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INTRODUCTION This Study has been conducted to find out level of Gender discriminations in Government Organizations. The Constitution of Pakistan declares that all citizens are equal before the law and are entitled to equal protection. It prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex and commits the State to take steps to ensure the full participation of women in all spheres of life. The Government has committed using a rights-based approach towards gender justice and equality and had set out two main objectives for 2005 to 2010 i.e meeting womens basic needs and promoting poverty reduction and economic empowerment. Under new initiatives the MTDF directs that legislative reform should specially focus on discriminatory laws. The MTDF also commits to implementing the national Policy on Development and Empowerment of Women (2002) The Government of Pakistan has obligations for human rights under International agreements. It is also a signatory to the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women has noted the close connection between discrimination against women and gender-based violence, and violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and stated that full implementation of CEDAW requires States to take positive measures to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women. Gender is defined by FAO as the relations between men and women, both perceptual and material. Gender is not determined biologically, as a result of sexual characteristics of either women or men, but is constructed by the society.. It is a central organizing principle of societies, and often governs the processes of production and reproduction, consumption and distribution (FAO, 1997). Gender is often misunderstood as being the protection of women rights only. That may be because at present concentration is on empowerment of women socially and economically. Reason being that all the relevant indicators give a very dismal situation of women in Pakistan.(Table 1, 2, and 3). Government of Pakistan, therefore, needs to uplift the status of women , to bring them a bit closer to status of male population if not equal to them, because at present it seems a far fetched dream. 1) OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY/SURVEY a). To develop a data base of sex disaggregated data. b). To analyze the data from gender perspective. c). To identify the gender imbalances in Public sector jobs. d). To analyze the results of survey conducted for this study from Gender perspective

e). To determine the level of awareness of officials on Protection against harassment of women at work place and their reaction on the Act-2010 f). To develop of a report identifying gender imbalance in the Ministries g). To recommend the rectifying measures to the planners for the future. 2) Methodology It was a desk study, based on the hypothesis that there existed a form of discrimination in the job opportunities in Public sector organizations. To work on this hypothesis a data collection form as well a questionnaire to conduct survey was developed and approved by the Competent Authority. Data collection form and the questionnaire may be seen at annex-i and ii. 3) SAMPLE As far as Planning Commission was concerned the complete data of every section was collected. But it was not possible to collect the data from all Ministries so also to conduct the survey, therefore with random sampling a total no. of 16 Ministries were selected for conducting this study. 4) PROCEDURE The questionnaire as well the data collection forms were sent to each Ministry with a request to send them back in 15 days. The questionnaire was to be filled by three level officers of each Ministry i.e. higher, middle and lower level. The matter was personally pursued therefore the feed back was received on time. After receipt of data and survey forms, situation analysis was done, and this report was prepared

5) DURATION It took two and half months to complete the study(from February to April 2011) 6) Analysis of data collected from Planning Commission Data related to male/female employees (from BS 1 to BS-22) of Planning Commission/Division was collected from its different sections. The table showing position of male and female employees in each Grade is at annex- iii. Out of total employees of Planning Commission i.e. 1214, no. of women was found only 101which comes to only 8% of the total employees. Table no.1 gives an overall picture of section wise position of female of Planning Commission of Pakistan and Table no. 2 shows the position of female employees in different grades. Complete picture is at annex iii.


Economic Section Technical Section Energy Wing Project Wing Project/ Attached Cell/ Centre Admin G-Total

