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Kimhour San

Grade 10

United Nation Millennium Development Goals Campaign

Students Name: Kimhour San Products location: Room 5307 Grade: Subject: Unit Title: Due Date: Significant Concept: Unit Question: AOI: Technology Branch: ATL Skills Used: 10 Technology United Nations Millennium Development Goals 27th September 2013 Technology can influence How can technology influence? Community and Service Information Communication and thinking

Design Brief The main goal for this unit is to investigate the United Nation Millennium Development Goals (UNMDG) and design, plan and create a personal public awareness by choosing one of the eight goals individually and evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign. The eight UNMDG goals are ranged from extreme poverty to the spread of diseases that were agreed by all the United Nation member states to target this development by 2015. The time is close, so in order to success these aims, I have to take action by just spread one of the goals I most interested in and create a public awareness campaign to inform others that might not yet know about the UNMDG. My work will be clearly stated in the Design Specification, as the product I chose to do must by inspirational that can provoke students to act and it must be informative because technology branch is information. United Nation Millennium Goals: Background Information In 2000, the world held out the largest event meeting at the Millennium Summit. All world leaders in history adopted the Millennium Declaration, which agreed by every single international member state to achieve these 8 goals by 2015. The main goal is to reduce extreme poverty globally and other targets such as hunger, diseases, lack of suitable shelter, gender inequality etc Together the world made a significant progress by achieving many goals as between 1990 to 2002, the average overall income increased by 21 percent that helped to decline about 130 million people in extreme pervert and saved more child lives that increased life expectancy from 63 years to nearly 65 years. Many developing countries started receiving access to water and 15 percent is now gained access to improve of sanitation services. However, not all countries were rescued, countries mostly located in Africa are still in big crisis where as huge numbers of people are living in slums. The countrys economic is still in bad transition that has an extensive impact over the people, so the job for the United Nation is to get involve with the government and helps reduce the country problems. 1

Kimhour San

Grade 10

The one target that the United Nation wanted to address is to help the future of every nation by starting with the children. The Millennium development goals set priorities for children because six out of eight goals are related directly to children to make critical improvement in their lives. Children are the future of the world and if there is lack of essentials basic needs, they are also the first to die. With the human rights made by the United Nation, it is stated that each child is born with the right to live with all the needs in their daily lives. Those rights were called the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The eight Millennium Goals are: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger Everyone needs to be free from poverty and hunger To achieve universal primary education Everyone must be able to read and write primarily To promote gender equality and empower women Everyone is equally where as women are equal to men To reduce child mortality Children death rate must be diminished TO improve maternal health Women need to be healthy with their child TO combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases To protect the people from diseases To ensure environmental sustainability To protect the environment To develop a global partnership for development To develop global relationship

Identify the problem: The main problem that the United Nation wanted to reduce was extreme poverty but there are still many more crisis such as the environmental issues or gender inequality. Out of eight United Nation Millennium goals, I decided to choose goal number 3, which is to promote gender equality and empower women because until now women are still in a transition of discrimination by men and some culture. Gender inequality means the discrimination against sexes in the society. This problem is pointed directly toward women rights compare to mens. In many countries in Asia, women dont have the same rights as men as the Asians were raised by the cultural heritage since the olden time until now that equality between men and women are different. With the inequality rights, women are often get into a violence situation where even young adult girls get beaten up easily mostly in Asia and Africa. The most important part of this problem is that women are not encourage to have education and are forced to stay and do housework. Unlike men, they are more contributed to education and are allow to have nonagricultural jobs. Before women has no right to vote because the society thinks that a good suitable position for the women is home so that they can take care of the family and housework and men can have all the power to do whatever they want. Even though, now women are allowed to vote, there are still things that women has no rights to do such as getting the same education as men. In some companies, men are more likely to get hired because people think that men are 2

Kimhour San

Grade 10

smarter in everyway. Basically women are treated as labors workers at home to clean. They have never experience the things they wanted to do but instead, women are under the authority controlled by men and society. But the UN has stated clearly that, everyone is equal since they were born, so I personally think that, this global crisis need to be put in action to help reduce gender inequality. Public awareness: Public awareness is a way of communication toward the public by using different types of media such as video, banner etc. It is a way to spread information and educated the public about one particular idea by taking action to inform many people as possible. Public awareness is basically giving a message to the world to understand the importance of any issue such as global warming etc. There are many different ways to create public awareness that can attract people attention to look at the importance of the idea by create a image with a meaning within it. Public awareness gives out moral awareness for people to get is action and change the world for improvement. Example:

Design Specification: In order to be success with by own public campaign about one of the United Nation Millennium goals I must: 1) Use the color that fits the message to attract people attentions to read the awareness campaign 2) Use more graphic images than text because too much text is boring 3) Use big font and image size so that people can easily read 4) Use more powerful words that can make people think about it 5) Use A3 size of paper 6) The poster should have 3 copies 7) Stick posters in the area where people mostly go to 8) Target audiences: students 9) The poster must have a quote or phrase. Test:

Kimhour San

Grade 10

To create a perfect final product of mine, I must put the product into test so that I can get feedback and comment on what to improve. So to test my product whether it can catches people attention, I will ask 5 boys and 5 girls to look at my posters and give comments. I decided to choose mix gender because sometime the boy doesnt like the color, as it might be too girly or so on. I also need to make them some questions below about the posters. To do the test I will have to create an online survey because its easier for my classmate to do the online survey it saves a lot of time online. Bibliography To create my understanding about United Nation Millennium goals, I created a bookmark to share the awareness to others.

