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7 SWOT ANALYSIS 7.1 Strengths Largest opertion| network and infrastmeture within ICT (Infomation & Communication Technologies) segment ‘An integrated Monoply Markt leadership in Lov loop, Wireless lca oop (WL) and Fixed telephony PPTCL (Uione) is market challenger in GSM seginen Ufone is performing wall tbough Warid and Telenor are tough competitors PTCL, Ufone's profitailiy inereased by 49.2 percent to Rs 977 milion in 1HIFYO7 as compared to Rs 655 nln in the corresponding pci las. Competitors sill depend on PTCL network either diet o niretly Fxperinend Telecom Resources 7.2 Weakness Not been able to nurture its growth around cusioiner services oriented siategy Inieral organizational and business processes issues Monopalisi culture has further added to its complexities Paknet, the intemet service provider arm of pel continues to incur fsses due to poor managment nd lack of network optimization Pil, the fixe wireless phone servie is poor ‘Over employment & lw productivity Slow decision making including extemal interferences ‘Corporate culture aka 10 gaverament departments. 7.3 Opportunities Low teledensity of pakistan © Have vst infrastructure and realestate assets which canbe leveraged further © Global connectivity reliability has been improved. PTCL is expanding the long dstanee and infrastructure side trough spreading out two ses-me-we submarine cable. Partnership with new entrants in a deregulated environment + Scope for effcienveost effective operations ‘SEMINAR IN BUSINESS AND PUBLIC POLICY ©ptel 7.4 Threats Inereased competition in lng distance continues to exert pressure VOIP us is increasing despite ambiguous and discriminatory policies, Exposure to market competition Migration to Cellular Networks Ability to Auract & Retsin Quality Professionals Reduction in Inerational Settlement Rates

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