of identification sic~ Aeuvenant. the "all's well” aignal fron the sailboat and twisted around to be Headed out to sea while the sail boat appronened. Another sailboat with dark sails wa: how seen coming out fron CATON POINT astern of the first. First sailboat alongside. Commenced transfer of cear from forward torvede room. First seiibont denarted fully laden. This one had larae outrigsers and small casacity. Second and larger eailing vegsol capable of earrying 15 tens cane alongside. Reswied transfer of gear. The Commande ia Jor previously landed by the US come aboard from the first sailboat. He Suspicious as we until he picked up our Tieutenant, for in addition to the Destroyer a zero plane had Seen overhead most of the day. ‘the Majer hea men stationed up and down the beach on the other side of the extrene tangents to north and South. On the approach of any shins they would warn us by signal 1iantes fhe guerrilla leader gaia that there were about 7000 Zep soldiers back 4n the hills and that skirmishes were frequent. their greatest needs were anmunition and nod~ {bel suosiies so we cave tiem everything we could in these Lines (see 1ist below). The question of cigarettes snd magazines cane up. The Commaniine officer was somewnat in a duandry about such ite je were delighted to aive everything we had to these men who are doing a fine job at the daily risks of t me tine the Conmanding Officer was faxious to avela any move which might compromise either She sen ashore or the means of supplying them. In the end it was left to the discretion of the Commando ajor who aotsted all the articles with+ereat relish. All the eiear- @) u.s. 5. MRESHER, July 9, 1043 (Gont'd.) Mae tz -8) ettes, matehes, soan, razor blades, candy, ete. Voluntary contributions fron the crew of the ‘MNEs: nnd attest their admiration for the Commandos and the work’ tne, are doin. A ouitense full of intelligence documents was prought aboard and will be forwarded via the prover channels. ‘A sinple recognition challenge and reply would nave sed tension om both aides. A signal of this cort for future nestin ed with the Commando Ba jor. Will be traneaitced orally via the Intellirence Cf- floer at our destination. Finiohed loca: cont sailboat. All Commandos Loft the Tiwsiizi. Mission completed: Underway clearing the area at four-engine speod. Received Consubs 7th Fleet's Serial Mino. List of additional itens ‘umished commandos: Medical supplies (especialy guinine a: 20+ 4 Colt pistols; spaze pistol olips; belts for same; spare Tomy cun clips; 25 nend grenades; 3 cases of .30 ammun~ ne of oh 8, soap, tocthoaste, razor ton Serdines, cen Luneheon Ment, © junehesn 1 Ham, canned Jan, tinned 8 chease. tnsoat Lobster ronatoes n Cortes Corned Boot Hash Bouillon Cubes Salon ape, Wilk jangetts Fie: $9200/A16-3/00 Sera: 028) U. S. 5. THRESHER, Fleet Post office, San Francisco, calit. r Conmanding officer. The Commander in Chief, PACINIC OCEAN AREAS. Via The Conmamler Submarings, PACIFIC FLm Sub ject: Submarine Reconnaissance of N@LOI ISLANDS, Conducted by USS HIRESHER, April 5-16, 1944. snologure : (A) Notes on Submarine Photographic Reconnaissance of NOMOT ISLANDS. (B) Annotetea Advanoo Copy H.0. ohart 12027. (G) Tracing of Aerial photograph of SATAWAN ISLAND. (p) Log book. ae Znolosures (A)-(D) are forwarded herewith. ‘The movie amd still photograph negatives will ve delivered direct to the Joint Intelligence Ceater, Pacific Ocean Areas: ae It will be noted that the log book, conta the trie bearings, ranges, times and comments, also includ: the recanaissance of OROLUK ATOLL. Deb. eam OTES ON SUEMARINE PHOTOGRAPHIC NNATSSANCE of NQLOT ISLANDS eGRCI cureRaL U-8.8. THRESHER eondusted a photographic reconnaissance of the NOMOI ISLANDS during the period April 5, 1944 - All areas indicated in the submerine reconnaissance request were covered photographically, and visual recon- haissance was made. Motion pictures were taken of the entrances to each lagoon, which should show the existing surf conditions. Soup cospatzaNs bs No density layers or temperature gradients were found to depths of 300 feet. Sound conditions were good. ‘TIDAL DIORSATION Zone times (-10 Z.D.) of high water in the area on the days of the reconnaissance are as follows: APRIL 6, 1944 1238 APRIL 2320 2400 LS 1525 1615 ‘440 ana 2700 0527 and 1750 0623 0735 0805 0902 1002 At distances of more than 2 miles from the islands of the group a current of set 315°, rift 6.5 - 0.7 knot was experienced during the period of the reconnaissance, Close to the islends currents were generally unpredictable flow at all times. ‘That is, on the south sides of ETAL, LMNOR, and SATAWAN ATOLLS, a westerly set of about 0.5 knot was experienced. On the north side of SATANAN and ETAL ATOLIS, the sane current was experienced, and along the northeast sides of LUKUNOR and SATAWAN ATOLLS, a current of about 0.5 knot was experienced in « northwesterly Airection, parallel to the reef. In the open areas between the atolls northwesterly and northessterly currents wore observed at rates up to 0.7 knot. Insufficient obser- vations were made to determine the relation of thes currents to the state of the tide. West of ETAL ATOLL auring the ebb tide @ current flowing west, out of the lagoon, was experienced. Off the lagoon entrances obser- vations ef current were as follows: North Chennel, SATAWAN ATOLL, 2 hours efter high water - curren’ northerly fat about 1.0 knot. South Channel, SATAWAN LAGOON, one helt