Letter (E-Mail) of Complaint: Target Audience / Readership: A Specific Person or Group of People Layout

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Letter (e-mail) of complaint

In an e-mail or letter of complaint you complain about unsatisfactory goods or bad service and it is written in a formal style. When writing a letter of complaint keep to the facts, explain clearly why you are writing, give exact details and say what you are hoping to achieve. In the introduction you have to state clearly what you want to complain about. In the main body you justify your complaint and give as much detail as necessary. It usually finishes off with a specific demand for an action. Target audience / readership: a specific person or group of people Layout: To:_______________ From:_____________ Subject:____________________ date, greeting, paragraphs, sign-off; Structure and Organisation: subject line refers to content of e-mail state the reason for writing a new paragraph for each main point appropriate linking words and phrases emphasise key information and any action that may be required closing sign-off

Register: formal Stylistic features: address the recipient(s) directly Useful language: Greetings Dear Mr/Mrs, Dear Sir/Madam, Dear Sir or Madam, Reason for writing I am writing regarding I am writing in response to . I am writing to you about I am writing to complain / protest about I am sorry to have to inform you that

Body of the letter

First/Secondly/Thirdly/Finally your advertisement/brochure promised I am disappointed because Moreover, the was supposed to be Enclosed are copies of the receipt and guarantee. I would be grateful if you could The problem is There may be a misunderstanding about


I look forward to your reply and a resolution to my problem. I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. I would like you to refund my money. Unless I receive a satisfactory reply, I will write to the Consumer Association. Thank you for cooperation / trouble. I look forward to receiving an apology and a correction of the facts. Please contact me at the above address. Yours faithfully / Yours sincerely,

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