Jahangir Worlds Time August Edition

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ql = | OVE i Ss In Pursuit of Counterterrorism Policy — Amanat Chaudhry in A GRAVE THREAT TO PAKISTAN at nang se Dd ‘aera eam: Ne Gath teat rte in Koso tt Za asa Ela Dr Nera De An 2a sr ter brid Vain BS Na sats Shlgn Pot Adl act 9. Sid Noane Seer Ad: hs Sd Pha sean Rep Rss A Shires) dag Pb cl seth Ce rt ‘sm ant mi ler 023564, ump, Laat eieg Deptt ama Ai aa Deng Dee Tong ogy "al alae Al Ar) araating Manager: Zamir ag ate 03004161276 shred an (amc OH 276901, OD 250175 ‘Sher Me Kah 0159-21095 tery avr Ft 235771001 oar neato et 48178 sma Nos heey era (2270 es ty at To 1252 Yor ani ama Cat Ril es, etn Oa Jahangir’s World Times “abe anes ‘When the new governments were installed, at both federal and provincial level, people ad fnge expectations that the ew ievernments wil radiate the terroriem from Fakstan. Dut, 90 Tespite ftom these Feinous acts of barbaram and brutalty Is foreseeable even inna future, The news of bomb lasts and mass alin make every sane person feel that where the Qua’ Peet iad gooe,Qaaid envisioned Pakistan which guaranteed the secur sfeery dizen. Bt, there isnot an ot ofthis abservabe today Karachyonce the iyo ght, no plunged iat the darkness of targeted hllings bot the authors are stm hiberaton, Tens of dllzene ore murdered every day, the uncurbed actives of ‘otertion mas had mide business commit stage protets and people arefrcrd to leave theirhomesin search f safer places. Realdente of Kier Pakhtunkts face Bloodshed alinost every dey, FATA controled bythe terrors nthe garb of Taba who heoponslaighteringteirinnocent ceuntyrer, Aalocistan string The sivation so rim that even the funeral [ravers ae attacked and recently the high fica of Balochistan otice inching 4 DIG, Fayyas Surmbal were assaesinated. The ling of Abdul sans Khan Kaka, the Deputy Commissioner ‘Quetts and ofsP ial Ahmed, Colonel Ghulam Mustafa Capea Ashfaq Azia, three investigators of Manga Parbat tragedy, and of many other secunty person, sab volumes about the audaety tt theve clement, Not Baloch cannot even think of teveling to thie lange proving of Pakistan. $arban acts ke NangaYarattrgedy makes fel ashamed as we ld not protect ur guess who nat only beng nao! offre fexchange, but ls can pay aig role augmenting Fakstan's sft Image efor te wot. Pia tosh fas somewhat beter ae and order station, et thisgenie maybe out of bate arytame. Te fre of hatred a boil i consuming the national integrity Whole county has become an batttr where Pakistanis are being slaughtered. Teor 1s onmipresent, bioodbadbs are a trequent ‘occurrence and tertersts ate a bert todo wat dey want may I betheallreaks together comrades reed even threaten the ‘sovernment Weave already lost ha of Quads Pakistan and aga the treats the very elstetce of Pakistan are lag, AS Abad fet gee Gro lion d eo Bit teed ht, 1 the ent of fate or senslessness that sommes st ory Mel heads in sand Lackuste condemnation and ake. actions by seeunty forces Cannot sneahate terrorism, We have f0| ‘Stand upand stay united against these savages. There was never the ned Ter unity 3 dfe as today. I we donot show courage, Gt orc we may lose the remaining Pakistan Te ‘es ant-ertonsm pony an encouraging step. However mst bhetmplementedin etter nd spin see soe is al come forward 0 fone ity among al the Rakin 10 mike cee homeland, Pakistan whar ot ereathers had reams of. The cy wat gain a respect status among the comity of nts isin Fare following words win Fw ey oF fokecde trecet CL Sue Bok aoe ta esr >. a=... sdecneciapdprrcom ) [7 (4 C) Parer wow jworlatimes.com FF wn facebook com/pages/Johangirs- World Menber APNE & ABC Certified Calm before . 4 | Editor's Desk the Storm 4 8 | Letters to the Editor 10| Workts Top 10 12! Argy-Baray 13| Tweets ‘Mustims Cont Win Nobel Prizes ‘Yousofeai § The United Nations ye 73 Answers to the Guenes of 5S, PMS, POS Aspironts cssguru@jworldtimes. com The Tragic Implications of Eaypt' Bloody ‘Grockdown = ener 22| Pinang the Pac Screg Pers 48] oa Coe. Spat: New 8 Eancatirn a tetra Star Zar *| 0 in Parsut of Counterterrorism Petey a \Vosten of Gaasetire ams asre of Peace ‘rena Chouchry | Srautar Preche ue + Azam ‘A Chanemate: Lssder wth 2 Vision 94 | Power Petey: Hove Ted, Now Wort ‘yee Asad Kaleorn [7 (4 C) Parer 18 20 24 Palestinearel Peace Ta pe-sponsered errors nde INTERNATIONA (aan evece 106 19 | Balochistan Caling 49 | Policing Laws in Pakistan: Theory & Practice 153 | Pakistan, infa and the US: Imbaonced Status Quo 58 | LNG 837 | Book nthe arm of tho IME | 11 | Lahore Resolution & Parton of indo 1140 | Andlee Abas sist 2 corte | 70 | Engich récie & Comansition (oked Paner C3S-2012) oa Sf ch | 76 | Mede Etnies ard the Freedom of Pres 79 | Why Our Varsities are No Macch to Odard, Hanan? 11 | Dr Sumair Noor, Or Share! Noor and Or Gabe Noor 3 Sina Peal 2018 ee aks - Cf) Cd O) Parer Letters to the Editor = For your feedback and suggestions, please write to us at: \ editor@jworldtimes.com Include Sindh, Its History & Literature Dear Eto, No doubt that WP's the only plaform tht provides the aspirants with an invaluable opportunity to read the stu on diverse topics. want 10 suggest that although JWT covers almost all areas of sty, Sind / Sind Literature Sindh History’ isaissing andit shouldbe included forthe greater benefit of the candles trom Sindh, asroor Hussain Memon ‘Nawab Shah English Portion is Missing The jb that W's contbutors are doing s really «laudable cme. The magazine's valuable, ever-redible content als more tits prestige. More importantly it cater forall what a CS§ aspirant needs, But forthe last wo months, English portion has been excluded making its regularsfeel something missing. The expulsion of segments such as Vocabulary i News! and Prof Bakar’ portion, imespecia, have yawned a vacuum inthe ise Teisahtumble request tat indlyindude the aforesad portions inorder tobest benefit the CSS hopeful “Al Raza Shuai Lakho hairpur Mirus, Sind Facebook is Ruining Teenagers This is with reference to an Essay entitled “The Incvlity & Unsarial Behaviour on Social Media” by Dt Waleed Asghar. This surely encompasses al the aspeet ofthe tic and the writer has done abaokite justice tk {just wnt to add that teenagers nowadays spend most oftheir time on Facebook. Their mor their evenings with Facebook. Thistesultsin the lack of personality development aod speaking sil Facebook has become a teenage fad and addiction. 1s causing distress and ruin fam rletionsbips. It i with Face ‘wasting the precious time youngsters, so they shuld Hit the use of Facebook and concentrate on eablie activities, 1M, Zeeshar batt ‘Stlket TM © ©) PaPertcom Letters to the \@ Editor a | Education: Recruitment in Punjab / ‘Recent the #ucaton Minister of Punjab announced tha promotions and transfers of teachers and lecturers wil be nade keeping vem er eal erformancerather tha senior. ‘Tic neve pulley might usurp the rights of omc educations othe aeadep performance canbe subject to dscrimina tion and vas ofthe authorities evaluating Ecards working in ar ung areas of Pua are more ely te afecedby tis policy because they are wale to Show exelent ocaderic results dus to iauficent teaching facies an sain thelr institutions irisTequested thot beth fener and mest shuld be taken int acount fr tarsfers,prome'ions and granting tad leave. a sutra Akar Rijonrar eshave been announce by the FPSC. Conversely, 788 candidates were declared successful bythe FPSC. ‘This means thet only 247 people would be accommodated intheir respective groups. Further, many candidates bave worked really hard over the years to get through the CSS exam. 1 urge the federal govern- ‘ment to eccommodate the remaining candidates to. Wagar Umar Memon Karachi Recently, the Government of Pakistan extended whe quota system In the country for another 20 years. Though i is ‘welcome step, proper implementation ofthis system must be ensured, also nceds tbe ensured thatthe benefit ofthe quota system i allowed to those underprivileged rural people who have ‘their major part of schooling in those areas, unlike those who, though they have a domicile of rural areas, have their ‘complete schooling nlite public schools o top schools in urban centres, {tse mart system is negated forthe benefit of undeserving people, It wil whip up undesirable ethnicty and parochial ‘sm, Syed Talat Shahzad ‘Karicht \PIA's chronic disease! “This with reference to Syed Asad Kaleem's story onPLA. He rightly pointed out the governmentsinactionand ineptness through the years. These wrongdoings had tamed the PIA, once anassetto the natin, intoa lability, He also pointed out the recent governments step of appointing a borad having Shahid Khaqan Abbas as its merabet I cannot bring about ‘any positive change rater nothing al changed te working cultureremalns the sare ‘Another important issue is that of 24 aicras and 18, 800 employees coupled with major corruption in supplies and ‘procurement. Unites these problems are addressed, we will keep chasing shadows. Shahid All khan (iit, Gilgit Baltistan MICO UWS ANEPICDRAMA An aries man, Malik Sikander Hayat, drove int the Constitution Avemuie where he fre on the police and started a standoff which fended aftera PPP leader Zamnnud Khan tied to gra him MILITARY REIGNS SUPREME Faypt’s former president Hosni Mubarak has een granted, cone tional release. Meanwhile, cecenth-ousted, President. Mohammed Mors wis sill uncer detention ‘CHANGE ATTHETOP The candidate of Pakistan Muslim League, Mamnoom ssa, won the election forthe President of Pakistan, Mr hussain secured PAYING THE PRICE ‘Sammy prhate Bradley Manning was sentenced to 35 years in prison by 2 miltary coure at Fort Neade, Marland, for passing cassfied uments to whistle blowing platform Wik. cak, he Eayption army lanched a bloody erackdown on two camps rected by.pro-Morsi- demonstrators in Cato, killing teatly. 6 [i (4 (2) Parer PRESCHOOLPOLITICIAN A year-old boy, Bobby Tufts, who was elected as the mayor of Daase', als called the "Restaurant Capital of dhe Word last year is novrre elected for is second term INTHELINEOF WAR The Line of Contral (LoC) turned e-ot again after the Indian army claimed that PakiBtan killed two Indian soldiers. Pakistan strongly ejected the baseless and unfounded allegations" by India. SYRIA'SDARKESTHOUR Syrian ectivists has accused President Sashar al-Assad forces of launching the nerve gas attack. Thoy sold that atleast 213 people including women and children, have been killed 8 far. ‘BACK TO THECOLD WAR President Obama scrapped @ Moscow summit sith Russia's ‘iadimic Putin wth the White House citing lack of progress in relations and @sappointment over the Edward Soowden afar HIGHER THAN THE HIMALAYAS Pakistan and China will celebrate the year 2015 as “frends exchange year’, 0 lay greater focus on further strengthening of bilateral cooperation and realising the Gream of socio-economic ‘empowerment of theirpeople. [7 (4 C) Parer ‘The only pat to tnterset with ian trem regovation on equal grounds, rectprocal "Countries wich embrace and eare about ‘ustbuilding and mutual respet. ‘democracy should not beliave with double san Rowhamt standards towards these kinds of events Presiden of tran) lim xy Recep Tayytp Broan on Baye Staciton A oS . ‘Aidanistan’s futare security will remain dependent ) demardigemenotour forces wih tel cowardly acts fn intermational troops for many years after most Dr Alsiu! Maik Baloch enn foreign combat forcesleaveby the end of 2014. Fat eniter of Palech ‘General Joseoh Dunford eee Commander, ISAF and US Forces im Ajghanistan A western military attock on Syria would only create ‘more problems in the region, lead to more blooishe (American forces ae recy” to launch strikes, and result in the same sort of “catastrophe” os ‘anya if President Barack Obama chooses to previous such interventions in Ireqand lbya, lorderan attock. ‘Seraei Lavrov Chuck Het | \ usta Foreign Miniter Us Defence Secretary ) aes Se eee AMEE : 1a Rowling {howe Robert because ts one ofmy favourite men's names, because Robert Kennedy sy hero and because, mercifully, hadn't used it for any of the characters inthe Potter series or "The Casual Vacancy’ 1 hard aatdcameron Today's econooni growth figures are encouraging, We are on the right track building n economy fo ‘working people i A eA: SNR RR raat ‘This fs mot false hope that drone strikes wil stop. They should stop. We should handle terror Issues our shreenntcat ‘Sfaramna’ derived fom noun sharam” meaning shame ~@ word used in moral content seipares ete; | noverbefore defined as an abus” itcates There ate simple solutions that would save milion of newborns. So why don't more people use them? MME GS SN usin Hoggan Thehoundingof dual tizens ooks like the bouncing of Jaws Navi Germany. Special badges? ee oe! amide 4 Ttonas bot the duty of Army to protect jl rom Taliban twas the duty of police which is controlled by pro orton ‘The situation of our socety’is such that we have broken tes with our blood relations and instead prioritize cout friends. pinortrtaeae qhanis' talel he US-China wens i er ae b tain to defi i we national relations to. & ola ce AS ue, the " 2s wll a8 the word, are scram bling to bettorunderstan tionship. China's ‘ions an history. The U's position isframed as one where Chin i tnresponsile stakeholder within tHe international system. ‘ether case, rently define p11 {his iteral dubiabie that feginents. within both eountries ‘te each other a3 opponents, Yet fauch of the The future af Afghanistan offers ‘ax opportunity 0 these eo major powers ty work together in fur Cf) Cd O) Parer Jn 2014, China is realizing that is investments in AE ‘Shanistan wil be at risk, ts Central Asian trade threat ‘ened, and its relations with Pakistan stramed. tn sho China new to take steps toprotect its interes “The US population has exhausted from war and its pol ties Is focused on domestic problems, and At is con sumed with withdrawing its securty forces from Af shanistan. However, Washington does not wishto wate, Afghanistan fall into absolute chaos. Not only would it ‘be negatively affected by the further loss of life, but tt would also make the country’s years of investment meaningless and create a security vacuum that may ‘onceagaimrequire amajor US presence “Thus, Clna wants to protect is Western border and the , US wishes to find a means to enhance Afghan secu: nity. This issue can be a basis forbuildingco ‘operation be ‘wveen the two nations. Un- fortunately, neither coun: tty Is focused con the Afghan. spect to the other, ‘That rust change. ‘usterat Sera: ‘tegie Coopers thon Too many. in the United China as an inevitable stratepie opponent, ignoring counterevidence in favour of a quashCold War worldview. Likewise, many analysts in Cina argue that (US-China international cooperation, Fst each country needs to figure out what costs itis. illo to pay for Afghan security. Roth countries pub lily declare their desire for a prosperous and sate af. ghanistan, but neither has made headway in exploring ‘what international institutions it wil need in order to reac the desired end, China, given its policies of peace ful development and respect to sovereignty, will resist pressure to step up its involvement insecurity matter The US, for Its par, will be incensely hesitant about China taking on a more robust role in Afghanistan. Yet the past ten years have proven that when itcomes to Af _ahanistan, what works beet i often not what any party favours Secomd, the US and China should same lately initiate both formal and informal dialogues. re- warding post- 2014 Alghani stan, Experts can meet in a Track setting to formulate policy options, While Track T follow, “These meecings need to be candid and based on past. arrange ments that Proved sue stuck fan assistance and disaster relief operations in South cast Asiaand anti-piracy operations in the Gul of Aden. Third, both counties should utilize Internationalist ‘The future of Afghanistan offers an opportunity to these two major powers to work ‘togetner in furthering Afghan national as well 5 Soutn and Central Asian regional the United States 1 a diminishing power, tatent ‘0 inibting China’ growth. Neither country shoul be socaslycarketuredas such, Both countries’ foreign po icy establishments constantly debate how to augment bi lateral relations. What both countries nzed to do is ‘ognize motua! intersete Mutsa! interests, particeny 16 | www,jworldtimes.com / JW ~ September 2013 tutions in which they have tnfluenee, For the US, this means working with its strategle alles to peovide ‘continued training for Afghan securtty forces, Foreign aid and pevate investment tm Chinas case, mean en ‘geting the Shanghat Cooperation Organization {SCO} to mobilize resourees thioughour Central Asti ‘ourth, both countHes Heed to cooperate in their en MICO Wo Es sagements with both. Afghan movement. Added to the com stan’s and South Asian leaders. plexities of the bilateral rela 4 South Asian lead Rares a aa he bilateral rel The US can leverage is relation: UNonship are the intricacies that ship with Afghanistan's govern vill be required when working ment to further interaction be- |) dlalogues regarding post-2014 | with the Aighan, Central Asian, toreen China's kaders and their) arghanistan, Experts can meet ina \, Pakistani, and Indian govern ‘Alghan counterparts. Both coun: ments fries can engage Pakistan's new) Track H-Setting fo Formusate PONY Frys ettort wal be more dificult Trernment te show a united | oBtIonS, While Track I meetings can | for China, for i€ will nequze willthar encourages Paksstanto || FOlOW. them to revise thelr stance on tn do moce to inhibi destabilizing, emmational security engage groups operatingin rent, There is no chance that Finally, nda sould be brought into talks with respe CChina will send security forces to Afghanistan, but its to its diplomatic operations cqually unlikely that another fn Afghanistan and ts own fnternavional force will re ‘vestment inthe country place NATO, Thus, China rust engage the security site Difficult, ButNot impossible ation directly. As such, the 11 il be immensely difficult forthe Us and Chima to.co0p rate on Afghanistan. Over the long term, however these tose countries have paral ma tional interests when it comes Us. given its experience in AL shanistan, will bave an. op- portunity o encourage China totake on amore responsible International security tole to Afghanistan and that mast be thebasis of al forward Courtesy: The Diptomet wow.jworldtimes.com / JWT September 13/17 MICO UWS Recent massive jailbreaks in Libya, Iraq and Pakistan, all occurring within days of one another, beg the question: what constitutes a coincidence in foreign affairs? Are these. attacks happy coincidences for the newly-frood criminals, or a connected series of events? And, with al-Qaeda affiliates already claiming responsibil for two of these ‘assaults, should the United States consider the possibilty that al-Qaeda leaders directed Cotallsraveais acommon theme. \ these jabreaks or that the afflates coordinated with each other? A closer look at the Michael Waltz, Mary Beth To bean, the tacies were sila prison guard uniforms, some Suicide bombers and armed held megaphones and called out nlltants blasced through prison the names of prisoners, and some walls, wielding guns, mortars simply gunsied down any prison and rocket-propelled or hand cofficialin sight, grenades, The militants used the nd tener are astonishing. lementof surpse to overwhela On Saturday, July 27, more than, ‘the prison staffs, or in the case of 1,000 prisoners escaped from the September 2013 the Fatty. In. northwest Pakistan to days later, armed riltants blew up the gates of a prison in Dera imal Khan, and around 250 inmates broke fee, incloding 25, dangerous terrorists." And some days lotr two Tag prisons mere attacked by suicidbombersincars loaded with explosives Abu Ghralb, located, west of Baghdad, and ala, located to the north- freeing over 500 Anmates, including several senior members of al-Caeda Thyuch some of th details are still unclear, it's indisputable that these attacks. were wollexecuted, There was some level of between th avtackers and. the inside help, and use I advantage ~ for example, In Luby protests against th fssaseination of a "Muslim Brothethood. cleric diverted security forces, Its als clear that these Gia cock mocioe ‘otplanning With such synchrontzation and Sophistication, It bs dificult to believe the militant group planned these attacks An isolation, So, there a possibilty thar the planners receive udancefrom the severely degraded’ al-Qaeda central? ALQaeda affiliates Tebreck¢-Talban Pakistan (FIP) and al Qaeda, in Iraq (AQ recently daimed responsitaity for th prison breaks in tber respective countries, While tere fs still a question over who exactly isto blame forth neatly 1,000 escaped Jomates in Ubye, many’ are ‘cozvinced that the attack was an effort planned with ‘Qpedaassistance. With tis much crossover, could these jabreaks be a pitt of a Qaeda's new strategy to destabilize state-run fnstitions while simultaneously freeing thelr members and alles? Last summer, ADL Bakr ab Baghdad, the leader of AO), publicly warned of a new priority to free Muslim. prisoners called "Breaking the Walls” and. several ff the three prisons have signfieant tes to mitant_ groups and al-Qaeda Perhaps this strategy even ‘originates from the P's. successful 2012 attack on the ann Central Jall in Pakistan that treed atmos e400 prisoners. dannu 1s tn the same provins as Dera tsmall Khar you can't argue with escapees fro If the prison breaks ace in fact related ate a stl very active al Oaeda cone. Rather than a Atminished entity, it appears the organization is evolving and developing new tactics that have spread to its onglomeratesin the Middle East and North Africa Moreover, al-Qaeda recently arbitrated a power dispute between AQ) and the al-Nusta front in Sya, suggesting aeadershup group thats stl very much engaged wth st afites. Al-Qaeda's everevolving strategies and methods ‘rarrant continued 1S. vglance and pressure. Perhaps ‘i: Goes leadership in Pakistan is Rot as far back. “on thelr heels" a the Obama administration would ike us tobetive ‘Courtesy Foreign Poy ‘wunw jworldtimes.com / JWT September 2013 | 19 [7 (4 C) Parer “peace talks A crucial test for John Kerry eed betwee te mo stn secrecy thE, Waning eocsts to Sele setnnenyinty an enduring errant, fo, mecrs a iat ilbe 4 cae fr inter: niffea ‘cdiectin ane aot ie soot Patti Nowevec he rash tenn he pst Keeps cosy Kerys cis, ailateeonen promet Moet aloonian inh foresee Dooce agement wnaony pun ertaals 30 universal, and it's. conflict that has understandable when acted 65 years and cost You took ot IR thousandscf lives Serer ope cane tha eat Joh SN Kerry has done, in effect, is get Cheeses yb dete ot dye they a ese thin 20 | wwww.jworkdtimes.com / JWT ~ September 2013 David Ignatius ne months through an agreement, t's gong to Blow up ‘The Palestinians would take statebood tothe United Ne ‘dons, probably this umewith broad European support; angry Arab League would withdraw its peace int would be abigmessfor everyane, the chet Israel egotiator, recalled that when she frst alked with Kerry about a new round of peace talks five months ago, he told her that failure sat an op ashing he two sides i a ston, pat some teeth sal cos harsh everage for W Homever, i heartening to note that Isveli Prime Min ter Benjamin. Netanyatma made a leap of confide Dlling by agresing to the release 104 Palestinian prison ras precursor to the Washington meetin Palestine, too, has shown a great willingness to give ‘ground, Wha is sarting pot! a full eta of al areas ‘controlled by laael since War, iis pe pared 10 agree to some re I hands, peo MEC TOR WE vided there aland swap elsewhere {to compensate. That paves the way fora compromise, Therolg ot John kerry becomes ever ‘te important i this regard. He 1 wad 1o be an aetive broker in this ‘eal rather than a passive listener or ‘mediator. When the two sides reach lmpasses oe get bogged down om side issves, Kerny wil seck to break the logjam with US proposels. By putting nine-month fuse on his dy ‘mite stick, Kerry limits stalling tac ties of the sore adopted inthe past by both sides Choosing Marin inh, former ac bssador to Isr, a special en cay tothe talk fs another us ulprod. Through his workat ‘he Brookings Institution and it Saban Center: Icy hes gathered acopious net swork of persenal contacts teross the Mie East He fan request favours and fallin chits from around the reson, Many womld agree that because. of Indyk's experience and contses, ml be bard for eather side to game him, ‘The negotiations vil also have moment from big team of US experts that wil be ready 1o advise both fides on technical issuey such as water and eneesy. AD intriguing option fr Ker isaset- tdement that eaves unresolved some ‘especially difficult issues, such as the status and division of fersalem. vie w expressed by Iseaol President Shimon Peres, who Michael Gordon and Isabel Kershner “made this point when they noted that a deal woule svt necessary mean “che fend of elms by either Wide.” They could ¢ Tune co disagree 3 va comtrals the al-aqs mosque, say,orthe West fern Wall. But for rae! to fet the benefits ofa fll fessaton of the cnc. {i would have to resolve the hardest ‘Kem hasn't yt gottan Prime Minis ter Benjamin Netanyahu endorse the US. position on the borders ot the Palestinian state, despite siren foe efforts But Kerry has assure the Palestinians that the United Staes faves the 1967 Ties, plus curwally agreed swaps, # formula that should allow most West Rank setlersto remain within sack The borders question is, at bottom, anlaracpoltiealisave. Butmany is age ‘win fworldtimes.com / JWT ha sald that wttherawal to the 1967 lines, with botder swaps, would be acceptable ‘One way 1 think about these nego ations that they're kind ofbenign trap. Onte the prey have beet lated inside, fs dificult for them to cape ssithout either accomplishing Many Isaels agree with the view expressed by leraeli President Shimon Peter, who hat said that windrawat to the 1967 ‘ines, with Border swap, wouldbe aeceptobie. the great work of peace or damaging themselves, Kerry would surly di pote that analogy. But unless is valid — unless faire realy ist an ‘option here because it would be $0 ddamoging ~ then the naysayers will probably beright everteess the fact tht al 18 ‘sll be onthe table, and that there i 2 anger of completing negations witha nine rao, means th 8 the best chance for peace since ‘he histrie 1993 Oslo accords People around the workl should hope it is ‘achieved September 2013 | 21 MICO UWS #4 Reinventing the Pak-US Strategic Partnership abit 7 the “DO MORE” mantra nits relations ‘vith Pakistan, First lish administra tion ané then Obama administration, very nowaned then, asked slanabed 6 a mone agains! terrorism. US dist faction aver Pakistan's efforts a coum tor terrorism led to increased drone a tacks. In addition, in past couple of years, some entical sue, fr instance, Ravenond Davis incident, Aafis Side, ‘se. Operation Neptune Spear. and Solala incident, widened the gu be ween bath cinntries, One ofthe mar issues between Pakistan and the US has ‘been, and sili, the drone attacks. De spite protests and calls against the un awful attacks, the UAVs uamaned ac al vehicles still keep hovering over Pa While launching the ship Dialogue, Presi: ident Misharra ex sae thei frm ‘commitment tostrengthen the founda ox fora strong, stable and ending re lauonship. Pakistan and the US cot imited to work together with Afghan stan to make Pakistan and Afghanistan ‘and bridge, linking the economic po tentials of South Asia ana the Central Asie. eonomic growth and prosper Former US President George W. Rush's quoted. statement was manifestly he rec of Pakistan's contriuons tn War aguinst Teronsm. for some, it added a mer chapter to Pak US; Hoth counties agreed to mite US. Pakistan Strategie Partnership Dialogue in arch 2006 during a meeting between te two presidents in Islamabad. A notable 1s that the dialogue was inated ex xclyattertwa years bone ‘trike in Pakistan, The ist US done at tack, inside Pakistan territory, was eared out in 2004 snd Paldstan was granted the staf of Major Non-NATO AL @MNNAD by "he United States the same year. Since then the Pak US relations have becn on @ rocky path For long, the US remained obsessed! with “Five years ago, Pakistan was one of the only three ations that recognized the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. That all changed after September, the 11th, President Musharraf understood that he had to ‘make a fundamental choice for his people. He could turn a blind eye and leave his people hostage to terrorists, or he could join the free world tn fighting the terrorists. President Musharraf made the right choice, and the United States of America is grateful for his leadership. .. Pakistan now has the apportiinity to write a new chapter in its history and the United States wants to build a broad and tasting strategic partnership with the people of Pakistan”. President George W. Bush, February 22, 2005, Washington DC, Address to Asa Society. vwwew:hworldtimes.com / JWT ~ SepJmber 201 energy, neace andi security, social sector development, science and technology, democracy and nuclear nonproliferation were the area identified by the two leaders to be made part of stratemic cooperation. Till October 2010, four rounds of Swrotegie Partnership dialogue were held Tately, theUS Secretary of Sie Jobo Keny, during. his short visit to Islamabad, vowed 10 resume the Strategie Dialogue that has been i doldrims since the Salala ince Referring tothe resumption of Stra tee Dialogue, Me Kerry sad st weuld focus on broader manage ‘ment, counterterrorism and Pakt Stan's economic revival. Pakistan Us relationship 1 rot defined by threats we face and isnot just about cunterterrorsis but about eco rromicrevival of Pakistan.” The US has been, stave 2001, pursu tng hardin policy towards Paki stan. With a parila reference to drone strikes, Obama administra tom ae very convenlently « tied the policy adding m the already