The CCCNJ Weekly Prayer Requests: Scripture

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The CCCNJ Weekly Prayer Requests

7/15/ 09

Scripture: “24And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love
and good deeds. 25Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the
habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see
the Day approaching.” (Hebrews10:24-25)

Weekly Theme: “The Taiwanese Ministry”

1. We are thankful for the pastorship of Pastor and Mrs. Way; Pray God to send holy wisdom
and ability to His people for His use in His work.
2. Pray God for the four major ministries: “To draw closer to God”, “To lead people to Christ”,
“To support the mission”, “To adopt orphans”.
3. Pray God to equip more brothers and sisters to have a breakthrough and discipleship in
prayer, outreach, mission and teaching.
4. Pray God for the family, physical and spiritual well-being of coworkers.
5. Pray God for the revival of the gospel, leading people to Christ, being a faithful steward,
and building up the body of Christ.
6. Pray for the Mission organizations﹕World Impact Inc; Missionaries﹕Milo Cho, and
Seminary student﹕Janas Caruncho (Westminster); Also pray for the peace and safety
of those brothers and sisters who are on oversea short-term mission.

--- Mission:
Please pray for the summer missions projects, which the schedules and members are﹕
1. Kyrgyzstan MCCF: Chris Chu (leader), Ruey Ju, James Qian & Vicki Huang.
2. Taiwan VGM: Johnny Q. Lee (leader), Sharon Chen, Jonathan Tsui, Ben Sha, Steven Ko, Joanne
3. Capernaum Camp in Virginia (8/1-7).

Praise the Lord, VGM mission team sent their messages. Please remember them in your daily
prayers, glorify His name, testimony, unity, servant heart, God's protection, healthy, etc.

---English and Youth Ministry:

1. Pray for Summer’s Sunday School teachers and youth sponsors.
2. Pray for the spiritual growth of youth who are attending the "Closer Walk conference on July 16-
18, at Wildwood". May our Lord richly bless these attendees to have a more vibrant and closer
walk with God.

--- Children Ministry:

1. Pray for Summer quarter's Sunday school teachers and helpers.
2. Please pray for VBS youth training, children's registration and other planning.

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