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Late last night (although it was around 6AM in Canada), Julie (read her story in my blog post 'A Case of Stroke') sent me a note over Facebook requesting for prayers for her daughter Jeremy. The message sounded urgent since she mentioned that they already scheduled to bring her to the doctor (later in the day). Jeremy, I found out later, has been suffering from chest pains, difculty in breathing (cannot draw a complete breath) and easily fatigued since they were still here in the Philippines. I asked her if Jeremy was with her. She said that she is still in the room sleeping. But after a while, she managed to wake her up and both of them were sitting in front of the computer. I asked them both to lay their hands in Jeremy's heart, in the chest area. I started praying over Facebook. I rebuked the pain and released the healing that comes from Jesus. I asked Julie if they felt anything -- if there is any sensation at that moment after I released the prayer. Jeremy felt something and this is what she said: I told them that our heavenly Father is embracing Jeremy right now. I encouraged them to receive the touch from heaven and know that Jesus is healing her already. I told Julie to ask Jeremy to do deep breathings and to check whether her condition has improved, this is what she said: I gave more instructions to Jeremy. I told her to run around the house to check her breathing condition. I also told her to do jumping jacks! And she did and this what happened: Everything is okay now! Jesus did it again! Yay God! He is indeed awesome and never fails to surprise those who seek Him! I am still amazed in the way that God shows up in Facebook. His touch is able to reverse any situation or any condition when His Spirit manifests. At some point, I cannot understand what is being typed by Julie. He told me that she was so overjoyed with what just happened to Jeremy. Her husband witnessed the same thing and al of them are bursting with thanksgiving and praise with what Jesus did. Jeremy thanked me for what

happened. I told her that Jesus loves her and that Jesus wants her breathing, and her joy to be complete. And that is exactly what happened. Thank you Jesus for showing up. Thank you Lord for touching her and setting her free. Glory to the King!

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