Kimhour San
Criterion A: Investigate Achievement level 0 1-2 3-4 Level Descriptor

Grade 10


The student meets none of the requirements described below. The student states the problem. The student investigates the problem, collecting information from sources. The student lists some specifications The student describes the problem, mentioning its relevance. The student investigates the problem, selecting and analyzing information from some acknowledged sources. The student explains the problem, discussing its relevance. The student critically investigates the problem, evaluating information from a broad range of appropriate, acknowledged sources. The student describes detailed methods for appropriate testing to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification.

Student Assessment: Achievement level and reflections Teacher Assessment: Achievement level and comments

To create a perfect awareness poster, I must design three different posters to brainstorm all the ideas I have and choose the best one that has an eye-catching design and an awareness that people can understand easily. For the first design, I am going to make a portrait poster with a title called Empower Women with a background image of a half upper body of a judge with no head. In front of the judge is an uneven scale as the downward scale represents the inequality with 3 women trying to push the scale upward. For the higher scale it represents the men as they have more power in society with only one man pushing the scale upward. Below the image there is a quote that says Woman is like a tea bag, you cannot tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water by Nancy Reagar. The background color is black to shows the discrimination against women in the society. To compare this design against the design specification, it has everything. The message is very strong and easy to understand and the background color really makes the image looks more power. But the quote for this design doesnt really fit with the awareness massage that I wanted to show the audiences.

Kimhour San

Grade 10

For the second design, I am going to make a landscape poster with a different title called Women Power to show how strong women can be in real life. The background color is still black with many women represent as soldier, judge, Engineering etc.. The is going to be a woman sign to represent every type of woman also. The phrase that Im going to use is No women No lives. This poster holds on to a message that women can do anything that men can. To compare the second design with design specification, there are every part of the design specification within the poster. The message or the phrase fits the image perfect because it shows the powerfulness of women. For the third design, Im going to make a portrait poster with a title called Women = Men to change the thinking of the society that men and women are equality in every way. The background color is colorful to show happiness with an image of women and men hold out their hands in the air. On the other side of the poster is another image of a half body of a man and a woman showing their hands and making them look tough. The phrase for this poster is Together we conquer the world. It shows that when women and men work together, they can solve any obstacles. To compare this with the design specification, it also has every part of the design specification but the image doesnt look quite powerful as the other designs. The design that Im going to choose is the second design because among the three designs it has the strongest message that women are equal to men as they can be anything or any job like men. The second design has every design specification, as the background color is black that shows the powerfulness of women that makes the image pop up. There are more pictures on this design that it only has a phrase to make the audiences think about it. The text will be in front of the image so that people can read easily from any direction that they are standing. This poster will fit every age of the audience because the word is not hard to understand and the message is not hard to guess because it is on the poster. The design has a clear layout to make it easier to create and it doesnt look messy to make the audiences hard to look at the poster.
Criterion B: Design Achievement Level Descriptor level 0 The student meets none of the requirements described below. 1-2 The student generates one design, and makes some attempt to justify this against the specification. 3-4 The student generates a few designs, justifying the choice of one design and fully evaluating this against the design specification 5-6 The student generates a range of feasible designs, each evaluated against the design specification. The student justifies the chosen design and evaluates it fully and critically against the design specification. Student Assessment: Achievement level and reflections

Kimhour San
Teacher Assessment: Achievement level and comments

Grade 10

Tuesday 10th of September Plan (30 minutes) Resources: Microsoft word & calendar Wednesday 11th of September Plan the layout of the poster Time 45 minutes Research online for example of awareness poster Thursday 12th of September Plan on how to create the poster (step by step) Gathering resources: A3 paper & Makers & Pencil & Eraser & Black Paint Resources to create the poster Time 45 minutes Friday 13th of September Continue planning on how to create the poster Time 30 minutes Saturday 14th September Start sketching the texts Time 30 minutes Resource: Pencil and Eraser Sunday 15th of September Continue sketching the background image Time 35 minutes Monday 16th of September Continue sketching the background 20 minutes Tuesday 17th of September Finish sketching the background Time 30 minutes Wednesday 18th of September Put all the information together Create a poster Edit the design Time 45 minutes 7