146 199 46 31 213 500 1113

15 17 2 1 34 35 101 Table-2

161 216 48 32 246 535 1214

%age of Employees
9 8 4 3 14 7 8


Grade BS-15 & Bellow BS-16 BS-17 BS-18 BS-19 BS-20 BS-21 BS-22 Total

Male 891 22 49 69 43 31 6 2

Female 59 4 13 15 6 3 1 0

Total 950 26 62 84 49 34 7 2

Percentage 6 15 21 18 12 9 14 0


Data of Planning Commission

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Number of employees

69 49

43 31

Male Female 3 6

22 13 4 15 6 1 2 0

BS-16 BS-17 BS-18 BS-19 BS-20 BS-21 BS-22 Grades

The Table- 1 indicates that maximum strength of female employees is in administration Section i.e. 35 and also in Project/ and attached cell which is 34. It is because of the fact that in Administration the female are employed in lower grades like on the posts of assistant, stenographer, stenos, computer operators but who do not have any career ladder. In Table -2, maximum no. of women i.e. 59 is found in BS-15 and below. Another striking factor is that although there is one female in BS-21, 15 female in BS-18, and 13 in BS-17 but all these belong to Projects and attached cells where these posts are on contract basis for a fixed time with fixed pay package. Thus they have no career ladder. They will remain in the same position till their contract ends and their services are terminated. If we go back to our original compiled data at annex- iii it is found that if we look at the strength of permanent employees in different sections and wings and at different levels of Planning Commission no woman occupies the position from BS-22 to BS-20 and in BS-19 there is only one female and rest are below BS-18 or BS-17. It may be mentioned that the data of Planning Commission of Pakistan points towards serious gender imbalance. Table-1 indicates that total female representation in Planning Commission is only 8% of the total employees which is lower than 10% of the usual quota for female in Govt. organization. Another serious indicator is that female dont reach to the higher levels in this organization. This may be because of the reason that either they were not recruited on permanent posts of grade 17 to have a career path or the 50% seats of direct recruitment through Federal Public Service Commission could not be availed by female candidates. Another reason may be the delayed promotions of female employees because women by nature sit back and do not take timely action to complete their ACRs and other prerequisite for the promotions committees. Another serious problem which is surfaced is the policy of hiring on contract basis with fixed packages. Organizations which hire the human resources with a clear career path grow with time and are considered to be having good HR policies. Contract employment especially in Govt. is not considered a positive sign for the growth of the organization. The argument is simple that the contract employees, male or female, do not feel affiliated with the organization, and also on the other hand the permanent employees of the same organization do not recognize them as part of their organizations. This widely spreading concept of hiring on contract basis with fixed higher packages is harmful for the organizations as well as for its permanent employees because on the one hand they feel frustrated knowing that others are taking higher salary than them as a result they show lack of interest in their work and attitude. On the other hand the contract employees also loose their interest because of negative attitude of their colleagues.

In both ways the organization suffers. This adhoc arrangement does not give benefit to either its employees or to the organization. Another dilemma of contract employees, either male or female, is that they are openly criticized for having better packages than govt. salaries. But this fact is not acknowledged that the salaried permanent employees apart from salary are entitled to so many benefits like medical, petrol, driver, vehicle government accommodation etc. Total of above benefits if added to their monthly salary will definitely become more than the same level contract employees package. The contract employees, from that so called higher package, have to pay the rent of the accommodation, pay medical bills, have their own vehicle, pay for the petrol and also pay the drivers salary if they need driver. So who is the looser, the permanent employee or the contract employee? Obviously the contract employee and eventually the organization itself. And it will happen just because of the simple reason that it failed to have a sustainable, career growth policy and took refuge in adhoc arrangements.

6) Analysis of data obtained from Ministries

Initially only six Ministries were selected bit later on sample size was increased to 16 Ministries. Table given below presents the data Grade wise of total Ministries.( Ministry wise data is at annex-iv. Table-3
Grades BS-15 & Bellow BS-16 BS-17 BS-18 BS-19 BS-20 BS-21 BS-22 Male 2542 98 206 166 79 44 18 13 Female 134 5 28 7 6 3 0 0

Male/Female Employees

Number of employees

200 150 100 50 0 BS-16 BS-17 BS-18 BS-19 BS-20 BS-21 BS-22 Grades Male Female


Male Employees
Number of Employees
250 200 150 Male 100 50 0 BS-16 BS-17 BS-18 BS-19 Grades BS-20 BS-21 BS-22


Female Employees
Number of Employees
30 25 20 15 10 5 0 BS-16 BS-17 BS-18 BS-19 BS-20 BS-21 BS-22 Grades Female