aggressive agenda. Dur Ing Mr Kerry’s vst, the Pwo cou infesfaled to narzow down their dif ferences over the drone strikes ashe indicated that drone strikes would ‘ontine. Responding toa question garding an end to drone attacks, he said “1 think the ldrone| programme will end as we have eliminated most of the threat and contre to eominate en Dressed on whether 2 timeline was exwtsaged, herespaudeat: Wel Lo, Aa nk the (US) Pres dent has avery real tonelne and we hopeisgoin be very, vr soon Notwithstanding, PaletIS relations are pat all shout drone strikes they include many other eiticaissaes en rompassing, regional and extr During Mr Kens visit, tho two counties failed to narrow down their differences over the drone strikes ashe indicated that drone strikes would continue. regional factors. Tiree important facts are due to set the future course ofthe regional politics and the US-Pabistan Afghanistan ‘ellateral relationship: US wsithdraveal from Afghanistan the US terms of furure engagemen fm South Asia, to balance strategic ‘equation inthe presence of China and Brita, Nevertheless, the revival ‘of Strategie Dialogue may beutized fs an opportunity to better the bat fered relationship betwgen bots The US already enjoys dose strategic alliance with India a Afghanistan However, the US as (9 recognize that an enduring peace and eco orate stability in he region not possible sans Pakistan. On the other hhand, to maintain a balanced equ orsuing is policy with a belisti pproac. In post. withdrawal re sonal scenario, Pakistan hasamall Important role to play. However, it woul largely depend ao how well ‘wih the US, Pakistan recquites Ihe PML-N ginerninent manages for ign relation forelan plicy de opments The government is yet to appoint a new ambassador tothe US. The sot fol caly. elds, sigfiaace bat tive the circumstance ‘most crucial post with 2 Hot of re spomsbiiy. Although, Islamabed cexplicily efused to launch any ml tary operation in North Wazinstan Agency, the new” government must nlso clearly. delineate its anti terrorism policy in view of the US ‘counterterrorism agenda, Me Kerry's jst holds a subtle significance and tow it depends pon our govern sent to shape a less hostile and rela tively friendly future course of ea: tionship based on mutual respect ‘anda sprit cooperation ‘The writer i the Associate Flt, IISR-MSSE. Shaheed Zulfkar Ali hui innate of Se¥ence and Tec ology (SZABISD, Karach emai coldpath Bama comn wwwgworldtimes.com / JWT = September 2013 | 23 MICO UWS [i (4 C] Parer rous attack of Mamba, it would not bbe possible tomove forward with the peace process.” Similarty in 2012, President Zardari and Pi Singh met on the sidelines of the NADL Summit In eran during which Singh repeatedly said that ex peditious conclusion of the Mumba fervor attack tral in Pakistan would bye a majoe measure in bilateral rela Especially, with the support af RAW and US, in November 2010, thes le fal hers ofthe Mumbl attacks is lawsuit it New York about allened support of two IS officals, and also asked Pakistanto dismantle Let Besides, by Collowing selbetsed was included i he ist of 50 allege errorists that was given to Islamabad in March, 2011. Pakistan's liw-enforcing agencies started des perately looking for Wazhul Khar Bat Wazhur Camar “is ving in the suburbs of Mumbat with his foray” dnd "i regularly reporting to court that gave him bail” as reported by The Times of india. Resides, reports suggest that snotier most-wanted ‘culprit, Fer Alxdul Khan who seas supposed to he hiding in Pakistan hhasalso been found indi India has executed Ajmal Kasab, the Jone survivor ofthe Numba atiacs, and. Afzal Guru. Bu tis believed th RAW had taken forced statements fom them that they had Hinks with Scheme, FRI arrested David Headey Slander, from Chicago. Under tortute by FB India ond Pakistan bad resumed the new phase oF talks Ne maligne the ISt and confessed his involvement in ip March, 2000. Everytime, prime ministers and foreign 26/11 attacks. But David Headley changed bis test ministers of both countries ended their mony, absolsing the I leadership from meetings on postive notes, the same planning the Nurbat carnage. indiawas ted without produc tang ve | REPOFEE su@gest that | 1G cmbarassed when tne NewYork nian hiddendipiomacy.tn | another mostwanted | sedorat court dismissed the case, saying New Delhi has always | eulpeit, Feroz Abdul | thar under the Us foreign law, kakistan’s ISfenjoyed immunity” In Janay 2013, Indian Home Minister this. resp ck a i sl | Kan who. Was su kistans and indian premiers met on the | Pakistan has also been | anised training camps run by the fun sidelines of the SAARC stimmit in Mal- 1 found in india. daraentaist partes, RSS and BJP were dives. Both the leaders agreed 10 im: promoting Hindu Terrorism, and were [rove ther bilateral relations expecially behind the Samjauta Kxpress, Meceea fe trae. Quite contra, two days after Masi, Ajmer Sharif and Malegaon thal meeting, Manmohan Singh stated, Ile ilankinno blasts Headed that these partis were involved many doubt thot if pubic opinion n india snot satisfied that times in Hind Muslim violence in india, expecially justice is being done to those responsible tothe Batba- Gat and Babrt Mas) incident. India’s External A falry Minister Salman Khurshid also supported his While tsking postive stops, Paldstan as already signed a number of trade agreements wath New Del BP Sich alone indn exports o mile Mes arent A (4) theWayahboriey sho granted India Most faved Up egscegl | stan sts wes permite trate nest very “ae UB ting. 00 tie other hand, New Delia has allowed in GA vesimentshy Pakistanisin india, ‘Owing to Ina delaying tactics, ral ssues especialy {Kashmir dispute, have sll amained unsettled, None ‘theless, Satish Verts dlsclosre about Mumba and Parliament stacks fochiding adtssion of otber cals regarding various subversive acts have clearly ‘Proved state-sponsored terrorism inna wow Jworldtines.com / JWT September | 25 ee f red x a The Tragic Implications of David W. Kear ltzens wih he 92 af restoring democracy, ‘he events o the tecant days hove eroded! ts ercowved legitmacy ane may instead provide the Datl fora vilert conte! ot ‘could engull Eaypl end inuence the Nnojectory of he larger mice Eat for yeas fo REACTIONS TO EGYPT CRACKDOWN Un eetenrysCeneral an Ki-moon strony condemned tence used by Egypian curity forces, Whi he United No toes vasatll gathering formation, appears that hundred of people wereld or wounded inelashesbetween sec ‘forces and lemonstrtors; Hans spokesperson saldinastateent President Baa Oana cancelled joint US Egypt mlitey xeress, ayy. America’s tational cooper ‘cant contin asus while volence and stability deepenan dhe sraexicalymportantnavion. naw {ten new presidents calang.om the Egyptian army tstop suppressing” the ayptian people. “warn Exypts itary that Eyptins area gest an frend seeking mation Do not sapress them" President Hasan Roun in speech a pa tmentttecondemned what ie amas ary bray “TuishPime Minister Recep Tayp Erdogan seca the Wes of orn violence in Egypt and called on the UN Security ‘Coumell tornet urgent wo discus the situation Erdogen also sa Fgyp'slealers shoul! stand wil ina fir and trans patent wy”for what he termed "massacre * Trench President Francois Hollands summoned Egypt's ambassador and sil "werything mst be dame to ai vw Tratatement Hllande elo sa he “condensned in te strongest way possible the bloscy vnkenee In Eeypt and de rand the mediate ond tothe repression coRMany ‘German's Foren Office summoned the agyptin anbasoador. For Minister Guido Wester Te aressade nas {cla that the bcodshed mast cone fo an end now Germany also "sonal dscouraged its citzens fom trweling 10 1 ith aye [yt especial Cairo, the Mle Delta and tne Neier NoRWaY Noray sad ad frazemexport eens arity eepment to yp Dewan The Dane sovernment hae aid to Egypt worth Mma kroner (786.59 mon). Te Minty of Foreign Affi raed restraint on ales and called forthe Egyptian goverment elease pita] pt tinea "The government of Pakistan expresaes ts saya deep concer over te use of foeeby the Fan secaity forces against warmed cfs, thestaterent i The Afghan gemmeat confesmed the “iling of crn protester" and expressed hope that "our rovers ana sister Intaypt tofind a peaceful pata sohtion oon” Spauns government sad, ke calling the Eaypton axbassador to express regret atthe vent crackdown and als to {vey ts condemnation ofthe “attacks oo pub bullings and churches The goveranect of neighbouring Sudan denounce! the woke I elle the crackdown a "Zinist Chnstian plot and faid lam now ace with war that does ot want tose alae preva or lod, even i comes through te ballot [7 (4 C) Parer most certainly damaging to ExyDt's ‘ational interests Fsypts mitaryis highly professional and one of the few viable tnsttations witht EgyP tian society, 1% therefore some ‘efit unfathomable that the lost, of the campsana suppression of pro tests could not have been effective {executed without widespread blood: Shed. The wolent means which the filtary reve employed ourwelsh the ostensible goals of retur: Ing Egypt to a sense of 10% tnaly 80 that pelitial and. ecO- ‘nomic reforms can be devel rome meio, | mite ep ot Ss. temmayeeer | Gop Sa tt ee Aeon es eyo rer fegtimacy ofthe regime into question. Scent te wenn un t= macy of the regime into Festion, potentially isolating ft from such of the interna tional community However, a larger issue pertains the fong-term ramifications of the fovernment’s actions within: ExyDt Brat throughout the resion. Wile The; Muslim Brotherhood had. re rently, made Jbout ployinga constructive rokena future democratic. process the foster of Morst and the arrests of Srotherhook! leaders had seeinslY faantved the movement-aainst 28 | www Jworldtimes.com / JWT ‘The milltory’s the regime, However itiwasnot clear that the larger Islamist movement ‘ras prepared to abandon panics” tion ih electoral politics. With the fevent of the past two days, 1€ oy tbe increasingly dificult for regime ‘opponents to cee a sloble non-violent political Strategy The calls to violence by ra ‘als and jiiadsto may therefore res: “nate more strana tnlight of the re international community one of this is t9 excuse the pr sons by radical hadists. Reports 1 Muslin frathefbood members i the protesters’camps hrtng on tia solders ax well as reports of a tacks on churches, police stations, hospitals. and government ull ings, abd mereasing. violence in the Sina lege tndieates the presetice September 2013 responsetothe pro-Morsi ‘ofa wolent radical Islamist element Sosking to exploit the situation. The Fayptian military leadersbp may i deel believe hat iis facing a fonda ental threat to the nation amit fo- ture butat the same ime,alSishand his advisors should have known that a heavy-handed nse of force agaist pprovesters would only fuel radical nudists’ calls fr solent resistance ‘and the seizureof poner. ia region where jihadist already ‘on. the fn, the Egyptian multary fjovernament may have made a rave miscalculation. 1 the frackdown is interpreted as the defacto foreclosure of ny representative democratic path for Iskamists the ranks Brthe violent jihadists may in flee swe and wil ikely De forces. are Joined and supported! by wil ng allies from outside of Fgypt For now seems im erative fr the regime to restore oF Morand (ideal) lay out some cOn-) rote path to leltimate civian de ocracy, It as to do so, Exypt's Bloody crackdown of August 14th fant 1h may become known a3 th ical event thavprecpsiated ape ‘lod of cil ani sectarian violence the nation which may take yeats to 1 (2 ©) PAPER con rmMerese ree a Counter- itleeeda eit The happenings duting the holy mo Ramadan showed yet another time, if, ct all, any further reminder was needed, that Pakistan's Infernal securtty challenge stil remains the most daunting. As a newspaper report highlighted, ‘mote than 380 people have lost thelr lives since the new government took office in early June, Amanat Ali Chaudhry °F te Hanna jareak was not 9 KPK. the militants attack on Dian cena all and the ease with which they got over 20 3 heir comrades Fred speaks volumes ab he dbrazenness,On the eve of Eid serie otter ocked the country, claiming dozen vee the lethality of the monster of te Boldened by the a eae ct countertenor poe >with tele barbarty without any respite Pakistan has lest th precious lives besides eu fering the loss of billions of dollars after it joined the Amer ars Into tll an sive nical va, there appears no light atthe end of the tunnel, While mest nations came up with enanced homeland security mea blshment stil berildered ane sw hom depth of this grave problem that has been. ands, eatin shaking the vey foundations of our state and socety. Of ‘equal and notable concer has been the absence of civilian ership and ledership for war on errr only after the iauguration of present government that we are witnessing some veious and concerted efforts to connecting the ‘dots and evolving & prigiatic counterterrorism policy. However, ironically, this inte Liveof the goveram ing marred by delay, poliy com: fusion inaction, and a lack of politcal ownerstip and po lca will. Throwing Hb om the broad contours of the inerterorism policy, the interior Minister, Chaudhry thatthe policy would be pre sented deral cabinet in two weeks, He also stated Implemencation of the policy even if other parties don y the time this article appears in the magazine, de sad ‘the ould spell outon internal and exter nal security challenges, afew Tacs are inorder The cause bebind an inordinate delay in formulating the unterterrrism policy is explained by the warpesi natu bate on the most serie and urgent threat to our sla blity While miltants are roaring throughout Pakistan ‘nithout tele nefarious designs being rustrated, the po litical leadership count be on the sane paxe to create aconsenss on Gecisive policy against this cankerworm, There is pervasive tendency to link Pakistan's terror {am problem fo tbe developments in Afshanistan. ts ‘widely held that as soon asthe US drandown completes by 2014, the TIP sould be deprived of the justification towage var against Pokistan and itwould provide Pak stant authorities with greater breathing space to bring Talan to terns: Tis viewpoint Jooks at terrorism and militancy as ¥ having been propped up by the cir ‘cumstances away from our geo: ‘eraphical bourdares, ane. whose Soliton es elswhere Tied to this debates PTT Chairman Imran Khor’ interpretation o roam inthe country He fas been Linking the sprved of terrorism frome strikes in FATA, whi im plies that once the drone strikes While most nations came up with enhanced homeland security measures and policies soon alter 9/11, Pakistan's estoblishment is still bewildered and Is unable to fathom the depth of his grave security strategy, if ot all one is agreed to, stands the chance of Teed tobe understood that al werrorists and mnscre- fants strke at the state symbols just co spread panic among the peuple and undermine the morale of security forces. tis anfortunate that there is nothing on the offer from the state except meaningless talk couched in ‘equally meaningless terms. in the absence of any coun ternarrativ, the teroristsare getting more audacious. Pee ge terror incidents that rocked the country inRamadan shove that our te. ‘rors challenges more daunting ‘deeply complex and extremely ca plicated! than what we make it to be, 11s ih time our eadership, particularly Imran Khao, think be yond drone strikes “and the planned US withdawal True and real prognosis of the dlsease will help teat it well and on time to. Confusion regarding nature of problem promotes petcy paralysis uct the country can afford Pakistan would be free of * Scourge of terrorism and mil) problem now. tency believe that confining de Tere isan urgent need to recast bate on terorism to the issue 0 and reformulate. the narrative drone sirkes represents a short ‘gains serrorism and extremism, sighted and a myopic Yew on this This brings Ws tothe nce of ee renace, Te that terrorism would te doy foliow ing the US dravdownss erroneous, to sy the least What ‘ve need fo understand isthe fat that the war Is driven by ideological nay sectarian agenda. Without failing to notice this alhimportant aspect, no counter terrorisin plein the sourees of extrenismand terrorism and tak jing ations to stem them, Am ostrich like approach will. serveus no good. amarchpkSgmaatcom wow worldtimes.com / JWT Ma Pakistan nas been a victim of terrorism since many years now. Besides some separat- Ist groups in Balochistan, Tenrik-a: Taliban Pakistan (TTP) is the major terrorist network operating against tne state and Its people. Nevertneless, a strong desire is pres ent among both at Federal and kPK Provincial Government to nold talks with TIP to bring about peace in Pakistan. senerally, the term mean oe folence of violent means oad Models a t tions oF methods used by a commu. #T0Up\, the way Sr Lankan! Gow ivtiesotthosewhoresort @g—_sturgency ofthe LTTE which cos! thou o violence to sch of ives besides, soca, pola stical_or other en: ri economlc disruption of Sr Lank Counterterrorism say als n 1983 to 2008. Except reserva be defined as the politcal fons of Tamil population which military setites, designe fered mos wy in the wishful Gover primary hurdle is the fanatic mi ‘sch th tas ren Years, Dialogue with the TTP remai tues tochallenges the writ af the Sta This is surpisin a previ three agreements, the state gave of TTP and undergone a brief dia C0] PAPER starting point, se can deduce four things: peacels prevalent in Sr tanks. Pak San supported this South Asian is Tana censor sa. this war, whereas ‘he LTTE was fully supported by Sei Lanka's nelghbour Le. India. 1 is earth-mentioning, that most of in sargencies and terrorist ne works in South Asian countries are fh anced, and supported militarily Dyin require measures {0 deny insur Another model is the dialogue peo ents the operating space. This i fhm the peaceful way of sting the 1972)and Algeria (1952-1962) offer cludes logistics lines as well a terrk or a successful counter cnsin strategy, the utmost im portance aus be given co the secu nity ofthe civilian populace and cub tivation of a positive relationship ‘vith the loa people {@) Successful counterinsurgencies fisputes in history, mony insurgen. ANAL examples of military opera: tory tooperate from. cerhincbeemreccked inrosyidia wna successes that were ulti (3) Successful counterterrorism (egos Derween the opposing partieg mately thwarted by a dsconnected strategy simultaneously embarks an Thc mostrecen comple eine pa. oxerllstatesy Adlionlly,theop- socio-political development to take Heal and negetated setiement of efalons in Columbia 963-presen) advantage of security pans. Projects the Norther ireland i 1998 Ra, apd frag Q0OS-presend offer cur- ike infrastructure, bealth and ed Fouche a long ar apanst the Vik, 01, Teabtime counterinsurgency cation significantly improve the pop- The British Goverment had on, ‘measureswithsignificant positiveel- ations association with state iden rownced huge bauatiesontheheads fet ti Gt IRA members. However, during G@) The most important long-term, thedialopie,samememberswerene- '* 1% Wortirmentioning that — successful counterterrorism mem crt aith the Bran Covers, MOSt OF INSURBENcles and ter- sure isto develop & “whole of gov font and Her Majesiy to rusoke the FOrIst Networks In South Asian emmment” integrated strategy 10 issue. Now, there fs peace and prot-COURrIes are financed, ana tablish strateicstabilty through ac pedi) yroruea ia fitnern held. live ml aoa or worjworldtimes.com / JWT - September 2013 | 39 [7 (4 C] Parer pared to the Polke. The reason Is that the Levies mainly comprises the locals iho are mote connected to the populace here. Moreover, they ‘now the local terrain well ind have ‘avery good understanding ofthe lo ‘al sodal fabri, custorns and cul The Frontier Corps (FC) is another paramilitary force operating. in Balochistan eccording to the FCR. Rott Levies and FC were first intro: duced by the British and since then both the Forces have been operating fn the region. The Baloch people have more grievances: against FC rather than. the Army it self, Local Baloch peor ple heve Tess than 10rep- resentation fn FC. The legality claims that FCs « farce to police the borders but it has infiltrated in the inland ofthe prov ‘nce and 4s seen om the roads with barricadeson the name of security i ‘sues and maintaining la and order. ven a former chief minister of Balochistan accused FC of running a parallel government in the province This is wideniw the gull between the paramilitary forces and the local iizenry ‘When i comes to econamsc and hut rman development, the tdexes rank the province as the least developed fares in Pakistan, The bteracy rate Irete i a the lowest. The current lit tracy rate of Haloctastan is merely 3 2%awalinst the nationallteracy rate fof 56% The government schools present a disinal picture of the eur rent stale of affeirs in edacation ‘Tere are 10,381 schools nthe prov: {nce and 8.6% of them are in dilapi dated conditions. Former US Presi ent JF Kernedvonee sad “We cannot always build the furure For our generations but we can surely ‘ld eur generations forthe rune." Unfortunately, the government has ‘not paid any heed to the aspirations of the people of Balochistan. It does ot, however, mean that the author ties are doing wonders in the rest of. Pakistan, but the Balochistan’ tua: tion is extremely grim. I) makes the future of the Baloch youth bleaker and they may fallintbe hands of sep aratistmaitaets ‘The maternal morvaliy rate in Balochistan is 600 out of 100,000 ‘while this ate in Pakistan as a whole is of 265 out of 100,000. Similarly there are only 98 hospitals in alochistan with least paramedics and other facies. Almost 82% households in the province arv ex posed to food Insecurity and 36% ‘women lack the knowledge of mal ution The economic exploitation of Balochistan has also worsened thea ready strained relationsbetween the federation and the province. Sui Gas Reserves were discovered in 195 and in 1955 the commercial explora tion began here, but, unfortunaty the province hal been dented its di 40 | www jworldimes.com / JWT - September 2013 share ofroyaty 1% as royalty. es amount ofs. 20bn ofpaymentst0 Balochistan s still outstanding. GGwadar Portis yet another bone of contention between the Federation and the province. This port city holds many fortunes for the mation ‘but the Balochs’ shaking confidence ‘on federation is hindering the pro- ject. Theloeal people havestrong res fervations against the development fof this new citys they belive that the people from other provinces wil ‘occupy the key positions in this pro ject owing to their en: hanced skills ‘and abilities Conse quently, the locals — wi) be out smarted by those people ‘and hence they will remain marginalized. Gov ‘ernment must address these issues prudently. ‘This need is further elaborated by the fact that former POPP regime an hnounced the Aghaz-e-Hagoog: Balochistan Package which is yet to be implemented. The Government mustaddress these issues before i's {oo tate, Pakistan cannot afford an ‘ther debacle lke that of 1971. The possiblity of foreignhandsin the de orating situation of Balochistan cannot be ruled out Bat, we must re alze that ts only the weak internal controls which made possible for these orelgn hands to craft thelr ne fanous: designs in the province Sardar Akhtar Jan Mengal, has given 2 shepoint agenda which can be takea # roadmap to the solution of Balochistan problem. The dialogue withthe separarist elements must be arte in order to make them a part ‘ofthe solurion rather than the prob: lemitsef [7 (4 C) Parer Calm Before th Storm ‘On July 31, following several false starts, US Secretary of State John Kerry arrived in Iskamabed for meetings with Pakistan's political and military leadership. And while the visit comes at a turbulent time for Pakistan -- on the heels of a massive jail break in Dera Ismail Khan - that saw more than 300 prisoners escape, including at least 25 members of the Pakistani Talib an TP) and militant Lashkar-e- Jhangvi group -- it also comes at a time when US-Pakistan relations have been remarkably cordial. John Kerry's Pakistan trip might be all smiles and handshakes, but there's a crisis brewing, beneath the surface. C] PAPER Pakistan's May election, in which the country completed its first demo- cratic transfer of power, appears 10 have put both capitals in 2 good mood. Shortly ater his electoral 1 ‘umph, Nawaz Sharif received a con aratulatory. all from President arack Obama. Since then, Washing {on has announced nev investments un Pakastan’s troubled energy sector, and Sharif has responded by {ng to ep facilitate America’s with raval from Afghanistan and by vowing to cooperate on The goodwill has lasted since then, allowing for the fegurrecion of sev feral moras cooperative init lives between Washington and Islamabad, For example, the US am Dbassador to Pakistan chard Olson, thas stated his desireto Felauinch the Strategic Dialogue = broadssed talks on non secuty issues that hhave been grounded for several years. Meanvalle, om ily 16, Pak shag Dar. tn dicated that talks will Soon resume fon a bilateral favestmient teat’ De ‘twsen the two countries. These neyo- Aiations have occurred Gitfully since 2005, but it snags in more recent Today represents a far ery from stan’ finance ministe 2011, when (CIA. contractor. Ray ‘mond Davis shotand elled two Paki Stank civilians, when US forces falded Osama min. Laden's com pound without giving Pakistan ac- vance notice, and when NATO air fh accidentally killed 24 Pokistani foldiers stationed on the Atghan: Pakistan border, Reprisal an angry rhetoric ensued om both sides, Islamabad shut down NATO supply routes to Afghanistan, and Adm, Nike Mullen theo chaleman ofthe Joint Chiefs For Washington, the fear is that a peace agreement between Islamabad and the TIP would merely ‘appease a. terrorist ‘organization that has never respected such agreements previously. of Staff famously refered to the “Taliban ated Haqqani network as ‘veritable arm of the lover 42 | worn jworldtimes.com / JWT ~ September 2013, Michael Kugelman Services Intelligence (ISD, Pakistan's spy network ovations eemained tense into 2012, ‘when then US. Defense. Secretary Leon Panette openly: called for a sreater Indian role in Afgbanistn ‘8 message that surely infuriated Pal tans security establishment, which ‘wantsno dian influence in Afghan: Today, Washington and Islamabae are not one-upping each other wath rotaliatory acts, and the charged rhetoric has be stead of lambasting Pakistan f ‘what it doesnt do -such as launch lng. a alltary offensive J Now Waristan.