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BBC Learning English Christmas Pantomime 2010 'Cinderella' part one


Welcome to our BBC Learning English pantomime. This is the fairytale story of Cinderella. The story is set a long time ago in a land far far away. Cinderella lives in a large house with her two ugly step sisters, who really aren't that nice to her. She leads a really miserable life but all that is about to change. So let's join Cinderella now as we enjoy the BBC Learning English pantomime.



(washing up fx) Here I am again, stuck in this old radio studio, tidying up all the mess that the other presenters leave behind oh, hello, I didnt see you there. I am Cinderella but you can call me Cinders and poor little old me has to do everything around here write the scripts, uploading webpages, make tea. My sisters, Dermalina and Finnelatte, never do a thing and here they come now


Ah there you are Cinderella. Weve been looking for you everywhere. Were running late, the traffic in London is awful and were meant to be going out for a very smart party at Buckingham Palace tonight Ive got to make myself look pretty, isnt that right Finnelatte?


Impossible your face will only look lovely to a gorilla! Excuse me?

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Nothing dear Dermalina. I was just practicing some phrases I read on the Learning English website today.


Oh no you werent. Oh yes I was!

KNOCK AT THE DOOR FX DERMALINA: FINNELATTE: CINDERELLA: DOOR OPENS DERMALINA FINNELATTE: BUTTONS: CINDERELLA: DERMALINA: BUTTONS: Its the taxman. The Taxman! Lets hide No Im not (goodness you are ugly!) my name is Buttons. Buttons? Buttons! It doesnt sound like youre as bright as a button! My buttons are as bright as yours mate! Anyway, I bring good news for all the ladeez in the house. The very Royal, Prince Stephen, has invited all the ladies of the land to a very special Ball tonight at 8 oclock. DERMALINA: FINNELATTE: CINDERELLA: A Ball!!! Errr, whats a ball? Its a round thing you kick sheep brains! Actually its a very posh party. (ASIDE oh Ive dreamt of meeting Prince Stephen - Ive heard so much about his good looks and his acting talents) Thanks Buttons, it sounds fab! BUTTON: DERMALINA: FINNELATTE: DERMALINA: FINELLATTE: So Ill tell Prince Stephen to expect a very beautiful girl. You mean me? I think he means me I am the most beautiful girl in the land. Beautiful! You? He means me. No, he means me! Who could that be? Yes, who's at the door? Well we wont know until we answer it leave it to me

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(coughs) I think Buttons means all of us. Sorry Buttons we will all be there.


We? We? All of us? It won't be we - it will be me you havent got time for parties theres washing and cleaning to do.


Yes, and youve all those Facebook messages to reply to now away with you and well Twitter you from the Ball later. BYE BYE!

SAD MUSIC DERMALINA: MUSIC ENDS and playing that music on your ipod wont help you either.

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ACT 2 IN THE BEDROOM CINDERELLA: Typical Saturday night and once again Im home in my bedroom, alone. I would so like to go to the Ball and meet Prince Stephen. Ive heard so much about him on the radio (dreaming). Ah well, Ive work to do I think Ill just download the 6 Minute English Podcast to listen to whilst I work COMPUTER KEYBOARD FX MAGIC EXPLOSION FX CINDRELLA: FG: (coughs) What is this?! Hello, do not fear Cinderella, dont panic. I am a free download from the BBC! CINDRELLA: FG: CINDERELLA: FG: A what? You have downloaded me Natalie your Fairy Godmother. Excuse me?! I am your Fairy Godmother theres always one in a pantomime and traditionally I am supposed to speak in rhyme CINDRELLA: FG: CINDRELLA: Oh, I see and what can you do exactly? Ah, thats simple as you will see I grant you wishes, one, two, three. I get three wishes! I can wish for anything I want and they will come true? FG: I hope so but hurry up, Ive got to be at Wembley Stadium to watch Chelsea! CINDERELLA: OK, I better think quickly. I really want to go to Prince Stephen's Ball tonight but Ive nothing to wear FG: No problem! (Casting a spell) Gucci, Diesel, Armani and all Cinders must go to the Princes Ball MAGIC FX

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Wow, incredible I look amazing even if I do say so myself what a beautiful dress and look at the handbag and, wow, glass slippers mmm, they feel so soft and comfortable.


Thats why we call them slippers. So come on then, lets hear wish number two, wish for something thats just for you.


Gosh! Hmmm, well Ive got to get to the Ball and theres no way Im arriving by bus so could I have some magic transport please?


Transport you say here goes (casting a spell) by tube, bus, bike or air, lets get moving with some flair.

MAGIC FX DONKEY FX CINDERELLA: FG: Thats a donkey? I know, I know it was meant to be a horse but my magic isn't what it used to be. You dont mind do you? CINDRELLA: I suppose not, but I'll feel a bit of an ass riding on the back of that is there any chance of a carriage to ride in? FG: CINDRELLA: FG: CINDERELLA: MAGIC FX: FG: There you go a donkey and a carriage to go its nearly 8 oclock so off you go quickly! CINDERELLA: FG: Hold on, I dont wish to appear greedy but dont I have one more wish? Oh, yes, but please be quick the football match is about to kick off I was trying to rhyme! A carriage? Well, Ill need a pumpkin. Well it just so happens, Ive got one under my bed. Why have you got a pumpkin under your bed? Dont ask now just do your magic

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Well, according to his Facebook profile, Prince Stephen speaks in idioms you know, strange English phrases - and well that's not my strong point. Please can you magic me some useful idioms?


Of course, it would be a delight here are some phrases you can use tonight

MAGIC FX: CINDERELLA: It's a "blessing in disguise" (*) but it seems like a "piece of cake" (*). Thank you! Thats brilliant FG: Thats magic! but get a move on my magic will end at the stroke of midnight youve no time to waste, Prince Stephen is waiting (ASIDE even though I dont approve of your taste!) CINDRELLA: (Getting into the carriage) Cheers Fairy Godmother youre the best I promise to be back by midnight. OK, donkey, get moving HORSE AND CARRIAGE FX FG: My work is done now Ive got to get to that football match (calling) Taxi! Taxi! MUSIC NARRATOR: So now you can see why those ugly sisters are so horrible but things are looking up for Cinderella. She's off to the Prince's ball but will she actually get to dance with the man of her dreams and will she get pumpkin juice on her posh dress? Find out in the next part of Cinderella.


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