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ABSTRACT Role of Snehan and Swedan in Sutika

Dr. Vijendra Kumar1, Dr. Mukta Sinha2 1. 2. JR-III, Deptt. of Prasuti Tantra, Faculty of Ayurveda, IMS-BHU, Varanasi. Professor, Deptt. of Prasuti Tantra, Faculty of Ayurveda, IMS-BHU, Varanasi.


As per Ayurvedic Classics, snehan and swedan karma are the integral part of the Samshodhan chikitsa. Apart from preparatory action these procedures have great therapeutic potential, thats why also applied as an independent therapeutic procedure in disorders having predominance of vata or of vataj origin. Sutika in modern science is considered as puerperium, they are vulnerable to develop disease of vata. Certain restorative phenomenon happens during this period which helps to reverse the state like that of prepregnant stage. There may be association of some symptoms which can disturb the psycho-physiology during this stage and can prolong or complicate their reversal. Application of snehan and swedan as prophylactic and therapeutic measure can be helpful much more significantly, to reduce and eradicate those symptoms. The present study is concerned to the Panchkarma and its scope in obstetric practices. Key words: Sutika, Puerperium, Snehan, Swedan and Panchkarma

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