- Washington is. coms ‘mending Pakistan for what it does do. in May, for example, 2 Pentagon Mela praised Pakistan for adept lug new measures that prevent fer tigers produced domestically frac sig uses bombs in. Afghanistan The two sides are even seeing eye-to eye on the war in Afybonistan: both want fo bring the Afghan Taliban to the negotiating tal Given these developments, does Kerry's trip to Fakistan herald anew era of warm relations for the to re uccant allies? Don't bet on i. Thee lationship between the United States ‘and Pakistan may bein better shape than it as several years ago, but it [7 (4 C) Parer remains troubled ~ and ‘could easily phunse back Cone source of brewing tensions Islamabad’ i terest fo opening peace talks with the TTP, which ‘Sagingabrutal and yielding insurgency faeninat the Pakistani State--one tht argots vilans, the government, tnd the militry”alko Sharif campaigned heavily an the issue of talks, 60 his sesouncing sectoral victory gives him a strong mandate to, purse neg Since taking office, his government has floated the ae of Lan ‘wotking group” to explore talks vent as the TTP laced ts uni negotiae and cantinued to stage attacks, Likewise, the of khyber nkhiva ~ near Paki tans tribal elk ~ petty sharing the PML-N'S desire talk tothe T or Washington, the fear & that a between would peace agreement Islamabad) and the TTP merely appease a terror Ist organization that has rereements previously Back nearly 2009, forex ample, ater concluding peace deals with slamabad, the ETP seized contro of the pe te capita, Islamabad The group Wolently em orced a barsh form of Sari law unl the sil tary recaptured the re fnionseveral months. {ater This ime around. ver respected, sich the fear ts 1 Gown its ares, the TTP could a instead of Laie enable to intensify tsearpaign of Ifthe military's position on these Issues carries the day, then the chances of fresh US-Pakistan tensions are reduced. attacks onNATO supply veces, in effect, Pakistan peace talks with the THY could umperil US security i terest in Afghanistan at a_tme ‘when the Obama administration is bd wow jvorletimes.cam / JWT desperately trying to oF chestrateanrderty with frawal from that coun: try. Agus this Back {rap the potential for lateral fiction fs consi erable Another looming ensis vith the potential to de yail US Pakistan relations is America’ drone War despite the fact that LS strikes have tapered 0 fm recent months. Pak avs preMous. govern ments have publily com Gemmed drone. strikes feat the military in following, the luseaeasefireto regroup: and then hich has consented to them. But rer Gave out new areas of eomtrol that Sharif taking a harder tine, Bevin declared anend tothe policy af faci Hating strikes from. "bo hind the scenes? and. de manded that the programme end immed ately Washington has no ins on of ending. drone ‘other tools wo deploy against Paki Stam based maiitants that allegedly target inter gihanistan. Additionally the Obame onal forces in. AP ‘administration may. fee compelled to take full. a vantage of drone strikes rough the end of next yea, given that theiruse of ter2014 wil ikely decline, The extent (o whieh these Pakistan relations in the coming weeks andl months ‘all depend on the Paki stant military, ~ the ult biter of relations nite States. The ‘rays position on. peace talks ‘with the TIP and drones appears closer to that of Washington than of September 2013 | 43 MECEOR Ws. Islamabad. The military is Fe portedly unhappy about the prospect of talking to extremists responsible for the ‘deaths of thousands of so ers, While it hasnt ruled out yotlaions, army statements suggest considerable “uneasiness about the possiblity AASTar drones, there's utle reason to think the Pakiston military will ene a policy that has weaker the TTP, arguably is, ‘mos{ formidablenem- Geis. Drone strikes ay have Billed muluiple So high-level TTP tar e iets, including com =" ner Nek Mula mad" in 2004, top leade * itallah Mehsud in 2009, ane sec nc:-n-commanad Wal ur Rehman re cently. A recent MeClatchy report credited drones with breaking the THP's‘chain of conunand and coher IF the ralltary’s position on These sesues cares the ay, thea the chances of fresh US duced. This presents. the ‘Obama administration with & conunilrum: Is interests are best terved if the Pakistani military marginalizes the very eivilian government that Washington nants 1 help strengthen. In other words, i the Pakistani pushes back ogainst the mil tary, US security interests fn Atghanistan could suffer, Such pushhack is certainly a posst bility, given Sharif's past tiffs with the army (one of which led to his ‘ouster in 1992), and given his appar ent desire to exert influence over matters traditionally controlled by the military, Soonatter taking office, for example, Sharif announced he ‘would take on the porttelioe of de 44 | wwwworldtimes.com / JWT fence and foreign affairs two areas long oversten by the armed forces, Then again, there's no guarantee that the military's positions wil re main the same. November marks the endof Army chiet Aahfag Parvez Kayani’s term. IF is replace de ‘des the army has sul fered enough from fighting the HP and opts for talks, and that drones are no longer worth support Ang, then US Pakistan relations could revert 10 crisis mode. Op the other hhand, Wastungton could strike a deal inith Islamabad that gives the later more say over drones. Such an accord could defuse tensions. ‘though i's unclear the bilateral re lationship enjoys suiclent mutual ‘rust tomakesuich anagreement are ality September 2013, Regardless of how this all pays out one unsetthing realty remains firmly in place: Pakistan's security estab listimeat continues to sponsor mil i roups that chreaten andl atack the United States, Unt there is peace with india ~ wich won't happen the Paki tani state wl continue to of fer sanctuary to the Afghan Taliban, Haqnant network, Lashkar eTaba de, and other groups seek ing vo nut Intanin hence in Afghan stan = and that pose direct treats. to US troops. Nomatter how smoothly na. tions may be sailing along, US: Pakistan tes wonld take a mayor bit ifthe LeT were to commit an attack in the United States cr more reals tically ~ if the Haggani net work were to launch another spectacular assault on Amer can fotines in Afghanistan, So. by all means, expect Kerry’s Pakisian visit 10 fea ture smiles and handshakes, There may be announcements of new US economic assis about cooperation an Afghan istan and counterterrorism, and timetables set for the launch of the strategie Dia logue and bilateral invest ment treaty talks, Yet behind the bonhomie, trouble lurks. Instead of depleting Kerry's Pa ‘istam trip as a prelude to an ex tended perlod of goodwill, we should simply regard tas a respite from the tensions that have contam inated the relationship in recent ‘years = tensions that could Pasty flare up anew in the months ahead MICO Wo Es Local Government System; Needs(yExpectations Constitution of Pakistan binds al the provincial governments to nave local government system and hold their elections for aperiod as lald ‘down by the constitution, But nere the question arises whether anu mode of local government sustem nas answer to the problems Of governanceinPakistanornct. Sikander Zishan what was missing in Local Government System ‘what Pakistan needs ex these systems couldn't ‘system of local gov sight, and that isnot least. But stil there prpose of tt Unor stan, Those ot the Jind every poliey, plan ery, National interest for them. Result. the crisis of gover There iso basic law in understanding Government Ordinance 2001 or Local that as in practice since 1979 a ‘actly. This ts the only reason Why Sustain, Certainly, a unanimous ernance in all units of federation 48 not in tven needed. too; not constitttonally at fan be one commonality and that is the tunately, the concept of good. gover ‘gain eventuality and authenticity in Pak heli of affairs have other motives be and system instead of service dell land public good. are merely words ‘only thing that porperually exists s ‘Thesixth most populousand one the world, Pakistan, has become 5 ranging frem crisis of fe stitutions, romenergy short: ranches, fom high une arban poverty, from absen ‘ormuption to sia professional wchulteration, froin security crisis to tar tpombings, and so on, All these ents ema itis impertinent to alscuss what 2 dictator j bodies system andlwhy do so-called “dem. d sty away’ from them, er on why 30 far every J deliver and do local gov 3 ‘ofthe nuclear powers host of multifarious cx eration to activism of in fall to economic ployment unforeseen {eeism 10 nepotisi, fom fm, from price bike 10 get lings and sucide fate from ha governance ‘wants fom & local foeratc” politicians portant heres to por system has failed to nents have a's ermancesn Pasta Iutione £0 the problems of gov Let ushave threadbare analysis of ad \ roinistrativechangesin trodced in Pakistan during recent years anc tundetestand) why they failed miserably a Tet us start with Local Government Ordinance 2001, This system, installed during Musharraf re: ime, was alien to the masses indigestibe for polit trang and thorny even for bureaucracy. The concept of a threetier government at district level anc devolution of adminis tative and financial powers was a naive idea, iil administration was 46 | wwwejworkdtimes.com / JWT - September 2013 wven an altogether different role as instead of a coo: trolled, centralized and authonitauve character, it was ‘entrusted with a consultative and coordinating role. OF fices of DM and SDM were abolished and it was a huge sethodt, The said. system failed except few exceptions; not because the loctrine of devolution of pow: ‘rs as bad OF LGO 2001 was a ‘aulty piece of legislation; butt vwas the ft accomplt owing, 10 ‘xs faulty implementation. Pakistan hag never been able to ‘nitness amature and developed democracy. Nascent democracy sullbreaths under the jews of es fablishment and agencies. roliccal leadership ts stil far from being called a visionary and 2 prudent policymaker. With such a feeble political system, the then President Mushara and his advisers unrealistically fexpected the LGO 2001 to deliver. But, anything ntro- duced by a dictator in Pakistan, even with good inten tions and immaculately perfect, is looked upon disdain fully is so because the people, who would run the sys ‘tam in future, were not taken into confidence and, per- hhaps, they elt insecure. Had the LGO 2001 imple rented in phases, and with minor amendments, in all provinces, it could have detvered be- yond expectations. ‘What is suitable for Labore cannot be ‘equally good! for Khuzdar. Things ‘cannot be same everywhere Moreocer, quite unfortunately, this local government system was percawed as a big. sword hanging over their heads by the mighty and untamed bu reaucracy; espe cially, by the personnel of federal and provincial Ing in s: triets. Aboli tion ofthe office of Deputy Com: missioner was taken as a down: fall of istrict administration and many officers eft due to this change. One of the top ranked froup of Central Superior Services, the then District Management Group (DMG) and nnow Pakistan Administrative Service (PAS), be Effective and vibrant local ‘government sustem Is one answer {and a part of solution to Pakistan's governance woes. Without efficient local government system, good ‘governancewillremain afarcru. came the third fourth preference. Administration lost lustre and charm. twas ofcourse, not intended but that is how itwas per ‘ceived. This misconception emerged because unconver tional roles given to clvil bu- reaueracy made 100k $0 or nary at fist. It is pertinent to ‘mention here that there was no problem with the system, but as twas new to culture, it couldn. gain acceptance and support of bureaucracy. This added fuel to thefireof bad governance For administrative reforms or top verter accountability, His rot needed to temper the ¥ery skeleton of administrative structure. Many provisions of the LGO were violated while many of them remainee. tanimplemented. Resultanty, there was no good gover hance and ultimately system could not iveup tothe ex pectations. The most fundamental violation was that of the provision which lays down elections shauld be held on nea party basts; but it didn't happen. cxf Th 2005 elections weve ablatant > violation of this provision. Pro- ‘visions of Vilage and. Neda ‘bourhood Councils, Citizen CConimunity Roard, Masallit Anjuman, District Mashavirat Committe and Lo cal Government Responsibility for Enforcement of Laws were not imple mented fully [Apart from local government system, Police (Order 2082 andamendments in Code of Crim inal Procedure 1898 also worsened the pros: ‘pects of good govermance in Pakistan. It ‘does not mean that the changes were faulty rather they were quite prema ture. Proba bly the said changes depoliticize police; but more than 70 amend meats in less than 6 months Yatled the pure pose. The role of police ex posed it 10 new and unforeseen challenges ‘wenw,jworldtimes.com / JWT September 2013 | 47 MICO Wo Es Hence, Pakistan has reached a point where judiciary and media are performing the functions of administration, investigation, trial as well are making decisions, Centre pillars of governance ke civil aduainistration and police stand bewildered Effective and vibrant local goverament system is one ansier an a part of solution to Pakistan's governance. ‘woes. Without efficient local government system, ‘good governance wll remain a far cry. The Supreme Court of Pakistan is pushing hard for local govern ment elections buit provincisl governments and ECP has regretted the conduct of elections in September 2013. It's so because provincial governments are yet to de ‘ide shat typeof local government systean they want ‘Only thing that expected and cesired by general pub lic is good governanee. Constitutionally speaking, lo ¢al government is prewincial subjectand every prov ince can come up with system that suits tts culture; politically and socially Inkiyber Pakktunkhwa, present, Local Government ‘Act 201 Asin practice. However, the new PTL govern ‘ment is going fo come up with anew system that will ‘be more in ine withLG0 2001. ‘Shit, ia Sindh, Local Government Ordinance 2013 bas been passed recently that beings in the system of 1979 again, Administrative loopholes exist 1n every systembut they need tobe lagged in. Purpose should be same Le. good governance. Fundamental princip) 48 | wnw.jworldtimes.com / JWT ~ September 2013 of good governance ist ensure service delivery Things ‘wil not change only by conducting clections. All insite tions must behave in @ prescribed manner and must ‘only perform duties they are entrusted wit Redefining certain roles of institutions is aso the need ofthe hour. Pakistanis fing a daunting challenge of tr tris. and polices struggling hard tocombat it Thisis 0 becaise police are unable to come out of conver tional role and perform counterterrorism duties. Legis- lation in this regard is drely needed, Re-enactment of magistracy system would be a beneficial step, The of fices of Sub-Disisional Magistrate and District Magis tuave were great support to police and judiciery and their absence has created a xulf that thas not only re silted in bad governance but aleo effected positive wark {ng relations, among them. Similarly, concept of Alter rnale Dispute Resolution must also be promoted at all possible levels to avoid prolonged litigation and court ‘uses. These are some major steps that ean be taken to ‘ensure good governance in Pakistan, Pakistan ts naturally. piysially, demographically and tseographicallya blessed country. Some serious stepst0 Correct the wrongdoings of the past will ensure eco: fnomic gromthand political stability in the country. or comments & feedback: sh khawayayahoo.com The writer 80 PAS officer, 37h COP razor sharp manner. Besides international law om hue Iman rights and counterterrorism, laws alsa become ap- plicable because of legislations which have nationalized Pakistan's spterotionsl obligations. Within this legal framework, there are two types of policing laws: the Or ‘Banizational law and the empowering aw ‘The organizational law establishes ana constitutes a Po hie organization and also defines its reladonship with 1985 SC 159). Chief Justice Muhammad Haleem d cared: the Police Acts now a Provincial Act by reason ofthe subject within the leasative competence of the Prov ciaLegistacure. With this declaration, there is litle room Iaft to doubt the government; whereas the empowering law deli fates the powers of Police. Tae organizational law of Fo ein Pakistan ws the Police Act 1861 that was re placed by the Police Order 2002; bowever, the former ‘has resurfaced in new garbs. The empowering lar of Fo: lice i found in different legislations. The most impor. ‘ant and omnibus among these isthe Code of Criminal Procedure (CPC) 1908 while others incade the Ant: ‘Terrorism Act 1997, the Arms Ordinance, 1965 and the Motor Vehicles Ordinance 1955 whieh specifically pro vide powers to Police. Any attempt to understand the Consttstlonal status of Policing law is based ‘on comprehending the above-stated distinction, F nally, the Punjab Police Rules 1954 that have heen ‘adopted by allthe provinces and the territories also con stitute the part of the Police egal framework, Constitutionality of OrganizationalLaw ‘The constitutionality of organlzariona aw hasbeen su Jest to many a legal debate and adjudication. On this (s: ‘uc, the Supreme Court of Pakistan passed an unequivo ‘al judgement in IGP v Mushtaq Ahmad Warraich (PLD 50 | www.jworldtimes.com / JWT ~ September 2013 the consututionality of organizational law of Police ‘What kept the declaration away from later generations fof legal minds within Police and Law Mnisiry & not Jknoven to an outsider; anyone who was not privy to the official discussions can only surmise. Based on puest rates, Iimay be stated that sice the Police Act 1 851 re ‘mined applicable in all the provinces without much change, the general perception of treating itas a federal Iogislation continued till2002,In2002, when thenevs Po lice law was tobe promulgated, the donate abo ue Lis constitutionality ‘eemerged, Perhaps the debate was intense and in order ‘to reconcile the dlfTering factions, the lxislative device (of "residential Order” protected under Sixth Schedule ‘was adopted. tw be of added advantage to briefly com menton the legality he Police Order 2002 bere LLegatity of Potice Order 2002 Though the Police Order nas promulgated in 2002, 1 got Ate temporal legal sanction from Section 9 of the Const tution (Seventeenth Amendment) Art, 200%, when amended Article 268 of the Constirution of Pakistan [i (4 C] Parer 1973 Aree 268 of the Constitution provided! that cer tain laws shall not be altered, repealed or amended ex Dressly or impliedly without previous sanction of the President accorded after consultation with the Prime Minister, The ‘certain lave" were enlisted in the Stxth Schedule, herein Police Order was shown a Entry 35 Prther, the proviso to Arscle 2682) of the Constitution provided that Entry 35 (Le. Police Or ‘der 2002) shall stand omltted after sixyears These ‘six years” came w an eid on lst December 2009, The legal post tien, therefore, is thatthe Police Or der 2002 is sans legal protection There are,however, people within the Police who-elan that the Poliée Or ier 2002 is stl in force and is pro tected by Article 270-AA (2) of the ‘Constitution which was introduced by Seetion 96 of the Constitution {Highteenth Amendment) Act, 2010 that eame dato force on 20th April 2010, They fail to appreciate that by ‘operation of Section 9 of the Const tution (Seventeenth Amendment) Act, 2003, the Police Order 2002 stood emated! by 31st December 2008. tis important to rote here that Section ‘of the Constitution (Eighteenth Amendment) Act 2010 repealed Article 26812) of the Constitution alto wether, however, inn portant point 10 be tinderlined is that b the time the igh: teenth Amendment to the Constitution ‘was mode, the opera tion of ‘missien’ of the Police Orde had already set (on Ist December 2009), therefore in oF Ger to Keep the Police Order 2002 alive, nd constitutional legis- Tanne cover is aval able a of today, Nev ertheless, Police off cers. in the Panjab land KPK stick to the legal stanus of Police Oder 2002 ane argue Its protec tion uader Article 270-AA(2) as introduced by the Con stitution bighteenth Amendment) Act, 2010 without ap preclating the timelines indicated above, eww Jworldtimes.com / JW Constieutionatity of Empowering Law The constitutional of the empowering law has never been in doubt, The omnibus Code of Criminal Procedure ‘was, andi, aprovincal piece oflegislation. Likewise, dif ferent special and local laws by and large belong to pro- Mincial domain, The criminal law was fist item on the erstwhile Concurrent Logislauve List of the Fourth Schedule of the Constitution and postFighteeath Amendment of the ‘criminal aw ts that it elongs to pro ‘incl domain exclusively now. Police Organizational Laws in Dif ferent PartrofPakistan The lea position of police organiza ‘onal laws in different parts of Pakt stan may be highilghted by treating ‘each partand province separately for the sake of carry In the Punjab, the Police Order, 2002 in a truncated and amended form is finplemented, Most of the Police Or der, 2002 isin non-comphied formas ny mechanisms envisioned by the lw were either not ablished, orf established, are now dormant. The it plementation of the Pelice Orie is tn very few areas ‘which primarily inchude change of investigation, top of Police hierarchy, crm inal offences regard Ing Police and partial implementation af Ar Lice 7 that allows en tay only three levels (Constable, Assistant Sub-Ingpectors. and Assistant Supertnten dents of Police). The Government of the Punjab has inteo, ‘duced an amendment ehtough an ordinance inJuly 2013 that aims toamend Article 7 to allow induction ol Sub-Inspectors in Po ie. siNDH {in Sindh, intially, The Sindh (Repeal Of the Police Order, 2002 and Revival of the Police Act, 1861) Ordinance 2011 was introduced, Later, on 14th July 2011, tis was passed by the provincial legislature September 2013 | 51 blelaw,as of noms the Police Act, 1861 KEYDERPAKHTUNIHWA ie in the Punjab, the KPK s also adnering tothe Police Order 2002, which s partially implemented, ‘and principally distorted through amendments. BALOCHISTAN Balochistan fs divided into ‘A’ and 'B' areas. A~ ‘Area is policed by regular Police department ‘whereas H-Areais policed by levies. A-Area const tutes five per cent of Balochistan In A-Area, now the applicable law che Balochistan Police Act, 201 instead the Plice Order 2002. The sald Act is, with some modifications replica ofthe Police ‘Act. 186I, It has reintroduced the control of Dis trict Magistrateon Police AM, 6B.1T Te Police law applicable in AJK, GB and ICTs the Police ‘Act, 1961, In these areas, the Police Order 2002 was ‘never implemented. The tabular pietureo the above discussion sas follows: hee Dein a ei eo Impact on Local Governmentand Law & Order The revival of the Pollge Act 1861 and manipulations with the Police Order 2002 have created an asyrametry ivhich wil affect the would-be local government system {od the lew and order situation of the country. The un Teptesentative nature of woul-be local government has been reinforced and the law and order respansiiities stand further diluted and fragmented, The basic man agement pencipl of “no responstility without autor ity" has once. again. been ralktated: generalists have ‘again taken all the authority; specials hold responst ‘nlewithout author. 2 | wwewsjworldtimes.com / JWT September 2013 Police Leadership ‘ThePolice leadership, as always, 1s confused and operat {ng at personal level No organizational response can be discerned, Few Police officers who grandstand the Police oformsseem marginalized Way Forward Inthe backarop of turf battles of powerful oceu: pational groups of Civil Service and an Imbalanced civi military relationship the wa for ‘ward i, apparently, notin sight. The case of Po Tice Order 2002, taken in totaly and examined as acase study, evinces that It's a “one step for ‘ward and two steps back" case, I one is con Strained to offer solace by offering suggestions, the point of departure would be principal dec sions on legal responsi of internal security in the county, transforming the eneralist Civil er ‘ce to specialist and on treating citizenry of Pak Stanas the central point of al state actions, {As fara the roe of federal government in coord ‘ating a uniform Palice lav for the whole country is concerned, as desire by legal minds like Mr Amer Bilal Soo the ony Corwen that can do it is the National Police Butea (NPR), which is the research and develop ‘ment arm of Policing (and tha Is the reason ts counter Dart is called Bureau of Police Research and Develop ment. NP# under the Misty of terior and is ten treated asa dumping place for Police officers ands not cemmpowered toor encouraged to undertake the roleof co- frdination effectively as far a8 uniform lay and stan ‘darts and practices of policing are concerned. ‘Tho cuthor sa Police Officer and has graduated from the University of Oxford. MEcTa Pakistan, India and the US Imbalanced Status Quo ‘The year2013 marked the transition for Pakistan inal dimensions; may it be the new leadership in slamabed orthe country relations withindia and the US. Pakistan's focusand concentration hasalWrays been towards its foreign rels- ‘tons, and the chronology of the events evidently manifest that nothing is more imperative t any Pakistani gover ment thanitsagenda or strategicdepth. The new Pakistani governmentintslamabad hastwo rontstobolserthere- lations with india and the US. Being an important playerin*Waron Terror”, Pakistan'sequation with the US and India, has become imbalances. Munarza Khat ney om traan oi, Thi signifies ‘thatthe US doesnot want India to nave trade tes with Ira; never hele, being located inthe same on, Enda cannot isote itself fromiranesther, india also as o.com [As 2014 is approach fg the US i eying Its withcrawal from Af hasan bythe en of the year. At prevent, the US. working 0 vith ple of sttaegies: firstly, st hes Started the dialogue process with ‘Guna already a global economic Feglonal actors‘ India and Pak sant that has brought most pars, stan, as Seeretary of State Joho of the world under its economic Kerry visited the both counties receitly. Secondly, itis Wnbrell. Any policy shift Between the US and China set to bungle the negotiations, ceding ground 10 the vl ultimately affect indlUS and India China tes. Taliban tofocitae 8 sek exit Thishasled to aracebe Being therefore, musthave closely watched Kerry's in sothadversaries who are ving for agreater inf in Afganistan. Kerry's tndlaisit Kerry's visit to India was focused mainly on thre as pects‘, health, economic growth and security, Kerry Was hopeful about India's decision to reduce depend: dia visit because bolstered Indo-US relationship con shiftthe powerbalancein Asia Me Kerralso held tals with ian fcials over nas quest to use renewaple energy. The US tas already plesged one-fifth ofthe financing needed to Gevelop tn dias solar poner sector whereas th latter has installed, \wwwgiorldtimes.com / JWT September 2013] 53 [7 (4 C) Parer solar power projects o 1,000 megawatts rece mexcern/sPakistanvisie PPekistan Is pashing throuzh a critical phase nowadays; forthe country has been plagued with terrorism and ex ‘remism which hac ensued in an unprecedented severe economic eras. Though Mi Kerry sav "new dyna {in Pakistan followin: Nawaz Shai electoral tiump ‘advised oth India and Pakistan to invest in each other, yet the US tilt towards lad. an sae that most betaen serious in Pakistan because i could affect the balance of power in the region We cannot avo the fac of that besides Pakistan’ snterests 0 Afphanisten, those of China and Iran are also at stake and any shift couldaler the whole equation. Analysis st i8 no denying the fact that to stabiioe Afghani stan, anew Silk Route must be Dui, and thatis Af shanistan con ecting South Asia seth Central Asi, tits gecgraphical location. binds eye view of inca’: foreign relations will reveal the ree Sons behind strained Pak ‘Alghan relations. Under the ambit of schabilitation and reconstruction programame, India has invested neary $2bn in Afghanistan which ensures sreater presence in Afghanistan and also makes her 2 hey player in the region. However, Indias reservations ‘on US drawdown and post1'S Afghanistan, have led bet to seck some kind of alliance with Washinton to safe ‘uard her iterests.US-ran ssle has also fed Washing. ton tofoster better es with india India wan'st cement her relations sith ian, espec regarding i supply. For this purpose and to pursue t plans of using ran a a traci route to Central Asia anc Aghonstan, dia needs Washington's blessings. Now viewing the country's position inthe light of Amer ‘cat towards india, aad above-mentioned scenario, Ps hiotan must remove the trust deficit ae the country ‘couldn’ ful the demands and aspirations of works ‘community. The Jing of Osama bin Laden nside ts ter Hoey divine Pakistan postion as the Teglonal key 54 | www.Jworldtimes.com / JWT September 2013 player. The US looks towards Pakistan fora peacefil po Inca setdement in post 2014 Atghanistan, ln this con tent, Pakistan needs to stan terrorism, particalary in FATA that cannot be done overnight In tis ttuatlon dias emergence as an econemic gant i the region, and USA's tlt towarcs her is natral. Now, Pakistan his 0 slp down the potentially larger and ective Indian tole in ost 2014 Afghonistan, whieh may become a serious threat to Pakistan s security. US must work to ead amit Pakistantervorit campaigns in Afghanistan sothat Pakistan could cope with the menace of terrrism. Trap Pakistan gas pipeline as abt taken well Wash: ington. Hence, Pakistan mus also look towards Bling te balance the station. China can play a effective roe ta balance the power i che South Asta, PaKUR relations are still not as smooth as were expected after Kerry's Misi. US did't agree to stop the drone attacks until the limination of terrorism from FATA. and other tribal Delis. Pakistan's wish list algo contains the US coopera {Uoa fo overcoming energy crisis. this regard, US have already offered help (9 constructing Diamer-Bhasha Dan, But, Washington hasbeenpressurizing Pakistan to abandon the IP gas pipeline project. The American od rmllstratin also severely eritielzed Pak-China accord ‘over Gwadar Pa. Kerry visit daesa't brought bright prospects For Pak stan. Besides unending Afghan allegations against Paki stan, soon after Kerry's visit the confit with Pakistan's cagtemand western neighbours have erupted. Fakistan, Afghanistan, China and Iran all had ther attentions on Key's visits as te whole South Asian region wil wit ness power shift in the years to come The wrier (san tudependent researcher. She can be ‘contacted atzmunazeakhan.irkhotmsilcom MICO Wo Es The announcement made and desire ox pressed by'the Prime Minister has come at the tume when theres persistent violation lt ceasefire along the Lie of Control Lat Whether these violations are to pre-empt Pe istan's quest for normalizing bilateral oF to give the peace lovers across borders a loud and clear messaxe {hat it stil is formidable tas, i warrants a threadbare analysis, When the PM claims of public endorsement, he ‘ufers tothe desire of the mainstream pattles to have 2 peaceful coexistence with India. that be the case, then where do the bottlenecks or the institutional weak esses tomoveforward li istrust The OO-year history of mistrust has ensued hatred and apprehensions. The same bas been anslaed im policy papers and oficial files. In the atmo- shere marred by mi ‘ust, prime minis: ter’ destreallbe puter the im ‘roscope by the Indians consid tue rather than 3 the rake of dur Prime in ~ er Nawaz Shari in his maiden ac: ‘ress tothe nation on August 19, declared that ne President Blsharrat nad always given high priority © goad relations with India for e peace inthe region ane the nation has on- orzed this standpoint during the recent election: The Premier went }\ of dialogue in ‘on £0 say that itis the responsibly forthe leadership of Both Pak he post an and india that wars of past have ruined our relations. St Mumba attacks bilty ane prospenty ofa national is unked to good ‘olations with its neighbours. ‘Shaukat Piracha breather. The mistrust sco prevalent that recent flood Ing in Punjab is being dubbed 3¢ Aa Jarhit (water: aggressin} by India despite a reported statement of Pa Aistan’s tous Water Commissioner tha fda dl send prior information of releasing huge quamtity of water from its reservoirs, The incumbent ladian Premier Dr Manmachan Singh and his former Pakistani counterpart usu! Raza Galanin thelr Thimpu miceting onthe side lines of SARC Summ, authorized thei fone min testo seok means and ways for ending trust defi. Bur ‘how many times, the two forelgn ministers have date. acted. Letalonethe explering Une meaas? Preconeition: Fora meaningful and result oriented clalogue India has ‘always put preconditions. Former Premier AB. sn Vainayee only conditionally agreed to a lalogue 4 the famous Jana statement with Tata put con ‘ions for revival scenarioalso. Hafiz. Saced, Let JuD, handlers of Ajmal MEC TOR WE asa etc have become a mantra forthe Indians. When Nawar sharfextends ahandof fiendship at any foram, ‘he tian counterpart wal defintely be