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Girl Scouts of America and Planned Parenthood

We have relationships with our church communities, with YWCAs, and with Planned Parenthood organizations across the country, Kathy Cloninger, the CEO of Girl Scouts USA, 2004. [1] According to International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) and IPPF have a "close partnership." [1] The Girl Scouts badge entitled "On Your Own," which was promoted on the official GSA website, referred girls directly to, citing it as a Helpful Link. [1] Girl Scouts have featured Planned Parenthood representatives as key presenters at events. [2] Girl Scouts includes Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger in a list of women who has made a significant impact in her profession or on society for girls to research in the Women in History patch for girls ages 5 and up. [2] Official Girl Scouts curriculum features advocates Gloria Steinem, who proudly participated in the I Had an Abortion campaign to remove the stigma of abortion, and is a staunch supporter of Planned Parenthood and Betty Friedan, a founder of the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) and founder of NOW that claims abortion rights as top priority. [2]

[1] [2] Also visit:

Scouting Alternatives: Frontier Girls American Heritage Girls

Many parents of Girl Scouts dont know about the organizations link to Planned Parenthood because they dont want you to know about it.

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