The above mentioned data shows that the no. of female employees is much lesser in comparison with the data of` Planning Commission. Minimum female are found in Ministry of Culture i.e.2 and maximum in Economic Affairs Division i.e. 31. Detailed Picture can be seen at Annex iii. The data shows that no female officer is in BS-22 and 21. Out of 17 Ministries only three female officers are in BS- 20, six are in BS-19, seven in BS- 18. After BS-18, no. of female officers started increasing as in BS- 17 and 16 there are, 33 female employees and after that the no. has suddenly increased i.e. BS 15 and below we find a total no. of 112 female employees. This factor becomes clear from Graph 2 and 3. It is also interesting to note that none of Ministries do have 10% women employees as was decided by the Government.. One factor is common in Planning Commission and other Ministries that as the ladder go higher no. of women decreases and even stops. After reading the above data one starts believing in the theory of Glass ceiling which means that after a certain stage womens career growth stops. For whatever reason but it is some thing which does not exist in rules and regulation that is why it was called Glass Ceiling. One cant see it but it stops female from going higher. This phenomenon is not a new but is quite old. That means that the researchers although have been pointing it out since last two decades but this glass ceiling still exist even in 2011. It may also be mentioned that out of 17 Ministries few are going to be devolved/ already devolved in post 18th amendment scenario. But it will not have any reflection on this study as we are not specifying any Ministry

8) Factors Responsible for this situation

There are a no. of factors to which this situation may be attributed like following:



Female literacy is 45% only in Pakistan according to Economic survey of Pakistan 2010. And that also is because urban areas are included where literacy is higher than in rural areas. Same is the case with girls taking bright positions in colleges, Universities, and Professional colleges and it is said that in such institutions no. of girls is more than no. of boys. It sounds true. But when we examine the data of women reaching to higher education the percentage is quite small it is therefore that in labour force the no. of female degree holders is much smaller than of boys as given in Table- 4 Table-4
Educational attainment of the labour force (%) Labour force 15+ 2000 2002 2004 2006 2007 2008 Change 2000 to 2008 (Percentage points) 2 3 -0.2 1.2 1.6 0.3

Metric but below intermediate Both sexes 11.4 12.3 Males 12.5 13.3 Females 5.2 6.9 Intermediate but below degree Both sexes 4.1 4.6 Males 4.5 4.7 Females 2.4 4.1 Degree Both sexes 4.6 5.3 Males 4.9 5.4 Females 3.4 4.7 Ref: Pakistan Economic Survey 2009-2010 indicator

12.6 13.9 6.5 4.7 5 3.1

12.2 14.5 6.1 4.8 5.3 2.9

13.3 15.2 5.5 5.3 5.9 2.9

13.4 15.6 4.9 5.4 6.1 2.6

6 5.9 5.7 6.3 1.6 6.1 6.1 5.9 6.8 1.9 5.5 5.1 4.8 4.5 1 (Ch. Name Education Page#2)GPI is genuine progress

Educational attainment of the labour force(%) Year 2008

18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

15.6 13.4



6.1 2.6


6.8 4.5






Both sexes

Both sexes

Both sexes





At present less than 3 percent of the age group 17-23 have access to higher education. Women in particular have limited opportunities to acquire higher education and attain professional or technical degrees. This is due to the cultural perception of gender roles and inadequate number of vocational training and professional institutions for women. Out of 172 professional colleges in 1996-1997, only 10 exist exclusively for women. In the other 162 professional colleges, women can get admission only against a reserved quota. The female enrollment in professional colleges was 48 against 100 boys in 1996-1997. Similarly, the gender ratio in 26 public sector universities, including one for women, is 28.9percent. in 1991-1992 the number of female polytechnic institutes was 12 as compared with 40 male polytechnics with an enrollment of 21,503. Of the 12 female polytechnics, 8 are in Punjab, 3 in Sindh, and 1 in NWFP. Balochistan has none. There are 12 female commercial institutions; all of them located in Punjab 1,493. This is small in comparison with 225 male institutions in all provinces.( Economic survey of Pakistan 2010) Demographic trends also limit the chances of women getting higher education. Pakistans female population was estimated at 78 million out of the national population of 161 million in the year 2008 and is steadily increasing with an average annual growth rate of 2.1 percent since 2000. Apparently nearly all women who get higher education mostly belong to urban areas. As per census conducted in 1998, 70% of our population belonged to rural areas where such facilities were not available. And even if available the girls were not allowed to avail them. ii) Environment

