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SA = signal adjustments and system's architectures, MI = mode's inspiration and modeling's intelligence := {SA && MI} inside mathematical

intentional secrets across modulation's symbolization (engendering job scheduling) and manufacturing's synchronization (timing simulation) }

Said Mchaalia && Elizabeth f. Schneider (cleaner copy October 13th, 2013)

In fact, the modulation's symbolization, which has to engender and envelop any job scheduling within a continuous mathematical inspiration, which has to give an major intentional idea about the learning side of mode's intelligence across system's architectures and signal adjustment processing. Hence, the main real operating task and thread across inventing new approaches and algorithms to engender any robust control and to fix and function form around transmission's transportation dynamics and mechanism.

Figure 1: main real review of all possible probable dynamicsacross Liable logical Core's dynamic encoding design = surround symbolic{(dark, clear), (m = move, i = invest), (do, rue), (speed up, adjust)}dynamics and liable logics's language of genetic mimetic approachengendering symbolic synchronized {(frequent = mathematical mappingintentional of pair (+tg(v), -tg(v) such that v in ]2.k.pi, 5.k.pi/2[ and ]5.k.pi/2,(2.k +1).pi[, at (to synchronize timing simulation processing)), (digit =increment(initial = 0) to reach final= last = 9, event = (slice of time n suchthat t=n.T), (custom = current edge flow, consumer = node operation),(scaling<up, down>stairs, step's slice's scheduling)} design.

Hence, figure 1 illustrates main real review of all possible probable dynamicsacross Liable logical Core's dynamic encoding design = surround symbolic{(dark, clear), (m = move, i = invest), (do, rue), (speed up, adjust)}dynamics and liable logics's language of genetic mimetic approachengendering symbolic synchronized {(frequent = mathematical mappingintentional of pair (+tg(v), -tg(v) such that v in ]2.k.pi, 5.k.pi/2[ and ] 5.k.pi/2,(2.k +1).pi[, at (to synchronize timing simulation processing)), (digit =increment(initial = 0) to reach final= last = 9, event = (slice of time n suchthat t=n.T), (custom = current edge flow, consumer = node operation), (scaling<up, down>stairs, step's slice's scheduling)} design. Furthermore, the main real operating idea across this work is to put out the growing mode's inspiration and modeling's intelligence across the "black square" intentional secret inside enhancement of knowledge cultures and processing within discrete event simulation dynamics and mechanism: thus, Said Mchaalia, Myelin Sylvester, Susanne Weber, Elizabeth Schneider, Britney Spears, Jana Bechstein, and many other are working in deep dynamic design to understand the major most significant thread task across discrete event simulation, which is envisage inside symbolic set {(slice of time integer n such that t = n.T, event's value = function form involving within any mathematical intentional surround architecture).

I/ mathematical intentional secret across modulation's inspiration and modeling's intelligence

Figure 2: main real operating ideas to enhance amplitude and magnetude valuable variable extensible desirable aim objects.

In fact, figure 2 depicts the main huge hard hierarchy homes of interests in operating ideas to enhance amplitude and magnetude valuable variable extensible desirable aim objects.

In fact, based on figure 1, the main real processing is to invest in inventing a huge hard hierarchy homes across robust modeling's intelligence within the genetic and mimetic dynamic design to ensure desirable aim objects for any human dynamics and mechanism. Hence, the human persons, are discrete event simulation dynamics, which has to be model as any other thread task across (custom, consumer) graphics processing's modeling's intelligence. Therefore, the secrets across (custom, consumer) graphics processing's modeling's intelligence, depicts the main real operating principles such that :

1. amplitude's amplification within easy simple mathematical intentional modeling = mapping pair ((-1+ ratio of 1 to sqr[sin()] = "1/sqr[sin()]") XOR sqr[tg()] ) OR ((-1+ ratio of 1 to sqr[cos()] = "1/sqr[cos()]")XOR ratio of 1 to sqr[tg()] = "1/sqr[tg()"]

Thus, the mathematical amount quantity (-1+ ratio of 1 to sqr[sin()] = "1/sqr[sin()]") XOR sqr([tg()] plays the main real rule within any mode's inspiration and modeling's intelligence to ensure first of all possible probable fuzzy involvement inside the found mathematical inspiration, second of the amplification of the corresponding magnitude to access the transmission's transportation dynamics across (send = emit, receive = become) more and more streams of digital sequential data crossing any type of telecommunication; spacial, terrestrial, sub-ways, underworlds, open-air (mountains, higher lands, etc..).

