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Personal Development, Health and Physical Education: Year 1

This syllabus is concerned with supporting the development of the student as a whole person. Its implementation has the potential to contribute to improved and ongoing quality of life for all individuals within the community.
(NSW Department of Education and Communities)


The benefits of studying PDHPE within schools are significant and may include: Confidence - an increased belief in their own abilities to succeed. Knowledge how to live an active, healthy lifestyle. Safety How to live safely in your environment. Relationships students develop positive, interactive skills with their peers both as leaders and team mates.

Preparing students for the school day

Studies have proven that those students who participate in an active lifestyle encouraged through the PDHPE syllabus enjoy: Positive school environment: active students are generally less aggressive and experience fewer discipline problems Mental Health: improves concentration skills and ability to manage anxiety and stress Social skills: Develops skills such as cooperation and teamwork Learning: Active children are generally more motivated and better organised than children who are inactive. Physical activity has direct links to improved learning outcomes (Government of Western Australia Sport and Recreation)

Fun in PDHPE!
PDHPE provides a uniquely, multifaceted style of learning in which teachers have the flexibility to creatively engage their students. Lessons are: Not just limited to the classroom Game based Interactive Information is insightful and relevant to their physical/emotional development stage appropriate.

Leave all the afternoon for exercise and recreation, which are as necessary as reading. I will rather say more necessary because health is worth more than learning Thomas Jefferson The body is like a piano, and happiness is like music. It is needful to have the instrument in good order. Henry Ward Beecher

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