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Week 21

Bona fide: -Only bona fide members are allowed to use the club pool. Destitution: -The floods left many people destitute.

-a man who is destitute of mercy Desultory: -They talked briefly in a desultory manner. Fulsome: -The book contains a fulsome dedication to his wife. -a fulsomely congratulatory message Indoctrinate: -People were indoctrinated not to question their leaders. -The military in particular were subjected to intense political indoctrination. Lush: -a lush green mountainous island -The fields were lush with grass and flowers. -lush carpets Materialism: -a reaction to a world full of shallow materialism -We confess to being hopeless materialists, surrounded by our own neat stuff. Metamorphosis: -the metamorphosis of China under Deng's economic reforms -Beetles undergo a complete metamorphosis in their life cycle.


-European Union is an ideal that has been nurtured since the post-war years. -a hatred of foreigners nurtured by the media -plants nurtured in the greenhouse Opulence: -evening dresses in opulent fabrics -Europe's opulent elite -the size and opulence of the rooms Penance: -We prayed and did penance together. -as a penance for his sins -Working in the garden was a kind of penance. Ponder: -He continued to ponder the problem as he walked home. -The university board is still pondering over the matter. -Jay stood still for a moment, pondering whether to go or not. Salvation: -A drug treatment program was Ron's salvation. -The Internet turned out to be the salvation of the company. Scion: -a scion of an ancient Scottish family Supplication: -Paolo knelt and bowed his head in supplication.

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