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Adjectives ending in ed and ing

When do we use adjectives that end in ed? (past participle) I am frightened, she was terrified, he felt annoyed, I will be fascinated, you should be impressed, he is tired. When do we use adjectives that end in ing?(present participle) Its disgusting, the sea was freezing, spiders are terrifying, homework is tiring, housework is boring. The day I went to the beach the sea was After I had been for a swim I was (freeze) (tire)

With some irregular verbs you form the adjective with an irregular past participle After my swim I was frozen. After six pints of beer I was drunk. The guidebook was misleading, I was misled by it. annoy relax tire disgust bore frustrate disappoint fascinate amuse

Teachers need long holidays, they do a very Im sorry, Im not at all I wish youd stop whistling, its really My mark in the exam was I thought the film was great, but my sister was I dont find beach holidays I was Its Im . I dont find it very funny. .


. I thought Id done much better and left early. , I end up bored and restless. to see that someone had left rubbish all over the road. not to be able to get a mobile phone signal here. by anything to do with biology.

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