To Be To Do

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I am a boy. Are you my friend? This isnt a car.

Where do you go? Does it eat the bones?

We dont go to Spain. My cousin doesnt speak French.

TO BE I am You are He is She is It is We are You are They are TO EAT Do I eat? Do you eat? Does he eat? Does she eat? Does it eat? Do we eat? Do you eat? Do they eat?
Fill in the blanks with the verb TO BE: Fill in the blanks with DO or DOES:

1. Miriam a nice girl. 2. When your father coming home? 3. These my fathers. 4. All the flowers in the garden. 5. There somebody at the door. 6. Sam and Tom going to school together today. 7. These not mine. 8. The children at school. 9. Whose that pencil? 10. There many students in the classroom today.
Write the correct form of the verb in brackets:

1. you like opera? 2. When your sister go home? 3. you know if Margaret does her homework in the afternoon? 4. My cat not sleep under my bed. 5. Why they want to leave now? 6. Please, not tell me what to do. 7. Where Angela and her family live? 8. I not want this apple. 9. The kitty not know where to go. 10. this muffler belong to your mother, Sandra?

This (be) my best friend. Her name (be) Samantha. She (live) in a white house near my house. We always (play) together and we (have) beautiful toys. Sam (like) to play with my toys and I (play) with hers. She (have) a younger brother, he (be) only five months old. He always (cry) when he (be) hungry or when he (need) his mother. But he (smile) a lot, too.

I dont eat You dont eat He doesnt eat She doesnt eat It doesnt eat We dont eat You dont eat They dont eat

Fill in the blanks with AM/IS/ARE, DO or DOES and write the correct form of the verbs:

Victoria .not have many friends, because she shy and she never (play) with other children. In her free time she not go to the park where all her colleagues (meet), she (stay) home, (listen) to music or (read) a book. She (have) lots of books, because she fond of reading. She not like playing on the computer or riding a bike. In fact, she not have a bike.

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