Adjective Clause Pronoun

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10 september 2012 Adjective Clause pronoun WHOUsed as subject(person) WHO(M) Used as object (person) WHICHUsed as subject/object (thing/non person)

THAT Menggantikan 3 fungsi diatas WHOSE used as showing possession (kepemilikan) Ex : 1. The book which is on the table is mine 2. the book that is on the table is mine the book is mine that is on the table

18 september 2013 Subject always noun 1. A log grabber has a long arm called a jib, which stretches out tom pick up logs noun clause Adjective clause Present participle+Ving Past participle + V3 To be + Ving/V3 adjective(without to be) stretches out menerangkan kata kerja 2. A home computer provides an opportunity for convinent and efficient work at home Which for two verb 3. Eli whitneys milling machine remaind unchanged for a century and a half because it was so efficient 4. Some of the rainwater from the clouds evaporates before reaching the ground Before adverb clause Connector from adjective clause(before, after, because, while, when) harus diikuti Ving 5. once an offending allergen has been identified by means of test, it is possible for the doctor to give specific desenstizing injection has been to be untuk perfect identified by of untuk mengikuti kata benda 6. sometimes the desire to sleep wears people out and is worse than the of sleep it self 7. although dissimlar in almost every other respect, birds and insect have both evolved afficient flying capabilities 8. the wheel which, has remined important for 4.000 years, is one of man kinds first invention. 9. Not until a student has mastered algebra can be begin to understand the principle of geometry, trigonometry and physics. 10. some psychologists believe there is a close correlation between stress and illness.

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