Hence, the mathematical amount quantity (-1+ ratio of 1 to sqr[sin()] = "1/sqr[sin()]") XOR sqr([tg()] could then introduce the main real operation of mapping two keywords as all possible probable object orient type of programming tasks such as typedef map<int, float> Process_Map; typedef map<char, vector<int>> Storage_Map, map<int, float>::iterator il = Process_Map.begin(), map<char, vector<int>>::iterator ig = Storage_Map.begin(), etc investigation within deep mode's inspiration and modeling's intelligence enhancing modulation intensity, mechanism ideas, which should be equal to mapping pair of symbolic synchronized {(dark, clear), (m = move, i = invest), (do = "dark as adjective = to tend to +infinite value for example (-1+ ratio of 1 to sqr[sin()] = "1/sqr[sin()]") XOR sqr([tg()] OR ((-1+ ratio of 1 to sqr[cos()] = "1/sqr[cos()]")XOR ratio of 1 to sqr[tg()] = "1/sqr[tg()"]), rue = signal adjustment dynamics and mechanism = error's optimization processing = consider valuable variable extensible available processing across error between desirable and main real operating dynamics

, (speed up, adjust)} dynamic design.

Thus, the symbolic synchronized {(dark, clear), (m = move, i = invest), (do, rue), (speed up, adjust)} dynamic design consist to concern the error's optimization as the desirable of any robust control and the optimization of probabilistic stochastic statistical chaotic proceeding across human fixing function forms around desirable wishes and aim objects.

In fact, the modulation's symbolization, which has to engender and envelop any job scheduling within a continuous mathematical inspiration, which has to give an major intentional idea about the learning side of mode's intelligence across system's architectures and signal adjustment processing. Hence, the main real operating task and thread across inventing new approaches and algorithms to engender any robust control and to fix and function form around transmission's transportation dynamics and mechanism.

Figure 1: main real review of all possible probable dynamics across Liable logical Core's dynamic encoding design = surround symbolic{(dark, clear), (m = move, i = invest), (do, rue), (speed up, adjust)}dynamics and liable logics's language of genetic mimetic approach engendering symbolic synchronized {(frequent = mathematical mapping intentional of pair (+tg(v), -tg(v) such that v in ]2.k.pi, 5.k.pi/2[ and ]5.k.pi/2,(2.k +1).pi[, at (to synchronize timing simulation processing)), (digit =increment(initial = 0) to reach final= last = 9, event = (slice of time n such that t=n.T), (custom = current edge flow, consumer = node operation),(scaling<up, down>stairs, step's slice's scheduling)} design.

Hence, figure 1 illustrates main real review of all possible probable dynamics across Liable logical Core's dynamic encoding design = surround symbolic{(dark, clear), (m = move, i = invest), (do, rue), (speed up, adjust)}dynamics and liable logics's language of genetic mimetic approach engendering symbolic synchronized {(frequent = mathematical mapping intentional of pair (+tg(v), -tg(v) such that v in ]2.k.pi, 5.k.pi/2[ and ]5.k.pi/2, (2.k +1).pi[, at (to synchronize timing simulation processing)), (digit =increment(initial = 0) to reach final= last = 9, event = (slice of time n such

that t=n.T), (custom = current edge flow, consumer = node operation), (scaling<up, down>stairs, step's slice's scheduling)} design. Furthermore, the main real operating idea across this work is to put out the growing mode's inspiration and modeling's intelligence across the "black square" intentional secret inside enhancement of knowledge cultures and processing within discrete event simulation dynamics and mechanism: thus, Said Mchaalia, Myelin Sylvester, Susanne Weber, Elizabeth Schneider, Britney Spears, Jana Bechstein, and many other are working in deep dynamic design to understand the major most significant thread task across discrete event simulation, which is envisage inside symbolic set {(slice of time integer n such that t = n.T, event's value = function form involving within any mathematical intentional surround architecture).