hour after high water - 0.5 knot westerly, parallel to the reef. e unt 1S. SECKET —™~ y continued! Entrance to LKUNOR LAGOGN, two hours after high water, no outward flow observed - current 0.5 knot westerly. At the northern ends of toth SATAAN ISLAND end LUKUWOR entered those areas, once at LUKUNOR, four tines at SATAWAN. on only two of eleven days observed was the weather clear in the vicinity of SATAWAN ISLAND, whieh was under heavy clouds and rain most of the time, as was the art to the south and east of it. The northern end western islands of the group experienced generally clear and fair woather with about 15% rainstorms and low visibility. ‘There was no mist or fog observed. The nights were more frequently clouded and rainy than the days, being sbout 50% overoast, end with many seattered rain squalle. On clear days and nights cumulus clouds formed at morning and evening twilight and dissi- pated in about an hour. ATRORAFT ang SE os No surface craft except native sailing cances were stented. ee eR. SECRET Mo airerert were seen to be operating from SATAWAN ISLAND or any of the lagoons. Five large lend planes and one Large seaplane were observed flying in either direction on the line between TRUK and NOM. These planoa were sighted during the firet two hours after sunrise. on April 18, 19h4, fifteen minutes prior to an air strike from the SOLON, @ Japanese airplane of unidenti- f1oa type was seen 5 miles north of SATAWAN ISLAND, It turned toward this vessel's periscope. During the previous two days! strikes the THRESHER had surfaced in close proximity to ONSCP ISLAND and TA ISLAND and was undoubtedly seen from the shore. tis ee —SEGRS ~ Sorta “4 7 SATAWAN ISLAND was reoonnoitered at close range on April 9, 20, 17, and 18, 1944+, the westera islands on ApiiL 15, and th 2 a = aniieay “Saati | weather was heavily overcast with frequent rain squalls on April 9 and 10, 194k. “Weather was clear during the reconnaissance of other parts of the atoll, and at SATAWAN ISLAND on April 17 end 18, 1944. Seon from seaward there is evidence of habitation on only threo islands of the atoll. At the west end of WORE ISIAND are located several houses, « seawall, several huts ani many snail boats. KUTU ISIAND has e seawall along its seaward side, but no buildings were seen. On SATAWAN ISLAND, the military development was much in evidence. ‘At the north end of SATAWAN ISLAND there are two small vuilaings under construction or improvenent which have the appearance of barracks, one appears to be canouflaged; on the other is mounted e lockout post. The lookout post was not seen in use, ‘The water tank shown on aerial photographs (JICPOA 5-hk) 4s easily seen fron seaward, and along the shore are many struc- tures watch have the appearance of gun emplacements or pill boxes. Te loontions of these are plotted on the enclosed trac- ing from en aerial photograph. At the east end of the airstrip a rather indefinite sereen-Like object located on the ground was seen end then faded out. It might have been a rotating radar ? ~SECRET aa Near the eastern end of the airstrip was a stean shovel. on the south side of the island are more low structures resembling maids Geis ind el Ey Es wanton appears to be bomb-proofed ani camouflaged, with heavy walls and root. A squad of about 12 men was observed in military formation at the wost end of the airstrip. No aireraft or flying activity was seen at SATAWAN ISLAND. TA ISLAND 1e apparently unishabited. It has no seeward Donon and 1s hocvily wooted. At its extreme west end is a sandy beach which is bare at low tide and easily visible fron 20 feet height of oye at five miles. ‘te clearing end beach Aefenses reputedly located there were not seen. This vessel surfaced 5,000 yards west of TA ISLAND and @ good view of the wostern end of TA was obtained. It is believed that if any decoh defenses existed they would have been seen. No tire from the » each was drawn, although THRESHER was in full view. No signs of habitation or defense were seen on the islands flanking the SOU GIANNSL, and no navigational aids were found. No beachos suitable for lending were seen near the entrance. ONUPUXU ISLAND 1s apparentiy uninhabited, is heavily wooded and protected by the off-lying reef. There 1s no beach on the south and west sides. Beach east and northwest of the island. * ~SECREr we me Seur EUTU ISLAND and the chain of islends north of it are maiinprrnterrrciercr ee water the reef bares about two feet between the ishands. " ee ree ne rs secie a Gripe ek mie aie shoaled north of the island outside of the reef. The surf was fairly heavy off the northern islands of the atoll near NORIH CHANNEL, and was quiet on the lee, (west ani south) sides. The windward, (north and east) sides of the atoll shoaled much more rapidly than the leeward sides. Sie ¢ @ ed SECRET suas UNON ISLAND was viewed from north, west, and south at eho minh “RSS gta 22 Janet oth Yelend, Tt 1e hoevily’ wooded entepperentiy Tenshi et a a, Several natives and boats were seen on or near the south side of the island. Trees grow practically to the water's edge on all but the south side, where « sand beach extends about 200 feet fron the trees. The surf was quiet on the reer. PARANG ISLAND was reconnoitered from west, north, and wt on April 5 and 8, 1944. Thore were no signs of habitation on this feland, which is heavily wooded. There is a shallow sandy beach on the north and east sides. The surf northeast of the island was very