Most of girls are not allowed to do the job with male. Parents/ husbands still feel that teaching/nursing/ and medical are the safer professions meant for girls. There exist stigmas against women who are working in offices. Male as well as female look down on them. It is the result of our male dominated society which does not want to accept women working equal to them. They dont feel that their daughters or wives are safe while working in offices. To clean the environment the Govt. has developed and implemented the law Protection against harassment of women at workplace If implemented this law can become a good tool for creating a clear harass free environment in Public Organizations which may lead to increased no. of women in Public organizations. iii) Discrimination

Although we like to deny it but fact is that Gender discrimination against women still exists. Its male mindset which has to be changed which will take time. While conducting this survey one higher level office(name can not be mentioned) said yes all this work for women empowerment is fine but still I will say that best place for women is at home and not outside home


Marriages and Child bearing.

There are no. of evidences that women after marriage leave the job if their husbands dont allow them. If not at that time than when they start having children they have to be at home if some body is not there to take care of children. So leave the job seems easy solution. Or even if they continue, it becomes quite stressful for them. Male bosses find them easy target for any lapses and husbands also criticize them at home. This situation makes them to loose interest in jobs. v) Promotions

It is very rare that women working in Public sector get promotion on time work. For this only men can not be blamed because female by nature do not get their ACRs completed or prepare other pre- requisites on time (except DMG) Simultaneously if there comes a rift with other colleagues then they dont have that fighting spi rit and thus let the other person promote. It is their weakness. Simultaneously, male employees also face the problem of delayed promotions which is due to the weakness of the system existing in the organization. 9) FINDINGS OF SURVEY a). The same Ministries which had provided the sex disaggregated data were requested to fill in the survey form, from high level, middle level and lower level officials. We received back 35 forms which show that all Ministries had not taken part in the survey reasons best known to them. The summary of responses is at Annex- 1V. The survey form had three sections. First section was for personal information which is not discussed here. The Section 2 there was pertinent questions about impact of Gender awareness, and reaction of officers about female employment. The third section was on implementation of the law on Protection against harassment of women at workplace. b). According to responses received on question no 4, that what are your views about female employment, all agreed that equal opportunities must be given, female may be encouraged. Overall it indicated positive attitude, with the exception of one who stated It is difficult to some extent. Question no. 5 was about female attitude towards their male colleagues, out of 35, 28 comments were positive and encouraging. However there were seven comments which indicated. mistrust, no confidence, below normal or just ok. For providing facilities to women employees all agreed, so also for cooperation with female employees and vice versa, 29 gave positive response where as six did not respond. c). Question no. 9 had asked about Ministrys policy for promoting gender equality, 15 replies were to greater extent, 16 to some extent, and 3 were not at all. On the question no.10, 22 replies were that facilities were being provided by their Ministries, to a greater extent. 16 stated to some extent and 2, not at all. About Gender sensitization, we received 16 answers stating to greater extent, 13, to some extent, and 3 not at all.. Regarding the performance of female employees 19 stated to a greater extent, 13, to some extent and to were not in favor. While asked, would it adversely affect your performance

