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Need for Appreciation and concern Excercise

It is used when data to suggest group members lack appreciation for fellow members and also group member to avoid confronting concerns and irritations.

This intervention may be appropriate if interview data suggests that one of the deficiencies in the interactions of members of a group is lack of expression of appreciation, and that another deficiency is the avoidance of confronting concerns and irritations.


Carried out in different waysThe facilitator asks each member of the group to write down one to three appreciation for each member of the group.Each member is also asked to write down one or two minor irritations or concerns related to each person that may be interfering with communications, getting the work done effectively, and so on.Along with the assignment, the facilitator may make some suggestions, such as;You be the judge of which concerns to raise?Will be helpful to the relationship?Will it be helpful to the group?Can the person do anything about it?Would it be better to talk privately with the person?

On the positive side, sometimes raising concerns in a team setting can provide an opportunity for others to validate what is being perceived or to provide another perspective. Someone is asked to volunteer to be the first person to listen to member of the group. Each group member listens, in turn either through volunteering to be next or through simple procedure of rotating clockwise or counter wise from the first person
. .

Another way
Each member of the group put his or her name on the top of the sheet of flip-chart paper , and make two column headings Appreciation and concern Sheets are taped to the wall, wall with a marking pen each member writes appreciation and concern on each sheet .Once the writing is finished a volunteer is asked to display his or her sheet and read the items aloud to the group. This version is usually productive , but first version permits more face-to face interaction.

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