I/ mathematical intentional secret across modulation's inspiration and modeling's intelligence:

In fact, based on figure 1, the main real processing is to invest in inventing a huge hard hierarchy homes across robust modeling's intelligence within the genetic and mimetic dynamic design to ensure desirable aim objects for any human dynamics and mechanism. Hence, the human persons, are discrete event simulation dynamics, which has to be model as any other thread task across (custom, consumer) graphics processing's modeling's intelligence. Therefore, the secrets across (custom, consumer) graphics processing's modeling's intelligence, depicts the main real operating principles such that :

1. amplitude's amplification within easy simple mathematical intentional modeling = mapping pair ((-1+ ratio of 1 to sqr[sin()] = "1/sqr[sin()]") XOR sqr[tg()] ) OR ((-1+ ratio of 1 to sqr[cos()] = "1/sqr[cos()]")XOR ratio of 1 to sqr[tg()] = "1/sqr[tg()"]

Thus, the mathematical amount quantity (-1+ ratio of 1 to sqr[sin()] = "1/sqr[sin()]") XOR sqr([tg()] plays the main real rule within any mode's inspiration and modeling's intelligence to ensure first of all possible probable fuzzy involvement inside the found mathematical inspiration, second of the amplification of the corresponding magnitude to access the transmission's transportation dynamics across (send = emit, receive = become) more and more streams of digital sequential data crossing any type of

telecommunication; spacial, terrestrial, sub-ways, underworlds, open-air (mountains, higher lands, etc..).

Hence, the mathematical amount quantity (-1+ ratio of 1 to sqr[sin()] = "1/sqr[sin()]") XOR sqr([tg()] could then introduce the main real operation of mapping two keywords as all possible probable object orient type of programming tasks such as typedef map<int, float> Process_Map; typedef map<char, vector<int>> Storage_Map, map<int, float>::iterator il = Process_Map.begin(), map<char, vector<int>>::iterator ig = Storage_Map.begin(), etc investigation within deep mode's inspiration and modeling's intelligence enhancing modulation intensity, mechanism ideas, which should be equal to mapping pair of symbolic synchronized {(dark, clear), (m = move, i = invest), (do = "dark as adjective = to tend to +infinite value for example (-1+ ratio of 1 to sqr[sin()] = "1/sqr[sin()]") XOR sqr([tg()] OR ((-1+ ratio of 1 to sqr[cos()] = "1/sqr[cos()]")XOR ratio of 1 to sqr[tg()] = "1/sqr[tg()"]), rue = signal adjustment dynamics and mechanism = error's optimization processing = consider valuable variable extensible available processing across error between desirable and main real operating dynamics , (speed up, adjust)} dynamic design.

Thus, the symbolic synchronized {(dark, clear), (m = move, i = invest), (do, rue), (speed up, adjust)} dynamic design consist to concern the error's optimization as the desirable of any robust control and the optimization of probabilistic stochastic statistical chaotic proceeding across human fixing function forms around desirable wishes and aim objects.

II/ involve intentional mathematical arrangement to surround mode's inspiration and modeling's intelligence across any signal adjustment and system's architecture:

In fact, the deep investigation of Intel processors, require to understand in deep, system's architecture = processor's architecture = what is a processor? = to enhance programming design = engender and envelop any possible probable job scheduling type = to flow within the what is insert this is close to wish to surround, to do to rue across any possible intentional mathematical modeling's intelligence = count a day away to be a discrete event's specialist = compute across any probable intentional function form to invent a dynamics and mechanism across get up and bring into a battleground

growing mechanism of showing numbers as computing processing: 0, 0.00002, 0.008, 0.5, 1, 1.6, 1.60009, 1.9, ......, 10000.

Furthermore, the computing across the mathematical intentional to ensure real main operating dynamics across the modulation's inspiration = amplification of amplitude and intentional value of magnitude to reach the highest variation level when to be sent to any destination = mapping pair of {((-1+ ratio of 1 to sqr[sin()] = "1/sqr[sin()]") XOR sqr[tg()] ) OR ((-1+ ratio of 1 to sqr[cos()] = "1/sqr[cos()]")XOR ratio of 1 to sqr[tg()] = "1/sqr[tg()"] } symbolic dynamic design to enhance the involving of "Corner's float dynamic encoding design". What is this?

