August 30 Newsletter

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Religion: We are practicing our prayer manners each day .We pray at the start of the school day, before lunch, and at the end of the school day. We are learning a special prayer about thanking God. We read 2 Bible stories about Jesus. SuperKids: We are working in the first book titled Welcome Back, Superkids. We are reviewing consonant sounds and short vowel sounds. We have read 3 short stories about the characters Hot Rod, Frits, and Golly. Math: We are reviewing counting and writing numbers up to 12. We used red and yellow counters to show groups up to 12. We are practicing solving problems using the Problem of the Day part of our math series. ME Bags: We had lots of fun sharing our treasures with the class. Each child had a turn to show the items in the bag. On Friday, we enjoyed sharing them again during a special Free Choice time.

Mrs. Harris August 30, 2013

*No School on Monday, September 2. *All School Mass will be on Thursday, September 5, at 9:30 AM. Please join us. *Mandatory Parent Night is Thursday, September 5. The program begins in the gym at 7:00 PM.

Star of the Week

Ariana is our first Star of the Week. Her mom was our guest reader on Friday.

We are celebrating!
Happy Birthday, Ariana! August 31

You are a super star, Ariana!

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