if the immediate boss was from opposite sex 34 gave the answer NO, candidly, and only one said YES it will affect his performance. d). The third section of the Survey was about implementation of Protection against harassment of women at workplace-Act 2010. The responses received indicated that most of Ministries had been implementing it. Code of conduct was adopted but awareness raising seminars were only held in 7 ministries out of 17 Ministries. Very positive answerers were received about change of behavior, clean environment and also that this clean environment will lead to productivity level of both male and female. Replies in condensed form are at annex-iv. e). It is interesting to note that survey replies were in favor of female employment but the data from the same Ministries shows other side of the mirror as already discussed at page 5-7. It is but human nature which is known to every researcher that while replying on the survey form sent to them, most of people would like to give positive answers. To dig out the real situation the interview method is best, where surveyor can assess the respondent by throwing different related questions or talking to the respondents. This method was not possible for this study. RECOMMENDATIONS On the basis of above analysis, following are the recommendations for having a gender balanced job situation in Planning Commission and other Ministries of Govt. of Pakistan; 1. The male/female employees who are in promotion zone or close to it may be given promotion on seniority-cum- merit basis. The women employees may be helped in fulfilling the pre-requisites for promotion purposes like getting the ACR written by their superior every year with out delay. 2. All those senior officers should be made accountable who did not write the ACR of officials working under them by end of each year. 3. Although it is financial crunch time for the Government but instead of spending money on the salaries of contract people, the Ministries and especially Planning Commission of Pakistan may get have additional positions of BS 17 officers with 50:50 male /female ratios and get them filled through proper channel. This crop of young officers will find a clear career path and after about 10 to 15 years we may find women if not equal to men but to some hat in better positions occupying seats of BS 20 and 21 in Ministries as well in Planning Commission of Pakistan 4. HR is a specialized field which needs specific qualification. It is therefore that HR department of Private organizations is always the strongest because they recruit MBAs with HR or the HRD degree holders. Unfortunately in Government organizations there is no such concept and officers are placed on posting transfer basis in such sections. One can not expect from these career officers to be experts in Human resource Development, Management and especially planning the human resources for the organization.


It is therefore recommended that HR, section in every Public organization may be strengthened and manned by experts. This will definitely help in career planning of both sexes, male/female. 6. Recruitment on contract basis and in Projects may be stopped instead recruitment on permanent seats may be preferred. 7. More facilities of higher education may be provided for women in Public institutions. They may also be given stipends to complete their studies as an incentive, because due to poverty many girls drop out after matriculation. 8. The Protection against harassment of women at workplaceAct 2010, may be implemented in letter and spirit and its awareness may be spread as far as possible so that the male members of the family permit their female to work with male colleagues and bosses. Awareness rising may be made even to the senior most offices who although think they dont need any awareness or sensitization where is in fact they do. Through its implementation the environment of organization would get better and conducive for female employees. 9. Separate facilities may be provided for women employees in every organization. 10. Day care centers may be opened in each Ministry for the children of working mothers.

It is concluded that there exist gender discrimination in Public sector organizations. None of the Ministries had female employees as per quota decided by Government. But for this situation a no. of factors are responsible as discussed on pages 7-9. It is also concluded that there was not much of difference in the replies on survey form obtained from three levels of officials. The competent authorities of Planning Commission and of Ministries should take this matter seriously and bring the change by implementing the recommendations of this study as given at pages 10-11 and make the organizations gender balanced. This study may be shared with all the participating Ministries and also with remaining Ministries to take action accordingly. Provincial Planning and Development Departments may also be advised to take advantage of this study and conduct the similar type of study in their respective Provinces. This Gender segregated data base of 17 Ministries may further be extended to all Ministries. Once data base of all Ministries is developed it will help the planners but it will need to be updated on yearly basis. It is first time in the history of Planning Commission that such type of complete data base has been developed. Now it will need to be updated every year. In the end it is stated if there is any mistake it may be taken in the spirit of to err is human



Section Wise Sex Disaggregated Data of Planning Commission/Division of Pakistan

Grades Economic Section Male Female Total Technical Section Male Female Total Energy Wing Female Total Projects Wing Female Total Project/Attached Cell/Center Male Female Total



BS-22 BS-21 BS-20 BS-19 BS-18 BS-17 BS-16 BS-15 BS-14 BS-13 BS-12 & Below Total


1. Name 2. Male/Female 3. Basic Pay Scale: 4. Position which you are holding at present? 5. Since how long you have been on the same position? 1 Year 2 Year 5 Year 10 Year or above. 6. When your next promotion is due? 1 Year 2 Year 5 Year 10 Year or above.

SECTION NO-II Gender Equality

1. How many employees are working in your Ministry? Male Female 2. Do you believe that girls should get the same education opportunities as boy? Yes No

If No, why?