heavy. ‘The islends along the east side of ETAL ATOLL are ‘apparently uninhabited, are heavily wooded, have little beach, ‘and are set well back from the reef, which is steop with moderate surf. ETAL ISLAND is the © ater of population of the atoll. Iwo houses were observed on the south coast of the island. Along the shore line runs @ stone seawall, about 51 - 8* high, trom the earth or stone jetty to the west tip of the island. The west ond of the island as charted is actually separated from the main body of the island by a sand spit. In the vicinity of the houses what appear to be breakwaters run out into the water. * ee Ne, ~~ SECHET waaay, SaaS! pas coke heargizon the reef. At the Southwest Eide of the island, near theshtty, eee @ good beach with no surf. This location avpears to offer the only seaward landing location on the atoll. Native sailboats were observed underway near ETAL ISLAND. * ' a Rip Te + SEone | —tmaa——-————* + The ielands west of SOPUNOR ISIAND were photographed and observed at close range on April 9, 1944. ‘The castera pert of the atoll was reoonnoitered on April 16, 1944. Oa April 9, 1944, the weather was overcast. Photographs were 19h4, weather was partially overcast, and photographa were mado at ranges of 500 to 1100 yards. Te only habitation observed was on LUKUNOR TSIAND ana OMEOP ISLAND, exoept for one native house Located on the westera end of SOPUNOR ISLAND, and one on PIASA ISLAND. A group of about ten natives was seen fishing on the reef west of SOFUNOR ISLAND. LW KUNOR ISLAND was observed to be the center of hebite- tion, with a feir sized native village located on the lagoon shore. A seawall runs parallel to the beach west of the village along the lagoon shore line. A nstive hut is located at the northern tip of LUKUNOR ISLAND. On the eastern side of the Sealand were seen enclosures elevated in the tree which might be lookout posts. A house behind one of these posts appears to be sand-bagged. A sand bag enclosure close to the beach may be the site of a gin aplacesent. ONEOP ISLAND presented a very well kept appearance with undergrowth cleared. A few huts were 5 ‘the length of the southern side of the island. on the surface about 2,000 yards euth of ONEOP ISLAND. Pe mecaenrsacavonenn eee cule iastecl nat spear foe ) Northeast of PIASA ISLAND and LONINOR ISLAND the none nore than indicated on the charts. Ts shoal indica- ted on the chart north of HURM ISLAND was not found. The Furr Drenks|besrily (ensue ree?/noztilaa4least ion ¢us {alana Pisnsashaasany leseere 1eatanes| Gh Wimpeenth ote us acd was quiet but no landing site was observed. In the channel entrance a crude tripod mounted on a raft-like structure was observed in the location charted. On the west side of ONEOP ISLAND is the only sandy beach with possibility of a landing seen on the seaward shores of the atoll. In that location there 1a no surf, and shallow beach appears to run out from the shore line. It was observed at high tide. The reer between the islands is apparently very shallow. Men seen fishing on the reef at high water were only knoo-deop mid-way betwoen the islands Tent ps A A tt ‘Sea: 027, U. S. S. THRESHER, pF “oa ‘ Fleet Post Offi s Commanding officer. To The Comiander in Chief, PACIFIC OCEAN AREAS. Via ‘The Commander Sutmarings, PACIFIC FLEET. Sub ject: Submarine Reconnaissance of OROLUK ATOLL, Condusted dy USS THRESMER, April 11, 19hk. Enolosure = (A) Notes on Photographic Reconnaissance of GROLK ATOLL and OROLUK LAGOON. (a) Annotated Advance Oopy H.0. chart 12028. 1. Enclosures (A) an (B) ‘The movie film and still photograph direct to the Joint Intelligence Center, Pacific Ooean Aroas. The "log book" giving the range, true bearing, time end oommonts on each photograph 1s being forwarded as an enclosure to this Yeosel's report on the reconnaissance of NOMOI ATOLL. Sen Francisco, Calit. HOE. OF OROLUK ISLAND AND OROLUK LAGOOn Weather - Observed on only one (1) dey (April 11, 1944) « Generally clear and fair. Cloud cover 10 - 20% oon- sisting of cirrocunulus and elto-cumulus clouds. In the vicin= ity of OROLUK to the southward and southwest on the preceeding and succeeding nights the weather was fair and olear. At morn- ing and evening twilight a hazy overcast formed end cleared in about an hour. Wind was trom N.z., force 2-3, with moderate sen end slight swell from N-E. Tide --- Low water at 1000 local zone time (-10 2.D.). High water at 1625 looel zone time (-10 &.D.}. Moon full ~ Spring tides. Sound conditions were god. No density layers or temperature gradients were found to 4 depth of 300 feet. Movie films 4-30(inoluatve) and still rolls #61-70 (inclusive) have OROLUK ISLAND and LAGOON as their subject. The attached chart shows the ship's location during exposure of each Rovie and still flim. Movie film was divided approximately ‘equally betweon color and black and white. Stille were exposed while runzing submerged in close vicinity of CROLUK ISIAND. Movies, with two (2) exceptions, were exposed using the neris- cope wiile running on the surface. Movie reel #22 and half of fi23'were exposed submerged near GOLUK ISLAND. "Surface spe oda Varied from 8 to 12 knots, and distances from the reef varied from 500 yards to 2,000 yards. DESCRIPTION OF @OLUK Lacon ‘Throughout its periphery the reef presents much the same appearance, It is very accurately charted on the enclosed anese olart. There are only two (2) lend areas of mffioient ent to not = SECRET U. S. S, THRESHER, CREAN ELASMAAE