Newsletr Autumn6 2013

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OUR NEXT HOLIDAY - We will be breaking for October half-term on Thursday 24th October at 3.30 pm and returning at 8.

45 am on Monday 4th November. WELL DONE to our Y5 and Y6 boys football team for their fantastic effort in the Balby Carr Tournament. Unfortunately we didnt get through to the finals but we performed brilliantly. Also an enormous thank you to all the parents who supported us so magnificently. EAGER READERS WITH MRS CAYTON - Mrs Cayton is happy to meet with parents or carers every Monday from 3.00 pm in the Eager Readers room. Please let the school office know if you are interested in attending, and Mrs Cayton will get back to you. A very useful website which parents may find is a helpful resource for offering guidance is - the site also offers access to many FREE ebooks so it really is worth logging in and taking a look. MORRISONS HALLOWEEN ART COMPETITION Morrisons supermarket is inviting our children to take part in an Art competition. Children will need to submit a piece of their own Art work on a sheet of A4 landscaped paper. The theme for their entry is to linking Halloween to Morrisons. First prize is a 20.00 Morrisons voucher with a bundle of Lets Grow vouchers for the winning school. We are collecting the Lets Grow vouchers so having the winning entry would be a great boost to our collection. NEW PRIMARY ACADEMY AT WOODFIELD PLANTATION DMBC are holding some community consultation evenings at Balby Carr on Weston Road on Monday 14th October and Wednesday 16th October, starting at 6 p.m. Further information about the new primary academy can be found at olorganisation/index.aspx REGISTRATION FOR FREE SCHOOL MEALS - Doncaster council are now offering a website registration facility for Free School Meals, which will inform you immediately if you qualify, or accept your registration and notify school of your entitlement. Please contact olmeals/Free School Meals.aspx. Alternatively, the telephone number is 01302 735336. BREAKFAST CLUB Design a Christmas Card Competition - Greggs the Baker are the sponsors of our Breakfast Club. They are running a competition for those children who attend our Breakfast Club to design a Christmas card for the Greggs Foundation. Entries need to be either landscape or portrait but must be A5 size (this is half A4) so not really very big!! This is the only criteria, the rest of the design can be painted, drawn in pastels, felt tips crayons etc. It is really up to you. There will be one winner from each of the seven regions which Greggs support and the winning entry will be made into packs of cards on sale throughout the country at Christmas. Closing date for entries is 18th October. Please hand entries into the school office, clearly marked with name and age of the child.

SCHOOL CROSSING PATROL - Please cross with the warden and keep your child safe. We are very lucky to have Ray as our School Crossing Warden many schools no longer have this service. Ray supervises the children across the road safely, directly opposite our school gates. However some children and families are crossing unaided further up or down the road. If your child comes to and leaves school unaccompanied, can you remind them to make sure they cross at the designated place. If you bring your child to school will you please make sure you cross with the warden. PARKING NEAR SCHOOL AND CROSSING LITTLEMOOR LANE - Please do NOT park on the zig-zag lines in front of the school, as this is a parking offence. The Community Police are currently doing spot-checks, and parking on these lines can result in an instant fine. Tenants who live in the bungalows on Gresley Road are having problems with parents parking at pick up and drop off times. This is causing access problems for mobility scooters and could potentially be dangerous should one of the residents need an ambulance in an emergency. Please, if you bring your children by car, make sure you park in a responsible manner with regard to our neighbours.

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