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Community Helpers

Natalia Wilson October 11, 2013 Social-Studies Lesson Plan Kindergarten- Community Helpers Overview/ Annotation: Students will discuss what happens in their community and identify helpers that keep them safe in their community. Students will discuss the importance of community helpers. Students will sort and classify different items, objects, or equipment that community helpers use on their jobs. Students will create a presentation to show their favorite community helper. Content Standard(s): CE (K-12) 1. Courage CE (K-12) 2. Patriotism CE (K-12) 3. Citizenship CE (K-12) 4. Honesty CE (K-12) 7. Kindness CE (K-12) 25. Perseverance SS (1) Exploring our community and state 11. Identify roles and responsibilities of leaders within the community and state. TC2 (K-2) 2. Identify applications and Operations of various technology systems. Primary Learning Objectives: Students will identify different community helpers and some

characteristics of their jobs. Students will write a sentence about which community helper they like best and draw a picture of that helper. Students will type their sentences into a class-created slideshow presentation.

Approximate Duration of the lesson: Greater than 120 minutes Materials and Equipment: Community helper books Pencil Marker/ crayons Community helper pictures Posters of community helpers Technology Resources Needed: Computer with Internet access LCD Projector Smart boards

Background/Preparation: Teacher will invite a different community helper everyday of the week to be a speaker. This will go along with their daily activities about community helpers. Procedure/Activities: 1. The teacher will introduce community helper. Teacher will ask students these questions; who is a community helper? What is a community helper? Teacher will record childrens answer to the question. 2. Students will match each community helper card with a tool that the community helper uses at his/her job. 3. We will read the big book Community Helpers From A to Z by: Bobby Kalman. 4. Students will choose their favorite community helper, and make a presentation explaining what they like about that community helper. Assessment: A rubric will be used to grade their presentations.

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