mage [2 May 10 1944 ander ‘Task Group 17416, Gare of Floct Post orrice Sa , Galitornia, 23 August 1944, ander Task Group 17.16 (ComsubDiv 42). andor ) United States Flect jor Subariné Squadron FOU r Subsarsne Force, Pacific Fic Corsander in Chief, Pacitie Fleet. trol of Coordinated Attack Group 17.16 Tune 1944 to 1 August 194. Nar Patrol No. 8, USS OUARDFISH. War Be No: Wer } USS APOGON. of War Patrol. (B) Operations onroute Midway. tine Doctrine in area. Seation Plan. (4) covering the subjoct war patrol is he tack @roun oporcted in Lazon Straits, castors sters ontranccs ond Lugone Refercnoes (a), (D)y (es 8 ctivities of the individual’ subnért Jorts Narrstive covers the ced tuet® selationanip to tho anonte on eparcting ana son JEL, Ohégaie We Ve OMREt period the cuaipFIsi and efal code used on these exereises and found 2, unfortunately, was ielpate in those oxercises. Joined the Group while 5(L) via line Ccnplote” soareh, Nunor-us of1 drume wore uring the cay.” The APOGON sightea three ratte survivers abeart, Upon closing raft {t wae ascor- that. thoy wore Japa, ‘The Grcup Cowman ‘or a this infernaticn whon tho sPOOON clogs: t visual signallins “ateneo of ths GUARDEL the rafts at this timo wore abcut ton rl 2 coolded t te e-ntintc ant complete th t fren THRES This con= by all oubznnin this A tho auntae were pro= oa.27, 0 idstenes of apprext= th southward, Tho subnarinos ogstewost linc of bearing fiftoan cast te moat, PIiti., ‘Tho eonvey consisted of throo eolutns with abcut oT, apocd 12-14 kenota. Tho bearing 27597, ciatanoo 12 bearing 19507, contact bearing 275°T, a8 Woll te the nuntt 1 0450(1). this tine iesoif into tho starbcard flank an> Tho PIRAIfi. was hope. informe ancwes closing trem the @ werking up starboord 0 ab tito overdap ain card §) 1900) 1s286(1) 2950(T) Dout 15,000 7 0000, Loading AK disappeared fron cond AY’ disappeared from screen. pip disappeared. K'y,S00 tons, i ak 7,5 2,800 tona. fomation now cons! a DD leading one Ads Fired 2 bow toxpedoes at DD, 3 bow tor= nd 8 stern terpedces at AO. 4x hits wor Peloni, opined to 10,009 yards and o344(r) Di now traling and hugging the tor: Pirod 2 bow torpedoes at AK, 2 bon L bor torpedo and 1 storn osas(t) K which asnk inmedt ately. 0547(T) LO which blew up with a tromendous explosion was soon,by the GUARDFIS et Gdeapposred from th wheh previcuely ho could be Dubine the Fotinemont sovoral seont and twe rather the THRESHER haa coneis tine s42(1) 16 July. Ccnvoy of ten columns, a by A larg with ose: Ginse bo terpede ipa Li tore within tang: 2348(1) 2 obnbiy leaded with g: sending huge flam. NCLOSURE Firod $ storm toxped Tro Hits. Tho targot took List to starboard and atrom sisht ne need trocking a now target sigging radio~ + Both miss to tangct nit eximity of osocnt causod GUARDSISH to hond out Past sottio b: tom but continued ahoad at = Tho target aiscppoand from ? 18,000 yards, while the oscort was still soon. tn tho control party shed signs of execs. ¥ after six hours *t Battle Stotlens under con Commanding Offieur had had no seat op thoae condition At was cot Cloar the ren ct high speed. In GU.RDEISH had sunk 6 shipss 7,400 tona; 1 AK 5,800 tons; 5,800, tonay 1 AK 7,500, for a sutmorgcd patrol, stunrd, sighted ait xpose about ton attont lecks at th Th corte wns not doter= tic alnoraft carpicra K (cont'd: Pirod threo bow torpedoes at naval auxiliary. poriscope nround for getup on largo tanker. tuo hits, one of which waa soon through Just abaft’ superstructure. Tanker headed for periscope at B00 yanda ranges ook final look at toh Had about. iets Rasaeoeeigec hed Hain decks awash ao : eenieet ng: over but escorts att11 pinging. 2p cope dopth. One DD goon oineling in vieintty fsck noting as if resenting survivors. 19 July, ‘Tho GUARDPISH on surface patrol with PIRANI bearine approximately cvst, alstanco 18 miles. Endo radar contact with convoy bering 2857, dis taneo Limilcs on eourso S8OT, specd 72 knots. The convoy coneipted of thrac 1 nd threo medium AK's, Con- Ewes sine out to to act in attack position shiad Before urwn. PIRANHA ca tho GUASDETS! of dawn caused thi to dive shed th a P ade ng cur rably with tho spprose Pindtr ery to duck undor en escort to elo: fftetont doicy wes occasion porntt. th t tracked to pass good fining posi thon. shifted to snothor tangot coming up. it thi two ships in dirforont columns were overiapping ¢ 1,000 yards ond 2600 roupvetively. fired torp.icca. Tro nits bn none ch bro} elf dmtodiatoly. @ At 11 hands ho-rd « torpede Phesd vicinity of tho mncuvor~ ‘Tha 2: four own on an fun. ‘ly to avold, uth. up nd oight ioatiy at 0856(1) oy ee fer the perdao. + the GULRDPIGE 20 guly 25 duly 1 provide i Roaschably sooure mothe = tactiosl sign of tho code is eonduclvo nd tr Poccivede Sloan underatanding of bonfuaton wo ceeasions whe orn be avol froquened P sntor? ren tho f up cn da contset ropert might on f the oxton inflicted on th of this port, tho single aurine ¢ patel on this ce. te a Divine Frovidonco, com: dient if thy nthe convoy on t he “12 Jun ‘erstod tho. soundnc tho ntenek dootrines ur hours tho eenvoy was niccly bexcd and t honing in for thu attack, Unfortunately to ronein ntnot with tho ecnvoy vitnl infomation boesuse of vorlous ba was credited mith 2 4000 ton of 49 oxtronely jae soon personally by tho Group end under 2 bright gsole in the convoy ag verying botw beens. epee which was shortly Te ache eubt tal night acts, uly. on we one that oxeollont ro eho boat of Whigh had Become soparstod 