having # ready fmode recipe of these offquoted terms and conditions. What does the Prize Minister bas in his kitty to offer to the indians? Whether May 11 elections has empowered him to even thnk of taking a deck sion on Hafiz. Saeed or whether hs own patty cad res wil approve such 8 vi stom? What appropriate stepa ehas o take when the india side deraands transi tion of is desires into con ‘rete practical steps? oy] ‘ruturetnteractions athe atmosphere of hope ad far, he Prime Ministers ‘both countries can have at cast three meetings in the oming months, Despite the continued violation of Ceasefire across the LoC since August 6, hopes for a esting between the two leaders in New vork are stl fine. The US medias anticipating ameecting on the sce fines of the UN General Assembly session this month ‘The second opportunity or possiblity of anotber such meting wil be asaiable in Se Lanka that hosting the fortbcoming Commoniealth Heads of Gaverriment Meet stan’s ide Inetnatan Election Mien Newer Sharif can safely afford emphasizing on ‘eprioritization’ of foreign policy as his party bas won. the elections recent. Dr Maramoban Sinzh, on the other hand. bas no sach priviege His party Le. Congtess. wil sceka fresh mandate carly next year. An ota ff symbolic weakness ora concession to Paks Stan can jeopardize Congress’ chances of re-win against Hind chausinist especially 0 the wake of therise of Narendra Mod, aot Fious aiversary to Indian Muslims. So Dr Singh wil think bode! times before mak Ing any move agaist Pakistan. nthe omit weeks, & slowdown in the offal contacts between the {wo countries ean be anticipated. Conclusion Pakisten ad India have to tve together as neighbours ‘whether they like oF not. The perpetual animosity hes {ready wasted 66 years a the Geo counties couldnt flvettheiespending on the general welfareo thelr peo ples. tn these years, Pakistan faced dismemberment wile Indi als feels bieding Cantiswosl. Ironically there Mion Nawoz Shotif can safely afford ‘emphasizing on ‘repriontization’ of foreign policy as his party has won the elections recently. Br Manmohan Singh, on the other hand, hasno such privilege. Stil prevails uncertainty bout @ mutual desire of per ‘manent peacefl coexistence. Hoth countries has 10 carve font strategies. to lunch a Fight against hunger, poverty, Alsesses, malnutrition. unem ing (CHOGM) in mid. November, wherein both Prine Ministers wll be parti: ipeting. Similarly Nawaz ‘Sharif may have ath ites actiom with his Indian coun: terpart in Kathmandu, Nepal nearly 2014 where the pext SAARC Summit wl ake place How fa these opportuntiesinay bring the leader Ship of both neighbouring nations closer willdepend on ployment itera and other sock ls Mmidat consistent violations of ceasefire om LOC, Nawaz Shor has presented an ole brant India with sin eri: ci should also cone Forward with greater ear the respective internal cohestons.tndia does not face 8 Significant challenge inthis regard whereas Pakisan ‘sill go through an infernal rapsition in Novernber when the change in military top Keadership will be made. So this challenge of internal eohesion seems more on Pak The writer isan islamabadt-based renowned journals. He covers foreign policy issues “shaukatiprachacgmatlcom 56 | wwwjworldtimes.com / JWT September 2013 Maham Asif Water scarcity and energy sacurty are ee St woes spss spe ee Soa oe oo =a Sen ese eer as Sete Sees Saami eee aes aoe a aie ee Peete ene aoe ee the two major challenges bein faced by fl Presently, water issue has become a serious impediment to Pakistan's ‘development. People in various parts of the county are in extreme want of enough water for domestic use ond, unfortunately, pure drinking water too has become an unaffordable luxury for many Pakistanis. The state of affairs Jooks even gtim when we see the dams drying up; glacial supplies shrinking and the lush green fields turning into deserts, viv. jworkdtimes.com / JWT ~ Septem 2013157 [7 (4 C) Parer duced, itwould suffocate Pakistan's in this regard. Media, NGOs and the ‘economay. The encray sector would educatlonal institutes ean play a piv Ihave to pay through nose to provide _otalrolevo achieve this goal energy torhemation Wateristhe sec- Secondly, there is a dire need t0 fond largest source of power genera build new water reservoirs. The tion in Pakistan asthe country pro: politiezation of meya projects duces only 33%f ts total electricity should end now: And even other: Lusinghydelsources.However,outof ibs; the focus ean be dreced to ‘the total estimeted generation ca the smaller darns and [ite pro alsty of 0,000 MW, Pakistan s tk jects. The projects already in the Weingonly 14¥ oF ts water porential _pipetine should be completed on chengethecrisisworsens. Toend.or _prority basis. The 2025 Vision tleastminimize, all thewatcr woes Programme, for instance inchides ‘of thecountry, uickrernediesarere quiredat theeamest, First of all The wastage of water needstobe avoided Despite having the worlds largest nigation system, Pakistan loses about 2/4 af is water resources due poor infrastructure, Every day nearly 40K of water is wasted projects including the casing of the Mangla Dar, the Cuetta Water Project, Chashma Right Rank Ce: ‘al, Gomal Zam Dam, Katchi Canal ‘nd Rainee Canal. Other projects Imchude the Thal loodwater ana, Sarpara Damy Kurram Tang Dam, Mirani Dam, Sabakza Dam, Jinnah through canals; 10% through evape- gaat Aer Khewer, Khan Khor ration; 30% due to percolation and punt tena a 20% by the seneral masses. There fore, wastage of tater needs to be 8 dealt with on urgent bast. This can ngthedecadesold bbedoneby repai ‘water systems as pointed out by the Despite having the Ministry of National Food Security worlds largest ‘and Research which suggests inigation system, Abou tw thirds of Ouy water ro sources are lst in transmission ard Pakiston loses about seepage. This means that about 63 two third of its water milion acre fect of water can be | Fesources due fo poor Drought an use if the cama sytem ts Infrastructure, ‘adequately repaired and matt Similar, replacing the traditional ‘watercourses with supply pipes can Neeluun-Thelum_Hydrocectsic: Pro ‘also serve the purpose, In addition, jects. There are a number of other Dublc awatenoss fe very important sites both on Indus anc fhelum Rivers abd off-channe! which can be 58 | www jworlduimes.com / JWT - September 2013, used to generate power: Tasty, tbe efficient alization of the rainwater is of wimost Amportanes Pakistan receives heayy downpours durin monsoons; but these sea sonal showers ave been good for nothing rather they create heaty foods and countrywide devasta tions. Even the ‘recent monsoon rans have caused huge destruction all over the country, An unprece ‘dented increase in global tempera ture causes the meltdown of gla that resales tn floods. Dueto poor in ructure and ‘water runs off and often leads 0 flooding in downstream areas, Iehas decome ever more Important to draft deliberate policies for proper atilization and management ‘of the rainwater by building new re ‘crvoirs, Tis extra water canbe used for imation and industrial pur poses. in this way, we can save a huge volume of freshwater. The masses should also be educated 10 tlize the rainwater sensibly We should learn fromthe example of ‘Canada thats not ony the tid lng st producer of hydroeleewicity in the world but is biggest exporter too. Following its footsteps, Paki stan should use sts ater potential te cam arespectable postion inthe comuty ofnations and to mitigate the Inisertes of millionso Pakistanis ‘The writer i civil servant and can be reached at knowiedgecrary9:tomal com en en ee ee ec Pome ne eee ees Se er eet ete Peseta eg tg etree ch pare teem ee eran a ver the past three years teh nically.recover- able US shale gas Fefources have one up from 355 tno ube feet to $27 en or euble feet ~ thas a 100: Te, year supply of natural [286 Over the past to months, Aslan LNG prices have Dlunged 25 percent Conclusion: Natural zas prices are Falling ike inept. From historical perspective the global price of natural fs “has heen 10 times cheaper than crude off” Right ov natural gos is “approximately 45 imes cheaper Lesson: lf we are gli t@buy ING from Qatar. twill not be in Pakistan's interest t peg LNGIs price to the price oferude ai Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL), the stateowned ‘enterprise, has contracted fo Duy .5 malin woanes per year of LNG from the US at a landed cost of '10.50/eumiFTU (price s pegged t Henry Hub). GALL hs also contracted to buy 7-5 millon tonnes of LNG rom RasGas of Qatar at aroune $13/mmBTU For the record, world LNG estimated August 2013 landed pres are: nda $14.10, UK 89:45, Span $10.08, Korea 1575 and China$15.25. Thespot LNG price nov hovers around $14/mm. ING fs fuel of the future. Pakston must not miss the ‘boat; we mast get into the LNG game right away. Tobe sin with, we need to invest in developing a world ass Dr Farrukh Saleem LNG supply chain. tn the US, ‘me numberof unconventional anual gas wells has gone up from 18,485 In 2004 10 over 35,000 In a matter of just two Years. By 2016-2017, the US is sing to gut the global LNG ‘marie, GAL. has become the first Asian entity f© have con tracted US LNG, For Pakistan, importing Qatar's LNG at S18/mmsTU (plus $2.50/mmTU for Engro) weil make Pakistan! products highly uncompetitive when tnd’ cost fort/S LNG would $10.50/anmi1U, Im Australia, Chevron and Exxon Mobil are pouring in '5160 billion to liquefy coal seam gas nto LNG and then export it to the World. By 2018, Australia would be the largest exporter of ENG. LNG prodkcers in tar are dy ng to lock in long-term buyers. North America, Fast Mt ‘ean usalia are all ooking for buyers a uy fry market out ther Pakistan nceds a short term and long-term LNG strat. tay, ver the pas decade, NG spot and short-term ma Ieet*has increased exponentially” the spot market now stands at around 30 percent of the total global marke. The Uk, Japan, Korea, Takwan and China have all been buying LNG spot cargoes at around S14/mmBTU. Ove ‘the shar term, Pakistan ought to do the same. Over the long haul LNG at or under $1 0/anmBTU isthe trend, Dr Farrukh Saleem isa renowned columnist Ihe cam be contacted at farrukhd5hotmaicorn wre jworldtimes.com / JWT-- September 2013 | 59 MECEOR Wi es Lahore Resell “the Partition of India A threadbare analysis of the proposals for division for Indtan Subcontinant before , Lahore Resolution 23March, 1940s milestone in the politcal | Subcontinentas on this very day, the Lahore {38 an impetus to the creation of Pakistan, Fesolution gained a wide currency and Hindu press disdainfully declared it The motive bohind this act of Hindu- ‘make this resolution controversial history of the Resolution, which served was passed. This importance when the “Pakistan Resolution.” dominated press. was to 1 Introduction indus became hostile ro the Labore Resolution despite ‘the fact that the very word Pakistan’ Was not even men tioned anywhere the Lahore Resolution, The Dally Ti Dune called the Pakistan scheme unaceepeable and bo: ble. Hindustan Times’ and ‘Modern Review! terine as the ingenuity of the most ingenious constitution ‘mangers that willbe unable to anid Inca Never i the history ofthe world hada resolution com : 7 \ en med Congress sine /one 0 all paepe: on el Welt Taye sos but aor: Reso did tse: adores F ¥ \ St rindcataten connet nod bbe belng proposed since the “19th century the Resolution was response toon yrs atrocities against tbe Muslims This was the Ue when Muslims ‘neve firmly convince! that m order to survive, they mist have a sj ‘their own. This stance further strengthened by con inal antagonism and harsh 18 @ revolutionary proyosal but 19308 and 19405 and atracted popular respanse well An ilastcions historian (1 ‘Qureshi describes hroredasiamere fancifal ream. The Lahore Resolution was passed on the ‘anal session of AllIadis Muslin League seems thatthe passing of C] PAPER itim these word The concontration of Mustim: majorities inthe north-west ard northeast of the Subcontinent could not remain unne ‘iced By the potticatinkers British Proposals Since the arrival ofthe British in the Sub ‘ontineat, many administrators and ana Iysts had been closely ebserving the pre valing situation, They made a number Of efforts to settle the issues berwee Hindus and Muslims once forever. To this regard, the first proposal came ftom a British partiamentarian Me John Height eho, ta 1458, proposed tha vat aus Presidencies an States would beex Istee stead of forming one compact state. Hes are if at any ature period he sover celgnty of England should be withdrawn, wwe should leave so many Presilencies fut un and firmly compacted together, each able to support its own independ fence and ats Own Government; and we ‘should be able to say we hai not eft the country a prey to that anarehy and dis ord which | bolieve tobe inevitable we Insist on holding those vast terrors vith the idea of building them up inte one great empire.” WS. Bhunt also did not see any prospect fora waited fas he sa the main ine of division running between the Hindus and the Muslims and pointed out, 1881-82, the hidden strength of the In dian Musi. {m1932, ir Reginald Craddock, a Gover: ‘or of Burm and chairman ofthe Indian Constitutional Reforms Committee dur Ing Frtush Ra, observed “tf Norway and Sweden could not get tobe united, howit canbe expected thatthe if ite greater dversines and divergent ra- Cal elements in Padia. could be welded Into one self aoverning and democratic note {im 1032, John Coatman, in bis baok “The Road to Self-Government” wrote: 62 | www jworldtimes.com / JWT ~ Sept tirmay be that he dete already cast and ‘that no wntted Indias we understand to ‘day willever emerge. may be that Mos ler Indian the North Wests destined to ‘bocome a soparate Muslim state or part ‘ofa sustim Empire Theodore eck and Sir Theodan Morison aso confirmed the Two Nation, Tacory‘and rejected the peineple of ma jority rule tn Hind «the Hindu. Rap. Morison suggested the concentration of ‘the entre Muslim population of indian the area extending from Agra to Peshawar Hindu Propesats Stonary many Hinds politiians and politieal thinkers had realized the fet that the Muslins and Hindus eould ever be prosperous and live together in future. Therefore, a Hindu national fst, Bhat Parmanan, who remained an ‘ardent supporter of Arya Sama, su ested! “The only satisfactory averse to unity tstocffec complete severance berwoon the two peoples india could be part tioned in such a manner as to secure ‘the supremacy of stam none zone an ‘that of Hlndutsn inthe other. Under this plan, some exchange of population would be movtable. People wit strong religious feelings who found them selves the wrong region would have tomigratetothe other” Meanwhile a veteran Hindu leader, Lala Lajpat Rai proposed in 1924 the Formation of Muslim states inthe prov Incest Panjab, NWF P, Sind and Ben: al Muslim Proposals Jamaluddin Afghant dreamt of the Formation of a Muslim Confederation consisting the northwestern Muslim rmayorty provinces of India, Central Aslan Republics and Afghanistan. ‘With the break out of Urdu Hindi con troverey ar Ranaras in 1867, Sit Syed ‘Ahmad Khan, previously «staunch supporter of ind nationalism, was compelled 10 use {the ord Qaum (nation) particulary forthe Muslims of the Subcontinent Maulkt Mutarram Ali Chis (owmer and editor of the Rafique-ilind, a weekly Journal, from Labora strongly opined that the Musiims were a nation and they should estabish 9 political party, he ayo remine! in touch bith Syed Ameer Aliant tnt Under sucheircumstances 0 sepa rate Muslim organization known ‘ *Muhammadan National Con ference" was founded at Calcutta i 1880, so thatthe interests and claims othe Masi for thet na ‘Nona status coal be protected tne famous novelist snd Your ist Abdul Haleem Sharae (1860- 926) was the Oirst notable and prominent Muslim intellectual ‘ao made a proposal in his ‘weekly journal -Nuhazzab” for “akindof terior rangement and exchange of population: tha the Hindus and Mustns should tribute chor tween theme shes” 11905, awell-known poet, Akbar Allahabad proposed: The North of Juma River should be given tothe Mus tims so thatthe to mations should be able 10 Ive in He declared Hinds and Muslims two diferent nations Sn the Subcontinent. Wilait All Bambooque wrote In “Gupshup” about @ separate country for Muslims in Northern India. The khert Brothers (Abdul Jabbar and Ab dtl Sattar) also proposed the partition of India, Attending the Stockholms Conference of Socialist tterratonal in 1917, they: submitted report m le they urged the par fF India into Mastin Yada and ind 15 1920, Abdul Qadir gram ‘wrote ¢ leter (0 Gandhi in which he gave an ide for the partition of India Between the Muslis and the Hindss. He aly provided alist of districts, ‘which would bea par of fue separate Muslim state Und surprisingly this ist of districts was nat so mach df {erent from the state of Pakistan made after 1947. Hels also comsiesed te fist person who gave the idea for the partition of Punjab and Rengal province into Nes liane Nom Shui zones ‘Similar in 1920, a great poet and revolutionary igure, Moolapa asrat Motans was the fst one who gave a resolution for inde pendence of In from the plat form of Congress. le proposed an Indian Federal Republican State bused on the model of United States of America astate in which the usin states would be con bined within’ the Hindu states (provinces Chaudhary Wahab-ud-din Kamboh of Amritsar presented his “Nuttstan Scheme” (Nuristan means land of ight) im 1923, Ac cording to ths scheme, the Muslim provinces in the northwest region ‘of the tnian Subcontinent woul be separate from other pars oft ‘ia forthe establishment of a Mos: lumstare Bt 1924, Moulana Obeid Ullah Sindhi alo suggested a fedcration ‘where religion snd state would be separated; each region would be Jnown a "Swarajva Republic” and ‘would Be a ee mietaber ofthe Fe: ‘ralon. Delhi would be cosmopol tan oy and other centres of the Federal government would be established in Agraand La: bore www jworldtimes.com / JWT ~ September 2013 | 63 MECEOR Ws. 1925, Moulana Neharmacl Ali suggested separation andl the sight to sedetermination for the people of North india for economic, strate, religious and ei tural reasons, Inthe same year, some teachers and st dents of the Aligarh Maslin University suggested a scheme of partion of indi andthe creation of a Muslim formation of a Muslim state inthe Incian Suby conticent, Meanwhile, Sir Agha Khan also artcuted his hea (or formation of 2 large South Aslan’ Federation, follow ifgethe pie 1914 Bavaria \ model, According to this model, each indian province \\ (state) would have complete freedom. Every freestate would \ be based of religion, nationality ‘ice, langage and history In 1930, Allama label gave his own scheme of formation of separate Muslims homeland, delivering is. fe ‘mous presidential adress at Allahabad session of All Indi Musi League. He sal “tam fly convince hat the Mastin of fr la wi ulimately have 1 esablch ‘separate homeland as they can rot lve wth ids fn the United In han f ‘would ko Punjab NWFP. Sindh and Baluchista amalgamated Into la single Im 1938, -Chaudhey Rehmat At coined the term Pakistan’ ina pan phe "Now oF Never Are We to live ar Perish Forever?” in whieh he de manded a separate Muslim "state. Twas the frst appearance of he magic word "Pakistan nhih ater be ‘came the top wor for naming ihe future Masi states, thetndian stbeontinent. Si Sikandar Hayat Khan, Chiet Minster of Panjab Prov 64 | wrw.Jworlduimes.com / JWT September 2013 i 1928 Moana Aaa Al Panto proposed the <= Ince, published his scheme known as “Outlines of @ Scheme of Indian Federa- ton." This seheme pro posed forthe loosest, of federations, with gional or onal legislatures @ealing ‘with commnon inter 4 fests, He suggested norman posers for the provinces \, and minima \ "to the central governs His scheme mended for ce ofl asan subcontinent having, loose 191939, Dear ul Has ‘ussalt Quel wrote "The P ‘dian Muslims and their Solution’ ‘This scheme, also popularly. known as Aligarh Scheme’, proposed the par a of country into three ompetaly 3 insependent and autonomous By the Beginning of the 1940, Muslin polities entered. into-a new but significant phase Now the Muslim League took departure from pee 1937 policy. The Lahore Resolution delineates teas piravons ofthe Mustims that tay id wot want a ited indian federation rather they were ta have a state of thelr wn, There cane about 70 proposals and suggestions be fore the Lahore Kesolution 42 roms 188 to 1940, tod ide the Indian Sscontinent. Although the Hind Press Aeclated ca ontroversalresohution aimed atthe for ‘mation ofa separate sate, Vet proposals repatding the {sion ofthe subcontinent had been cousin, fot al qu polities ofthe Subcontinent asthe Muslims” sruggle fr separate homeland was reamvgorated throught 1 (2 0) PAPER on Quaid-i-Azam Charismatic Leader With A Vision Qayyum Nizam sewwyorldtimes.cam / JWT ~ Sept (4 C) Parer ‘Charismatic Leader Jinmal succeeded in his mission because he offered the Sespaired people, at a particwasy dificle hour i thelr bistory,acharismancadership ith faith n Rinse as wall a8 the cause that he championed. ‘The various Stages inthe struggle for Pakistan cleasly demonstrate the decisive role that Jinnah played in the cretion a Pakistan, Indeed, sit were not Jinnah and is chars ‘matic ledership, the stugale for Pakistan could have been log. Fokistan came into etn mainly because of "he chars of inna and his charismaticleadership. (Quatdtazam ably constructed his case for a Musita state on the bass of "Two Nation Theory. ina wrote in his letter to Gandhi “We maintain and old that Muslims ‘and Hindus are two ‘major ations by ‘ay defaton or test of anation Se area ration of a hundred rion, and wha is ration with our own tistinctive‘eulture ‘and civilization, language and Imoraturg, art and areitectare, names dnd. nomenclature, sense of vale and proportion, legal ls and moral coe, customs and Salendar, stony anu tradions, aptitudes ard amb tons. nshor, weRayeour ov stint outlok on fe Byallcanonsofinternationallaw we area nation.” The Private Secretary to Betis nda Army Chet Claude Auchinleck, Najor General Shahid Hamid, narrated an interesting, event about Ouakl4+Azam, in his book “Disastrous Tolight™. This “Incident manifests. the ‘mentality of civil and army officials before independ: ‘ro my surprise the Quaid was n a talkative mood. He had something tosay to each person who was troduced ‘0/him. The officers gathered around him to ask al sorts OF auestions. He answered them tn his characteristic ‘manner sowy, clearly aad convincingly I ales ‘Pleasure to hear him expan his point of view: He meant what he sad. He dd not pretend to be what he was nr September 2013 (66 | wowwjworldtimes.com / JWT Fe did mot mince his words. He pur the problem which he al have 0 face squaray. 1 was with him mos ofthe tame. The only time he became selene when somoone ‘asked hom about rhe prospect of promotion tn Pakistan. 1 ‘oul see from the look of Quaid’ face that he dd not We the queston-dn his typical sie, he looked him over from Inca to foo before giving amanswer. ‘You Musulmans ether you are up in the ky or down in the dumps. You cannot adopt a steady course. Alt ine ‘promotions wil come m good time, but thare wal be no mad rush Toanother question, hereplied: “Pakisian's- elected ‘government will be that of chians and anyone who thinks contrary to deme: should not opt for Pakistan.” He also sald that al ‘would have to work hard to build the new nation and fare and preserve the Kentity of Islamic state and that our task as Quald-+-Azam, on ve of first Independence Day, hosted a reception at e Governor General House in Karach. Distinguished ‘il ad milary offical, poitielans and businessmen were inated fo the cecasion. QuaKd-+-Azam Was Very hhappy and meeting the guests, One mitary offical asked én obosicus question from the Quaid about ‘ertain appointments by the new Pakistan government (Quaid, naturally hurt and infurlated,repled ith faith and courage: ‘Never forget that you are the servants ofthe sate. You donot make poly. 118 we, the popes representatnes ‘who decite now the country 5 run. Your jis ony to ‘bey the decison of your Cian Masters.” (Uurnail Aur Stasatdanby Oayyurs Nizam (Quald:+-Azam could not find time to write a bodk about bis vision of Pakistan however the delivered several speechs as a leader and as the Governor General of Pakistan. We can deduce his vision from the following “quotations of his historical speeches Queld-Azam in a press briefing on ay 21, 1947 at Delhi responding tothe question of journalist who had, ‘asked “Oa what basis will the central administration of Pakistan be set the attcude of this (Government to the Indian State” said ‘The basis ofthe central administration of Pakistan and that ofthe unis tobe set up will be decided, no doubt, by Pakistan Constituent Assembiy. But the Gowrnment of Pakistan can onty be @ popular representative and democratic form of Government. ts paritament and cabinet responsible tothe pariiament wil both be Analy ‘responsible to the electorate ard the people in genera! without any dlstinetion of caste, creed or sect which wil be fal deciding factor with regard to the policy and programme of the Government that may be adopted From ume to tome. oe (quate. Azam ensured thenights of minorities in Pakistan by sayang “They wll have thelr protection swith regard wa their religion, their faith, their life, their property. ther culture. They willbe in alt respects the citizens of Pakistan vethout any distinction of este or colour, religion or creed..aslong 18 J have amy power; they need Ihave no apprahension off any kina” Inhispolicyadéress on August 11, Quakd-+Azam sald: Vow are free; you ave free to goto your temples, you are {ree to go to your mosaues or 40 any other place of ‘worship inthe state of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed that has nothing to do with the business ofthe state” Quaid-Azam warned the landlords and endorsed democracy in thefllowsing words: “Tam sure demncracy ts our blood. Indeed, ii inthe ‘marrow of our bones. Only centuries of adverse circut: stances have made tecireulation ofthe bloodcold. thas ‘became (rocer, and our arteries have not been function (ng. But thank God, the booed is circulating again Ie wil bea people's government.” He further sad “Ishould ike to giveawarning tothe landlords and capitalists who have flourished at the people's “expense bya Stem which sso Vicous, whic ts $9 ‘wicked, and which makes them so selfs tha iis ical io reason with them. The masses nas gor into their blood. They: have forgotten ihe essonof Slam." (Speeches ana ‘Statements of Hah) Quaid't-Azam every now and then elaborated that people are the realasset of Pakistan There are milions and rilions of our people who haraly ‘get ome meat a day. 18 thks civilization? 1s this the ata of Pakstan? Do you visualise that miions have been ‘exploited andcannot get one meala day. ifthatis the idea ‘of Pakistan wold not have it" asa) wonsciworldtimes.com / JWT September 2013 | 67 MECEOR Ws. AAS governor general of Falistan Quald:-Azam yas wort! about the colonial mentality ofthe cv servants of Pakistan and advised them co understand Whe new realities of independent’ Pakistan. Quald--Azam ‘addressed theciul servants in the folowng words "You have to do your duty as servants: you are not ‘concerned with this political or Uhat politi party; that ‘snot yout business. (ts a business of polieians 9 ‘gt out their case under the present constitution othe future constitution that may be ulimately framed. You, therefore, have nothing to do With this party or that party. You are cis! servants. Which ver gets the majority willform the government and your duty isto serve that government for the time being as servants not as poliielans. Ho "wil you do ‘hat? The governmentin power for the time being must also realise and understand their responsibilities that you are not to be used for this party or that. T know we are saddled vith ol legacy, old mentality, old psychology and it haunts ‘oar footsteps, but itis up to ‘You now to acta tue servants ‘ofthe people evenat the rsk of ‘any Minister or Ministry trying to interfere with you in the discharge of your duties as ‘evil servants. hope twill not be so but even f some of you hhave to suffer as victim - 1 hhope it wall mot happen ~ 1 ‘expect you to do so readily. We ‘people wil have confidence and trust in you and wil look upon you as frends and well wishers donot want toconidemn everyting of the pas, there were met who ua their tie according to their igh inthe service Which they were placed. As administrators they did INstice in many cases but they did not fel that justice was done to them because there was an order of superiority and they were hele ata distance andthe did not fee! the warmth but they ela freezing atmoephere ‘when they had to do anything with the ofcals. Now that freezing atmosphere must go; that impression of arrogance must go; that impression that you are rulers must go and you must do your best with all courtesy and kindness and to try to under stand the people, Maybe ‘sometimes you wil find that it 4s tiring and provoking when a man goes on talking and repeating a thing ver and over ‘again, but hove patience and show patience and make them {eel that justice has been done tothem."Specches of Jina Quatd-tazam said that Pakistan wil be Fort af Isla Inowover he defined his vision in thefollowing words ‘The other and higher aspect ‘of Pakistanis that t would be a base whee we will be able to ‘rain and bring up Muslim Intellectuals, educationists, economists, scientists, doctors, engineers, tech Shall of courey ee that there Gian, ee who ll work 0 fe security for you and ems mre bring about Islamic renal Safemsards to you. Hf we find oon aoe sence. They wll spread over that isin any way prejudicial to ‘Your terest we shallfind ways and means of givin. you thar security. Of course, you must be loyal to The sKovernment that isin power. ‘The Second point is that of your conduct and dealings wih the people in various departments, ia which you ‘bay be: wipe off that past reputation; you are not rulers. ‘You do not belong t the ruling class; you belong tothe servants. Make the people feel that you are thelr servants and friends, mainata the highest standard of honour, integrity, justice and fai play. Ifyou do that, 68 | www,Jworldtimes.com / JWI September 2013 the Biddle East and other Muslim countries to serve thelr coveligionists and create awakening among them. The entite belt of the Midale Eat wll develop into a soli, cohesive block-a tira block-which will be nether communistie nor capitalistic bu truly socialistic” Laman Aalt: Quad--Azam as seen by his camtem. Doraries, cited by Shan Al Mujahid) and Lagat Maran Quotes from Quai, Oxford, p. 79) The writer isa renowned columnist. ‘Emat gayyumntzamsamailcom English — (Précis & Comprehension) CSS-2013 MEC TOR WE eceupation. (L10Words) “Tete Cureure and imperiatisen According to Confucius, human society does ot progress naturally. Rulers and people had certain {deat which they admired but were not able 10 achieve ‘uch, Hhumanistery shows that rulers and people have been struggling for what they did achieve. Also, the human society isconstantly evolving 2. The ideas of Confuctus relly helped China to ipecome stable and strong, He aimed at creating stable pa society and achieving excellence in various fields. The people of China, uncer the influence of his thoughts. rade wonderful progress. 