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Organization Chart of the Association of United Nationalities in Japan.

Annual conferance (all AUN members)

Chairman Group

Co Chairman(1) Co Chairman(2)

Secretary Group
Office In-
General Secretary
AUN Office
Co General Secretary(1) Co General Secretary(2)

a O rg an i zat i o n
Secreta ry Secreta ry Secreta ry Secreta ry Secreta ry Secreta ry
of women
Fanance Informa- Organiza- Labour Li t era t u re Culture
tion tion & Research
Commi tt ee Commi tt ee Commi tt ee Commi tt ee Commi tt ee Commi tt ee
Members Members Members Members Members Members

To become AUN members

All allied organizations

DKN(jpn) KNL(jpn) CNC(Jpn) NNS(Jpn) PNS(Jpn) PMNS(Jpn) ALD(Exile)Jpn SND(Jpn)

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