2 Aistanoo of approximatoly 110 miloas ins tho contacting submarino, sank cnc shi ck cha thereafter was hol2 cewn by ain and loso eentact. Tho cthor wore sito 120 miles away ¥o eleae and eink Tho wide Cisporeton Intended ant wae eats wortholess, oxecllent coverage by AnAviMial Beate of fepention of packs with suborin ate tho subjuct of carcful stucy Tt would be oxtromsly dosirablo te A invivieual patrol prepared’ t participate tn pack técktos, with cummunteaticn price tures st ccnmane elderly vefineds Thore then, would, roniezvous an} pack: in nore beat bullt up arcun? the centacting It Le bolioved that preka of four, five, on sot as a tactical unit oven theugh sfros teneca. it tho progent y ef thoecn= ntly élcso ts shor alp cover faylight portods. after of a fay maring vill aurely bo ! the ocntact Leste The Lancer munber in tho pack wi22 eset boing uaintaine . totally itis © Brat nate cn th: Tene! tal for fan" och “ust all condos osu poraters attre! TROL (Cont) y ont later, under four ongine speed, arrived ight notion ready to continue tho attacks had destroyed the entire convoy and how lation cf awards tc tho various Officars dt ta reommended that dic consideration fo a submarinots coneribution to tho offectivencss of nop submenines actually necompliahing tho sinidnes « 0 (BT¥O MARU) hO (Large Tankor) ARAOT Clo. GUARDEISH 1 AK (ADEN WARU Cinaa) OUsRDFISH (ADEN MARU Claas) (Giase Unienown) (Glass Unknow) (Large Tanker) > (Clase Wh el Sux. noun) inienonn) 73500, 12600, +500 2102700 /16-2(15 1/26) Serial 01986 c Fleet Post Office; 4 ancisoo, California, 15 September 194). 2 SHDORSEGRT to NORE: Th Patrol Report of Seve DESTROYED PRIOR TO ordinates Attack Group. ENTERING PATROL ARE! Commander Submarine Force, Pacific #lest. Gonmander-in-chier, United States Floot. Gommander-in-Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet. » patrol of Coordinated Attack Group 17.16. Tune te 1 August 1944). coordinated Attack Group consisted of the aOFISH (C6217), the U.S.5. THRESHER (65200), tho U.5.S= PE- (Sess), ana tho Ul5.9. ABOGON ($9308) with Captain i; V- O°Re= BAN (ee aeayg, in the GUAROFISH as Group Comsnder, Dotatie of ine Gen Viesa cubharine's activities are contained in the OUARDPISH ae seu THEESHER's 13th, the PIAANHA'S first, and the KPOGON eighth, the Mirol reports, The oxoclient tear vork manifested by the fourth war wound the aggressive performance of the individual subs attack group ain record damage to tho eneuy, The APOGON unfortuness rinep resuifirer daring attack, was rammed by a lange AK and suffered Ly) in ner ge to ner periscope shears, which necessitated return to bi danege to cicHt sank six ships in one convoy within a period, of ase. The Giant hours, and later accounted fox a large Nevel auxtie three and wnage toa modiu froighter. Tho THRESHER within e portod dary and j0neg°,onk on entire convoy Of #ix ships. The PIRANIA a0- of thie or a lange Ak end a large 4.0 in addition to contributing gounted for Cb adecess of the GUsROFISH and THRESHER as a rosult of ‘eon timely contact reports. iaorea xomarks of the Group Coumandor aia will receive careful consideration Comuander ‘Submarine Force, Pacifie Flcot. eongra- 217.16, tho commanding officers, of- M PrOMTsH THRESHER, PIRANHA ond APOGON for ch resulted in tno following sevore damage 4,700 tons (PIRGHA Attack Now 2} 83700 tons (PIRAIA Attack No» 2 72500 tons (THRESHER Attacls-No.2) 75500 tons SHEE Att! 15300 tons he 60 office, “ORT \/ILL BE DESTROYED PRIOR TO oordinated Attack Group. ENTERING PATROL Jar Patrol of Coordinated Attack Group 17.16. August 1944). R Attack ios, nd 3) (THRESH 2,300 219,000 2,400 tons (GUARDEISH Attac! ) = 5,400 (GUARDFISH Attack ) = 5,800 (GUARDFISH ittacle ) = 5}800 tons (QUARDFISH Attack Large AK (APG Hee cic (GUARDFISH Attaole Navel ax. (fOTOS.N MU Type) - 9,800 (GUARDPISH fttaok 2 20. 6,100 tons (GUARDFISH Attack 220,700 (Damage due to raa~ mine by «DOGor) (spogon ttack No. 2) (Gu-RDPISH Atte 15,500 126,200 Distribution and authentication ‘on following pa ¢ of Fleet Post office; isco, California, 15 September 194k. x Patrol of Coordinated iittack Group 17.26. a i 1 5 2 1 2 sprit 29 Ceunandor Tack Group Seventicon Point Fourteen (he Com: oSrGs Ba. OL (88405) Fiftsonth jor Patrol. Sen usr Patrols » extend fer fob to peit y Totsy ttached t “vot 2 iS ond tr: Trected the ercup to jroeoed to, CONVOY WSIS) Sta OT, (65105) REPORT OF COORDIUANED ATTACK GROUP 27. ton Onder 4345 of 10 February 1945 fonod a , senctoting cf the ons tick group to bo kiown a9 BANKETTS BLAZER ), Fadi (39569) and PUFFER ($5268) with tack unit deeiens hd Lalhed Pospectively. Coanaading Officer Si. OWL ws TERE Wake ait unite of the croup wore refitting at Gia with RS Fontatry Sole} adventave wae talzon of an opportunity to held the firot te new Gonvoy Collere et Coup Denloy, followed by a conference of ‘cosumostiogs personsel in witch 4 was datormined that all of the max Tneiples c€ prouy eperationc, Sime the crerstimn omer olism cnt Noundiet offensive petreh eepateh inetructione to be furnished" tho ueund detaited Thot considered fensihley 2) MARRATLVE 1500 5 tnlonway free ATRA TUARBGR, Gili, rondosvcusod with DAW (Ss228) and Scout! U.5.5, ROE (D018) ot claro sntrence, and sot courso fur Leen operating area $3, Shs OWL Loft forasticn te ecnduct jin ;ractice on tarret te GEOTar while wonvin'or of rot. patrolled to Northward, Jroved 4inadvdecd 26 it loot to cir beecadng involved with = tSeke fores sat onterdn Gane well