3. The author thinks that Confucius’ system deserves respect and admiration because the system fiven by him was! go realistic and comprehensive that the Chinese, acting on that system, Became a great se here was no mention of Gad, spirituality, divine element or the supematural in bis system. His system was based upon pure Feason, good sense and ethics So twas not areligion. See Confuelus’ ideal of a gentleman is biased on rationalism, wisdom ancl good sense. This ideal, secular Inature, bound to appeal to every thinking man. Tt has.» wide appeal because it is not Based on any particular dogma, os 1SDEMOCRACY AN IDEAL FORMOF GOVERNMENT? Since the days of Arstote, democracy hasbeen the dc of politica philosophers. Since the French revolution, fovernment of the people, by the people through their Chosen representatives as been the ideal form of {government forall nations Democracy, socialism, secularism, and international ‘peace are nation’s goals. These goals ane tobe achiews Though deumoeratle process. Ina democracy, all decisions are taken collectvely after discussion. The consent of the people is taken through their elected Tebresentatives. The political party winning. the ‘majority of seats forms the government Tn sucha set up individual citizens have an important role to perform, They have a special responsibility of ‘leeting @ good government and then keeping watch ‘on its performance, Theleco-operations is essential for successfully running a democratic government. Therefore the people too should be fully aware of national and international problems. Only then would they be able to make the correct decision and help the ‘Government 10 function efficiently. History has proved that manhas not been able to devise abette system that democracy. ts, therefore, am deal form of government 185 Words) Question No.5 {2} 1 The mailk of human kindness (feelings of kindness) traiy Macbeth was devold of the milk of humankind. A rule of thumb (A method of doing something basedon experience) usually work bythe ral of hunt. 3. Oatanniout Complete;yery bad) He san out-and-out ar. 4. To wash one's dirty Linen in public (Te have a discussion or argument in public in a manner which attracts attention about private prob lems, seandaisete) IF you contest the divorce ease your vite 6 bringing aint ous i will amount to washing len in public www jworldtimes.com / JWT'~ September 2013 | 71 Cf) Cd O) Parer To pay through the nose (To pay’ a lot for something Ifyou want a really good car, you have to pay through the nose art To love face (To suffer a loss of respect or reputation, You rally lose face if you are defeated in the Final match 50 ()—Theyhad rooms adjommng mine, The meeting has been adjourned @)—Twiedtoatlayhis fears Japan yas an ally of Germany during thes Second World War (The limabers had set up Bases at various points. Whats the haste of your arguments? Ge) Thelockopened with aclick There's always aitle cue of older members Inhoare jealous the young (4 Thenolie distracted them from thelr work ‘This minor error of judgment does not detract fromber sens of achievernent (u)—-Wearealliabietomake mistakes He appeared in court in the libel case agaist ‘hePakistan Times, Question No. 610) 1, Myboss agreed nithmy plan ‘Ans! MY bows agreed omy plan 0:2, he was here, he would be as wise ashe was Alring the war ‘Ans: — fhe were here, he would be as wis ashe was daring the war 0:3. Wehaveamuserent i Form of music Ans (This is @ ridiculous, non-sensical and incorrigible sentence. Itbetraystheincoraye tenceafthe examiner Athest ould) We enjoy O:4, — Yousetangry forall the work you have todo. Ans (Again a rhdtculous sontence that can only ‘confuse the candiotes) You are angry beczuse you have to do a lot of work. 5, Wewere gad forbeing here Ans: Wewere glad tobe there 2:6. —Tprefer the fifth act of Shakespeare Kind Lear worw,warldtimes.com / JWT the bestof all September Aas 7. Ans os. Ans [think the fifth act of King Ler by Shakespeare Isbetterthan any other at. After finishing my lecture, thebell rang, Afterthad finished my leccare, thebell rang. Wenneed not be afrat. Wedida’t need tobe ral Question Ne. 616) o a on ow ow on +e told me that if head spoken tohis father as {spoke thin he would havebeaten him, asked him how far it was and how long ‘would ake him tot there Fe asked me whether { ew anybody in that areacr whether Teould get areference from my land lady She said to-me “Look! Where are you going? w@uo Times DiscovERING ENGLISH CGRAMAR & COMPOSITION The oad ie fof hoes and verybadty it” He seid to me, "Are you going to the con Letus make up aparty and go together: He sale that he usta mind if the ist one In'tbeen any good, Hp exclaimed with annoyance that It vas a great nuisance adding that then he would have todoitall ver again, He sad that he must go to the dentist the next day ashe badan appointment MICO Wo Es @<__ QUERIES of CSs, PMS, PCS Aspirants For all your queries about CSS, PMS, PCS and other Competitive Exams, please write to us or email at the following addres Dear Guru ‘Assalam--Alakum God willing, Fara going to appear in the C$5:2014 exam ‘but 1 am focing some problems in the preparation ‘espectally n English Essay and Précis composition and Jast but not least, in Zoology. I want to get your advice for the preparation of these subjects and also your recommendation fo the books on these subjects which ‘would be quiteelpfultome. ‘alti for your golden guidance on these subjects ‘ram Mali, P.O. Box Thana Dserict Malakand Dear ran For English Essay I would suegest you to frst list your topics that you intend to prepare [or the exam. Next, you should divide these further into sub-opics covering all Important aspects of that topic. Once this study is i prepared, you should start working on outlines foreach Subtopte. Moreover, you should prepare important duotations for each topic, gather important data and ‘atistcs and ad suttable examples from society that ‘seul support your arguraets English Précts_and Composition paper comprises 1wo segments Segment - 1's grammar and vocabulary and CSS GURU Jahangir's World Times 121-D, Gulberg If, Lahore. email: essguru@jworldtimes.com {5 mathematical, as your correct answer would accrue full marks. Hore tt becomes hey t0 success as if you ‘manage to score 30 this segment your chances of tearing this paver become high. For this purpose practic this seamen from the past papers and please do ‘hot cram sentences writen in common guide Books ‘available in market For Segment = I Précts, Comprehension, and Expansion) try to salve all past papers questions of précis and comprehension passages. Try fo make It your habit as {ime management (s very important inthis paper. The précis passage mostly consumes around ane hour Practice can hep ou save time nother pars Zooley has one of the highest percentages; 60% and ‘above marks: Boing a Science subject demands aberter understanding of concepts. You need to grasp basi terminologies and understand them well in order to be fable to assimilate all topics. Moreover, diagrams and ‘aures are crucial inthis subject. You need to practice raving propery labelled figures and diagrams to support youransworsin paper. You may consul: Zooleay by Miller and Harley ‘Zoology for Competitive Exams by Caravan Publishers Intermediate Books for biology Discovering the World of Enalish Grammar by 1BD ‘wwwyworldtimes.com / JWT - September 2013 | 73, ‘omperitne Essays by Prof. Muzatar Bukhari Contemporary Essays Profs. Usman and Salman Kazi DearGura Tam doing Bin Chil Fogincering and geting prepared for CSS. Can you guide me on optional subfeta? 1 Aave chosen Forestry, Sociology, Pinjabi and. Indo-Pak History. My query Is that sre dese subjeets soning in prevailing trend? And sir please alo tell that which bistory is preferable What will you recomend ag Sritsh History & Indo-Pak? Kindly suggest books for both, their scoring trend and current a have Indo-Pak Departinentaanyeity not Willow Dear Wao You subject seletion fine 1 90 nsier Geography asa posible choice far being more relevant to your studies. As fa as selcton of story subjects concerned, British History preferred for ithas generally been more scoring than Indo-Pak History Whereas the candidates of are may and al of ther ‘rely an same and ited books ase, Ei orted fr by fewer candidates ara there are a fe good and new bos ailableon this subject Moreover, rsh History helps the candidate with General Knowledge as #s Syllabus eraduces to the candidates the voli developmen in world history’ of last four centuries For Bris History, you Jat need to consul these Book Brith Histor for CSSD» Dr. Waled Asghar Movlern Enlsh Mstory by GW. Souhegate Vo. 119 74 | www gworldtimes.com /1WT September 2013 Salam Dear GURU Plea tell we i Adminstratin, ses trend, marks ortentation and tail about the pape Dreferable books forthe same, Tiss Jahangir publi ons compile ny bookon te same subject? Muhammad Fayaz Khan ‘hoa, Charsaas Dear Fayai, "To the Poin Businese Administration’ by Sibnain Ateaal the omy available CSB epecfe book rite or his lec aad has en publ by JD ‘ress. For a dtalod guidance on ay optional subi, ou may teferto CSS Beginners’Guide by CSS Gur yl appear in CSS 2014 Insha Allah have started my preparations but face difficult in cures affals am reading Same ually books on curtent fais and fm also. regular reader of newspapers, but after ead al the meteral, {face difficulty in memorisng the things. fel ike forgetting and mixing all the facts and figures Pleave help me how to tackle this station tnd please help mehov to prepare for current affairs n beter 35 Bawa Bin fe Dear Bilawa, This notsnconmon an experience to have during inal stages of preparation for Current Aff, You need (0 first chalk out a stusy plan for Current Affiaits paper enlisting al important topic as wells he issues related [7 (4 C) Parer Alfairs Quarterty Journal, JWT, or any newspaper, note ‘down in your short notes all important stats and dates relevant to each topic Once you are dome with this ‘exercise, you wil feel comjortable with these facts and Figures You ray refer to CSS Beginners’ Gulde by CSS Guru for a complete guidance an all compulsory as well ‘asoptional subjects. Assalam-o-Alaikuma Gora Tam Aftal Al, a fresh B8A from Preston University Karachi ir the purpose of mye mail sto ask thatthave decided to attempt C55 and I have to atain maxionum possible marks. Kindly, advise me that which subjects! should choose anc! wbst preparation techniques showc™ Thuse because there are only 6 months left for prepara Nol Fve never come acrass such misconception before. In fiat most ofthe top postion hakdors m recent years have been Doctors, ngincers and Business graduates DearGuru, have cone my A-levels m sciences and have studied from University of Londen external programme LLB. My results are ue in August. am aCSS espirant as well but Tam 3 bit confused aout subject selection 1 am thinking sbout choosing Constitutional Lavi Interna ‘nonal Law, Psycholouy, Journalism and Public Adminis- ‘tation. I have never studied Journalism, Public Admin- {stration and Psychology before but the syllabus seems ‘nterestng andl I think I should be able to do it. keep heating that subjects related to law (eg, Mereantile Las) are not scoring Is that so? Moreover, what i the scope ‘of seoring wel!in international Law ‘Also, {would ike to ask you, sit too late forme to stu Dear Aftab, Subject selection is decision that must be YOURS only: You need t0 peruse the sylabi and past papers jar each suiject before arriving at any decision. For a complete Guidance on all optional subjects, please refer to CSS Baginners' Guide by CSSGuru. can suggest You subjects like Business Adminstration, Gecaraphy, Journalism, Sociology Brash History, Mercurie Law, and Intern tional Lavi ec, Assalamro-Alaikus Sit Tessa that professional degree holders as MPA, MBA, BE and MBBS are not eligible to appear In competitive ‘exams, isittrue? Please let me Koow, willbe very thankful to you for this vanes, FT hope to get good scores in CSS-20147 Can T sul manages Regards Maheen DearMaheen, International Law has been a good scoring subject but emus a sound ari on concepts of International Law. You should opt for this suber. However, considering ‘your choice of Psychology and Public Administration, 1 would suages! you to ade Sociology to this combination 4 these subjects have many toples common which help you une stand these concepts well Ofcourse, you can still manage to get a good postion but {or that you wil have to work harder as wel as smarter. ‘ive months are barely sufficient for those who burn the ‘midnight off. Good tack? ‘wwrw,worldtimes.com / JWT'- September 2013 | 75 MICO UWS id tr a Mi , .. , i. se . ae. oe OF PRESS _ [1 (4 (2) Parer stan or any par there, rien rela ions with foreign States. eublic or der, decency or morality, oF in rela tion f0 contempt of court, fcomms {ion offor etiament wo an offence. In today's globalized and enlight ‘ned world, medi is considered as ¢ ‘double edged sword canbe 2s le thala weapon as nuke-Itis univer sally acknowledged that pen is ‘mightier than sword. Tae principles ‘of good Journalism are directed (0 ‘ward being the highest quality of news reporting to the public, thus fulfiing the mission of umely dis: seminatton of information in sevice ofthe public interes ‘The codes and canons, toa igreat extent, evolved thivugh fbservatlon of and response to past lapses by media pet sonnel. However sts heart ing that the Cerms of en: ployment mandate adher nce to ethical codes equally ‘plicable 10 both staf and freelance journalists. Up bokling professional stan ‘dards alsoboosts publictrust Ino news organization, which serves aan Ampetws ten hance dhe number ofits aud ences, The process of design Ing the journalistic code of fetes 6 full of aieutes, Such as conflts of interest, to assist jouralists in dealing with ethical lemmas. Thecodes.andcan fons provide journalists with a framework for sel: monitoring and selconection. In he present-day wortd, Journalism thas got an unprecedented impor tance nour lnesbecause Irv acts as watchdog which me that it protects society from aagtes 2. By bringing in pubic awareness, promotes public participation. 5, It projects the images of polit ‘ans and leaders, etc 4: Te hallenges the acts of autocracy and dictatorship 5. World has become global village people stay connected throug it “Journalism s fist obligation sco the truth, is frst loyalty isto the cite zens and is essence Is discipline of verification. Its practitioners must maintain an independence from those they cover. Itmust provide ato rum for public criticism and com promise. It must strive to make the ‘Significant intresting and relevant. Following are the fundamental can ‘ons that should be opted as guiding ‘principles 0 journalism I, Reporters must avoid conflict of mterestinceotives to report a story ‘vith a given slant. This includes not taking bribes and not reporting o1. stores tht alfect the reporter's per somal, economic of political inter ‘omapeting points of view must be balanced and fairly characterize, Moreover, nersons who are the sub {ect of adverse stories. must be a Towed reasonable opportunity tore spond before the sory s published forrest Sudsterference with eporting by any Including censorship, must Dedisitosea 4. Confidentiality of anonymous sources must be maintained 5. There shauld be the avoidance of ‘anonymous sources to the mas mum extent Accurate attribution of state mens rustlbe made 7, Petures Sound, and quotations rust not be presented ina mislead- ing manner 8 Simulations, re-enactments alter augens, and artistic imaginings must beclearly labelled as such. Reporters are expected tobeas acc rate as possible given the time allo ved to story preparation and (0 seek reliable sources. Events witha singe cyensitness must be reported withat tribution, however, events. with more eyewitnesses may be reported as fact, Independent fact-cheeking by another personis dest. able and if any error 1s found, the cortections rust bemade. Opinion sur veys and statistical tnfor- mation deserve spectal treatment 10. communi cate. Special sensitivity ‘must be used when deak sng wth chuldren ai ine perienced sources or sub fects. The journalists must be sensitive while seeking ‘or using interviews or pho tographs of those affected bya tragedy or gre. They. BUS acknowledge that pr vate people have every right to conceal informa: tion about themselves than do pub: lic officals, Only an overriding pub ie need eam justify ntrusion in ‘anyone's privacy. The media person: nel must be judicious when naming ‘criminal tspects before the formal ling ofcharges. Freedom of press shall not be used ‘8a weapon against gy one. this, ‘canons a mara standards of eur nalisn must be designed in the Baht ‘of the Constitution of Pakistan so {hat julmaltsm could truly be ex piloted for materializing positivity fn the mindsets of the masses and constructive approach for all se: ments of coc: swww.dworkdtimes.com / JWT - September 2013 |77 MICO UWS Siar Latit JWT Ambassador isa sod fact that our univer J As many as seven Pakistani universities laboratories. These things, ac srs are sting macho te | made i to the 2073 Ist f top 250 Asian | rang mor stodens pay tuniversities like Harvard, Ox- | riversitics while three other aniversities J sbeniflant role ia the quality Ford, Cambedge, Yale oF Stan ies ee ee Wes Hof education. Students are at Tord which always make it to J #mon@ the top 200 world universities IMF racted by the Mbraries in un the prestigous Uist of worla's J agriculture and forestry, Quaid-e-Azam fF versie, the commitment and Top 1Ouniversiies: When tco- [| University Islamabad (QAU) secured J) professionalism of unhversity mes to choosing a university | 119th position among top 250 Asian [| staff, and the dialogue based foraMaster'sdegree orPidor | yarsities while National University of | Pedagory even an undergraduate | Science and Technology. liomesaa f Uslrtunstey, the quality of Drogramine nowadays, West- education in Pakistan ts, emuniversites aregreatly pre: J (NUST) was declared 120th, Agha Khan marred with a declining tren. ferred. One dreams of stuty. | University Karachi {AKU} between 151- | Most public sector colleges ing at Harvard or become a | 160, Lahore University of Management [| hove substandard: education Yalegraduate, but why people | Sciences Lahore (LUMS) between 191- | and insufficient infrastnue ture. The universities, too, la doniook wow eur univers: | 200, University of Engineering & J {The averse, toh umber of students paricu- | Technology Lahore (VET), University of cs, an immediate reason larly mention the superior in- | Karachi and University of the Punjab Jf fortnis mbroutois the lackot fastracture in Western uni- | Lahore between 201-250 are now in top J academic freedom. Our uni- versits such as better re- | 250, Uorsities are not completely search facilites, state-of-the free of administrative contzol art brazies and well equipped br at leas, burestucrtie inl Why our Universities are no Match to Oxford or Harvard [7 (4 C) Parer nee, The chancellor is stil a high state funetionary. In case of provi coal universities, iC 38 the provtncal renor while for the federal un Verses 6 the President of Paki san The vie chancellors his nomt rie that means the bureaucrats have amajer say inhis appointment While the provincial goveraments.ex reise administrative comirol over university affairs, financial control ‘exercised by the Centre. Bu, there 's mo coordination between ther. Most oftenthegoveramen's order Imerease student intake without in creasing the budget to provide fect ties for them, The powerlessness of the administration before the bu reauctacy creates hurdles in smooth functioning of auniversity a the contrary, Work's most pre tiglous universities are autonomous and fece ofall influences of bureau (racy. This makes aeademics cont dent, indepeadent and fearless Most Pakistani universities are staffed by'the people wha cannot be considered the cream of the nation Decause most top achievers opt for cluilservice or go nto engineeringot rneclical profession, Belmg a profes: sor isnot the firstprontysince non ‘entives are offered. Teething is not a crativejobin Pakistan, Hence un ‘etsties do a0t get the Best husnan resources. TO aggravate the situa tion, there is lack of proper teacher training centres. The tneomperent and inadequately trained teachers ‘are unable to impart proper know: ‘age to the students. On the contrary, the professional ism ofthe professors and ther abso Jute commitment are the highlights when we see the Wester univers: “The professorshere are committed They are constantly tavaivee! in the process of enlightenment and im part the best of thelr knowiedye t0 the students, I seein them the spit and skill of teaching.” says. Ahsan Riaz, a Pakistani PhD student atte University 6 Toronto Thereexsis an aa-participatory en ronment in our waiversities. Where Western institutions have a positive aritude anal an overall environment conducive to student support, Pak Sian universities are baw by tow acher student ratios leading to lack of individualized interaction among teachers and studen's. St dents, therefore, are unable to push hemselves for an effective learning, Muhammad llyas Khan, a Leicester lance at universities in Pakistan abe uk “This reflects a philesophy of educa tion which is really based on Constnctivism and whore the profes. sor does not consider himself the Source of ali kmavledge tut works with the studem na two-may process of krawiedge creation and de iment. This, besides thers, the foo ure that universities. in Pakistan noe t0 adopt, i we i Fact want our universities te. e-real centres of Knowledge, creation amd. innov ‘80 | wow.jworldtimes.com / JWT - September 2013 ane eae teaching centres, rather than being researctvoriented institutions, 1 is generally believed that universities are supposed to teachand not to cor duct research. The stall members see themselves as lectarers and not as someone who eagerly. involves himself with the studentsin quest of Knowledge. They merely. dlsser nate information produced by oth 1s without doing creative, orxinal research themselves, The Key be hind suecess of Harvard, Osford, Cambridge or Yale is extensive re arch in every Held, The students in research are more in touch with latest develop: rents often making genuine disco cevies and receiv ion for Along with recruiting trained teach fers, \Ushigh time Pakistan! univers ues update thet syllabi as well, The memory-based education must be replaced by conceptual study. Fur thermore, the stereotype system of ‘evaluation must be reinvented. Pak stan hap abundance af talent. This state has produced, and willbe pr ducing, prodigios like Arfa Karim and Asive Arif [Nader ideas, science, technology and the idea of education on scien Ufc lines need tobe introduced. The fechication seeter how'd bo provided autonomy as wel MECTORT UW Dr Sumair Noor Dr Sharjeel Noor Zh in Pakistan and 1st tn Sindh (R) 22nd in Pakistan and 3rd In Sind (R) Profiles [Dr Samal Noor. | Dr Sharjeel Neos Dr Saba Noor Thin Pekistan ad Ist ‘od An Pakistan aiid 3H | 55h in tnd Sena Sin) aor Niel Chana | Mohamed Nawheed (Form [Nalcivian President) sets “Pakistan = Unigue Origins: | “Dreams Uafulflle® by Shamshod UUnigue Destiny? by Javed | alm! jabbar Virgo Tse ‘www Jworldeimes.com / JWT = September 2013 | 81 [7 (4 (] Parer [ soxscecsinoraton Jehangie's World Times (JWT): Kindly tell us about your educational background and achievements brtetlyand separately? Dr Sumair Noor (OSuN}: Larkana is my home city: So, ‘after keting my entire formal education form here. ‘earned my MAB degree from Chanelka Medical College Tarkana. {have been a brliant student throughout my ‘educational career and 1 secured positions and. gold ‘medal in MBUS. Iwas honoured as the best araduate of ‘my baich. Previously, 1 had qualified CE 2000 and had. been allocated to MLC. Dr sharfec! Noor (02M): Like my brother Dr Suma my entire education is froma ths cy. 1 also complete my MES degree trom Chandka Medical Colley? Tarkana, With the grace of Allah Almighty,"had secured positions throughout my career. {have also the honour fo win gold medals and distinctions during my educa {DseiNjs| have also acquired my entire educa ‘Hon in-Larkana, also cid my MBBS from Chandlka Favourite Quotation: [DrSumair Noor: one's abilities DSPN: It had been my long; cherished dream tobecome a Dart of Civil Service and serve the country from a larger platform. However, prior to 11 wanted to become ant MBBS because this field of study not only widens our horizons to perceive things but also makes us interact ‘with the common masses and know their problems to Their sanstaction, JWT: Now | want to ask a question from both of you brothers as your marks in psychology are excellent. What strategy you should advise to ether aspirants whowanetooptit? sunt Since Psyehology’isa scien subject ttshold be dealt with prudently. One should read books of foreign authors and try one’s utmost to cover the whoke syllabus. While attempting answers, all perspectives of ‘questions should be covered, supported with facts and figures, relevant approaches and supplemented vith daily le examplesr experiments sfalucatio isthe mist powerful weapon which you can use to changethe world.” Nelson Mandela Dr Sharjeel Noor: “An investment ta knowledge pays the best interest.” Benjamin Franklin Dr Saba Noor: “The goal ofeducationis the advancement of knoviedge arid the dissemination of truth.” Medica! College, Larkana from where both my brothes became doctors. JWT. You have 2 professional degree of MBBS at yo ‘eredit and you all are gold medallists as well. Then, why all three of you decided to etn the Civil Service of Pakistan? Sune Frankly speaking. since my childhood, {have ‘dreamt of becorning a police effcer. Though I earned a professional RBS degree, but I never gave up my fmbition, However the fact remains that had Tot been. fable to join the Police Service, F would have nedical practitioner today san: Though, lam a gold medallist but being a do hhas never been my top prionty. If 1 were a doctor, It "would have restricted my vision to serve the nation n a particular field, ¥ always aspired to become a part of Chil Service of Pekistan, mainiy because firmly believe that it the only forum where one is able 10 interact ‘with general public and serve the masses to the best of 82 | www,jworldtimes.com / JWI ~ September 2013 John F. Keanedy DDsaN:! think, inorder to secure wood marks in psycho! (py the candidates should read quality books and surf the internet to gather information an modem innova: tions and researrtes. While attempting the questions, overall aspects of the topic. JWT: Who can opt for prychology? Is It so that only the aspirants with selence background can perform ‘well? And also, do suggest some good books and tips tothestudents. ‘sunt: Though Psychology is not a pare sclence, some topics are, tindoubtedly, typical. Sclenific topics like ENS, Endocrine and Development Psychology can be tasily mastered by reading good books an psychology. One can read books like Psychology and Life by Zimbardo, Understanding Psychology by Robert Feldman. SAN: | think anyone can opt for psychology, but students with science background have some advantage inthis Fegard. Some goods books, suficent to grasp the subjec are Development Psychology by Laura Berk and syehology ane! Life by Richard J. Gerrig & Philip G Zabardo, JWT: All of you couldn't get high score in Interview. “What's the reason behind? ‘sunt To be very true, don't koov actly why Lsconed ow in interview. Fhink Uhad performed well and viva ‘voce has ways been my strength in CS8-2009, Lscored 210 marks, Nevertheless, the best strategy in dnterview isto give cogent, concise and clear answers sane {ar unable Doceause the members ot panel were quite satisfied with any perf Marks Obtained Subject English Precis & Composition (Gencral Knowledge (3 Papers) at Psychology Zoology islamic Histor ‘Geouraphy Total interview Forscoring high in interview, fee, clearlyand concisely answering the questions along with support arguments sidspensable DSBs | could score merely 127 though 1 was sure to secre good marks, My snterview went smootaly and 1 kept on tmsponding to each question to the best of my Inpwledge. However, such incidents happen and are par of it Wn, Discuss books and notes? What should be preparedandhow? sunt: Hoth books ond notes are impartant. One's strategy should be to read books thoroughly because this will improve one’s abilities to critially analyse the things, Alter that, the