3. When your next promotion is due? 1 Year 2 Year 5 Year 10 Year or above. 4. What are your views about female employment? 5. What do you think is female employees attitude towards male employees? 6. Do you think that female employees should have separate rooms, toilets, pray area, and parking? 7. Do you cooperate with the female employees and help them if required? 8. Do the female employees cooperate with the male employees and help them if required? 9. Do you feel that your Ministrys policies promote Gender equality while recruiting and promoting? To some extent To greater extent Not at all If not, why? 10. Do you feel your Ministry is providing same facilities to its male employees as well to female employees? To some extent To greater extent Not at all If not, why? 11. Do you feel that management as well the employees of your Ministry are gender sensitized? To some extent To greater extent Not at all If not, why? 12. Do you know why no of women are employed in Public Sector is lesser than of men?

13. Do you think someone of the opposite sex could perform equally well, if posted on your position? To some extent

To greater extent Not at all If not, why?

14. Would it adversely affect your performance or growth if your immediate Boss is from the opposite sex? Yes No If Yes, why?

SECTION NO-III Protection against harassment of women at workplace Act, 2010.

1. Has your Ministry implemented Protection against Harassment of Women at Workplace Act 2010. Yes No If No, why?

2. Has it adopted the Code of Conduct and constituted Inquiry Committee? Yes No If no, Why? 3. Has your Ministry organized awareness raising Seminars? If Yes, how many? 4. Do you think this Act is helping in providing women employees a safe and secure environment? Yes No To some extent If no, why? 5. If yes, have you felt a positive change in the behavior of male & female employees? Yes No To some extent If no, why?

6. Do you think with gender sensitized employees and with gender balance in jobs at every level, shall improve the environment as well productivity level of your Ministry? Yes No Not at all. If No, why?


Subject: EXSISTING SITUATION OF MALE/FEMALE EMPLOYEES IN DIFFERENT MISNISTRIES Sex Disaggregated Data collected from Ministires/Divisions, Govt. of Pakistan
Grades BS-22 Grades BS-21 Grades BS-20 Grades BS-19 Grades BS-18 Grades BS-17 Grades BS-16 Grades BS-15 & Bellow Total
Female Percent age Total