behin’ cur sche hheve beon progersbie to have hed tho ship involved proceed contuet practices snd thn Join up with grup cn schoutles threo hours behind cubnarine nctiev, Resort turned beck ard DAU pulled ahond to anantein 15 knots sjee! uf sulvanee, RidaiA was seaicned Lane 12 midos to starboard and PUPFER to port of poluan wileh Sey OL wan prococding at thirteon knots scsi of en rita to aren. Consentrsted daily for raisr tracking snd Bnturod safety Inne a:nu secunier tense nt Si Oi eerial ono inforaing C276, 17«7 of our positions ~ ber rithin ‘ur suunarine notice ~ sa erulaiar Wepoolticne dec warned ther texte to remin on oP ahoad of eehotule in viow of joeeitle furicn ef submarina notice. x tracking emercieo, PUTER rojorted apponiieitis ease or Dirceted hor te arrange thrcuch OsTsCy Vie? for runlezvous HPICH tc effect tranefor, ant dutached hor fron fuamstion oct this. U.8.5, SBA OM, ($3405) RTL, REPORT OF COORDINATED APTICK GROUP 17. Powys ene Veo ee 0050 I Recotved .RCHIRPISH rencrt of radar contact shead on cur track roquestiny ty iweitinns Gcapliee iamcAtatoly Sod directed rest of group to laid so. SR) Ol and PITFER made rontenvous with ARCHERPISH, whcse tardinces wis Seisinet by hie hoving Lettered arcund t alnk a fap'eub last nicht in Te 1600 Tachoculed ycait, Ho wo forcivon, Sei Gil circle’ AIO} FISH aad TUFFER ta tho battory maintaining scuné weteh while thoy Lay to for cffocting transfer. PUPFER thon prococded tow:rd area while Sik, OTL foralisiog GbHGuIoH te obtedn ares infemation ty eomspher, aA0liER— Prot asked that wo take a deck fur Atontifying ovience ca Me Wp sube SBA OM and TUFFER rocehed vieinity of AROKENPISH SINKING and conmoncee a aystonatic seareh of & silo square conterot on «iven yositicns Goce fat Eleked up te about state 3-4, conshiorably tangerine the soarch, cd nothing ma four but 95" prwior can ~ dofiatvely U.S. Procested Gh course sftor eaurching over bre howra. t due to enter cr aren untl seventconth sssiened subserced patrol stations in DBalP for touorrew with omters to cloar Gist done imoaintoly on surfseine and proceed te assicne? ssctord,— this Inte te JUG HEADS, Fourusy 16 (ALL oubsoquont tines are HO! (Z-no = 8) PAIS H Avcolvod OSP serial eix-four aesigaing Lifocuant station, Sent pack a Povisel patrel plan, “osdenatin: | UFFER lifocuard. i Fetruary 0535 ‘Sh. OM. in BHT CHANEL mato tho firet of many feat divos for friendly Mines, Ye soca lotrno! thet thie oxtranely high minge rate and Roclisdbic hearing rate wae t> bo & Clatinguishing charastoristic friendly sirerstee 2 Fobrnsry Rogoivee (St sorisl sowencne piving OBSTIS LUZON STRAIT South of Boe Z0t ws sont peck new ;atrel ani retation plan evafuming to thie Change, placing tw beats in #.SHI CHAMGEL and cne Lifopuard SH of TAKAO, 29 Fobrusey Wik SB. OH, echt fo4nt eucko and closed at slank speed, PUFFER resoipted om, (83405) MACK GROUP 17.14 Guoke dissrreared into BAS00, BT IS. Nothing sighted at ootinnted Wo Uh adios, Notified LOBSTERS and BLAZERS. Rocoived PIRAIMA nerort of chasing aacke toard TAKKO,— PUPVER cleo got thie, Since no i uther rorerts assine contact could Act be develoyods 20 Februar 1508 SEA OWL evaded tw terpodoce shortly after surfacing in BASKY CiLanL, and sighted about ten foot of tho periscope of the firing eulmarine while ulLing cloar at flcak speed, Sent contact to SLZERS and LOBSTERS but Gould raise no cao until after dark, Rotated stations Ordcrod FINE to coarch BASHT CILNEL, PUPFER to assist SE. Oil in soarch for our cubmtrine contact 4n ones ho retired to TARO on surftcing, ainoo eons hn riven to state six or highors so directo BL.280S to patrol aubnarged during daylight in Restil ClimnaL, “For this cooreh specttied that s lene target should Hot be attacked without “omissions 22 Petrunny FIMO and FUPFEE sonrched without auseoss for domed eimen as rer OSP Weszateh; SE. iL Ind missed te deopateh but was tiod down by ite guard ussignten and could nct evo assisted 4n gerreh. 24 February FIRGIHA, PUFFER, 2nd THRESHER aceistod by govere) ylenes conducted unsucecsaful sctrel in hoavy voae for downed aviators 2300 PUFFT had probable APR nnd radar contact which dlsazyeared ab 7500 yords betwcan thea,~ prosimably an eneny sutmarino tint divods Shifted stations as por patrol rlan, ~ PIRAMLA now SLAZER Lifeguard. 25 February Wade conbined rerert on’ widlicosseful ecarchse and of cur insbility to conmetente with planes, possitly aio in part to the everlocaing of Liferusrd frequency with routine ndeindatrative and operational testfiey m ($8405) Recetved CSP despatch rororting aviator dow abcut 3 miles South of Rist BE, narifting South”. Sines our patel in this region has show Eatrong and ccaristent ot te HNS, S&h OWT, soarehod along that drift func, coloring TURF. to soareh South, Decuinod LOBSTERS offer of Geodeears i bowen, they cowie ast mak At dn daylight today tat wae considered futile. S84 OFT he MPL SW.AE THO" report on 4475 that he ww abandoning eearch fp reveo hin cm thet Treavoney and hho ot onine this Wein. Appeses known esllss 7 February. TUPAER reported results of coxreh negative and wae urdered to patrol neconting te Fis. cank a sailing vessel, ouspected of being anticculmarine or Dicket cf? MURYU SHO while observing en sir raid by friendly plates ca tho hearty coast of FOROS. Ono prisoner was take Roceiwt CSP serial nine nina moving MOBSTERS West and giving BLAZERS alt of LUZc STuAITS, Roquosted persissicn frea MOBSTERS te ues LG JOINT East of 199° tonet= Gade