candidates shld propare their ‘onmnotes mainly of two types: one detailed and other tn bullet form. eve at initial stages of preparation we should Dr Sumair Noor read books instead of rushing behind the notes. ne can ‘comprehend the proper contest and perspective of topics fom books. After that the candidates may prepare their notes according to thetrcapacty Ean: | prefer books over notes, Books are the real source of knowledge. They cleatty explain the tue Dplctre of the topic and also help us in improving aur (rtd thinking. Ome should make his own notes, ater ‘eading qualitative books JWT Would you like to share any tip regarding time management ezpecially in the examination hall ‘Because many candidates couldn't attempt five ‘question: or sometimes could not do Justice with the jutlinoin ersay paper aue to poor time management? [ Dr Sharjeel Noor 40 [Br Saha Noor nt Is very crucial for CSS. One has to do justice with all the questions, | gave 30 ‘minutes ach to 4 subjective questions and ta MCQs, Hence, [hall 45 mleaites to give extra time to ny question asper its requirement SBN: Candies she They rust ded fi efficent ma ate mote cme to lengthy questions and tty to cover the topk from multiple dimensions. tt is Dette to answer al the 5 questions rather than to leave fany question owing to shortage of time. Outline of an ‘essay caries alot of significanceinecidingone's fate DBSaN: Prior 10 attempting answers, divide your time according 10 the need of the questions. Don't write unnecessary things in the answers. For outline of an essay, Is required to write adetalled overview of your essay that may include the things you are going to ‘laborate ini, use ime prudently For feedback: waastabalO833arnaiLcom ldtimes.com / JWT ~ September 2013 | 83 [i (4 (2) Parer News From National & International Press July — August 2013 NATIONAL ‘at Karachi ut apteed to export 500 strengthening of bilateral coopera Fudizment inthe media millon cubicfeetLNGtoPakiston on on and realising. the dream of Commission ease, the Supreme gqNernmentogovernment basis. socioweanomic empowerment of Court onered that all secret funds However, Pakistan will be responsi- heir people be audited by theAuditor Gencratot ble for establishing the LNG July 16 The Higher filocation Commission (HEC) produced 8,161 Ph scholars up ll 2012, Pakistan (AGH. The court also declared legal ane unconsti tional Rule 4715) of the General Fioanetal Rules (GFR). Tuly 16; The resignation of Punjab Governor Makhdoom Ahmed Mahmud was accepted by President Asi All Zardan July 16: President Zardari terminated the appointment of former chairman NAB retired Admiral Pasih Bokbael who was removed from his fice by, the Supreme Court on May 28 July 16: The FPSC cancelled the Screening Test that was fonounced in June 2013 as @ prerequisite the CS exam 2014, However, the Screening Test would be introduced for CSS AS many as 1,039 scholars have ‘completed Pas in agiculture ana veterinary sciences, 1211 in arts oe and humanities, 1 biology and medical scence. in adic 1,978 scholars have been awarded PhDs in socialsciences, 1,810 40 physical scence, 288 in engineer ing and technology and 143 in business education July 17; The government set up 9 three-member commission headed by. the Federal Tax Ombudsman (FTO), for selection of chief executive officers (CED) (of state-owned enterprises. "Newlyappotitst FTO Abc Rat CChaudhey will bead the commis: son. Shams Qasim Lakna, bea of July. V6 The fedseal government the AyaKhan Foundation al wel appointed Jalal Sikandar Sul known edctionist, and Dr Yaz Rojas Immigration and Passports Nab, aprofessor of administrator director general, He replaced JU Chinese Ambassador 10 scenes atthe Lahore University of ‘ rw Pakistan Sun Weidong said that anagement Sciences, will be its Zalfikar Cheema who is tow patistanand China wileelebrate the ‘2 Motorway PolicetG. anand Ce members, Notary FOSS gcxermment EHF 2015 a» ‘Tlendship exchange Fay The president othe ace frfused to install the LNG terminal Y°3"" folay greater focus onfurther yf the prime minister accorded hi 86 | www.jworldtimes.com / JWT - September 2013 [7 (4 C] Parer approval to the amendments in (TDCP, has evolved these articles Sufism Chair at one of is univers Shariah NizameiAdl Regulation which ‘contain basic information ties. 2009 along with draft Shariah about worth-séeing historic places July 24 Terronsts. rammed an Nigam-e-Adl (Amendment) Regula; ofthe Panjab. teplosivesaden vehicle into the on 2013 in termsof Article 24743) July 22¢ The comuption-devasiated local eidquarters ofthe Sl leading Df the Constitution of the Islamic Employees Old-Age Benefits to collapse of a major part of the Republic of Pakistan Institation (HORN finaly gotsts new’ butlding and death of at least four July 18 The Eeonopnic Coordination chairman as Muhammad Ayub officals. Committee of the eabinet approved Sheikh assumed thecharge. July 24 The Supreme Court ordered three projects for importing up to Iily 22¢ Compentoon Commission he Fection Commission of Pakistan 1, 7bilion cubic feet (CP) ot to hold the presidential ‘lection om July 30, instead of August 6, a6 sought by ‘he federal government in a petition filed isthe court July 24: Team leader Rehmat Ullah and Dr Naveed Inbal, who are part br the Fal-China friendship quer natural gas in 79 and a half years, starting ‘with 200 MMCED in six mont July 18: The International Ale Transport Astociation IATA) renewed and stervied Operational and Safety Audit (1OSA\ Expedition 2013. Climbs, ertificate of the Pakdscan became the frst Pakistanis Inernational Aries 14) tosummait the Nu zagh At July 1% Sardar Yaqoo Xinjiang Autonomous ‘han Nasar of the Pakistan ton, Cina, Muslim League-N and Abdul guy 25: The federal cabinet Keuf Lala of the decided to extend the quota encunklowa Mis Awami yetem in central cial senators in the elections for wo July 25: The Supreme Court de acant seats from Balochistan. notified PMILQ lawmaker Samia huly 18: The Punjab government Khawar Hayat because h and the United Nations system in rcademic degree was found fake sstan kicked off the One UN July 25: Pakistan's. strategic oefeiloateeiose thenextfivevears. uly 1 Prime Minister Nowa ‘Sharif said that the baek-chanoel diplomecy with Indin had been deveioping what they call, “the restored and expressed the bop world’s smallest maclear weap July 20 FRCCH President Zobaur Of Fakian cMichairperson Special weaponsare about the Aned Malik reappointed Frgr. M._Kaunainresioned frmher pos size of a tennis ball, In odd Dhar 96 the chairman of the 2UN-2% Depury Inspector Geners) Paxistant military his rect Sensi Commeeon WTO | SMaRMME MA, # sae20 eer FN mbased encanta (Seis eaadiare assumed cherge as Inspector PCE ma eae Seer aE sion | CeSe Poe (OMIgabed, || Tee ee Department Punjab has decided to Tela former YOR Hand Amo ay 2g: The main opppsition pay imcorporate turism artes and RBH PPP, boveotted the Presidential aeeresiniecumueietum 2% To underake YANO soni poet age sane {lass To VU in all schools of the SCademic activites for the prome- ing ihe date of poling frm Angust 6 lass to Vil in tl cools of the thn ofthe values of eae, tbe jotuly 90 igher Education Commission (HEC) Collaboration ‘with the Tourism ly 26: Development Corporation of Punjah “4A tO SHEADUEN 5” Haleery the adviser to prime minister on Civil Aviation Captain) www,jworldtimes.com / JWT - September 2013 | 87 [1 (4 C] Parer cre Shujaat_ Azeem tendered his resignation to the prime minister after being unable to defend bis appointmentin the Supreme Court, Bully 27: A Memorandum of Under standing (Nol) was skied berween the Punjab government and wel known Chinese company China Power Internationa Holdings (CP) for the setting up of four coal pawer plantsof 2,400 megawatts July 27: Pakistan got its first mobile court as the Peshawar High Court (PHC) Chet Justice Dost Mohammad han inaugurated the service "The mobile courts will settle not hundreds but thousands of evil and criminal cases in remote vilages and ‘union councils By reaching there.” Chief Justice Dost Maharnmae! Khan said, July 29: Three Pakistant students ‘won “Honourable Mention” for Pakistan atthe Interna Mathematical Olympiad MO) hele at Santa Marta, Colombia, AS many 35 96 countries participated in the Dtympiod from July 180 28. July 29 The Nawaz governme sacked Naeem Yahya, Managing Director of Pakistan State Oi (P30) ‘vith immediate eect July 2% sfibtants stormed one of Khyber Pakhtunkhwar's oldest and largest contral jails tn Dera tsa] Khan with rockets and heavy ‘weapons and unconfirmed reports said they succeeded! in breaking the prison wall apd belping some of thei jailed colleagues escape. July 80: The nominee of the ruling Pakistan Muslim League-N. Mamnoon Hussain, won the presidential lectionwith ease Mr Hussain secured 432 votes of an existing 674.votl parliamentary ‘electoral college against just 77 of ‘opposition Pakistan Tereek-Pinsat (€MH eandidateWayihudin Ahmed. July 31: The Chief Election Commis: ‘sioner of Pakistan retired Justice Fakhruddin G. Ebrahim resigned from his post after heading the prime electoral body fora litle over year, 88 | www,jworldtimes.com / JWT - September 2013, July 31: The government's power policy was announced officially I ‘envisages an immediate inerease of han 50 per cent in the lectity tariff for consumers in Industrial and commercial sectors and for domestic and agricultural from Get July 1: Mohammad Sarwar, 2 UK based Pakistan’ businessman, 28 appointed governor of Punjab. July 31: The first online FIR wes registered ot the Mingora Police Station following the Khyber Pakntunkhwa government's ecisian to end thana culture and provide easy access to. police ‘Aug Ol: The United states announced resumption of its suspended ‘strategie dialogue’ with Pakistan, Secretary of State John Kerey was in Islamabad on his first ‘isi after moving to the US State Department and the change of {government in Pakistan. He also huinved at continuation of the drone attacks Aug Ol: Federal government decided to kaunch “Prime Minister Laptops National Scheme” for free fof cost distribution of 100,000 MEC TOR W laptops among the -deserving Students of federal ecueational Aug OF: Former State Bank of Pakistan governor Shahid Kardar was appointed the new vice chencellor of Beaconhouse National University. ‘sug 02: FPSC'S annual report 2012 was presented to the President, It revealed that ‘competition for Cental Superior Services (C55) exams increasing ‘a more and more candidates ‘appear inthe examevery year [Aug 03: AT least 42 people lost ‘hee ves as heavy rains lashed the length and breadth of the country ‘Aug 03 President Asif Alt Zardari fccepted the resignation tendered by Chie? Election Commissioner retired Justice Fakhruddin 6. Aug 05: Chaudhry Mohammed Sarwar wat sworn in a6 the 35th governor of Punjab Lahore High Court Chief Justice Umar Ata anda administered the oath ‘Aug05: The government notified an Unprecedented 74 per cent increase fn electricity tariff for incustrial ‘commercial and bulk consumers of alldistributdon companies ‘uy, 06: Suspected militants killed cn army colonel, © captain and a Senior superintendent of police (S50) who were investigating. the ‘Nanga Parbat tragedy ‘Aug Allthe members of recently formed PA board of directors nominated by the prime minister resigned. ‘Aug 07: Around 200 members ofthe ‘Youth Congress, who gathered near the Pakistan High Commission in Chanakyapuri in central Det, attacked the Commission building, ‘Aug 08 At least 40 members af the police force, including DIG (Opera tions) Fayyaz Sumbal and SP Traffic Mohamad Anwar Khili, were tilled and 60 others injured after a suicide bomber blew hion up atthe namazijnaza of a Quetta. SHO ‘who hac been gunned down in the ‘ityearler that day. ‘nig Prine Minister Nawaz Shari seid that he hoped the peace dialogue with Inca ‘could remain intact, adding. that Pakistan was willing to work with the neighbour ing country to prevent recurrence oT violent incidents along the Line of Contral 100), ‘Aug 12: After ceasefire violations ‘nthe Line of Controlan Kashi, the government said the most favoured nation (MEN) trading status for India was not under “immediate consideration’ ‘Aug 12: UN Secretary General Ban Kimwoon arrived on a. two-day sit, He expressed concern. aver the lling and maiming of people by the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (AVs) or drones, Aug 12: The Sindh police acquired the multimillion-upee cellular phone caller locationsystern technology which has so far remained in the exclusive use and mandate of the intelligence agen ‘Aug 12: The army appointed Maj Gen Aamer Riaz as director general ‘of military operations (DGMO). He succeeds Ma Goa IbfaqNadeem, Gen Riaz, previously asa brigadier, had served as commander of special services 111 Brigade. ‘Aug 13: United Nations. Secretary General Ban, Ki-moon advised Pakistan to mend fences with its neighbours and focus on people: centred development ‘Aug 14: Prine Minster Nawaz Shari called for de-escalation of tensions fon the Line of Control (Loc) an sought United Nations help for resolving the Kashmir dispute Aug LA The Panjab government launched its Emergency Enrllmer ‘Campaign to combat iiteracy in the province. 1 wil target 35 mallon fourto-1G-year-old out-of school children (0080) The campaigns tg line is Freedom from Mieracy Yahlar say azaad) ‘Aug 14: Chief Minister Punjab Shabba Sharif sanctioned the formation of Punjab Energy Council for speedy implementation of ‘energy projects, The chief minister ‘sll be the chairman of the council which will meet twice avreek www,jworldtimes.com / JWT ~ September 2013 | 89 Cf) Cd O) Parer Sea IATA ‘Aug 1S: The government and ‘opposition parties tn the National ‘Assembly agreed to set up malts pany house committee 10 probe ‘complaints of rigking in the May 11 elections and suggest electoral reforms to evolve beter checks. ‘Aug 15: The government announced Sitara-itmtiaz for Prof Dr Mohammad Nizamuddin, vice- chancellor, University of Gujrat, for hisservies in the eld of education. Aug 1S: Majoc General. Sarfaraz Sattar was appointed Director (Generalittary Intelligence, INTERNATIONAL July 16 Egypt's first interim government since the military toppled democratically and. freely lected president Mohamed Norsi was sivor in. The Muslim Brother hood, the influential movement from’ which Mr Morsi bail reyeeteal- the mulitary-chosen 35-member cabinet. july 16: a effort wo prevent 100,000 girls and women across South Asia. (india, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and srt Lanka) from falling Victims to labour trafficking int the Middle Fast, the United Nations Labour ‘agency and United Kingdom's Department for International Development (DFID) Jauached a new Programme which aims at ending such practices. July 6 Panama's president Ricardo Martinell told REC radio that his country has seized a North Korean-flagaedt ship carrying what appeared to be ballistic missile anc other ‘arms that had set sai from Cubs, July 6 President. Vladimir Putin watched Russia's igaest rniitary manoeuvres. since Soviet tines, Involving 160,000 troaps and about 5,000 tanks across Siberle and the far eastern region ina massive show ‘of the nation’s resurgent military right. July 17; Miguel Angel Trevino ‘Morales, the famously bloodthirsty boss off Menico's most notoricusly violent drug cartel, the Zetas carte ‘yas captured by beiean marines. July 174 Bangladesh war crimes inal sentenced! & top Islamist politician to death forerimes during the 1971 warof independence. July 175th the Indian state of Bihar, 25 children died and dozens needed hospital treatment after apparently being poisoned byaschoo! meal Sly 12¢The UN humanitarian chief Valerie Amos sad itwas still ooking $86 billion of the recard $12.9 Dillion it needs to help 73 milion people engulfed in crises arounal the world this year, July 17; Britain legalised gay marriage after Queen Elizabeth i gave her royal assent to @ bill approved by lawmakers, paving the vay forthe first same sex weddings 90 | wwwJworldtimes.com / JWT - September 2013, 1 2014."This makes Brita the 15th country worldwide to legalise gay marriage, July 17:President Ncolés Maduro of Venezuela and Ms Cia Flores were married after having. resisted formally tying the knot for abo tweodecades. July 19:Us President arack Obama ‘ent the nomination papers of Nisha Des iswal, an Indian-Amertcan, to the Senate, informing the lawmakers that he fntended to appatnt ber the new Assistant Secretary of State for South Asian Affairs. July 21; Philippe ascended the throne of Belgian after the emo tional abelcation by his father Albert 1, vowing to strive for unity in a ation divided, by. Janguage and tradition The new sovereign, who at 53 becomes the seventh King of The Belgians, was sworn nto office by the joint houses of parla meri. July 21; Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's ling bloc won a decisive election wictory, cementing bis grip o0 poner. July 22: The Acting President land Senate Chairman Syed Nayar Hussain Rokhai approved appointment of Abid her All as minister of state for ‘water and power, uly 22 The European Union ‘agree o put the armed wing of Hezbollah on its terrorism blacklist, a move driven by concems over the Lebanese militant group's roles in a bus bombing in Bulgaria and the CT] (4 0) Parer Joly 24% Afghanistan's first and only female provinelal yovernor, Habiba Sarabi the governor of the Bamyan Drovince, andl am ale! worker from Myanmat’s Kachin minority, Labpai Seng, Rav, were among the winners of this year's prestigious Ramon Magsaysay awards The Mania-based! Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation, named after popular Fipino president who was kolled na plane crash, was estab lished in 1957 to bonour people or ‘groups who change communities ia Asia for thebetier. July 24: Britain's new prince was named George Alexaader Louts Kensington Palace said the royale were delighted te announce’ thelr son's name, adding thet the two-day-old baby and third i ine to the throne would be known as ‘His Koval Highness George of Cambridge! yuly 25: President Barack Obama nominated Caroline Kennedy to become US ambassadr to Japan, im the biggest foray into public serviee for John F. Kennedy's sole surviving chi July 25: The French parliament agreed to amend legislation dating hack to 1881 in favour of freedom of speech, Whereas before any rude remark risked an aut: matic fine for “offending thehead of state’ the president is now reduced to the same category as ‘ministers and parliamentari- fans and would eed to ave a judge prove there had boon slander or defamation July. 27: Israel froze cooperation vith the European Union on work in the Palestinian territories in revallation for an EU directive banning funding or grants for boxes with Inks to Israel} serie ments. July 27: Press Counell a nda FC) Chairman Justice (R) Markand: atu called for the unifieation of India Pokistan and Bangladesh into ‘one cular state July 28 Britain confirmed it briefly ‘sent troops bask toa bloody district of Helmand’ Province. to, assist Afghan forces. July 29% US Secretary of State John Kerry aamed a former ambassador to lsrael, Martin Indy, as America's spectal envoy to ‘www jworldtimes.com / JWI help shepherd new Middle East peacetalks July 2% Britain's Home Office confirmed it will demand a 000 pound (4,630) refundable bond for visas for “high-risk” visitors fram six former colonies in Africa and Asia ‘ncucing Pakistan, July 30: India’s) ruling Congress party approved a resolution 10 ‘reate a new state in the southeast Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Congress. president Sonia. Gandhi and other senior party leaders agreed to grant longstanding ‘demands for the state of Telangana to be carved ‘out of Andhra Pradesh Aig Ol The House of Representatives easily passed a bill to tighten, sanctions om Iran. showing a strong message t0 Tehran over its disputed. nuclear programme ‘Aug Ol: Fugitive US intelligence leaker award Snowden left the Moscow alrpoct where he was marooned for over five weeks, ater Russia ranted himone year's. ‘Aug. Ol: Bangladesh's main Islamist party, Jamaat-e-Islaml, was barred from contesting ext year’selections when judges declared its charter breached the secular constitution Aug 02: Germany cancelled survelanee accords dating fromthe late 19608 with the United States and fritaininthe wwake of revela Hons stout vast USonlinespyirw. Aug 02: The United States gave is stron September 2013 | 91 MECEOR Ws. iment yet, to. Egypt's. new defending territorial dims. army-instalied. govern " ‘Aug 06: Iran's President saying the military hod been e Hassan Rouen offered ant “restoring democracy" whe olive branch to the United \ drove Islamist President States im talks on Tehraais Mobamed Mors rom office disputed nuclear Aug 03 Work on the main programme, structure of the world's ‘Aug 06: Don Graham, whose second tallest skyscraper grandtather. bought the ‘nas completed, as the final \enerable Washington Post ‘beam was placed on the 1933 bankruptcy sale, Shanghai Tower. The Company announced that it has announced ina letiertostaff Douilding overtook ‘Taiwan's: 509 agreed to sell The Rosion Globe that the paper had been sold. to ‘metre tall Taipei 101 building t0 newspaper fog $70 million cash to Amazon founder Jett Ne2os become the highest towerin Asia the principal owner of the Boston Au 6: The United States ordered Globally itis second only tothe Bur} Red Soxbaseball team. ‘Americans to leave Yemen named: Khalifa in Dubai, which stands at President Hassan ately" butelso acknowledged that Al 130 mpegs wach clr Petre kang toed cela te apts Si cvtmaied $10 buon juss, Geil of ofc al ony way ceponnadbom tania -Avaheiseesver 20 weirs Inlet th lan pa Through Aug 8 Tatvans coer fumed wnt italy fine Seles Gi demas The ce Gente watimer vodgeed ba lea Ancod: Egypt semychict Gener) yearold’ cere Took over trom hana wesk afer tang fice Abdel Sores Tata at gy predeces Sis lose Dy ce tees out at the By cccuset ot United ) piaganism. States, B Aug 07: 1S urging President Washington Fscack Danae bean Seen sctpeed. a the Muslim Brotherhood to end its Mahmoud Moscow summit with Russia's rallies, eeeead Vladimir Putin, with the White ‘The United States provides 51.5 AMORA Turkishcourtsentenceda louse citing @ lack of progress in billion in mostly milttaryald ro Cairo ‘former army chief to life in prison in relations and “disappointment” over. sen year a tighprofe wil €273 people tnctansnendenatian Seiten nancy eae carey] soul ot OUR ve On cee er cant council, the Supreme Military “emocraticallyeleeted government. set for next month came after Mr : Aug. 05: US missions across. the Council chatred by Prime Minister Obama acensed the Russians of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, decided on NidlleFast and Africawillbe closed sipping back “into a Cold War ‘the forced retirement of gendar thegagy August 20 sfefa snsell: mentality’, merie force commander General #€NCE uncovered what lawmakers Aug 07 The world's second largest Bekir Kalyoncu, who had been Sid was the most Serious threats of oftshare wind farm, the Greater expected. to become land forces B4l Qaeda attackin years Gabbard wind farm, capable of commander, fa Os Seu Mitbla denied generating. €nough electricity. to ug Oi Zimbabwe's Oyear old Permission for @ plane carrying power over half & milion homes, Robert Mugabe romped toviciory in SUeanese Presicent Omar alRashit was opened offal off the Suffolk presidential and parltamentary t?ttavelthroughitsaitspacefor the Coast, England. polls. The veteran leader scored Searing-in of the new Iranian aug "12: inclia unveiled its first ‘another five years inffice, extend- _Bresident. indigenously built aixraft carrier, a ing his 33-year rule with¢ landslide A O68 Japan vented is lanidmark moaent in the $5 billion ‘per eentofthevote. ‘warship since World War Il 451.2 project that seeks 10 project the Aug OX ‘The New York times billion helicopter carrier simed at —ountry's power When the INS (92 | wwww.jworldtimes.com / JWI ~ September 2013 (4 C] Parer rant comes into full service in 2088, Tia wil Join an ee Tub of mations that have designed and built their own sircraft carriers. incluciny detain, France, Russia and the te! States autor China Aug 12: India euceesslly test: fired. indigenously, developed and muelearcapable Prithvt-tl missile, having @ range of 350km, from launch complex-3 of the Integrated Test Range (TR) in Chandpur Prithyi, the first missile developed under India’s Drestigious Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme, is capable of carrying 500Kg, to. 1,000ky, Of warbead anc propelled by liquid propulsion twin tngines and uses advanced inertial guidance system MEDECINS SANS FRONTIERES intelligence agency blocked a US ‘ompany. Apple, from fying over Oslo wo take 3D aerial Photos for its map application, citing national security Aug 14: Gmail users have no reasonable expectation” that their emails are confidential, Google said tna court fing. Google'andits peers are under pressure to explain their role in the National. Security Agency's (NSA) mass surveillance of USedtizensand foreign national. bouling in Cairo, while families tried to idemify hundreds of satiated bodies piled in a Cairo mosque a day after they were shot dead! by the security Forces. The health ministry said 578 people were killed and. thos: sands wounded ia the ‘worst fay of civil violence inthe modern history of the most SPORTS July 16: Martina Hingis became fone of the youngest members of the International Fens Hall ff Fame when the five-time Grond Slam champion was offically Indacted mat July 18: Bismnah Naroot became the first Pakistani and 4th player overall 10 score 1000 oF more day internationals. July 20; Australia's reat Shane Warne inducted. into DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERS cricxercouncuaco, Ang I: After 22 years of secvie Doctors Without Borders announced pullout from Somalia Saying that armed groups wore killing and abducting aid workers. ‘Aug 14: India’s 18 sailors c board a submarine were killed ‘when the marine exploded and sank. The fully-armed INS Sindhuraksbak, returned by friginal manufacturer Russia sarlier this year after a major refit The disaster ie thought to be the Indian Navy's worst since the sinkingofa frigate bya Pakistan, submarine in 1971. ‘aug 15: Supporters of Fewpt's Muslim Rrotherhood stormed and torched a government Hall of Fame July 21: Marcel Hug clinched his third consecutive 10,000m 54 tile at the Interna Lema Paralympics Commaitee 1PC Athltice World Championships, July 21: Austria's Yvonne [Meusburger won her fusteer WTA Tour Title a8 she claimed the Claycourt Nurnberger Gastein Open, beating Andrea Hlavackova in the inal July 21: World number one Serena Williams racked up her 51st win of the year when she cruised past home player Johanna Larsson in the Swedish Open final July 2k: Chinese star Wu Minxia ‘aimed a record sth gold medal in the 3m synchronised diving event at the world championships in Barcelona. July 26 A 4ycarold The stu ‘wwew.jworldtimes.com / JW ~ September 2013 | 93 [7 (4 C) Parer dents, Rachara Khongwatmat, bbecame the youngest male to win a major professional golf ournanent July 22: The newest winner of ‘cling’s showcase rece, Chris Frcome became the frst Tour de France champion to be crowned since Armstrong Was stripped of his seven ites, for doping. fly 24; India captain Virat Koki ihecaine the fastest batsman in the ‘story of the game to score 15 one day taternational hundreds as India cruised to a she wicket victory over Zimbabwe. July 25:Paldstan Captain Misbab ul Hag led Pakistan 10 a fourwicket victory over West Indies inthe fifth and final Cne-day International 10 clinch the series 3-1 July 26: the inaugural edition of the Pakistan Cricket Board s (PCH) Twenty20 competition f Aepartments, Habib Bank Limited (HBL) clinched the tte July 29:BreleShea scored in the 69th ‘minute to give the United States a} 0 victory over Panna in the tile match of the Gold Cup, North America’s biennial continental football championship toumament July 29; Pakistan eld off a desper ate late surge by the West Indies 10 take the second and final Twenty20 International, Pakistan won the July 29: A probe ordered by india's fricket chiefs into a betting scandal In the indion Pi foo wrongdoing, allowing Uhe return of BCCI president N. Seintvasan. July 30: The Melbourne Cricket mlet Langue found 94 | www,jworldtimes.com / JWT Ground (MCG) wil host the final of the 2015 Cricket World Cup, with ‘New Zealand's Christchurch 1 kek off the one-day tournament The semifinals will be played at the Sydney Cricket Ground and ‘Auellane!’s Eden Park. Sly 31s American teenayer Katie Ledecky smashed the world record othe 1,500 freestyle. for her second gold medal during a siittering’ session for the United States at the world swimming championships, Aug OL Pakisi® Swimming Federanion (PSP) president revired Major Majd Waseem waselected as ‘executive member of the FINA Masters Committee. Inthe Work! Swimming Champion ship. in Barcelona, Miss Anum andey broke the national record ip m beeaststroke witha ming of ba:55.65, ‘wg 01: Si Lani id Pakistan will shore the Women’s Twenty20 Calibers title, after rain prema ‘ure ended! the qualifier final at the YNCA Cricket Clubin Dubin Aug, 03: Russia's Yala Efimova broke the breaststroke world record, the fourth record 10 fall at these world swimming ‘champicnships in Rarcetona. The 2l-year-old September 2013 Efimova clocked 29.7808 Aug G4 Seam bovlers Lonyabo Tsotsobe and Morne Morkel (ook tho nickets cach to propel South Africa to 4 22-rap wan ‘over Sr Lanka for an unassal fable 20) lead in the tare ratcseries ‘Aug 5! Tiger Woods won the Bridgestone Invitational for the elghth time in er syle ‘Aug 05: England retained the ‘ashes but only. after gxim Manchester weather came t0 the team’s rescue on the final day of thethird Test. ‘ang 05: The 24-yearold top seed from Argentina, Juan Martin del Potro, beat Joh Isher i final of the Washington Open, ‘su 11: Lin Dat of Chine