Thus, the Corner's float dynamic encoding design concern the flow by scaling within step's slice scheduling: lowest voltage level to be "TRUE = 1" is 1.25 volts, but what if insert a flow of step's slice scheduling to add each time 0.005 volts or 0.00003 volts to ensure and build in any possible corner's float dynamic encoding design: leaf like take the remote control: click "A" => 1.25 volts, then click "B" => to assign 1.2500003 volts during transmission's transportation mechanism, after click "*" => to assign 1.250036 volts during transmission's transportation mechanism, then click ")" => to assign 1.25078 volts during transmission's transportation mechanism, .... , finally click "z" => to assign 5.00003 volts during transmission's transportation mechanism. Thus, this the basic built in dynamics of the corner's float dynamic encoding design, which could be easy engendering and enveloping within:

i. sqr[sin()] = ratio of ((*ig).second).size()) to [sum( ((*ig).second).size()) + 1 (= fptr.eof()) = ((*ig).second).size()) / [sum( ((*ig).second).size()) + 1 (= fptr.eof()). .

ii. sqr[cos()] = ratio of ((*ig).second).size()) to [sum( ((*ig).second).size()) + 1 (= fptr.eof()) =((*ig).second).size()) / [sum( ((*ig).second).size()) + 1 (= fptr.eof()).

iii. Claude's Shannon's p.Log(1/p) = ratio of ((*ig).second).size()) to [sum( ((*ig).second).size()) + 1 (= fptr.eof()) = ((*ig).second).size()) /

[sum( ((*ig).second).size()) + 1 (= fptr.eof()).

iv. ((-1+ ratio of 1 to sqr[sin()] = "1/sqr[sin()]") XOR sqr[tg()] ) OR ((-1+ ratio of 1 to sqr[cos()] = "1/sqr[cos()]")XOR ratio of 1 to sqr[tg()] = "1/sqr[tg()"] = ratio of ((*ig).second).size()) to [sum( ((*ig).second).size()) + 1 (= fptr.eof()) = ((*ig).second).size()) / [sum( ((*ig).second).size()) + 1 (= fptr.eof()). Therefore, the logics "XOR" is a depicting of the arithmetic operation "+".

v. search a function form f() such that 0 <= f() <= 1, and then f() = ratio of ((*ig).second).size()) to [sum( ((*ig).second).size()) + 1 (= fptr.eof()) = ((*ig).second).size()) / [sum( ((*ig).second).size()) + 1 (= fptr.eof()).

III/ Intel's processor's architecture concerning signal adjustment and system's architecture:

SA = signal adjustments and system's architectures, MI = mode's inspiration and modeling's intelligence := {SA && MI} inside mathematical intentional secrets across modulation's symbolization (engendering job scheduling) and manufacturing's synchronization (timing simulation) }

Said Mchaalia && Elizabeth f. Schneider (cleaner copy October 13th, 2013)

In fact, the modulation's symbolization, which has to engender and envelop any job scheduling within a continuous mathematical inspiration, which has to give an major intentional idea about the learning side of mode's intelligence across system's architectures and signal adjustment processing. Hence, the main real operating task and thread across inventing new approaches and algorithms to engender any robust control and to fix and function form around transmission's transportation dynamics and mechanism.

Figure 1: main real review of all possible probable dynamics across Liable

logical Core's dynamic encoding design = surround symbolic{(dark, clear), (m = move, i = invest), (do, rue), (speed up, adjust)}dynamics and liable logics's language of genetic mimetic approach engendering symbolic synchronized {(frequent = mathematical mapping intentional of pair (+tg(v), -tg(v) such that v in ]2.k.pi, 5.k.pi/2[ and ]5.k.pi/2,(2.k +1).pi[, at (to synchronize timing simulation processing)), (digit =increment(initial = 0) to reach final= last = 9, event = (slice of time n such that t=n.T), (custom = current edge flow, consumer = node operation),(scaling<up, down>stairs, step's slice's scheduling)} design.