Kimhour San

Grade 10

Thursday 19th of September Continue to create the poster Let the teacher check briefly on the poster Time 30 minutes Friday 20th of September Start adding colors to the design Resources: color makers & color pencil Time 30 minutes Saturday 21st of September Continue adding colors Time 20 minutes Sunday 22nd of September Finish creating the poster with every detail information or image Edit all the mistakes on the poster Make sure every information such as phrase and background image are on the poster Time 45 minutes Monday 23rd of September Arrive to school with product complete Test the product 45 minutes of testing Test group: Girls: Sophea & Miranda Boys: Alex & Sothea

Criterion C: Plan Achievement level 0 1-2 3-4 5-6

Level Descriptor The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below. The student produces a plan that contains some details of the steps and/or the resources required. The student produces a plan that contains a number of logical steps that include resources and time. The student makes some attempt to evaluate the plan. The student produces a plan that contains a number of detailed, logical steps that describe the use of resources and time. The student critically evaluates the plan and justifies any modifications to the design.

Student Assessment: Achievement level and reflections Teacher Assessment: Achievement level and comments

Kimhour San

Grade 10

Poster Layout: A3 paper


Image of the Women


1) Sketch a 50 font size title (Women Power) with bold format by using pencil 2) At the bottom of the paper, sketch the phrase (No WOMEN No LIVES) with the size of 45 3) In the middle sketch the image of the women with no face as: soldier, Engineering, Lawyer, Doctor and a woman carrying a child in her hand 4) Trace the image and the text with black maker 5) Paint the left over background black 6) Color the image of the women Soldier:


Military 9

Kimhour San

Grade 10




Resources: A3 paper & Makers & Pencil & Eraser & Black Paint

I created a poster about gender equality, which can be viewed in my Weebly portfolio. 10

Kimhour San

Grade 10

Link Address: Technique: To create this poster, first I planned the poster design layout on to the A4 paper to sketch all the ideas I have, as I can know exactly how the final result would look like. The plan was just a rushed sketch with every detail of the color and sizes. After that I used the pencil to sketch out the design of the title and images on to the final A3 picture so that I can use markers to trace on top of the sketched pencil. While working on the final product, I always have to look at the sketched plan so that there wont be any big mistakes. When I finished tracing with black marker, I painted the black background except the text and the images. With black background, it makes the text more attractive that catch more attention and it can also refer to the power of the women. For the last part, I only need to add color to the images of women by looking the images online to see the real color of the lawyer rope, the military suit and the doctor clothes. I have to be very careful while working on the final poster because if I make any mistake, its hard to go over the mistake and I have to redo the poster again from the beginning. The materials that I used to create this poster were very simple, as I didnt use much of technology except when I need to see the example. Modifications: While creating the poster, I decided not to draw the image of the engineer because both genders can be engineers depend on their knowledge. For some other jobs such as doctor, people always think that men are more critical as they are more knowledgeable to cure the problem. Another job that was very discriminated against women is being a soldier. The society view that men are stronger and more powerful to become a soldier but women should stay home and take care of the family. I didnt make any big changes because I think my plan was suitable to create an understandable poster about gender equality.

I conducted a survey through the for my classmate to give me feedback about my product. I choose 5 girls and 5 boys from my class to make a fair survey so that I can get the results from both genders. The questions were all related to design specification because the design specifications are the statements that lead the process to conduct a successful product. This survey can help me to understand my ability to promote an awareness for the school and it also give me some feedback or comment about my product so that I can improve the quality of the poster next time. Here are the results of my survey. Analyze on my own performance


Kimhour San

Grade 10

How I could make my product better If I were to do this product again, how can I do this better? If I were to this this unit again, next time I would improve on my design and plan section because I didnt spend enough time and put my whole effort into those sections of the design cycle. To improve my design skill, I should do some more research online about the time by looking at some examples so that I could have the basic ideas of the design about the specific topic. I can watch a video online or spend sometime to brainstorm ideas about the design I could make so that the product would be more creative and understandable to achieve my goal. For the plan I should follow the plan because if I followed the plan, my product would be better and not rush at the last moment. Next time, I shouldnt plan on work on the product everyday because it makes the product seems to be hard to achieve. I should spend only a week the most to create the product and each day I choose, I should spend more than an hour to work on it as I can set a goal to finish a section of the product rather than spend a bit of time every day as sometime I cant finish what I want to achieve by that time. Impact on society In this unit, I learned about United Nation Millennium development goals, as I have to choose one of the 8 goals to create a product that can spread awareness about the goal that I chose. I have created a poster about goal number 3, which is about gender equality and empower women. My poster give out awareness that women are equal to men as they can do any work like men such as lawyer or doctor because if they are well educated like men. By doing this, I can change the mind of a small community that the people in the community and spread the awareness to their friends or family. I created a poster for the NISC community to see the equality of women that people can take away the message it might change their thinking also. If people can take away the awareness and do something about it even with their female friends, it means that I changed the mind of some people even though its just a small group of people compare to the world population. This can be spread anytime if people begin to do something that changes the view of gender inequality, the problem can be solved easily.


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