became the first player to win five world badminton championship men's singles titles ‘aug, 11: Crs Rogers became he second oldest Australian batsman ni a maiden century, at 35 days, ‘ng 1: Alkksandr Ivanov gave hosts Rissa hte first yold at World Ailletics Championships and the ‘country third successive item the 20 Kilometres walk. The 20-yeer-044 timed Ihr zOmin SkseC as. By [7 (4 C] Parer «crossed the line to roars of delight fromthe crowe. ‘Aug. 11; Teenage Thai Ratchanok traron won her frst badminton ‘world championship ttle when she upset Olympic champion Li Xuerul in the women’s singles 10. end China's decade of domination in the J the men's singles, Lin Dan ‘overcame a year off to retain is title ‘with, another closely fought battle with old adversary Lee Chong Wei of Malaysia, ‘Aug 12) Pakistan's: Saleem Raza feamed stxth position in the recently concluded Swedish Disabled Inttational Golf Championships in whieh top 40 golfers feomacross the World were competing. Aug 12: Workd number one Serena Willams won the WTA title in ‘Aus 12: Fourth seed Rafeel Nadal in Jas 68 minutes routed Méllos Raonic to capture the ATP Montreal Masters. ‘Aug 14 Aamic Atlas clinched the trophy of the Independence Day Scuash after defeating his younger brother Danish Atlas. ‘Aug. 15: Wimbledon champion Marion Bartoli shocked the tennis ‘world hy annoumeing her retirement fromthe sportat the ageof 28. ‘Aug 15: The Reign forte brothe rade history when all. three competed tn the 4x400m relay, a first for the World Athletics Championships. Twins Jonathan and Kevin, th world 400m bronze medalist im their heat alongside younges brother Dylen, meking his world ebutyana Antoine cet Tessas the first time nthe history of the world championships that theee ‘ibngs had all competed together inthesamerace. ECONOMY Jay 19: Detrit became the largest city fn US hiscory to Mle for bank raptey protection after decades of decline and mismanagement rendered the home of the nation's ‘autoindustry insolvent. July 20° The G20 agreed that boosting growth and jobs is the fnearterm priority for the global economy as it faces a “fragile and luneven" recovery. Finance chiefs from the G20 group ff advanced and emerging nations also backed an action plan to crack down on tax avoidance by multina Honals and help replenish dimin ished budgets. ‘uly 20; Pakistan andl China formed «task force on implementation of fan MoU for construction of an ‘economic corridor ‘between Silk Road diy of Xinjiang and Gwadar. Mr Ahsan tqbal signed the agree ‘ment together with Me Xu Shoo, the chairman of China's National Development and Reform Commis: fly 20: China emerged as the second largest market for Pakistan produets after the United States in the fiscal year 2012-13, The State Baik reported that the biggest importer for Pakistanis the US as exports to US in FYIS were 10 the tune of $3878 billion, The second highest exports. were for China as it paid $2697bn_ for Pakistani. products in FYI3. This evelopment took place during the last five years. July 25° Japan formally. joined tiation for a Used rans Paciic agreement, raising hopes for a free trade deal wehich would cover nearly 40 per cent af the global ‘conomy Tuly 24 Se Lanka signed a deal with € Chinese company to build a $1.4 bollion ety complex on reclaimed lanl neat the harbour of the capital Colambo. The state-run Srl Lanka Ports Authority (SUPA) will reclaim 230 hectares (568 acres) pent tothe new Colombo South port July 26: Britaits finance ministry said thatthe countrys ambassador tothe European Union, jon Cunlife, vill serve as deputy governor for nancial stability at the Bank of ngland after Paul Tucker steps www Jworldtimes.com / JWT ~ September 2013 | 95 [7 (4 C) Parer own later this year, July 26: Small and Mednum Enter prises Development Authority (Gmeda) was inducted as @ member of the teehnieal commtce of cred suarantee (TCCG), the State Bank of rakistan (SBP) constituted for the implementation and monitoring of the credit guarantee scheme for ssnall and rural enterprises. July 27: China and the European Union defused their biguest trade dispute by far ith cea to regulate Chinese solar panel imports and avoid a wider war in goods from wine tosteel July 27: The Punjab government has signed. an Mol! with the Interna tonal Finance Corporation (FC), 2 subsidiary Institution of the World Bank, to et technical help to make Punjab Revenye Authority and recovery ystem of general sales tax more efficient July 27: The Asian Develop ment Rank will assist Pakistan to prepare and adopt a strategie plan in road network improvement snsindh. July. 29: saudi Lunyelled a massive ifr ture project. The Arrivadh Development Authority (ADA awarded thtee ‘major contracts worth $22.5 billion for the construc tion of 175 ky sivline metro network inthe city July 2% Gas started owing to energy-hungry China through a pipeline from Myanmar, a Chinese state ll eompany said. The 798-kilomette (492-mile) pipeline runt from Kyaukpyu oa resource ich Myanmar’s west coast, jose to theaffshore Shwe was elds, and acrassthe country July 30: Amjad Parver Janjua took the charge as the new Managing Director (MD) of Pakistan State Oil (@S0% the nation’s leading energy ompany July 30: A meeting of the cabinet's Economie Coordination Committee (ECC) was held under the chairman ship of Finance Minister Ishaq Det ‘One of the inidatives taken by the government to diversify exports 1s promoting the export of value added gold jewellery. For thi Durpose, there are special schemes 1m operarion currently co facilitate jewellery expocters whereby they are able to import gold without payment of any duty on the cond tion that this gold 1s re-exported after converting it into value added Jewellery, July 31; Pakistan and Brazil agreed ‘on anew visa regime that wil allow the business communities of both sides 1 obtain five-year multiple The wade relations between the two ‘Aug 01: Pakistan's inflation rose 83 per cent in July 2013 from a year ‘ago, the highest since September 2012, according, to Pakistan Bureau of Statistic ‘Aug 02: China breached the rules of slobal commerce by imposing duties ‘on imports of US chicken, the W Trade Organisation ruled, saying Beljing must fallin line ‘Aug 03: The Islamic Development ark (D8) agreed to extend! 9 ton faeiity. of 750 million euros to Pakistan, The IDB will also provide a 96 | www.jworldtimes.com / JWT - September 2013 trade facilty of $150 millon for {import of fertiliser and petroleum products, Aug 13: Russian crude glant Rosneft signed an oll and” gas agreement with Azerbaijan's state ‘energy Firm aimed at foosening the uropean Union's ties with the Key Caspian marke The deal was sealed on the sidelines of talks in Baku between visiting Russian President Vladunis Putin and Auerbayjan's President ham Aliyev Aug 14: Eurozone climbed out of cession at last with surprisingly strong growth of 0.5 percent in the second quarter led by Germany and EVERYDAY SCIENCE July 16: The US space agency announced the discovery of Neptune's L4th moon, The Hubble Space Telescope aptured the moon as 8 White dot in photos of the planet on the outskirts of bursola system The new moon — Neptune's tiniest at just 12 miles (19.3, kilometres) across — (s designated 5/2004 N July 24: Google unveiled a slimmer, more. powerful tablet -omputer on its Newus brane and a humb-sized device that lets popular mobile gadgets feed online content wirelessly 10 television sets, July 24: A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) regarding solar development project was signed between the Punjab govern ment and an intemational corso tium of five countries, Including switzerland, Germany, aly. Austria and Pakistan uly 26: Sclentists implanted afalse memory in the brains of mice in an ‘experiment that they hope wil shed light on. the well-documented Phenomenon whereby people that havenever hap ssperiences July 26: Swiss resenrchers said that people really do have a hard time getting a good night's sleep when the moon is full even when they can't see it Aig O% Fapan launched the work first talking tobet, Kirobo, into space to serve af companion to astronaut Keeht Wakata who begin his misson tn November, Theandroid took off from theisland Of Tanogashima tn an unmanned rocket also carrying supplies for ew onboard the Intemational Space Station (89, AAlg O4 Glacier systems that few two Key rivers in South Asia wil badly retreat this century, but ‘demarids for water are stil Likely to Demet. astudy predicted, Scientists agree that the onward mach of the greenhouse effect wll stunk the glaciers, bur theres tle consensus on the volume and rate of ice loss and the impact-on water evatlablity ‘Aug 05: Seieotists unveiled the Worl first labrown beef burger Serving t up tovotunteersin London {in what they hope is the start of « foo evolution. The 140 gramme (about five punce patty, which cost more thon 259,000 euros (530,000) to proxtue. has heen made using strands of meat rom muscle cells taken from living cow ‘Aug 12 Scentistsctoneda cotory of rabbits that glow bright green in the ark, in an attempt to. advance research into treatments for lfe-vhreatening illnesses. Researchers based in Hawai and Turkey produced a litter of eight rabbits, two of Which glow green i the dark. Dr Stefan Moisyadi, & biogenesis researcher sald the rabbits ar uke ‘an LED light’ Aug 12; Energy gener ated through auclear fusign could be available In the next decade, according to a world authority on the subject. Prof. Steven Cowley. nief executive cif the UK Atomic Energy Authority, believes. the ‘world’s first nuclear fusion power plant in France could be produc Viable electricity. in. the Nuclear fusion is re holy grall of energy: It 18 the Process which powers the Sun and alltheother stars verse, ‘Aug 14 Adan Glover of the Notural History Museum and his. team Alscovered two new species of bone: eating Antarctic worms, Osedax anatreticus and Osedax Adeceplionenss ‘Aug 15: Astronomers have, for the first time, detected in X-raysa planet outside Our solar system pass in front of Its pareat star, The imag: as takem of planet in HD 189743 2 system which is. 63 light years from Earth- using Nasa's Chandra ray Observatory ane the Hurop: Space Agency's XMM Nesston Observatory oprruanies July 12: Britale’s former 400m World indoor record-holder and lyimpic. medallist Todd Benvet died a 51 July 17: Herbert NM. Abison Jr, former president of Mertill Lynch inho wes appointed ileal and hep rescue a troubled Fannie Moe ane who later ran the federal govern men’s. bank bailout peo died, He was, July 20: Helen Thomas, the irre pressible White House correspon: dent who used her seac in the front row of history to grill 10 US pres dents often to thelr dlscomfor, ‘ed. Showa 92 July 23: Hrtish comedian Mel mith, ‘who became a household name tn Britain tor a series of television sketch shows in the 70s and ‘80s ‘lied. Smith found feme starring in hugely popular shows "Not The Nine lock News" and “Alas Smith an Jones" and went on to direct such as “Bean and The Tall Guy July 24; Djalma Santos, a trusty right back who won two World Cups ‘with Bragil and was widely consi ered one of the Brazil's greatest fefenders, died. He was 84 July 24; Former welterweight ‘champion Emile Griffith, best ‘known for the brutal 1962 world ‘www jworlduimes.com / JWT - September 2013 | 97 MEC TOR WE We fight that daimed the lie of biter rvalfennyParet dled. He was july: 24 Alb Hassan Chandio, a Sindhi nationalist. and Chairman Sindh National. Movement «SN10, passed away. July 27: Burnaby Jack, @ prominent hacker who aiscevered a way to have ‘automatic teller machines spit out fash and wes set to deliver a talk fbout hacking pacemakers anc ‘other sciteless implantable medical ‘devices died fly 29; Peace activist Garry Davis, ‘who dramatically renounced his US Citizenship in the dark days of the ‘Cold Warand foundes a yovernment for seifdeclared world citizens, likehimself, died “* tne age of July 29% Renowned cricket commen tator and former president of the Karachi Clty Cricket Association (KCCA) Mamie Huss dled. He was 53, Aug 0% Senior voiceover arcst Hasan Shaheed Mirza died. He was suffering from cancer. He was 6 Aug 05 Noted scholar, researcher and literary feon Dr Farman Fatchpuri died after a long iiness. Hewas37, ‘Aug 8; Quresh Pu, the host of Kasi, arguably the most popular quiz showin the history of Pakistan television, passed away. He was 81 ‘Af 08 Britains Adeiral John Sandy” Woodward, who led. the Royal Novy tosk force during the 1982 Falklands War, died. He was 81 ‘aug. 07 Hashim B. Sayeed, who ‘tablished one ofthe first factories fn Karachi after partition and {immortalised the brand of Pakistan Paper Products in minds of three generations of students with the Symbolic three Ps, passed away. He was, Mca: L 1.0n July 16,the Supreme Court of Pakistan” ordered thet all secret undsbe audited by the AAGP BEER Crtaeptontasio 0.NAR 2. On July 16, after the appoint ‘ment of Jalal Sikandar Sultan Raja ‘a5, Immigration and Passports ‘irector general, Zulfikar Cheema ‘was posted as _—_ AtGPPanjad HIG sina GIGPKPKD,MHaNPic 3. The -...-- government, on july 16, agreed to export 500 mili cubic feet LNG to Pakistan on ‘government to governmentbasi. Asad 3. Qatar CRussin —D. Talk 4. The incumbent Chinese Ambs- sador to Pakistan is Actas Yugin Be XuFelhong CsumWeldomg D.Ye Hoo 5.Pakistan and China wil celebrate the year ‘a6 Friendship ‘Exchange Year", A204 ez016 6A three-member commission, set up for selection of chief executive officers. (CEOs) of state-owned enterprises will be headed by Federal ombudsman B. Auditor General of Pakistan C-Accountant General of Pakistan Di Federal TexOmbadsinan. 7. The mntomational Air Transport Association (ATA) is headawar- tered at___- ANewYoR &Tokyo CMontival —D.Berin 98 | www jworldtimes.com / JWI - September 2013 8. The ____ government and the United Nations system in Pakistan ‘Kicked off the One UN Programme Min the province. ‘A.tunjab Sindh Cihalochisten D. KhyberPK 9, On July 22, Muhammad Ayub Sheikh was appointed asthe. fof Employees Old-Age Benefits Institution (COB. ADG Chairman GPresident —D, CEO 10, Rebmot Ullah and Dr Naveed, Iqbal became the frst Pakistanis t© summit the Muztag Ata, a peak in zal B.lndia RN China D.thatan 11. The government and. China. Power International Hold ings (CPUD signed an MoU for the Setting up of four coal power plants 02.400 megawatts. AcPunjab B-Sindh Cihalochistan —D. Federal 12, Pakistan's first mobile court was set up by the High, Cone. Asinah 2, Peshawar Cltahore ——D.Balochistan 15, Militants atacked Dera sina ‘han Jail with rockets and heavy, ‘weaponson. Aus Bly? Chy26 | D.uly29 14, The election for the next President of Pakistan was held on ‘iniy 28 BiJuly 29, Cjuyse | Dalya 15. PMLN candidate Mamnoon Hussain became Pakistan's President after he won the Prost ‘demial election, ‘10th 1th 12m Diath 16, Mamnoon Hussain is the [i (4 C] Parer coldest person to be elected as the President of Pakistan. Second) BThird Creu, B. In v7. hhas been the oldest person to be elected as the Presi ‘dent of Pakistan. Aclskander Mirza Yahya khan Fazal llahi Chaudhry Ghulam stag Khan 18, The federal goverament announced its power policy on Alay 12 B.july27 Chay st DeAugusi a4 19,00 August 1, ___announced the resumption of Pak US sus pended strategic dialogue’ APresident Obama 18 Secretary John K: C.Usstate Department D.USCongress 20. PakUS suspended ‘stratezic ‘ialogue’ has been in doldrums since 2000 2010 C20 D.2012 21. On August 5, Chaudhry Mohammad Sarwar was sivorn in as the governor of the Punjab. goth B.x2nd ct 35th, 22, The UN Secretary General Han Kimooa artived ona twoday visit ‘oPakistanon Avs WANE L GoAua7 D.AUgs on August 12, Maj Gem Aamer Raz was appointed as the director general of military operations. He hhas previously served asthe commander of ‘A. Quetta infantry Bulloch Regiment Clanorecamson D.LLL Brigade 24, The commander of responsible for the security of the President and the Prime Minister. A. Quetta infantry B BalochRepiment Lahore Garrison DLL Brigade 25. On Augu government Emer. gency Enrolment Campaign to ‘combat iiteracy in the province ‘APunjab BL Sindh (CiHalochistan, D-KhyberPk 26. The tag line of Emergency Enrolment Campaigs ‘\ Taleer Harnara Ms B Jalealat say lara a CJahalat say «zou D:flarbachaschootmain 27. The Punjab Energy Council, set ‘upon August 14, willbe headed by A Chiet inister 2B. Socretary bmigation Chairman ESCO 28, The incumbent Director General Miltary. Intelligence is ‘A Major General Sarfarac Sattar IE Major General Asim Baja ‘G-Major General shabid Lait D.Major General AU Nagut INTERNATIONAL 1 To prevent 100,000 sitts and ‘women across the UN Labour agency and UK's Depart ‘ment for International. Develop- ment (DFID) launched a new programme Aaa BEgypt Syria D. South Asia 2. On July 16, in Russia's biggest military manoeuvres since Soviet times, neatly {oops took part A.n60000 180000 C9500. 200000 3 Miguel Angel Trevino Morales, the boss of ‘rug cartel, the Zetas cartel was ‘captured on July 17, ‘AVenezuel's.” 8, Mexico's C.cube's—D.Atgentine's 4, Valerie Ann Amos, the current UN UnderSecretary-General. for Humanitarian Affairs, belongs to Nigeria B.Ghana ‘CMczambique D.Guyana 5.0n July 17, legalised gay marriage after Queen Elizabeth I ‘gave her royal assent t0 a bill approved by lawmakers. Adrian BAustalia Ccanade ——-D-NewZealand 6. On July 21, Philippe Lopold Louis Marie ascended tothe throne fof after his father's abdica- tion. ANoway Sweden Belgium = -D-Finland, (of The Belgians’ Abifth sixth Seventh Fight {8 The Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation, named after a popular Filipino president isbased in AManila BHagw Paris D.Ontario 9. The Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation was established in x 1950 B19ss, C1957 B.1960 10, President Barack Obama's nominee 10 be Ambassador 10 Is Caroline Kennedy. a daughter of former President John F-Kennedy. AsSouthKerea China india D Japan 11, On July 28, confirmed it briefly sent troopsback to abloody istrict of Helmand Province 10 assist Afghan forces, www jworldtimes.com / JWT September 2013 | 99 [i (4 C] Parer Acmmain——-B.France Caustraka—D. Croatia 12, On July 30, Telangana was created as the ____ independent state of Republic of india Aarth B28 C208 Dis2nd 13, The capital of Telengana state willbe. Atinpbal BAtrant G Hyderabad D.Shillong 14. Hyderabad will remain the common capital for both ‘Telengana and. states for a period of 10 years ‘Andhra Pradesh B Manipur . Mehalay D.wizoram 15, On August 1, Bangladesh's was barred from contesting, ‘next year'selections. ‘A. Rangladesh Nationalist Party Liberal Democratic Farty CHabut Tahar D.Jamaatetslami 16, On August 2, .__... cancelled surveiliance accords dating from the late 1960s with the United Statesand AFrance — BeSyria Ecermany —D.Russia 17. Shanghai Tower, the highest tower in Asia and. the world's second tallest skyscraper, when completed, would be .____ high. A.530mettes — B.630 metres C720metes — D.8I0metres 18, Before Shanghai Tower, Jn Taiwan was the highest tower in Asian ‘A Taipei 101 Petronas Towers © Marina 1D1 Dien Tower 19, The United States provides in mostly military aid 10 Cairo every year. A.sibo B.SLs00 C820 D.s2.sba 20, Turkey's top military council the Supreme Military Council, fs haired by Turkish ‘A. Prime Minister Defence minister President . Foreign Minister 21, Om August 3, Robert Mugabe, became the President of the foranother five years. A Niger B.Ghana Kenya D.Zimbabwe 22, New Iranian President. Hassan Roubani, took the oath of office on August) BAmgust + August? D.Augus: 10 24, US missions acrose the Middle Fast and Africa closed on — after US intelligence uncovered threatsof an a-Cheda attack. A.Augustd— BAugust6 CAugust8 —D.Angast 10 24, On August 7, the world's secondtlargest offshore wind farm ‘was opened officially off east coast. Aldi’ _B.Canada's CEngland’s — D.Japan's 25, Om August 12, India unvetled its first indigenously built aircraft ‘cartiernamely A.PNSHangor — BINSKir: CINSVikeant —-D.INSRajput 26, India's indigenously developed and nuclear capable Prithvitl missile has a range of __, and is capable of carrying 500k 10 1,000kg of warheed. A.300km B.350km Canokm ——-p.350km 27, Medecins Sane Frontieres’ also called "Doctors Without Borders, hasits headquartersat Geneva B.Zurich Coaaraa Dike 100 | wiww.Jworldtimes.com / JWT - September 2013 28 OM Angust 14, India's sume rine exploded and sank killing allthecrew onboard. ALINS Viraat WINS Sindarakshake INS Vikramaditya BLINS Jalashura SPORTS 1 Martina Hingis, who was, on July 16, inducted into International Tennis Hall of Fame, belongs 10 NSwies s.ubrainia Ceti D.Freneh Dismah Maroof is the first Pakistan! and player overall te score 1000 oF more runs in women’s one-day internationals, Alst B.znd Card path, India's ____ holds the recard of being the fastest batsman in the history ofthe game to score 15 one day international inandreds. ALAjay Jadeja-B.MSDhoni Vira Kohli D.Robit Sharma 4.0n July 29, the United states won the Gold Cup, North America’s biennial continental footbat championship tournament, after beating A.canada®.Panama ClMesico Ciba 5. The final of 2015 cricket World Cup will be hosted at by ustratla, A. Sydney Cricket 2 TheGabbe .Traeger Park Melbourne Cricket Ground round 6.0n August 1, __ and Pakistan shared the Women's Twenty20 Qualifiers tile after the matched wasrainedout, Sel Lamka "8. Afghsanistan Cangiadesh Dotrand 7. Om August 3 Yuliya fimova broke the women's 50m [1 (4 C] Parer breaststroke world record with a time of 29.78secs. Aftussian —B.Thai Capanese—_D. Taiwanese 8.0m August 5, ..... of USA won the Bridgestone invitational for the ‘eighth time. AsSteve Sticker # Jeff Maggert C-HunterMakan 0. Tiger Woods 9. Juan Martin del Potro, who, on August 5, won the Washington Open, belongsto AAustralla” Argentine Switzerland D.France 10. On August 11, Lin Dan of China became the first player 10 win World badminton champion: ship men's singles titles. Ad RS es D. 11. On August 11, Aleksandr Ivanov of ____ gave his country the first gold at World Athletics ‘Championship, A.Germany Ukraine CRussia DL Bosnia 12.0n August 15, the _ brothers became worlds first three siblings who had all competed ‘together inthe same race. A.German — BAUstralian CSwiss Belgian Economy 1, On July 19, ___. became the largest city in US history to file for bankruptcy protection. ADewoit B.Phoenix Calas D.Chicago 2. A meeting of finance chiefs from the G20: (C-Kuala Limpur 0. Moscow 2 According to a report by State Bank of Pakistan, is the biggest importer of Pakistani products with a volume of $3.878 billion. A.Australia BUSA, .China D.Norway: 4. With an imports volume of $2,.697bm, _..... became the second biggest Importer of Pakistani products. Austral BUSA China, D.Norway 5.0n July 30, Amjad Parvez Janjua took the charge as the new Managing Director (MD) of APSO B.NESPAK C.NBP D.SNGPL 6. To increase economic and trade relations Pakistan and agreedon a now visa regime. ‘A Japan B.brazil Cbenmark Finland 7. On August 2, the World Trade Organization ruled that —____ breached the rules of global ‘commerce by imposing duties on importsof US chicken. Acindia china canada. England 4. On August 3, the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) agreed to ‘extend a loan facility of 750 million eurosto, Abshrin Brea CPakisian —D.Auhanistan SCIENCE 1, On July 16, the US space agency announced the discovery of 14th moon. AUranus's — B.Satum's Saturn's ——_D. Neptune's 2, On July 26, ___ researchers revealed people hardly get a good night’ssteep when the moon is Full. Actrench Canadian Cswise D. Japanese 3. To serve as companion to ‘astronaut Kochi Wakata,on August 4 Japan launched the world’s first talking rovot namely —____ into space A-Takabashi — &.ktrabo CMirata D-Tomotaka 4, Scientists unveiled the world's first labgrowa beet burger, costing more than 250,000 euros (5330,000,1n_. ARome Tandon CTokyo D.Hamburg 5.On August 12, researchers based in Hawaii and ____ produced a liter of eight rabbits, two of which ‘glow green inthe dark. AA.Rome ‘B.England CMescow Turkey ‘OBITUARIES 1. Todd Bennett, a former 400m world indoor record-holder and a ‘Olympic medallist, who died on July 17,belongedto____- A Brita B. American CUkrainian — D.Ceeeh 2 the irrepressible White House correspondent dled on July 20, ‘A.BennyParet_ B.Emile Griffith (C-Bamaby Jack D. Helen Thomas 3. Former welterweight champion Emile Griffith, who died on July 24 national ‘Armenia Austrian D.Austealian 4. Noted scholar, researcher and literary icon Dr Farman Fatehpari died on Ajuy23 BeAugust3 CAuBsT6 —_DAngusi 5. On August 5, Quresh Pur, most Famous for hosting the PLY QUIZ show ._____ passed away. A.Fifty Fifty, Kasautt Parc D.Neclam Ghar 6, On August 7, Hashim B. Sayeed, who established one of the frst factories in Karachi after partition namely... passed away. ‘A Pakistan Paper Products 3 Pakistan Paper Nile C Mughal Stee! D. Shaheed Paper Mills www,Jworldtimes.com / JWT ~ September 2013| LOL [7 (4 C) Parer Mistakes Behind the Crash of a Titan DlacKibery has been all but buried by its competition, ‘Once acampany that paved the way fr the sipartphone {ndustry, stow appesrs ltt behind in the technological dust, fst recently, lackBerry-which has changed ts ‘name from Research in Motion. revealed its consider: {ng “strategic alternatives.” That opens the door for solling ise, ether a8 a whole oF perkaps in piece. So, hhow did an innovation giant tum into a dinosaur? Hot Stock Minute host Lauren Lyster and Yahoo! Finance Senior Columnist, discussed BlackBerry’s biggest blunders inthis article. The mistakes include the three inemsbelow: ‘WReststedshuftte Touchscreen Devices The company ignored the sweeping migration away from “qwerty’ keyboards “BlackBerry sort of eld off explains Santoll. He says the company thought it had @ Jock en corporate accounts, ad figured that would be {enough to keep the business churning, lackWerry stock was just shy of $67 a share when the {Phone was Introduced on June 204h, 2007. 1 has current been trading urider $11, Santoli says that by the time Black Bercy realized Its missteps, “they did not move fast enough 10 have a competitive product” Black: herry’s revenue has cratered as Innovation fas faltered. BlackBerry's revenue fr fiscal year 2012 as $11 hillon only, down 45% since 2010, 2) Falled onthe App Frontier Apple and Andro makers invited app designers to build programmes for their handsets. Not 90 with 102 | wwewjworldtimes.com / JWT ~ September 201) IWT Desk Blackslersy. "They wanted to kind of own the whole process” explains Santoll. That has wound up eosting the company dearly. A. major complaint about Flack Berry devices in a lack of apps. Meanwhile, Apple's app store has become acash cow. Last year nivenues topped $9-bilion. By 2016, the site could generate $22-billion annually 3) Teok Customer People wanted the better produet, not just one that sald BlackBerry on i," explains Santoll He says the ‘company erred in believing. 