Name of Ministries
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

Ministry of Culture

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 13

1 2 2 3 1 4 2 1 1 1 18

1 2 2 3 0 0 0 1 0 4 2 1 1 1 18

1 4 3 7 1 1 5 5 4 4 4 2 3 44

1 1 1 -

1 5 3 7 1 0 1 5 6 5 4 4 2 3 47

1 9 7 12 1 5 2 8 2 5 9 6 3 3 6 79

2 2 1 1 -

1 11 7 14 1 5 2 9 2 5 10 6 3 3 6

4 18 24 20 4 7 16 9 1 16 4 8 8 9 18

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -

4 18 24 21 5 8 16 10 1 16 5 8 9 10 18

10 14 6 28 4 23 3 34 2 22 6 10 6 38

3 1 1 10 1 7 4

10 17 6 29 5 33 4 41 2 26 6

4 8 6 7 16 3 17 2 5 1 3 7 19

1 3 1 -

4 8 7 7 0 19 3 18 2 5 1 3 7 19

101 217 172 388 63 162 142 243 21 102 237 108 102 149 335

2 15 7 12 3 10 6 21 4 5 12 5 1 9 22

103 232 179 400 66 172 148 264 25 107 249 113 103 158 357 2676

123 273 221 466 74 214 168 318 24 133 286 135 132 178 421 3166

2 21 8 16 5 24 7 31 4 6 19 5 3 10 22


1.6 7.1 3.5 3.3 6.3 10.1 4.0 8.9 14.3 4.3 6.2 3.6 2.2 5.3 5.0

Ministry of Industries & Production


Ministry of Railways


Ministry of Defence


Ministry of Overseas Pakistan Iintellectual Property Organization of Pak



Ministry of Housing & Works


Economic Affairs Division



Cabinet Division



Ministry of Science & Tchnology



Ministry of Commerce



Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Resources



Ministry of Water and Power

1 -

11 6 38



Ministry of Social Welfare & Special Education



Establishment Division


G. Total

85 166

173 206


234 98

103 2542





Economic Section Grades Male BS-22 BS-21 BS-20 BS-19 BS-18 BS-17 BS-16 BS-15 BS-14 BS-13 BS-12 BS-11 BS-10 BS-9 BS-8 BS-7 BS-6 BS-5 BS-4 & Bellow Total 1 4 8 15 7 1 12 12 6 3 10 Technical Section Male 4 8 20 7 2 15 12 8 3 10 9 15 16 5 2 18 13 3 12 4 11 Energy Wing Male 4 5 1 4 4 2 1 2 Project Wing Total 4 5 1 1 5 4 2 Male 2 6 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 Project/Attached Cell/ Centre Total Male 3 2 7 1 1 1 11 11 32 33 19 14 5 4 2 2 2 5 3 1 7 5 1 9 Admin Male 1 3 1 4 5 4 Grand Total Total 1 3 1 4 5 5 Male 2 6 31 43 69 49 22 54 35 3 25 3 500

Female %
2 7 34 49 84 62 26 65 38 3 28 3 537 15 3 31 5 10

Female 5 1 3 2 4

Total 1

Female 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 6

Total 9 16 17 7 3 21 15 3 13 4 11 -

Female 1 1 -

Female 1 -

Female 1 3 5 9 9 2 3 1 1

Total 4 14 16 41 42 21 17 6 4 2 2 5 3 7 5 9

Female 1

Female Total 0 1 3 6 15 13 4 11 3 0 3 0 35 0 0 0 0 0 11

0 14 9 12 18 21 15 17 8 0 11 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 4



502 15 3 31 5 10































1113 101


Female % Sectionwise


IMPACT ASSESSMENT OF GENDER AWARENESS AND ISSUES Accumulative responses received through Survey Programme. Concluding result
Number of survey forms which are received from the ministries are 35.

Gender Equality
7. How many employees are working in your Ministry? Male Female 2745 161 \ 8. Do you believe that girls should get the same education opportunities as boy? Yes No If No, Why? 35 0 0 9. When your next promotion is due? 1 Year 2 Year 19 7

5 Year 8

10 Year or Above 1

12. What are your views about female employment? Higher Level Middle Level

Lower Level

13. What do you think is female employees attitude towards male employees? Higher Level Middle Level Lower Level

14. Do you think that female employees should have separate rooms, toilets, pray area, and parking? Yes No If No, Why? 35 0 0 15. Do you cooperate with the female employees and help them if required? Yes No If No, Why? 29 0 0 16. Do the female employees cooperate with the male employees and help them if required? Yes No If No, Why? 28 0 0


17. Do you feel that your Ministrys policies promote Gender equality while recruiting and promoting? To some ext. To greater ext. No at all If not, Why? No Answer 16 15 2 0 1 18. Do you feel your Ministry is providing same facilities to its male employees as well to female employees? To some ext. To greater ext. No at all If not, Why? No Answer 16 22 2 0 0 19. Do you feel that management as well the employees of your Ministry are gender sensitized? To some ext. To greater ext. No at all If not, Why? No Answer 13 16 3 0 3 20. Do you know why no of women are employed in Public Sector is lesser than of men? Higher Level Middle Level Lower Level

15. Do you think someone of the opposite sex could perform equally well, if posted on your position? To some ext. To greater ext. No at all If not, Why? No Answer 13 19 2 0 0 16. Would it adversely affect your performance or growth if your immediate Boss is from the opposite sex? Yes No If not, Why? No Answer 1 34 0 0

SECTION NO-III Protection against harassment of women at workplace Act, 2010

1. Has your Ministry implemented Protection against Harassment of Women at Workplace Act 2010. Yes No If not, Why? No Answer 33 1 0 1 3. Has it adopted the Code of Conduct and constituted Inquiry Committee? Yes No If not, Why? No Answer 30 1 0 4 4. Has your Ministry organized awareness raising Seminars? If Yes, how many? 22

Yes 7

No 18

No Answer 10

10. Do you think this Act is helping in providing women employees a safe and secure environment? Yes No If not, Why? To some ext. No Answer 28 3 0 8 0 11. If yes, have you felt a positive change in the behavior of male & female employees? Yes No If not, Why? To some ext. No Answer 20 1 1 8 5 12. Do you think with gender sensitized employees and with gender balance in jobs at every level, shall improve the environment as well productivity level of your Ministry? Yes No Not at all If not, Why? No Answer 32 2 1 0 0



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