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Contents and structure for final reports A completed report usually has the following sequence of components.

These are each separated by a page break so that each section starts on its own page. Title Page (title is limited to 60 characters) Abstract (800 character limit) Executive Summary (3-5 pages plus photos, but single spaced) Acknowledgements (thank sponsor, key interview subjects) Table of Contents List of Figures List of Tables Glossary or list of acronyms (if required, located here or after references) (Everything up to this point is numbered with small Roman numerals, beginning AFTER the title page. Arabic numbering (1, 2, 3,) begins with the Introduction. ) Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Literature Review Chapter 3. Methodology Chapter 4. Findings and Analysis Chapter 5. Recommendations and Conclusion References Appendix A: (with title) if required Appendix B: (with title) etc. WPI requires electronic submission of project reports. The steps for this process can be accessed at:

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