3t had an unbreakable ‘stronghold on corporate email-one which theoretically ‘assured the BlackBerry would remain te default device ‘f choice, In 2008, BlackBerry owned 45% of the US market. Research frm Gartner says, “Blacklerry currently has only a 2.7% share down from 5.2N one year ago. Android phones are far and anay the leader with a 79% share and Apple is in second with 14.2%." Blackberry was able to hold on to custome for f@ time even after the iPhone and Android phones debuted, but since 2011, things have fallen off cif. At {ts peak, in 2011, Blackberry shipped more than 52 rmillion phones. In 2012, that dropped by almost 20 rmillion unts to 34 million units. Meanwhile, Apple shipped more than 135 milion (hones and Samsung fand other manufacturers sold more than 452 milion Androids Blackberry stock has not performed all that bad in 2013 considering the prospects forthe company Shares are down 7 since the start of the year. However, they are a tiny fraction of their alltme hhigh abeve $140 back in 2008, At that time the company had astock market value above S80-ilion ‘Today when you add up all the shares they re worth ess ia S6ilion obel Pri: te [ (4 C) Parer AIL the world’s Muslims haye fewer Nobel Prizes than Trinny College, Cambridge. They did great things othe Middle Ages, though When I ead this Resine from an aticle by Richard Datvkins, realised that he was at his lar bashingsbest 1 osts a first offended, thixking thar perbape thi was another attemptat denigrating Islan However when ‘Considered that Its a fact that cannot be denied, then, Derhapsne should lock deeper into the cause of sucha lapse tn the educational achievements betwaet the Is lamniccultureversus the West The last it was rather patrocising, but unfor unstely factual (Over the last millers, the Muslims sere way ahead of the West in their culture, and eda cation. And staye abead il the Renais ‘ance, when art and se c€ took roots, in Ea ‘oe, TH that tie the West were hunter gata eres too busy 19 ust surviving, After the Re nalssanee, the Europeans picked up the pace, and their terest and investment in education sre. Then the ravention of the steam engine by James War and then Stephenson in 1830 was used by the coal in Austy, and by steamers, This source of power was used in industry. Testles was the frst to go from spinning ‘wool hy hand ro sptnning machines, designed and oper ‘ted by engineersin the midlands, Therewas aclose ink between the Inventors and the engineers The quantum leap was after steam power was applied to industry, and—as they say, the rest is history. The dis covery of ells made the engine mobile and the automo bite was on tis way. Aeroplanes were not far behind, in fact aircraft and automobiles were iaventec at the same ie. Afr the induction of vas the supply of poner, Fakir 8. Ayazuddin and the mobility of ofl es a power sourc In these years, the West kept increasing hetr investment in education, adding to theirinventions. Alfred Nobelin vented dynamite and went on to make his fortune, and then ereated his Nobel Prize to benefit snventors, and thinkers. Thisis an example ofthe benefits of money be ing passed on to deserving recipients. There is no com parable example in the Muslim world Inthe same period, the Ottoman Empire built many beau fiful mosques, but no schools of higher learning ‘The Muslims rere kept at their primitive level of education, and even the grea Mbrartes of haghdad were destroyed The value of education that the Holy Prophet (PBUED hed prescribed was ignored and wantonly destroyed. The West comtinved on its march of progress while the Mus ims carried on in their parsatt of pleasure, spending theiremassed wealth in frivolous and wanton excesses Inthe Toth century with the advent of the automebile and aeroplanes, the pace of grosth was exponential, ‘with Nobe! prizes, yearly addition, acknowledging i vention and innovation, The two World Wars changed the pl the Americans War fuel rs, catapulting 1d Russians tothe front with the Cold ‘ cutthroat competition While the huge Amounts of oll money that came the Arab way was maoilyfrittered vay into the pur Suit of physical comforts and carl pl such was put intoed vweation, a factalot of money wasiwvestedin the colleges of the tS like Harvard and’ MIT which have huge endowment fromthe Arab cil neath Now of course just the invention and spat of the Invernet has created probably the biggest leap in man's “nowledge - more thanal the year precoding. I ‘cation alone that can expand the human borizon. into ‘the huge unknown, eating knowledge for the coming xenerations, The internet has also freed mankind from allreligions cenetraits Courtesy Pakistan Toda ww. jworldtimes.com / JWT - September 2013] 105 Mycyo) Sa NT s4 “If we are fo move forward, we must bell Ve in Alif Bay Pay. This awareness campaign to highlight the importance of education, being run by a private TV ‘channel, makes every viewer strongly and recurrently realize that we, individually as well as collectively, still have to do a lot for the promotion of education in our country. care paying a heavy price in the form of po ty, Ignorance, extremism, Antolerance, depr Yetlon and backwardaess for our apathy and Indiference towards education, ut ti also a fact that ‘we arenot the only nation pessing through this grim st ationrather may other naons are alse marooned sn {antic problems because of not prioritizing the educa ton. On the contrary, the countries Which give top prior: lty to education ate enjoying the blessings of progr ‘and prosperity. Seen in this context, with reference to the importance aftached to education, there are 1 types af ountres in the world: these which have a frm hold on education and those whose grip on education is il loose. For the benefit of both these types of coun tries, United Nations Educational, Selentificand Curr ganization (UNESCO) observes international Litera Day on Sepiember & every year, 0 further consolit the commitment of edueation friendly countries and to promote this commnitment in those countries whic a behind therm in this eld, The theme fo this year's Lit eracy Day is “Literacies forthe 21st Century” The ree nis that this 4s the century of knowledge and only hope to survive, Which will show feat 106 | www,jworldtimes.com / JWT September 2013, Muhammad Auf Sheikh The biggest challenge facing humanity at th in the form of those children who are out of primary schools, and their number is 58 million according « ‘UNESCO's Insitute of Statistics. Besides, educating 774 ‘milion iterate adults is also an uphill task. Universal Primary Education Programme is going on all over the world under the auspices of the United Nations for en. couraging. the non-Schoobgoing children to. go. to s. The goal ofthis programme i that by the year IL he children between the ages of five and nine (the universally recognized age for going to primary schools) should be sentro schools. in his connection, Pa kistan faces an alarming situation, because i world’s second highest numberof ron-schoc dren (5.53 allions) tn the same wag, thas the wor third highestmumber of literate adulis above the aze of 15 (49.50 milion). Some indleators have been devised for the primary education of al hilren under the Mi lenniura Develepment Goals(MBGs) They incl [. Hundred per cent children belonging to the primary School going age zroup should goto school 2 Hundred percent children should contin their stad les from grade? to grade. 3 Literacy rae inthe country should be increased in terms ofthese three indicators, situation in Pakistan tas sorcwhat improved, but a Jot is yet to be done. Ac ‘cording (othe Economie Survey of Pakistan 2012-13, 57 percent children belonging to the primary school wei ‘ge group vere admitted to the schools in 2011-12. On. number of iterate youngsters. Their number Is lion, as mentioned in the Adult and Youth Lit racy National, Regional and Global Trends 1985-2013 report, compiled by UNESCO's institute of Statistics. Al such facts emphasize the need for taking radical steps in Pakistan, One such step can bea substantial in reaee in the but allocated for education. According {OUNESCO's Global Education Digits, Pakistan is spend fing onty 2.4 percent ofits total GDP on education ane ally n tis connection, Pakistan is rankee 144th inthe slobal ranking of 144 countries ofthe nol A surpais: ing feature ofthis global ranking. is that Bangladesh and Srilanka pend 2.2 per cent and 2.1 percent of thelr an nual GDP on education respectively. Their annual spending on education is less than that of Pakistan. But despite that, they are ahead of Pakistan in terms of their Ieracy rate and other education related indices. An ‘ther worth-considering fat is that inthe year 2010, Pa ‘istan received US8541 milion maid tobe spentonedu the other hand, 49 per cent ofthe primary’ school ling ‘ation, Thus, children con alter Chine leted their pynaten ot Consus Yours of abistan and india, Pak mary educ Consus year ‘avinon of Lioracy ag stan. became tion ‘til 2010. | $00 wie Gon ead a cloor print any Al ogee the third larg Li, The iter language mee est recipient of acy rate in the [767 Ona whois abl To read with undortaing @ | Ago Sa¥@—) such ald. Even country that |__| simple eter in any ienquago”__| above fhen, all ind ee ee ‘Ono who k abe fread and wife some | Age TOard | that Nan, creased 10 88 Lanpunge wth underslanding. eta] thefact that Pa 7987 ‘One wi can rood newspaper and write dae 10 ard percent by the Mics a kistan iss year 2015. opg * One who can oad newspaper ane wife | Ago 10and | fax behind the could reach sive letter, any language" _| shove other South aly 58 per ent, Literacy in Pakistan ie stl measured in terms of persons of ‘en orabove, being able to read the newspaper and ite ‘simple letter in any language. On the other hand, atthe international level literacy rate ss measured wit refer ce tothe literacy’level of adults who are 15 years ole or above. measured in these terms, Paklstan stands at 1'Hth postion among 149 countries. It is interesting te note that among all the South Asian countries, Bhutan is the only country where literacy rate lower than that of Pakistan in adults who are fifteen years old or above. In the remaining South Asian countries, Mteracy rate Is higher than chat of Pakistan andl consequently they en Joy better plaees in the globalranking of countries. In Pa ale amnang youngsters (15 to 24 years old is 70.7 per cent. Pakistan's ranking is 120¢h in 148 Countries of the world in terms of teracy rate the Youngsters belonging to this age group. All the other South Asian countries are ahead of Pakistani this rank ing. In the same way, Pakistan has the world's second twles In the realm of education, Realizing the gravity ofthe situa tion, the Gevernment of Pakistan has iaken a nuraber of appreciable steps in this regard, For instance, it has made education free and compulsory up to grade ten, www.jworldtimes.com / JWT ~ September 2013 | 107 [i (4 C] Parer The Parliament has passed a bill 2 Hundred per cent retention of umber tout achonientdran by county, 24128) Peete euleon choc: cae tion following article 25-A of the Word ‘Country Ot-of 3 Hundred per cent readmission Constitution, that entitles the Ranking school ‘of students (nine to sixteen: right of education ( every child + chien, ‘years old) who left school with teres tee keriot 5 ac 16 ae 1ostz| scoping ing yen Maen, 208 z te care if dere tional Education Policy was for- — | Poléoten 5436. classes, if his or her age is ac toaiated, Wades which a strategy’ | @ hoot troa| cording to the age of the stu Meeeee ee eae) [F depect ite danas patent Ie Recaadtgeoruct of ina 1674| tmncarmpagn yl Gp on te Cceatin oth evc Beaten [3 oa ‘anata ta fother steps, the government is |g Brite 1460.) tracts onpartot the people asso- ‘committed also to allocate 7 per cote dTwoire: 1161 ciated with it. Otherwise, like pre- toe eee omcanon by ne | Cee econ year 2015. The Government of ? Bunt Fao. as. ‘will goup in smoke. the Pala hoecet lunch ‘obo coe Priamos canis [a pes si: ot prismentedjotarsnyAeuk, }yq—1 Maer | 057 | Garson the bast fey en a gee ne ag | Folens made ot tates COREE) aoa of) oR emir oe Te Puc Ag dlc to achieve ahs ste slight improve lle Pea ecient of wei The woh ley Ghldren Belonging the ape group of 515 years 24 ing 20112 was a malin, as compared 10383 milion children (549 yours old) ace reported out of —__mullion during the same period last year showing an in school in Punjab on the basis of Nieisen Household Sur- crease of 2.4 per cent is estimated 10 increase 1041-3 vey. This campaign will ensure: ‘milion during 2012-13, The numberof institutes stood Thundred percent enrolment oF-outef schoolchildren at unerease 251200 curing 2011-12, as compared (6. yearsela)insenoos 7400 last year. This shows an incr 108 | wisw jworldtimes.com / JWT ~ September 2013 The number of institutes is estimated to increase to 0 during 2012-13, Tae number of teachers during ed 1 141 milion dt percent. The 1011-12 was 4 lion, compa ing the last yen, shoving an inerease of 2 numberof teachers is estimated to inerease to 1.50 mil ‘on duringthe year 2012-3. Now, letus bave aqualitative analysis of our education standard. in the light of Annual Status of Education Re port 2012; ltizene Led household based learalng sur vey condiced in selected urban and rural areas. It mea ‘Adu (15 youre andor there population Renking 201 Word Country iterate Ranking | ‘Adults (000) Indio | “zero. China 52.347 1 __| Potistan 49,502. Bangladesh 44137 Nigeria 41,846 | Eiiopia 26.847 : 15,235 3 i | 13,984 z Indonesia. 12,703 z DR Congo | 12418 Niet repo a glenda 1295 2016 sures learning levels of children (Ove to seen years of age), the same age group a identified fo compulsory edueation inarticle 25-A ofthe Con ‘stitution of Pakistan. Antal Staus of Education Report Survey is conducted animal aero Pak stam end willcontinue upto the year 2015. inthis survey, children aged 5 40 16 years were tested for language and arithmetic competencies, Th survey revealed that the learning level of st dents with reference to thelr competency i la guage (Urdu, Sindhi, Pashto and English) and arithmetic though have improved sce last year yeti sll femains poor. Half ofthe children from sade 5 still cannot read grade 2 Urdu, Sind and Pushto stories. In ASER sade 5 students were reported as being aie 10 ‘ead a story, compared 10 51 per cent of srade ‘suidents who could do s0 in 2012, For English this yee 4 per cent of grade 5 students were reported to.ead class 2 level s compared to A per cent of grade 5 students who could do so in 2011 Similarly, 44 per eent of grade 5 students were able todo the digi division sums, compared to 47 per cent chil ‘ren in 2011. No doubt, there has been some qualitative and quantitative improversent in our educational stam dard yet the pace of improverient i very slo, We need, ‘urgent and wide-ranging reforms fo the real improve ‘ment of our educational secior tn order to keep pace With the rapid progress of the developed couritries. At the same time, a individual, collective, political and gov femment levels, we need a solid commitment and deter mination ta demonstrate ous belie in the slogan that if Weare (o forward, we must have firm helio in Alf ay Pa (vrten an compte ty Muhammad Atif Sheikh imasteraryayahoncom ‘ww.jworldtimes.com / JWT ~ September 2013 | 109 [1 (4 (] Parer Conducted By: Wagas Iqbal Andleeb Abbas isa leading consultant, trainer writer and speaker. She has setnew horizons in the fled of management develepracat in the country by changing paradigms in many Sectors, organizations and individuals. She has been involved in the field of training. and Consultancy for thelast 13 years Asa trainer, she has traincd the personnel of ‘nearly all top local and multinational organiza tons. Shes the first Pakistani to become a certified Results Coaching Systems (RCS) Coach whichis accredited hy Intemational Coaching Feder on, the largest worldwide resource for srofessional coaches. in 2002 she was the only Pakistanl to be declared as ane of the top 30 Strategie Thinkers bn the world by’ che Woeld Bank Washington DC Social Development yepartment, and consequently was Lavited 10 assist the World Bank in preparing their next 0-year strtexic plan She has published more than 30 papers and Johangirs World Times (JWT): Please tell us ‘about Franklin Covey? Andleeb Abbas [AA}: Franklin Covey, the world’s largest multinacional, deals ia consulting, taining and coaching, inthe areas of leadership effective ness, Ibacically, represent Franklin Covey Pakistan and | brought this company into Pakistan in 2006 Since theo, every smal or biy multinational, and every manager of leader, has gone through our ‘consulting, coachingor traning assignments JW: How aid you JoinFranklin Covey? ‘AA: Rasically, T have two. specialties; frst i arkeling, and other th stratogic management The strategic part of management covers all sorts fof expertise eg. leadership, entrepreneurship, ag;term planning vision, et | established my ‘company because! wanted to introduce something to Impact the minds and the souls of the people When read the"7 Habits” in 2004, the depth of the concepts inspired me alot, Utilizing my marketing sks. then, wrote to the Franklin Covey USA. Initaly, they declined citing the reason that there was ncbody, in Pakistan, related 10 this work. However, never gave up. 1 spent nearly one and a his and finally, in 2008, chey came to P Seven Habitsand many 110 | www jworldtimes.com / JWT ~ September 20) When t became certified, {started vith habit number 2 Leto begin withthe end. This habit makes you go deep Inside and t0 see what you have finally achieved. So, ave that before leaving this world, shall do this, "his, slong with something aetable for my country. [entered politics and joined Pakistan Tebneck e-Insal TI) as 1 wanted to bring change in the mindsets of people and ultimately the country JWT: Wat, In your opinion, Ie the true meaning of StrategicManagementand Planning? ‘AAs Well while carving outa strategy, it docsn’t matter ‘hat how much fortune you possess. In Pakistan, many people fancy, Many of them went to start a TV channel just because it'sikea trend nowadays. My fst question to ‘thee always is, "Do you have any strategy to run the ehaatel?* But, most of them asualy Lack this 101 Strategic planning means the assessment of your financial resources, looking tthe opportu nities and threats, matching them with the skills “and apabilities of your human esources, having an ‘operational View that ho’ he whole system wall work, Petia mp a eat fupply chain management anit having, IT systems. ‘Thus, slrategie manage: ment means the ability to have stratexy encompass ing all areas of the ‘organization. In Pakistan, businesses fail becouse if people have money, they have no marketing strategy, WF they have marketing srategy. right people aren't available to them, and if 0 nt workforce 1s. there, well compensated. Hence, the failure proves that something innissing in thestrategy JWT: How did you market Pakistan and ‘what sortsof problems you had to cope with? ‘Aas In fac, CToced numerous ciffiewties but my aim ‘was to present Paklstanas an opportunity because cas Jong been an unexptored market tn the initiel stages of four correspondence, I found Franklin Covey gravely aving lots of wponey, come to me for consul” www jworldtimes.et ‘concerned about the issues lke terrorim. However, | asserted that many multinational giants like Nestlé, Unilever, Philips, Peps, etc, which were much bigger than Franklin Covey, are operating in Pakistan and doing ‘much better business here as compared to India, despite ‘te fact tha india is ahunded times bigger market than Pakistan. 1 furthered my point by ssykey that they can enquire form'such companies that how Pakistan st The Company had its regional headquarters in Indie hence the prospects of i kauneh in Pakistan became fim because indtans, generally, are hostile towards us Nevertheless, an Indian delegation planned! coming © Pakistan and the Franklin Covey USA asked them to search some individuals talented enough to train ane ‘coach people. The companies like Nestlé, Fepst ee, ll recommend my name. And, by the grace of Almighty Allah, roy name was at the top of the list; The ‘elogation was, then, advised to seek some £071 of collaboration with me, Thats how} Drought Franklin Covey to Pakistan, JWT; wnat do you think of bureaucracy? ts it an attitude? De you think that Pakistan needs strategie planning to change the traditional ‘attitude of bureaucracy? ‘AAs [ould rather sey that ‘everything 1s an attitude: strategy is an attitude leadership is an atitade, ‘and so on. Actually, bbumans are slaves of only fone item and that 68 the brain because mind controls actions, body and behaviour. These elements are the ingredients of an attitude. AS far as burea cracy ts concerned, in both ‘public and corporate sectors, the‘attitude'is more dooainant ‘public sector. buresueracy {| than its prwvate sector counter art, owing 10 # lack af sense of ownership and motivation. More ‘over, rather than performance, politics playa major role in thle promotions and postings Strategic Management and Planning comes into Play everywhere; and it says, “Look at the long-term and. plan the short-term” We had various five-year plans but the point to be understood here that plan is just one m / JWT ~ September 2013 | 111 [1 (4 (] Parer ‘omponent ofthe strategy. When It comes at she Stare level, We eed to have a vision for Pakistan, need strategy. mean a vision Is indispensable to run a -guntry; only day-to-day administration cannot serve the purpose. For instance, Quaid‘-zam had a vis. behind Pakistan and it applies on our government as well that where it sors Pakistan in 2018, In PT, we s3y that a peaceful, prosperous and welfare Islamic state where equal opportinites of education, health arid ‘employment are available to the people, I our vision for Pakistan, Thus, strategy, vision and mission are equally ‘eanentil for astate oran organization JWT: How would you differentiate hetween a vision fandamission? . ‘AA: Vision means where you want to be oF what your ultimate goals, Whereas the mission isthe purpose for ‘which you are striving 4WT: What are, In your view, the strengths and Weaknesses ofthe youthof Pakistan? ‘AA. Well, have visited various countries acroas the lobe, nd Thave aot seen a8 brant anc talented youth ts Pakistan’. Our youth have excellent brains ae very ‘energetic and enthusiastic but they lack cizrpline. Ie rainy because of the environment they live in. Their talents most be channelized to make Pakistan's future brighter Why the developed nabons are ahead of us? Because JWT, Bo you think that PT! has evolved the best ‘trategy te channelisethe country youth? ‘AAS think there's alot of room for provement, Ours ia young rather a teen-aged party but despite the fact wwe have brought a huge change. We have made them Fealize and think that this ¢ their own country aba hey have totake it forward. JWT: Do you think, you have any dream still unfut ing my stodent days, a number of foreign students used 10 come to Pakistan fr thelr education, L had. lovely Pakistan those days. But when had to send. my children abroad for studies, st was the moment 1 realized that what Pakistan bos become today. My ehildren wil only come back iF force them or they may ‘come shen their mother is sick, Nevertheless I want to leave a more tolerant, peaceful Pakistan for the new ‘generations. [dream of «Pakistan where there are rice ‘opportunities forall. And Helieve chat spon the day wit come shen children of mine and others will say Uhat Pakistan has mote tooffer than UK,USA and Dba. JWT: Would you lke to give any message, especially ‘to Karachittes because they had supported PT in a ditficuttenvironment? ‘Aas Yes, Karachi 's amazing proved that they are alive, Karachiites are_unfaily imprisoned by the poliialeireumstances. And want 10 i the Karactites have ‘their youth 8 extremely disciplined and channelized: So, 1 think its our responsibility to ‘motivate cur youth and, in return, they wil give thet beat. 112 | www.iworldtimes.com / JWT ~ Sept tel them that PTTis focused to bring them out from this prison and I will say thank you Karachi, we acknewledge your afliation Tor fedthack: waqasigbat0st@9macom Mf BOOK REVIEW “Essays on Contemporary Crime Prevention” This book is a compilation. ef omy research on Criminology that was done i Australia, along with the 2o.year experience of policing ‘nPakistan though these were not, primarily, written. for publishing in form of a book ‘These essays are the outcome ‘of my laborious work on ‘riminology-related concepts Being the waiter, 1 was well aware of the level and Importance of the ineorpo- rated -moterial, therefore, ingpired by «strong sel motivation, 1 decided 10 publish these essays in form ‘fa booklet so that maximum people, particularly the students of criminology and those conducting research {inthis feld and also Police work, may benefit fromait Throughout history, crime has been detrimental 10 Society, Such uctivites committed by. anti-social elements tend fo create an imbalance in a peaceful society. Nevertheless it was, and sill is, « favourite subject for those who quest to bide this genie of ertme Whether, st is fight against crime or the theories proposed tonip the crime inthe bud, all havea common ‘im and that is to eradicate crime from society, In these essays, the dichotomy of crime prevention theories and crime fighting has been merged to give one aspect of ‘rime prevention, both theoretically and practically. Generally speaking, the ‘chapters of this book can be civided into3 segments, Fst, the chapters focused on psychological factors behind ‘crimes, Secon, those whieh, ‘cel ith soetal behaviour and ‘waits that are part and parcel of criminal activities, and lastly, those which portray theories dealing with the criminal law and justice system, While conchuding, { can say ‘that this book is an interwo: ven analytical study of contemporary and past crimes, theories, researches and. crime-prevention methodologies. The book focuses on te overall crime fighting strategies besides Touching some sensitive ‘topics like racism, gender bias and psychological factors behind the criminal activities. Moreover, ‘the references and websites have been: proviced at the end of each cheptes for curious readers so that they may ‘access them 10 quench their (irst for detailed know edge, | hope this book will goa long way in belping the readers ‘who wont professional krowiedlxe of who are corns about the subjects of Policing and Criminology AHMAD ISHAQUE JEHANGIR, DIG Emailishaquejehangir¢yahoo.com www Jworldtimes.com / JWT ~ September 2013 | 113) [1 (4 C] Parer Malala. United Nations ccs Bab iene pc UI ys eee Tete FEM esteem nN peeing nopices a gee a im me through her sheer backward areas of Paki ‘Though the above lines present a poste. There is no enying the fact can make any ero, a cero; arses “Why Malalatsg tional and international alike, However, 'seems Struggle to promote female education in stan including Swat ‘osy picture but the reality quite op- ‘hat media 1s so powerful that it and vice versa, Here « question so much prominence by na media and the United Nations that the world media and the UN couldn’ play 1 cardswisely This fact is also Proved when Malala Yousafvai. delivered a speech in United Nations on ‘son cannot comprehend why such an extraordinary figure ‘There are thousands of other classmates, who are living un- threat, yet they are not high: jected by media. Even very few names of the girls who also when Malalawas attacked. 4 the disappointing role of 15 2013, a bloody incident Quetta tn which more than male students were klled ‘xtically wounded, bu the July 12. sane per- Malala has become for United Nations. sss, even Malal's \ der a constant Highted and pro: of us know the suffered. injuries Another example UN when on June, happened in 20 innocent fe while 40° were fo-called free media and the most powerful fnstitations of world tom cluding the UN, sone their ps ‘and did nothing but five routine coverage and statements condemning this Silence on such heinous atack on women entalls alot of {questions onthe role of UN and other ‘champions’ of hi ry General Ban Ki pee fn the slain ala Bote iz3 The tratioral role of United Natlons another ner jonal humanitarian groups along ith aur owm govern ment and mediayet remains discouraging The writer ts student of media stds at SM University alchkhanksyahoo.com wow.jworldtimes.com / JWT ~ September 2013 | 115 MICO UWS of Success ‘Don aim for success if you war you love and believe in, and it wil it, just do what come naturally. = DAVID FROST Amina Nasir Before narra passion is, we should ob BY ing the 7 rules ie ‘ways follow the things that of success. im make us feel enthusiastic Fiona Har first describes as well as bring, meaning and a sense of purpose into fur lives, Identifying. your passion wil make you f That you are manifesting the meaning of “Happine ‘and Success” 48 sald ha ‘once people reach an ‘ade quate income, additional wealth rarely bas any fur ther pasitne effect a hap piness orsatisfection. Nowa fay, people are seeking fu Diment and they want ie ‘not mundane and material ful and significant Your own destiny in. your ‘vn lf, whereas, the com bination which leads to des tiny is that of purpose, pas sion, preparedness and tal: To achieve a postion in ie, vou must have selfbebe. When someone embraces Passion has proved te 2 isle ipadelaheseiteMMaam s16-letcrmination lifts sees Rd ioc oan the course of your Ife is The extent to whieh you be- ture! and a far-reaching ve son for Me. It gives a sense her than lead PERRIER tre post pieces oFner book thing else, to be responsible jective. To sdentiy what our Dace MECEOR Wi es ‘youre is the extent to which you deny yourself access toyour own resources, capabilities and ingenuity. When there is someane or something to blame, whether you were 100 Fieh OF foo poor, you are excusing yourself and resisting the challenges of making your life work. ‘Rute #3- Do More: Successful people do more than thelr less successful ‘counterparts. One of the biggest problems with some self-improverss that they don't grasp ths baste nue for ‘success They never try to do more; they read, tall and spend their energy in useless activities. They forget that their energy could better be spent in doing things they Jknow they should be getting on with. ule #4=Takemore Risks More exciting isthe life that has more risks. Doing what we don't really want,or never goin for what we really do ‘want, n the name of security” or safety’, may not be an ‘appropriate answer for a successful life, Being too frightened to take risks is deadly, and one ofthe key n> Iibitors in the way of success. Sometimes, risks end up Ina failare of which people are also afraid of. One of the ‘greatest myths about successful people is that they, somehow, achieved success without any pain, disap potntment or defeat. On the contrary, look beneath the surface of any great achiever's career and you will find ‘more than one Tame-out’ Infact, the best developer of leader's the failure Rule #5:tnspiee Others “The ability to inspire others ts one of the most compe! ling characteristics of great achievers and it has been a feature of success throughout human history. Al great leaders know the value ofthis principle. While inspiring ‘others, one has to have a vision. The first step towards ‘mastering the ability to inspire isto have a clear under- standing of one’s own vision. Winston Churchill once sat “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, commit: fed people cari change the world. Indeed, it the only ‘hing tha ever has” Rule #6—Persevere Quaicl € Azam once said, “Expect the best and prepare for the worst” Theve i: alot of truthin this statement 8 ‘it puggests staying resolved in the times of difficulties, Poe se ; wi 5 ros A co aa 2 sue «th im q <{-> ot Yip. Achieveme = éisappointments and disasters. People who grasp thisre ality and deal with twellare deed exceptionsl. This bs- sic confidence in yourself and your abilities is reflected {n your willingness to perseveringly cope with the chal- lenges. The simple truth is that people sho succeed are those who persevere Rule #7-e Generous On a personal level, being generous leaves you feel Detter about yourself, leaving you with that elusive fee ‘ng of fulfilment and satisfaction that money’ cannot buy. In business, generosity brings you career advance: ‘ment and opportunities that meaner individuals envy and don't understand. Being generous doesnt take any thing away feam you rather benefits everyone. ‘These 7 strategies for suceess should be applied tn our thinking and actions. One canalso inherit the essence of all these characteristics from the brilliant people. But to attain success, one has to be patient because change takes time. Think productively, put the werk in and you sal got the results! ‘The writer is an independent researcher. Se ean be comacted: ‘aminanasirs7@gmail com ‘www.Jworldtimes.com / JWI - September 2013 | 117

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