in crfer te cackle BLUR Idfogumd to ecver full sectcr assigned an? avail hinoshf of the ee affonted by FORLOSA against. the heavy soa: tut of the Northeast, o Zobrunry Sont serial threo to CSP rojcrting wonther an] results cf scarchos, ant 3 feltemttve roport cf cur difficulties in eaamuniesting with planet. Sent new petrol plan to BLAZERS for rotating staticns botwoen BaLINGTANG chatnon, Lifeguard, and BcIT CARb Rocotved warning of possible ecntaet with CHUB and a flight of CHT Bebptes, Wamed 4u75y but ind ne eentact wth either, noceived CS? serial 13 ordering PUPFER to continue on prosent, M1forus station ind SE. OW to pececod te Northern 180 JOINT at 125° Eset fer special Jobe ordered BLAZERS to acknowledge now orders, which they di, = for now stations ie SS, SBA OWL (53105) Intoreopted GSP despatch ordering MOBSTRES aot’ rpt not to dostrey Sox becauss of detailed instrusticns coming Inter, scwcd that thie would Fly leo to us ant gent sinilar onfers to BEAZERS although cur now staticn te da 30 fathoas of water, Passing through what wis once a vory hapjy hunting grount. Tho sea we strow with debrie ant in six heulre SE\ OL, rocevered, three ring Life Duoye (ono from AYUKO KARU ~ DALY; obters in Hirceana or Adeceraphe) with elfforont markings ant euik e flosting ala in the vieinity of AL ~ 30 N5 aa7 ~ 113 B TUFFER attenrtod to else for attack on a barge eighted eloso in to FORINSA, but wes cise off by a FC bent which ho cvaded on tho surface, FUFFER received wont of threo plano aurvivors in reetrscted wateres ondorod to wateh fer than in etau thay drifted cub, Sont SB. OWL feurth inforaing CSP thet BLAZERS are ct destroying HCL, inferring the apjlMeability to ue of Me erdore to LOBSTERS to that effect. Ales sont PEuiiHl. tontative instructicns for patrol 4a vicinity f rssienod point util further cmlore reset vod fms CSP Recoived CSP acrial tw zero, aenienine 1éecuan! statiina cn Northern boundsry cf 186 JOINT, SR. OG at 114%30E and ruth at 1169-30 B. Oniore wore to romain within thirty ailes of thoco positicns snd outoido twontytive (25) father eure unlose nocossary te ontor fr sotual Feeouses Wo wore to bo netified in sdvanse of obrikos. On theo staticns wo ongruntered abeclutely nc otgn of JuPANiSE activity whatecever, Uhugh wo wore cbsecd dom eoveral tines nightly ty friently plane Ant het to patrol dn om cny wath torally hundreda cf CHINESE junke day ani nighty Jal threo ef these sanifostaticns idea up to’ an sprruhennioa whlch’ becaue a reality, arscly that we woran!t Miely @ got rid of cur torpedoes in these waters, SR, CHL doatr-yed on abun! ned and partially sampod actor senpan Solew Hae Ko provontod boarding {oF Mdentarieaticn, porting woathor and inguiring whether wo bed wan! nstmuctins, ~ wo had ao yet recoivod ae word a 2 tare qosereh 1930 ui izzen 2220 ut (8105) Ban CORDTNATED LTTCk af specific atrikes. Sent TTR s Lakely sounting ctreratt cuntact Chovhe hat prebsbiy missed, eince we wore unable te raise hin st tho tine 1 wir Soaking vue Received CSP oopatch clarifying Uifognn’ tutics sat civing us fret specific jbac, FUEEA fired 9 harraseing salve cf throo torjotces oan uniontified tact thet rureuod ant fired teryeties st hore Received CSF serie) thirty-seven further auplifying cur instructcne and herizing patrod within trelve hours run of cur pot in absence of Srecifie Instructions, This we © big holy as the cocan me xopicly figtming full ef groves in thoeo ttl thirty nile soni-cireles, and we were befinaing to call ame of tho Junk nen by thelr fizet nanoa. Tule extoncion of froctin cf agticn woe used in guurehing fur the fon rigenaft ¢ ntsots which sounded ge thugh they might jase into accosatble PRLML. sugreeted sevuting Line nosr YONG KONG, Did act ounsiiter tide feasieLe duo grt Minttations, Surgeste’ he patn 1 off CHIANG FT, wile witeh eff TEDAO BLANC Te Intereopted 4 ecatact Forort that e-undst Jutey for LOBSTERS and offere ir services te soaict in esareh, but tofure this was snowred recoived ficre for Uifermre cn a Liberater strike toniht so rectiiod cur Proposal tad returned to Literuan? station, Reel! orders for Ufecwrd duties for nll beats. Received CSP despatch requesting anpLifienticn ef rojrts of interference cn 'Lifenard freqwncys Draftorl reply fren availatie intercopte in our reio log altheuch we had fount 4t soyca! the capseity of cur radtc rang to Koop Tete Le on tnt epardct circuit, Intereopto! OST ecrial 52 to the TUFF relieving her of 1ifecunr Statice off Takcie ant ordoring hor to rejoin Bl.ZiS near 115° 5, ee A om, (85405) REPORT OF COORDINATED ATRICK GROUP 17.1h, Received orders fer Lifeguard duties tonorrow. PIRANHA entered blind bombine sone to attack two patrol craft, poseibly CRIDORIS. ORR atver Afssing with tee torpedoes api wile gaining position tor another attack ho-mabentedtprdetendieplane which apparently tit not molest. his two erstwntte tare po , PiRitits ourgosted search for reported contact: nuar HAINIK, but: considered this too fur from our crdored pooiticns no wll a= boing in tho ZNSTERS! Asked PIRUNA and 1 wei fuel eltuation and their reaction to Poquocting * five aay w'onaion with ge aecvemont in prospeste Cor hootin» terpadoou, —soccl jorible roplios from balay SE OWL hold VHF conference with PIR: Received despatch freq Tkmber Ono LOBSTER roporting s henrthroaking frustrated attack on T.TUT tJ, aud gonerously offering to change ron Wlleenticn and 4p conorsl civing use free hind to Moach" at will, Thenkod hing Sent PUFFER ondere