Hence, figure 1 illustrates main real review of all possible probable dynamics across Liable logical Core's dynamic encoding design = surround symbolic{(dark, clear), (m = move, i = invest), (do, rue), (speed up, adjust)}dynamics and liable logics's language of genetic mimetic approach engendering symbolic synchronized {(frequent = mathematical mapping intentional of pair (+tg(v), -tg(v) such that v in ]2.k.pi, 5.k.pi/2[ and ]5.k.pi/2, (2.k +1).pi[, at (to synchronize timing simulation processing)), (digit =increment(initial = 0) to reach final= last = 9, event = (slice of time n such that t=n.T), (custom = current edge flow, consumer = node operation), (scaling<up, down>stairs, step's slice's scheduling)} design. Furthermore, the main real operating idea across this work is to put out the growing mode's inspiration and modeling's intelligence across the "black square" intentional secret inside enhancement of knowledge cultures and processing within discrete event simulation dynamics and mechanism: thus, Said Mchaalia, Myelin Sylvester, Susanne Weber, Elizabeth Schneider, Britney Spears, Jana Bechstein, and many other are working in deep dynamic design to understand the major most significant thread task across discrete event simulation, which is envisage inside symbolic set {(slice of time integer n such that t = n.T, event's value = function form involving within any mathematical intentional surround architecture).

I/ mathematical intentional secret across modulation's inspiration and modeling's intelligence:

In fact, based on figure 1, the main real processing is to invest in inventing a huge hard hierarchy homes across robust modeling's intelligence within the genetic and mimetic dynamic design to ensure desirable aim objects for any human dynamics and mechanism. Hence, the human persons, are discrete event simulation dynamics, which has to be model as any other thread task

across (custom, consumer) graphics processing's modeling's intelligence. Therefore, the secrets across (custom, consumer) graphics processing's modeling's intelligence, depicts the main real operating principles such that :

1. amplitude's amplification within easy simple mathematical intentional modeling = mapping pair ((-1+ ratio of 1 to sqr[sin()] = "1/sqr[sin()]") XOR sqr[tg()] ) OR ((-1+ ratio of 1 to sqr[cos()] = "1/sqr[cos()]")XOR ratio of 1 to sqr[tg()] = "1/sqr[tg()"]

Thus, the mathematical amount quantity (-1+ ratio of 1 to sqr[sin()] = "1/sqr[sin()]") XOR sqr([tg()] plays the main real rule within any mode's inspiration and modeling's intelligence to ensure first of all possible probable fuzzy involvement inside the found mathematical inspiration, second of the amplification of the corresponding magnitude to access the transmission's transportation dynamics across (send = emit, receive = become) more and more streams of digital sequential data crossing any type of telecommunication; spacial, terrestrial, sub-ways, underworlds, open-air (mountains, higher lands, etc..).

Hence, the mathematical amount quantity (-1+ ratio of 1 to sqr[sin()] = "1/sqr[sin()]") XOR sqr([tg()] could then introduce the main real operation of mapping two keywords as all possible probable object orient type of programming tasks such as typedef map<int, float> Process_Map; typedef map<char, vector<int>> Storage_Map, map<int, float>::iterator il = Process_Map.begin(), map<char, vector<int>>::iterator ig = Storage_Map.begin(), etc investigation within deep mode's inspiration and modeling's intelligence enhancing modulation intensity, mechanism ideas, which should be equal to mapping pair of symbolic synchronized {(dark, clear), (m = move, i = invest), (do = "dark as adjective = to tend to +infinite value for example (-1+ ratio of 1 to sqr[sin()] = "1/sqr[sin()]") XOR sqr([tg()] OR ((-1+ ratio of 1 to sqr[cos()] = "1/sqr[cos()]")XOR ratio of 1 to sqr[tg()] = "1/sqr[tg()"]), rue = signal adjustment dynamics and mechanism = error's optimization processing = consider valuable variable extensible available processing across error between desirable and main real operating dynamics , (speed up, adjust)} dynamic design.

Thus, the symbolic synchronized {(dark, clear), (m = move, i = invest), (do, rue), (speed up, adjust)} dynamic design consist to concern the error's

optimization as the desirable of any robust control and the optimization of probabilistic stochastic statistical chaotic proceeding across human fixing function forms around desirable wishes and aim objects.

II/ involve intentional mathematical arrangement to surround mode's inspiration and modeling's intelligence across any signal adjustment and system's architecture:

In fact, the deep investigation of Intel processors, require to understand in deep, system's architecture = processor's architecture = what is a processor? = to enhance programming design = engender and envelop any possible probable job scheduling type = to flow within the what is insert this is close to wish to surround, to do to rue across any possible intentional mathematical modeling's intelligence = count a day away to be a discrete event's specialist = compute across any probable intentional function form to invent a dynamics and mechanism across get up and bring into a battleground growing mechanism of showing numbers as computing processing: 0, 0.00002, 0.008, 0.5, 1, 1.6, 1.60009, 1.9, ......, 10000.

