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Marketing Award: Bachelor of Business (HETAC Level 7)

Name Marketing Assessment Continuous

Code BB 8 Project 40%

Level 6 Practical

Credits 10 Final Examination 60%

Description Marketing is both an organisational doctrine and a functional set of tools to be used by an organisation to match its activities to its environment. As a foundation course in the business function of marketing the subject is introduced in the context of business for both the profit and non- profit sectors. The breadth of the subject covers a wide range of applications, industries and markets, exploring ways to respond to new situations and to solve marketing problems. The aim of the module is to bring together theory and practice. Marketing is wide ranging in its coverage of markets and organisations and within different industries and organisational sizes. With the first-time marketing learner in mind, through a combination of theory, examples and discussion, the module seeks to lead them through to a substantial and appropriate understanding of marketing principles and applications. Units 1. Introduction to Marketing 2. Analysis of Marketing Opportunities 3. Product Decisions 4. Distribution Decisions 5. Marketing Communications & Contemporary Issues 6. Pricing Decisions 7. Customer Service Management 8. e- Marketing & Social Media 9. Marketing Management Reading Lists Essential Reading Rogan D., 2010 Marketing: An Introduction for Irish Learners 4th edition Gill and Macmillan Supplementary Reading Marketing Research in Ireland 3rd edition Theory and Practice Gill & Macmillan Medcalf P., Marketing Communications An Irish Perspective Gill & Macmillan Brassington, F., Pettitt S., 2008. Principles of Marketing. Pitman Dibb, S., Simkin, L., Pride, W.M., and Ferrell, O.C., 1997. Marketing: Concepts and Strategies, Houghton Mifflin, European Edition. Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., Saunders, J., Wong, V., 1999. Principles of Marketing, 2nd European Ed., Prentice Hall

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