to rondoavous with Sif OWL nent her spot for Roceived CSP despatch regarding survivors in rubber boat near CHINA COST. Cancelled rendezvous with FUFFER and gent orders for a soarch slong’ 25 fathon curves sont Sti, OM «1 ting five day extension. Received Liforuand endory tar Cota. Intoreopted CS! despatoh civine PIRldia Sichter cover and aseiatance in furthcr search for Life rf" SB GIL edahted and mde a outnorco! approseh o a F (dv at. $000 yards nu PEK VARU, iGie13, properly mar ved COP deopeteh deferring fin:1 anewer on extension request, am. (35405 Recotved Lifeguard ordure for tomorrows OT WR i > Intoroopted [I8Uite Teron threo, Feperting nopative reeks bub Soollene pimcoonenieion in Lig{eefe soerehy The Aabtep pounds Sp oncturaeing note FoAWMOR wi hava Teen wading ont farboRely hoptngs PIRUNHA reported 2 floating mine at @2-25 Ny 116 ~ 57 Be Recoved GSP serial 77 T omering SHLD chd FET to relieve BIAZERS of Liferuard dutice ail greatine a five day extension to BLZERS whe moro to pick up TRESIER aad prtrol ‘lectern LIG YORI ae four boat puck, study of the new area brought cut the following eorsidomticas Boverning patrol there (2) Asoumption that 25-fothen restriction still applics, reducos coapidersbly the availsbls prtrol crea in Horthorn and Yorthwostern partes is enn axpcot the "plague of junks" to bo at lowt of bed as in vicinity, lysis of ~irersft contacts for past mcath shows tho pslaeipal Toutes wre through HINA CHWiaL, thenee hugelng CANE. const, ned Cutting neces fra Scuthorn und of IieDUN' to HONG NOt. 08 the latter route, practically all contacts wre sind, most of them at night tnd hich speeds ow snd varying fuel perping of B.ZiNg wed preclude coor inated risge patra any Ani night, ireserse of Junks Nould probel! per diy-rurtics psurod, bit ass1l else of area would ako concentr'tion for stoubiag Line exch might to cover probable high ay ne up four sub-crose for is wth of 19-30 Ns (b) 19-30 1 U0 Ws (6 200 N and Best of 112-008. i stand Hn to oricinste with stations at fifteen atl true fren Anitial point 20-25 Ny 113-55 B, cnoe ter course 215° T from 2000 1 sach atuhte ing ose te proceed to position 0 are seticanont, An Likarkec beak away oc to roach next dayla diving point at best practicable ts ctrdving to maintain Lac st loast fren 2300 to 0300 He ight days wore loft, assicracnts were to be rotated every BLURS departed ifecuard stations at suncot sros, Fuaning bocere stato ix sonee Meld VEF conference with THRISHEA to obtain infomation on area, hed boon patrolling there natere Zor gene te woolise Rocoived CSP dospateh forwarding GINP.Cle neveare Ja approedation of Liforunrd offorts of BLERS and SE. TOE, Theo kind woria wero Goubly spprecisted in viow of tho foelinje of frustraticn ang fubility rowing cut of our initial difficulties in scomuniestivas aad Soopersticns Received OST corial 90 ordering BLAHRS to held on to thetr Bate but POnine up quite ecnaicertie raw horigchs between the as-fatirn ant Atathon curves, This rolwmticn of rostristicns permite patrol etioalay anywhere cutside the (1irdbenbing genus Tin echosquence ida change, autiorizod bente tn two tlorthern aulcrene to foro. the niphtly coéutine Line for dndopendent patrol. in areas, wartla) then ann ts keep cheer of blind bembing Bone cencornine cireraft sining setivitics 4n cur ory = purticularly TELM. who was dn that vicinity, n11 tests bo oristnste owa departure nossare ani ebart for hy won thy Posehod mininin fuel allowanea, SEL OWL hed first of thruo brief cnoountore with mall but fast crete = Probably 22 alles fst of MIDUIE CAMEL, IGDLN, Sort cut teeming onte, but wistls to meieo TTadlin, until she opencd up for snd repertea. sho had hoen beabed By ns oa point Ls silos inside sutaanine patrol sone. wating their renction to a zroup a ner n Buta 18, Reeoived tie ret tS hth to CS} roquosting authority 1 0 epee Hints boing beabed. + 22 darch 2330 _Rogetved exncellation of 1tPecuard onderes 3 arch ~ 1230 1330 "FIANNA reports heving leamed by voice cenmunteation with soareh plane of bre dep Clie in LING SUI (or "LENG SOr,~ whieh chart io yon cosdeh TAY nd thet ne waa provoeding to investicate, Told hia to go abose aoa boos Be informed as sis OVE fuck would not perat An coo contact andes TUFEA also report such a nun tiLese noocsunry Mile contact stor received on fox aked, and invostipating tty SEi OWL intereopted CHUBtS roy mith no contacts, a port of having Just Anvesti pati LDN; OUT id sont this dafo to PUR.Ra and SUPPL Received (St serial two two cu-ar onlcriny BLAZERS to depart area and Proceed via SAEPuN to SIAY for nehver PEGNG rerortod scarch of LING SUI showed erutsore hed gov, ant that Bey HET APAL of fuol was roach, SEA OHL haa 27000, Putt 29000, snd FUPFER 33000. ren ~ 2500 “TRO Upon dorarting ares, bonbardsont had stil not. been atithorized but ae Syne prictically cn our track SE ML sot ecuree to aesy heres Peeeraslesanco anyhow, “DLAzeS reloneed MASHER and encctd os heavy hesd sone that nade us start ecunting up our fist by ike upsfulie ved LALTREY dogp n asking if wo hed fired green reckotos tive reply gdvin 4, ont, cur poottfon and speod of advance’ toward ise ved CSP sorial twuntyreicht, authorising bc surpestine radio static ind speod from rest of cht of 26th 26 St: anaissnnce tencrron. nbardnent of Matis io boot target. Callea for pooition, BLAS and found they coun not atte 4e ORL pushod on to eke prepumatery Sent out preliniaary

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