Furthermore, the computing across the mathematical intentional to ensure real main operating dynamics across the modulation's inspiration = amplification of amplitude and intentional value of magnitude to reach the highest variation level when to be sent to any destination = mapping pair of {((-1+ ratio of 1 to sqr[sin()] = "1/sqr[sin()]") XOR sqr[tg()] ) OR ((-1+ ratio of 1 to sqr[cos()] = "1/sqr[cos()]")XOR ratio of 1 to sqr[tg()] = "1/sqr[tg()"] } symbolic dynamic design to enhance the involving of "Corner's float dynamic encoding design". What is this?

Thus, the Corner's float dynamic encoding design concern the flow by scaling within step's slice scheduling: lowest voltage level to be "TRUE = 1" is 1.25 volts, but what if insert a flow of step's slice scheduling to add each time 0.005 volts or 0.00003 volts to ensure and build in any possible corner's float dynamic encoding design: leaf like take the remote control: click "A" => 1.25 volts, then click "B" => to assign 1.2500003 volts during transmission's transportation mechanism, after click "*" => to assign 1.250036 volts during transmission's transportation mechanism, then click ")" => to assign 1.25078 volts during transmission's transportation mechanism, ....

, finally click "z" => to assign 5.00003 volts during transmission's transportation mechanism. Thus, this the basic built in dynamics of the corner's float dynamic encoding design, which could be easy engendering and enveloping within:

i. sqr[sin()] = ratio of ((*ig).second).size()) to [sum( ((*ig).second).size()) + 1 (= fptr.eof()) = ((*ig).second).size()) / [sum( ((*ig).second).size()) + 1 (= fptr.eof()). .

ii. sqr[cos()] = ratio of ((*ig).second).size()) to [sum( ((*ig).second).size()) + 1 (= fptr.eof()) =((*ig).second).size()) / [sum( ((*ig).second).size()) + 1 (= fptr.eof()).

iii. Claude's Shannon's p.Log(1/p) = ratio of ((*ig).second).size()) to [sum( ((*ig).second).size()) + 1 (= fptr.eof()) = ((*ig).second).size()) / [sum( ((*ig).second).size()) + 1 (= fptr.eof()).

iv. ((-1+ ratio of 1 to sqr[sin()] = "1/sqr[sin()]") XOR sqr[tg()] ) OR ((-1+ ratio of 1 to sqr[cos()] = "1/sqr[cos()]")XOR ratio of 1 to sqr[tg()] = "1/sqr[tg()"] = ratio of ((*ig).second).size()) to [sum( ((*ig).second).size()) + 1 (= fptr.eof()) = ((*ig).second).size()) / [sum( ((*ig).second).size()) + 1 (= fptr.eof()). Therefore, the logics "XOR" is a depicting of the arithmetic operation "+".

v. search a function form f() such that 0 <= f() <= 1, and then f() = ratio of ((*ig).second).size()) to [sum( ((*ig).second).size()) + 1 (= fptr.eof()) = ((*ig).second).size()) / [sum( ((*ig).second).size()) + 1 (= fptr.eof()).

III/ Intel's processor's architecture concerning signal adjustment and system's architecture:

In fact, within the corner's float dynamic encoding design (see figure 1), play great growing rule and role within logics's function forms "XOR" and "OR". Thus, the {(dark, clear), (m = move, i = invest), (do, rue), (speed up, adjust)} should be divided to two dynamic of processing listing across (m =

move, ( dark = do, clear = (-1+ ratio of 1 to sqr[sin()] =-1+ "1/sqr[sin()]")) OR sqr[tg()] OR ratio of 1 to sqr[tg()] = 1/sqr[tg()] OR (-1+ ratio of 1 to sqr[cos()] = -1+ "1/sqr[cos()]")), speed up = there is no obstacle). Next list is the invest in list = (i = invest, ( dark = do, clear = (-1+ ratio of 1 to sqr[sin()] =-1+ "1/sqr[sin()]")) OR sqr[tg()] OR ratio of 1 to sqr[tg()] = 1/sqr[tg()] OR (1+ ratio of 1 to sqr[cos()] = -1+ "1/sqr[cos()]")), invest = make mobile path cleaner from any obstacle).

In fact, within the corner's float dynamic encoding design, the

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